How do we fix our problems as a nation?

I'd like to see some serious discussion here. Let's not think through a partisan lens. Let's pretend there are no such thing as Democrats or Republicans. Let's pretend there is no such thing as Liberal or Conservative (or libertarian) or anything else you might think up.

As human beings, how do we fix the problems our nation faces?

First, I think we need to determine what the main problems are. Tell me what you think our biggest problems are. And are they symptoms of something else or the source of other problems?

Second, should we solve them through government or by acting as individuals?

Third, Tell us some of the ideas that we can impliment in our own lives to fix the problems our nations faces.

The #1 problem is that we live under a Constitution that was ratified in the late 1700's. Much too much is left to interpretation. Any business in the world would be mortified if they were living under a business plan 5 years old.

I'm not saying re-write the entire document but there is something patently ridiculous about looking at a document written by flawed individuals and treating it as some sort of holy scripture. As far as I know, the document represents the most enlightened thinking of it's time. Unless you believe that these people are more enlightened than what we have today (loaded question) you'd be a fool to not want the best minds to weigh in on the question.


Interesting, what parts of the constitution would you change?
Might sound sexist, but if we went back to the day's when women stayed home and ran the households while men worked, a whole multitude of problems would be solved. IMHO feminism has killed the American family. and yes I realize that many people just have no choice but to have two working parents, but that could be dealt with to.
It's not feminism that's the problem. Doesn't have to be the woman who's at home. We just need the average household to once again be able to succeed on a single income so one parent can be home.
....And, you plan on doing that, HOW(?)...without Unions??

Too much wealth and influence in the hands of too few. Too much successful propaganda convincing too many that it's a good thing; or at least that it's not a bad thing.

Until we agree that it's a bad thing, and measures should be taken to reverse the trend - There's no use discussing what those measures would/should be.

Good luck with that. After you teach pigs to swim, maybe you can teach them how to fly...LOL

Tea Party and the new right
Seriously, the way to fix our country is to collect all the liberals and put them in reeducation camps where they will be taught simple logic, genuine American history and the evils of socialism.

1950s: higher marginal tax rates, more unions, more prosperous America

care to try again?

Really More Unions and higher tax rate is what made America better?

Wouldn't the 1920's contradict that?
Ah, yes.....those magical days o'....

Allowing The Marketplace To Regulate Itself!!

[ame=]YouTube - Great Depression[/ame]​
Might sound sexist, but if we went back to the day's when women stayed home and ran the households while men worked, a whole multitude of problems would be solved. IMHO feminism has killed the American family. and yes I realize that many people just have no choice but to have two working parents, but that could be dealt with to.
It's not feminism that's the problem. Doesn't have to be the woman who's at home. We just need the average household to once again be able to succeed on a single income so one parent can be home.

It's economics, not gender politics.

I can agree with that. I only specifically said feminism because it just always has been the norm that the woman stayed at home while the man worked. Now certainly i propose no law that says a woman can't work or any such thing.
Yeah....those responsibilities would be handed-off to....

I will say this though, it is my OPINION that generally women are the better nurturers and better suited to raising a family in a stable and loving environment while men have their own strengths that are better suited elsewhere....


I just think it's a win win if one parent is at home while one parent works. Not only do you get the benefit of a parent at home to raise the family you also shrink the workforce considerably driving up the need while lowering the supply of labor which would obviously raise wages.

Throw away your TV and stay away from corporate media propaganda.

Obama is a corporate media creation sold to us like a bag of chips.

OBAMA is a BRAND as much as POTUS.

And whoever takes his place will likewise be a BRAND.
I'd like to see some serious discussion here. Let's not think through a partisan lens. Let's pretend there are no such thing as Democrats or Republicans. Let's pretend there is no such thing as Liberal or Conservative (or libertarian) or anything else you might think up.

As human beings, how do we fix the problems our nation faces?

First, I think we need to determine what the main problems are. Tell me what you think our biggest problems are. And are they symptoms of something else or the source of other problems?

Second, should we solve them through government or by acting as individuals?

Third, Tell us some of the ideas that we can impliment in our own lives to fix the problems our nations faces.

The #1 problem is that we live under a Constitution that was ratified in the late 1700's. Much too much is left to interpretation. Any business in the world would be mortified if they were living under a business plan 5 years old.

I'm not saying re-write the entire document but there is something patently ridiculous about looking at a document written by flawed individuals and treating it as some sort of holy scripture. As far as I know, the document represents the most enlightened thinking of it's time. Unless you believe that these people are more enlightened than what we have today (loaded question) you'd be a fool to not want the best minds to weigh in on the question.

So.. it gets in your way, eh?
Good - that means it is working.
Too much wealth and influence in the hands of too few. Too much successful propaganda convincing too many that it's a good thing; or at least that it's not a bad thing.

Until we agree that it's a bad thing, and measures should be taken to reverse the trend - There's no use discussing what those measures would/should be.

