How do we fix our problems as a nation?

Pigs can swim
Your cartoon is very child like
Lets see
I do not recall anyone saying save our CEOs
I also think that everyone agrees we have a problem with the way health care is managed financially
The "tea party" is just concerned
as we should be
Explain to me how we are going to pay for this Obama care with this so called savings of 500 billion from Medicare?
Thats reality, and a cartoon about people facing that reality is sort of confusing to me

Really? The tea party are ignorant bigots and disgruntled Bushie's who want their despot back. In states where the tea party has gained any power, tea partiers are not concerned about the health of human beings or protecting the commons. They are hell bent on eviscerating environmental laws. THAT is saving our CEO's, or licking the ass of corporations.

The health care bill is almost a carbon copy of the bill Republicans and the Heritage Foundation proposed in 1993, but faux news will never tell you that. The Democrats should have gone with the solutions the progressive wing of the party wanted, a single payer or at the minimum a public option.

The health care bill in 1993 was nothing like this monster Obama has because the GOP did not claim they could pay for it by saving 500 billion dollars from Medicare the way Obama sad he will
Licking the ass of corporations?
BHO gives GM 50 billion
GE gets billions
100s get relief from Obama care
WOLF: Tawdry details of Obamacare - Washington Times
Environmental laws?
Would you provide an example please?
Not concerned about the health of human beings?
get your facts straight please

Let's try an adult approach...the TRUTH

The Truth About Health Care Waivers

The waivers only apply to one provision of the law – the provisions phasing out annual limits. Insurance companies and employers that receive waivers must comply with all other parts of the Affordable Care Act.

The waivers last one year. Insurance companies must reapply for the waivers each year between now and 2014 when annual limits on coverage will be completely prohibited and individuals will have more affordable and better private insurance choices in the competitive Exchange markets.

All employers and insurers that offer mini-med plans may apply for a waiver if they demonstrate that there will be large increases in premiums or a significant decrease in access to coverage without a waiver. You can read a list of employers and insurers that have received waivers here.

G.O.P. Push in States to Deregulate Environment

Weeks after he was sworn in as governor of Maine, Paul LePage, a Tea Party favorite, announced a 63-point plan to cut environmental regulations, including opening three million acres of the North Woods for development and suspending a law meant to monitor toxic chemicals that could be found in children’s products.

Another Tea Party ally, Gov. Rick Scott of Florida, has proposed eliminating millions of dollars in annual outlays for land conservation as well as cutting to $17 million the $50 million allocated in last year’s budget for the restoration of the dwindling Everglades.

And in North Carolina, where Republicans won control of both houses of the Legislature for the first time in 140 years, leaders recently proposed a budget that would cut operating funds to the state’s Department of Environment and Natural Resources by 22 percent.

In the past month, the nation’s focus has been on the budget battle in Washington, where Republicans in Congress aligned with the Tea Party have fought hard for rollbacks to the Environmental Protection Agency, clean air and water regulations, renewable energy and other conservation programs.

But similar efforts to make historically large cuts to environmental programs are also in play at the state level as legislatures and governors take aim at conservation and regulations they see as too burdensome to business interests.
So.. it gets in your way, eh?
Good - that means it is working.
Really? To point out the most egregious way it is not working, I'd ask you to ask the 4K+ people who have died in a war we never declared.
Congress authrozed the CinC to act in both Iraq in Afghanistan. These authorizatuions are defacto declarations of war. There's no constitutionally mandated form of a declaration and so these authorizations, Constitutionally, suffice.

Hence "I'm not saying re-write the entire document but there is something patently ridiculous about looking at a document written by flawed individuals and treating it as some sort of holy scripture."
Not sure how this follows from your example.

Defacto does not equal actual. Only Congress can declare war. Congress does not do it and therefore, shirks it's duty. American lives should not be left to such informalities.
Really? To point out the most egregious way it is not working, I'd ask you to ask the 4K+ people who have died in a war we never declared.
Congress authrozed the CinC to act in both Iraq in Afghanistan. These authorizatuions are defacto declarations of war. There's no constitutionally mandated form of a declaration and so these authorizations, Constitutionally, suffice.

Hence "I'm not saying re-write the entire document but there is something patently ridiculous about looking at a document written by flawed individuals and treating it as some sort of holy scripture."
Not sure how this follows from your example.

Defacto does not equal actual. Only Congress can declare war. Congress does not do it and therefore, shirks it's duty. American lives should not be left to such informalities.

Have you ever actually READ the COTUS? The President can absolutely send the military to battle without Congress declaring war on anyone.

Didn't any of you take 9th grade Civics?
Simple solution. gather up everyone who would rather tell out and out lies and deny facts and scream about their rights as they advocate trampling on the rights of others than engage in honest, open debate about the topics and ship their fucking asses somewhere else.

