How does an atheist win an argument about religion ?


Platinum Member
Jul 26, 2021
How does an atheist win an argument about religion ? More often than not, they cannot. Especially when you're dealing with a very religious person. Religion is based on things like faith, hope, upbringing and fear. People brought up with religious beliefs don't consider them beliefs, they consider them facts. They've been indoctrinated into the religion. Even if they can't prove you wrong, they will dismiss all and any evidence that doesn't support their beliefs. If perchance do you happen to run into an open minded person who's already having doubts, then you'd have a chance, but they are few and far between. Once those people get to that point, the last thing you want to do is talk about religion. So all you're doing is giving them a platform to reinforce their own beliefs. Judging by the amount of arguing that goes on on this site, they need to have these arguments. Don't give it to them. Good luck to all, let the arguments begin. " They're the problem, no one ever says we're the problem. " In the end when it's all said and done, we are they.
The only religious belief I directly attack is the belief many of the faithful have that secular law must pass a religious test. After that I don't give a fuck how people deal with their certain eventual mortality.
There's no need to argue because neither the atheist or the religious one can win. So it's a pointless argument to even have.

None of them know 100% for sure the truth and what happens when you die.

Some atheists annoy me more than your average religious person (by that I mean a church goer/believer not the obsessive preacher types) because it's none of their business what someone's beliefs are provided they aren't forcing them on that person.

As I said the other day, there's no onus on the religious person to prove the existence of God because there's no proof and it's their belief.

The atheist can't prove there's not a God or higher being either, so they are in no position to make these demands.

The idea of religion isn't a bad concept. It's the bad eggs from certain religions that's bastardised it through the years that's the problem and used it as mechanism for terrorism, violence and hate. That's the problem.
Religion isn't something to be debated. It is a personal belief without the need (or the possibility) of being supported empirically.

Someone's faith, or lack thereof, is between that person and their beliefs.
Religion isn't something to be debated. It is a personal belief without the need (or the possibility) of being supported empirically.

Someone's faith, or lack thereof, is between that person and their beliefs.
Religion is primarily a social activity that's lends itself readily to politics. For this reason many see political pushback as an attack on their faith. What do you say to zealots who see your politics as heresy?
What do you say to zealots who see your politics as heresy?

I typically don't say anything to them at all. It's academic at best. We have enough diversity of opinion in this country just to keep one side from taking complete control.

We live in Bedlam, not Gilead.
I typically don't say anything to them at all. It's academic at best. We have enough diversity of opinion in this country just to keep one side from taking complete control.

We live in Bedlam, not Gilead.
Where religion and politics intersect is a place of bloodbaths, mass graves and tyrants. It's hardly an academic matter to resist people who do not see a dividing line between the two.
Where religion and politics intersect is a place of bloodbaths, mass graves and tyrants.

But, we don't live in a society where a single religion holds sway. In fact, if anything, the religious majority yield less influence than in year past.

If someone wants to join Westboro Baptist Church and wave their gay, little anti-gay signs, I say let them. I also don't have a lot of problems with a bunch of vet bikers giving them a less than gentle rebuttal.

I don't fear the religious zealots as long as we live in a place where they represent a very small, if vocal, minority.

I have faith in drugs, sex, and Jazz to keep America on an even keel.


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