How did we go from Fauci saying masks dont work, to 15 days to flatten the curve, to Biden and Harris saying they would NOT take the MANDATES?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
It seems to me that the government always lie about their intentions and they always move the goalposts bit by bit until you are out of the fucking stadium before you realize the shit they pulled.

This is not exclusive to the left.

Remember the PATRIOT ACT? REMEMBER how the LEFT blasted the RIGHT for government overreach? Then when the left got power, THEY KEPT THE PATRIOT ACT IN PLACE?

THe left had no problem with AUTHORITARIANISM.....they just did not want the RIGHT to be the NAZIS.....THEY WANTED TO BE THE NAZIS.

This whole thing is a power and money grab. All of it.
Remember the PATRIOT ACT? REMEMBER how the LEFT blasted the RIGHT for government overreach?

I don't remember that....I remember the Senate voting 98-1 in favor of that abomination.

Yes...once it came time to renew they did as well, but they blasted it for politics.

The left definitely blasted Bush for it. I recall very clearly, because back then the left wanted privacy. Now they do not.
It seems to me that the government always lie about their intentions and they always move the goalposts bit by bit until you are out of the fucking stadium before you realize the shit they pulled.

This is not exclusive to the left.

Remember the PATRIOT ACT? REMEMBER how the LEFT blasted the RIGHT for government overreach? Then when the left got power, THEY KEPT THE PATRIOT ACT IN PLACE?

THe left had no problem with AUTHORITARIANISM.....they just did not want the RIGHT to be the NAZIS.....THEY WANTED TO BE THE NAZIS.

This whole thing is a power and money grab. All of it.
They are all liars. They got to this point by gradualism trying to deflect from and minimalize the direction which they wanted to take the country.

They are Nazis. DemNazis.

How did we go from Fauci saying masks dont work, to 15 days to flatten the curve, to Biden and Harris saying they would NOT take the MANDATES?​

Because nobody is actually following science. It's been reactionary and political from Day One. Frightened people are willing to give up just about anything for an illusion of safety.
When democrats tied down dogs and fed them to sand flies, what they learned changed their minds...

Democrats are now pro bio weapons research and pro cruel experiments on dogs
I am truly certain of one thing: if Trump had been re-elected then very few democrats would be getting jabbed. They'd be fighting the vaccines every step of the way.

And this says EVERYTHING about them.

I would not get the experimental gene therapy regardless of who is POTUS.

When the mask manufacturers state ON THE BOX that masks will not protect you from COVID.
When the experimental gene therapy loses all efficacy in 6 months.
When children 5-11 have close to ZERO deaths from COVID.
When the VAST majority of deaths are people with underlying health conditions or old.
When the deaths from COVID are over reported for financial gain.
When people who recovered from COVID are fired for not getting experimental gene therapy.
When we are not told how many people have died FROM the experimental gene therapy.
When Moderna is saying we may need boosters for life...

Yes...once it came time to renew they did as well, but they blasted it for politics.

The left definitely blasted Bush for it. I recall very clearly, because back then the left wanted privacy. Now they do not.
They lied....They were trying to get the provisions of the Patriot Act passed on a piecemeal basis back during the Clintoon years, and republicans called it overreach.

Neither team gives a flying fuck about our civil liberties dude.
I just told King Arthur's Flour Company to stop sending me email and paper catalogs (which they send once a week!) because they wrote that I was REQUIRED to go to their website and reset my password, because supposedly they have a new website. I don't believe that --- I suspect they are just trying to get people to come to the website and buy stuff. I've bought their stuff for many years, and I don't know why they started with this authoritarianism --- could it be because they are in New England and there everyone is getting ordered around, so even stores have started it?

I reacted so strongly because I do feel very angry about this kind of ordering around now --- this two-year epidemic assault on my liberty has made me very sensitive to people saying I HAVE to do this, I'm "required" to do that.

To that I say, "Make me." Good luck making me do things I don't want to. First I bail out of the situation, as with the website. Second I say no, and mean it, and let them deal with that.
Harris never said what you are saying.

She clearly said, I won't take it just because trump says to.
Because nobody is actually following science. It's been reactionary and political from Day One. Frightened people are willing to give up just about anything for an illusion of safety.
Succinct, and true.

I wish we had it to do over again, and do it better.
Once again.

People should be free to CHOOSE to get the experimental gene therapy IF THEY WANT TO.

IF I was unhealthy or elderly, maybe I would get it.

I am neither. I recovered from COVID in 4 days back in early September.

No fucking way am I getting experimental gene therapy after already having NATURAL antibodies.

People who took the experimental gene therapy can still GET COVID and they can still SPREAD COVID.


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