Good luck with that. After you teach pigs to swim, maybe you can teach them how to fly...LOL

Tea Party and the new right

Pigs can swim
Your cartoon is very child like
Lets see
I do not recall anyone saying save our CEOs
I also think that everyone agrees we have a problem with the way health care is managed financially
The "tea party" is just concerned
as we should be
Explain to me how we are going to pay for this Obama care with this so called savings of 500 billion from Medicare?
Thats reality, and a cartoon about people facing that reality is sort of confusing to me
I'd like to see some serious discussion here. Let's not think through a partisan lens. Let's pretend there are no such thing as Democrats or Republicans. Let's pretend there is no such thing as Liberal or Conservative (or libertarian) or anything else you might think up.

As human beings, how do we fix the problems our nation faces?

First, I think we need to determine what the main problems are. Tell me what you think our biggest problems are. And are they symptoms of something else or the source of other problems?

Second, should we solve them through government or by acting as individuals?

Third, Tell us some of the ideas that we can impliment in our own lives to fix the problems our nations faces.

The #1 problem is that we live under a Constitution that was ratified in the late 1700's. Much too much is left to interpretation. Any business in the world would be mortified if they were living under a business plan 5 years old.

I'm not saying re-write the entire document but there is something patently ridiculous about looking at a document written by flawed individuals and treating it as some sort of holy scripture. As far as I know, the document represents the most enlightened thinking of it's time. Unless you believe that these people are more enlightened than what we have today (loaded question) you'd be a fool to not want the best minds to weigh in on the question.


Interesting, what parts of the constitution would you change?

Very little but get much more specific to ensure protections on things not spelled out in the original document. Take the 2nd Amendment. It has been interpeted to say that gun ownership is legal or not illegal at least. I'd re-write it to say something along the lines of, "The right to purchase firearms shall not be abridged"; likely using better language but that is my point; say what you mean to say. I'd absolutely put something in there about fiscal responsibility, abolish the WPA for damn sure.
I'd like to see some serious discussion here. Let's not think through a partisan lens. Let's pretend there are no such thing as Democrats or Republicans. Let's pretend there is no such thing as Liberal or Conservative (or libertarian) or anything else you might think up.

As human beings, how do we fix the problems our nation faces?

First, I think we need to determine what the main problems are. Tell me what you think our biggest problems are. And are they symptoms of something else or the source of other problems?

Second, should we solve them through government or by acting as individuals?

Third, Tell us some of the ideas that we can impliment in our own lives to fix the problems our nations faces.

The #1 problem is that we live under a Constitution that was ratified in the late 1700's. Much too much is left to interpretation. Any business in the world would be mortified if they were living under a business plan 5 years old.

I'm not saying re-write the entire document but there is something patently ridiculous about looking at a document written by flawed individuals and treating it as some sort of holy scripture. As far as I know, the document represents the most enlightened thinking of it's time. Unless you believe that these people are more enlightened than what we have today (loaded question) you'd be a fool to not want the best minds to weigh in on the question.

So.. it gets in your way, eh?
Good - that means it is working.

Really? To point out the most egregious way it is not working, I'd ask you to ask the 4K+ people who have died in a war we never declared.

Hence "I'm not saying re-write the entire document but there is something patently ridiculous about looking at a document written by flawed individuals and treating it as some sort of holy scripture."
So.. it gets in your way, eh?
Good - that means it is working.
Really? To point out the most egregious way it is not working, I'd ask you to ask the 4K+ people who have died in a war we never declared.
Congress authrozed the CinC to act in both Iraq in Afghanistan. These authorizatuions are defacto declarations of war. There's no constitutionally mandated form of a declaration and so these authorizations, Constitutionally, suffice.

Hence "I'm not saying re-write the entire document but there is something patently ridiculous about looking at a document written by flawed individuals and treating it as some sort of holy scripture."
Not sure how this follows from your example.
bin Laden won

Al Queda is still winning

[ame=]YouTube - Rachel Maddow War on terror fought on bin Ladens terms Part1[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Rachel Maddow War on terror fought on bin Ladens terms Part2[/ame]
Too much wealth and influence in the hands of too few. Too much successful propaganda convincing too many that it's a good thing; or at least that it's not a bad thing.

Until we agree that it's a bad thing, and measures should be taken to reverse the trend - There's no use discussing what those measures would/should be.

Good luck with that. After you teach pigs to swim, maybe you can teach them how to fly...LOL

Tea Party and the new right

Pigs can swim
Your cartoon is very child like
Lets see
I do not recall anyone saying save our CEOs
I also think that everyone agrees we have a problem with the way health care is managed financially
The "tea party" is just concerned
as we should be
Explain to me how we are going to pay for this Obama care with this so called savings of 500 billion from Medicare?
Thats reality, and a cartoon about people facing that reality is sort of confusing to me

The cartoon is meant to be ironical. It's not that the teatards actually say those things, or that they actually admire big pharma big wigs as they would a king. It's the irony that they whip for the policies that prop up the very wealthy.

In short, teatards are generally angry because their standard of living has gone down along with everyone else's. Meanwhile, they aggressively advocate continuance and indeed expansion on the policies that caused it to go down in the first place.