We'd need a heck of a lot of moving equipment and space for that.
Congress authrozed the CinC to act in both Iraq in Afghanistan. These authorizatuions are defacto declarations of war. There's no constitutionally mandated form of a declaration and so these authorizations, Constitutionally, suffice.

Not sure how this follows from your example.

Defacto does not equal actual. Only Congress can declare war. Congress does not do it and therefore, shirks it's duty. American lives should not be left to such informalities.

Have you ever actually READ the COTUS? The President can absolutely send the military to battle without Congress declaring war on anyone.

Didn't any of you take 9th grade Civics?

Where does it say that; specifically? I apologize if I overlooked that. Seriously, I have no problem admitting I'm wrong but I really would like for you to show me where it says that, specifically.
Defacto does not equal actual. Only Congress can declare war. Congress does not do it and therefore, shirks it's duty. American lives should not be left to such informalities.

Have you ever actually READ the COTUS? The President can absolutely send the military to battle without Congress declaring war on anyone.

Didn't any of you take 9th grade Civics?

Where does it say that; specifically? I apologize if I overlooked that. Seriously, I have no problem admitting I'm wrong but I really would like for you to show me where it says that, specifically.

The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States

Article 2 Section 2

In fact the War Powers Act was passed Congress to limit the President's Power, up until 1973 there was in fact no limits of any kind on his powers. The War Powers Act limits him to 90 days worth of funding without Congressional approval.

War Powers Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Congress NEVER voted to allow Bush to invade Iraq. Instead they voted to go ahead and fund the invasion past the 90 days Bush had the authority to fund on his own. By law the military budget must be voted on biannually, so that Congress can't just give them an open checkbook for however long it takes.

In our history we have sent troops into a foreign nation to fight 194 times. We have declared war exactly 4 times in our history.
Defacto does not equal actual. Only Congress can declare war. Congress does not do it and therefore, shirks it's duty. American lives should not be left to such informalities.

Have you ever actually READ the COTUS? The President can absolutely send the military to battle without Congress declaring war on anyone.

Didn't any of you take 9th grade Civics?

Where does it say that; specifically? I apologize if I overlooked that. Seriously, I have no problem admitting I'm wrong but I really would like for you to show me where it says that, specifically.

I believe the president can only deploy troops, without a declaration of war, if we are under attack.
Have you ever actually READ the COTUS? The President can absolutely send the military to battle without Congress declaring war on anyone.

Didn't any of you take 9th grade Civics?

Where does it say that; specifically? I apologize if I overlooked that. Seriously, I have no problem admitting I'm wrong but I really would like for you to show me where it says that, specifically.

The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States

Article 2 Section 2

In fact the War Powers Act was passed Congress to limit the President's Power, up until 1973 there was in fact no limits of any kind on his powers. The War Powers Act limits him to 90 days worth of funding without Congressional approval.

War Powers Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Congress NEVER voted to allow Bush to invade Iraq. Instead they voted to go ahead and fund the invasion past the 90 days Bush had the authority to fund on his own. By law the military budget must be voted on biannually, so that Congress can't just give them an open checkbook for however long it takes.

In our history we have sent troops into a foreign nation to fight 194 times. We have declared war exactly 4 times in our history.

A1S8 says Congress has the power:

"To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;"

So what is all the business about Congress having the power to declare war?

Maybe I'm wrong that the CIC powers of the POTUS kick in once war has been declared.
Maybe I'm right that the CIC powers of the POTUS kick in once war has been declared.

Maybe it shouldn't be so fucking ambiguous when we're talking about the lives of Americans. To listen to some here, Obama could invade Canada tomorrow totally without provocation.

This will get me labeled as a liberal zealot I know but...

For some bizarre reason, a fucking dumbass like Sarah Palin would get 40% of the vote if she is on the ballot against Obama. Not because she's supported by 40% of the people in the country but because Obama is not supported by 40% of the people in the nation and the system we have is a two-party system for the time being.

It doesn't take a majority of votes to win the Presidency; only a plurality. In a 3 way race; that dumbass could become Madam President. You really want that baboon to be totally unchecked with our military at her disposal? I'm really not trying to get political here; just personal. Sarah Palin is a flighty lightweight that has no business in the national debate. I'd say the same thing if she were a Democrat.
Really? The tea party are ignorant bigots and disgruntled Bushie's who want their despot back. In states where the tea party has gained any power, tea partiers are not concerned about the health of human beings or protecting the commons. They are hell bent on eviscerating environmental laws. THAT is saving our CEO's, or licking the ass of corporations.

The health care bill is almost a carbon copy of the bill Republicans and the Heritage Foundation proposed in 1993, but faux news will never tell you that. The Democrats should have gone with the solutions the progressive wing of the party wanted, a single payer or at the minimum a public option.