The tea party 'movement' may have started out innocently enough, but now they are nothing more than useful idiots for a very powerful, very wealthy sect of the population. Nothing less, nothing more.
Too much wealth and influence in the hands of too few. Too much successful propaganda convincing too many that it's a good thing; or at least that it's not a bad thing.

Until we agree that it's a bad thing, and measures should be taken to reverse the trend - There's no use discussing what those measures would/should be.

Good luck with that. After you teach pigs to swim, maybe you can teach them how to fly...LOL

Tea Party and the new right

Pigs can swim
Your cartoon is very child like
Lets see
I do not recall anyone saying save our CEOs
I also think that everyone agrees we have a problem with the way health care is managed financially
The "tea party" is just concerned
as we should be
Explain to me how we are going to pay for this Obama care with this so called savings of 500 billion from Medicare?
Thats reality, and a cartoon about people facing that reality is sort of confusing to me

Really? The tea party are ignorant bigots and disgruntled Bushie's who want their despot back. In states where the tea party has gained any power, tea partiers are not concerned about the health of human beings or protecting the commons. They are hell bent on eviscerating environmental laws. THAT is saving our CEO's, or licking the ass of corporations.

The health care bill is almost a carbon copy of the bill Republicans and the Heritage Foundation proposed in 1993, but faux news will never tell you that. The Democrats should have gone with the solutions the progressive wing of the party wanted, a single payer or at the minimum a public option.
Good luck with that. After you teach pigs to swim, maybe you can teach them how to fly...LOL

Tea Party and the new right

Pigs can swim
Your cartoon is very child like
Lets see
I do not recall anyone saying save our CEOs
I also think that everyone agrees we have a problem with the way health care is managed financially
The "tea party" is just concerned
as we should be
Explain to me how we are going to pay for this Obama care with this so called savings of 500 billion from Medicare?
Thats reality, and a cartoon about people facing that reality is sort of confusing to me

Really? The tea party are ignorant bigots and disgruntled Bushie's who want their despot back. In states where the tea party has gained any power, tea partiers are not concerned about the health of human beings or protecting the commons. They are hell bent on eviscerating environmental laws. THAT is saving our CEO's, or licking the ass of corporations.

The health care bill is almost a carbon copy of the bill Republicans and the Heritage Foundation proposed in 1993, but faux news will never tell you that. The Democrats should have gone with the solutions the progressive wing of the party wanted, a single payer or at the minimum a public option.

I'm not sure what's more boring:

A. Bfgrn's posts that are all copied-and-pasted from some moronic blog

B. Bfgrn's own parroting of BOOOOOOOSHaphobes
Step number 1 - elect another president, the one we got now has no intention of uniting people to arrive at common solutions, he just wants to score political points and get re-elected. His lackof leadership in favor of political demagoguery is most shameful and disappointing.

Step number 2 - the TPers are going to have to realize that compromise is not the same as giving in or losing, we're going to have to work on some kind of deal to resolve our fiscal issues in a responsible manner without tanking the economy into another recession or depression. IOW - now is not the time to paint yourself into a corner.

Step number 3 - there's only one way out of this mess, and that is to grow the economy and create a lot more jobs. IMHO, failure to do this will result in a 1930s style depression, maybe even worse. And raising taxes and more gov't spending ain't going to cut it.

Step number 4 - we need a paradigm shift in this country when it comes to spending, on both a personal and national level. You spend your money on the non-discretionary stuff first, pay the bills. Then you prioritize what's left and spend it as wisely as possible. Which we ain't doing. Until this happens we'll be going through the same cycle again and again.
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Good luck with that. After you teach pigs to swim, maybe you can teach them how to fly...LOL

Tea Party and the new right

Pigs can swim
Your cartoon is very child like
Lets see
I do not recall anyone saying save our CEOs
I also think that everyone agrees we have a problem with the way health care is managed financially
The "tea party" is just concerned
as we should be
Explain to me how we are going to pay for this Obama care with this so called savings of 500 billion from Medicare?
Thats reality, and a cartoon about people facing that reality is sort of confusing to me

Really? The tea party are ignorant bigots and disgruntled Bushie's who want their despot back. In states where the tea party has gained any power, tea partiers are not concerned about the health of human beings or protecting the commons. They are hell bent on eviscerating environmental laws. THAT is saving our CEO's, or licking the ass of corporations.

The health care bill is almost a carbon copy of the bill Republicans and the Heritage Foundation proposed in 1993, but faux news will never tell you that. The Democrats should have gone with the solutions the progressive wing of the party wanted, a single payer or at the minimum a public option.

The health care bill in 1993 was nothing like this monster Obama has because the GOP did not claim they could pay for it by saving 500 billion dollars from Medicare the way Obama sad he will
Licking the ass of corporations?
BHO gives GM 50 billion
GE gets billions
100s get relief from Obama care
WOLF: Tawdry details of Obamacare - Washington Times
Environmental laws?
Would you provide an example please?
Not concerned about the health of human beings?
get your facts straight please
Simple solution. gather up everyone who would rather tell out and out lies and deny facts and scream about their rights as they advocate trampling on the rights of others than engage in honest, open debate about the topics and ship their fucking asses somewhere else.

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