The health care bill in 1993 was nothing like this monster Obama has because the GOP did not claim they could pay for it by saving 500 billion dollars from Medicare the way Obama sad he will
Licking the ass of corporations?
BHO gives GM 50 billion
GE gets billions
100s get relief from Obama care
WOLF: Tawdry details of Obamacare - Washington Times
Environmental laws?
Would you provide an example please?
Not concerned about the health of human beings?
get your facts straight please

Let's try an adult approach...the TRUTH

The Truth About Health Care Waivers

The waivers only apply to one provision of the law – the provisions phasing out annual limits. Insurance companies and employers that receive waivers must comply with all other parts of the Affordable Care Act.

The waivers last one year. Insurance companies must reapply for the waivers each year between now and 2014 when annual limits on coverage will be completely prohibited and individuals will have more affordable and better private insurance choices in the competitive Exchange markets.

All employers and insurers that offer mini-med plans may apply for a waiver if they demonstrate that there will be large increases in premiums or a significant decrease in access to coverage without a waiver. You can read a list of employers and insurers that have received waivers here.

G.O.P. Push in States to Deregulate Environment

Weeks after he was sworn in as governor of Maine, Paul LePage, a Tea Party favorite, announced a 63-point plan to cut environmental regulations, including opening three million acres of the North Woods for development and suspending a law meant to monitor toxic chemicals that could be found in children’s products.

Another Tea Party ally, Gov. Rick Scott of Florida, has proposed eliminating millions of dollars in annual outlays for land conservation as well as cutting to $17 million the $50 million allocated in last year’s budget for the restoration of the dwindling Everglades.

And in North Carolina, where Republicans won control of both houses of the Legislature for the first time in 140 years, leaders recently proposed a budget that would cut operating funds to the state’s Department of Environment and Natural Resources by 22 percent.

In the past month, the nation’s focus has been on the budget battle in Washington, where Republicans in Congress aligned with the Tea Party have fought hard for rollbacks to the Environmental Protection Agency, clean air and water regulations, renewable energy and other conservation programs.

But similar efforts to make historically large cuts to environmental programs are also in play at the state level as legislatures and governors take aim at conservation and regulations they see as too burdensome to business interests.

If obamacare is going to be so great why is Massachusetts Romenycare so fucked up?
After all obamacare and romenycare are so much alike.
Return the $$power$$ to the people to decide how their money should be spent.
Yes we need to be able to declare war. That is important. What a crock.

I don't know if you were addressing me or not.

I am all in favor of being able to declare war any time Congress thinks so. I am not in favor of military action without congressional consent.

My point is that there needs to be a clear rule involved that goes hand in glove with when we endanger the lives of men and women in uniform; not just when the Chief Executive wants to throw down; this is a matter of process.
There isn't any other way to fix the problems of our Nation other than to vote out the Marxist Monumental Fraud who is a Racist and a Pathological Liar.

That is so obvious that it is almost criminal not to recognize this.
The health care bill is almost a carbon copy of the bill Republicans and the Heritage Foundation proposed in 1993, but faux news will never tell you that. The Democrats should have gone with the solutions the progressive wing of the party wanted, a single payer or at the minimum a public option.

The term "public option" is an oxymoron. If it's run by the government, it won't be an option.
Whoever is the president, he/she need be responsible for the sponsors. It is hard to say which party can make US better. As individual, take more investigation about what the candidate have done and who gave them money before voting.
The biggest problem we have today is jobs.... The only way to build the economy is to grow jobs.

We currently as a nation live under capitalism. Capitalism is our economy, hence the only way to grow jobs is to adhere to capitalism fundamentals and rules.

Obama and the democrats don't do that, they favor the communist economic philosopy of a dictated economy....

Democrats want to dictate our capitalist economy, when capitalism cant be dictated. When capitalism is dictated it only stunts economic growth...

The stimulus failed because NO ONE looked at the microeconomics impact of the stimulus..... Microeconomics mean nothing to the public sector because the government doesn't give a shit if they pay 25 dollars for a light bulb or 10 bucks for a role of toilet paper.... And its those bureaucracies the stimulus(s) were translated through.

I suppose my point is our government isn't efficient with our tax money, because they don't have to be (being the main reason).

When the private sector dictates the price of products and services and the government buys them at 3x what the private sector dictates - how the fuck can one stimulate an economy??? you may as well be destroying it - especially when you borrow the money from China to do it...

To make an analogy - one could say Haliburton stimulated the economy....
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To make a better analogy...

Would you like to buy my 10 dollar bill for 12.50? or can I buy your 10 dollar bill for 7.50??

Because thats exactly what the stimulus did to our currency...
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The health care bill is almost a carbon copy of the bill Republicans and the Heritage Foundation proposed in 1993, but faux news will never tell you that. The Democrats should have gone with the solutions the progressive wing of the party wanted, a single payer or at the minimum a public option.

The term "public option" is an oxymoron. If it's run by the government, it won't be an option.

Then you should be thrilled with the Individual Mandate, which was a Republican idea they first proposed in 1993.

Read more: Health bill included big Republican idea: individual mandate | McClatchy

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