How did the Universe get here?

The books of the canon of the New Testament were written mostly in the first century and finished by the year 150 AD.
Christ died in approximately 33 AD......the first books were written during the 50s.......the last, written by John in the 90s....

take your pick.....
When Were the Books of the Bible Written? : Media History Project : U of M
When was the Bible written and who wrote it? | List of Dates Bible Written | Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
Dating the Bible - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

if that's not enough google "when were the books of the bible written"......
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Your biased links are contradicted by the unbiased links. The range of dates for James is from 50 to 200 CE. Since only the Gospels are allegedly first hand accounts and none of them were written during the period that Jesus was alive none of them are without question. Furthermore there has been extensive editing of those texts and translations all of which introduce alterations and changes of meaning.

So nothing in the NT should be taken at face value in my opinion.
I need proof. I'm sorry.
me said....
We do have tons of proof/evidence the christian jew and muslim god is fake.

and I asked for it.....

well, I expected you to have evidence that they it possible that you believe something to be true without having evidence?......I am shocked!....

which part of it? Genesis 1:1 an allegory?.....

do I have to defend what YOU believe about the stories or what I believe about the stories?

and is that supposed to bother me?....I've laughed at you at least four times today....did it bother you?.....

All religious texts are stories to teach good and bad, right and wrong.

well no.....some are.....some have other purposes....many aren't even stories.....they are letters and laws.....poems and prophesies......many that are stories have nothing to do with what is good or bad.....

If there is, he doesn't care about you.

sorry, but the only thing you can honestly state is that you don't care about him.....

i must admit this is more fun than talking politics. I go home and think and think and I watch those religious shows whenever a good one is on a shammalllaaalllaaaamamanin this lady says whenever the spirit moves her. :eusa_liar: She has got to be faking it. How come the holy spirit only moves black people to act and talk like that? :cuckoo:

All the proof you need is right here. Links to dig deeper on the things I have said. Maybe one day you'll wake up.

But I also thought, if it truly makes that person happy and they are a harmless theist, I don't really care. If you were all that way. I can't stand the ones that say we're going to hell. What a joke they are. Or the ones who take the stories in the bible literally, like people living to 800 years old back then. :eusa_liar::cuckoo:

But see I do care because it makes people dumb. I see it in their politics. I blame religion because it keeps the masses down. Look at all those muslims in Saudi Arabia or Iraq Afgan Pakistan who are dirt poor. Allah is keeping them down. The Moolas use religion just like the GOP uses it here in America. If you can make people believe there is an imaginary man watching them and a hell, you can convince them of anything.

Anyways, if after looking over all these points you still believe, I guess you're too far gone. Maybe your kids won't swallow that lie and pass on that stupid gene to the future.

Why there is no god

Now give me proof god exists. The bible is not proof. Nothing quoted out of it is proof. Who knows who wrote that shit and when and how much the catholic church edited it before they passed it on to you hicks in America and England. The Greeks are the ones who translated it for the West. How do you know we weren't just fucking with you? :badgrin:
I don't think that's what I said. :doubt:

Well, you said it is possible for there to be many truths about the nature of god, and that god may custom tailor itself to the individual, something like that. If there can be many truths about the nature of god, if the various religions of the world can all be correct at the same time, couldn't multiple gods, including a male and female 'married' god couple, be a possibility?

Please stop being silly. There is no religion I am aware of that believes in God and Mrs. God. So, no... it's very much NOT a possibility. Here again, you are intentionally taking something I said out of context and running to some bizarre extreme with it because you think you're being clever. It's not clever, it's borderline retarded.

I will state this again, so that you can try and understand... Spiritual Nature is not obligated to conform with physical logic and reason. Therefore, it is possible that Spiritual Nature reveals itself to individuals through differing incarnations. I don't know if that is true and I've not said that is my personal belief. I presented this to explain why you were incorrect in your previous assumption that because I believe a certain thing that other things are necessarily wrong or incorrect. I gave you analogies, those didn't suffice, so this is another way for me to explain it to you. Instead of trying to understand my point, you take my point and pervert it into some bizarre viewpoint that you conjured up in your mind and then tried to ambush me with it.

I don't have time for these silly games with you. If your intention is going to be deliberate misunderstanding of the points I make so that you can turn them around and attack me with them, then our conversation is finished.

If god is possible two gods are possible stupid! OMG. Now you are 100% sure that this feeling you get is only coming from one source? Were you raised in a one parent home? That is not natural. Is god not natural? Is this why god is so angry we get pussy? He put Eve here with that slit in her crotch what did he expect? And he watches and has rules on how he likes us to do it? So god sees everything and he hates watching two guys fuck?

Science pretty much knows what part of your brain spirituality comes from. Same side fear joy anger sadness come from. Same place superstition comes from. Same place irrational behavior comes from. Is that all god and the devil pushing buttons? Is that "god"? Is there a hell? How do you know that unless you believe the made up religions? You have piecemealed yourself a cult my friend. What happens to people that don't believe what you believe?

The Gospel According to Matthew is generally believed to have been composed between 70 and 110.

So lets say it was written 110 years after the supposed son of god walked the earth and did miracles. I'm supposed to believe that?

The anonymous author was probably a highly educated Jew, intimately familiar with the technical aspects of Jewish law, and the disciple Matthew was probably honored within his circle.

Does it blow theists mind when they realize Matthew didn't write Matthew?
How did the Universe (i.e. everything that exists) get here?

And if you believe there are multiple universes, then how did the Multiverse get here?

We know the Universe wasn't always here, and will end sometime in the future.

How did everything begin, and what happens after the end?

I'm looking for an answer from those of you who say God definitely does not exist.

The farthest back that science can trace origins is to the quantum vacuum.
How did the Universe (i.e. everything that exists) get here?

And if you believe there are multiple universes, then how did the Multiverse get here?

We know the Universe wasn't always here, and will end sometime in the future.

How did everything begin, and what happens after the end?

I'm looking for an answer from those of you who say God definitely does not exist.

The farthest back that science can trace origins is to the quantum vacuum.

Please provide a credible scientific link that establishes that the universe was ever in an absolute quantum vacuum state.
How did the Universe (i.e. everything that exists) get here?

And if you believe there are multiple universes, then how did the Multiverse get here?

We know the Universe wasn't always here, and will end sometime in the future.

How did everything begin, and what happens after the end?

I'm looking for an answer from those of you who say God definitely does not exist.

The farthest back that science can trace origins is to the quantum vacuum.

Please provide a credible scientific link that establishes that the universe was ever in an absolute quantum vacuum state.

My response is still the same: You need a link for the well-established parameters of the Big Bang Theory, and the ramifications of special and general relativity, coupled with, in this case, the ramifications of quantum mechanics? Pick one, and start reading.

Now if you don't believe prevailing theory is right . . . well, that's another breed of dog altogether.
Pretty much everything you've said could be turned around to be speaking about you, and it would certainly hold at least a note of truth. Just as almost everything you complain about in others you do yourself.

That would include imparting your own ideas upon others; claiming objectives that people have never stated, building strawmen, etc. Considering how much more frequently you toss around insults than I do, it's pretty funny that you'd say insulting is my objective but not your own. No, in your case it's just your opinion. For anyone who disagrees with or is insulting you, or other believers, it's their entire objective! :lol:

It's also hilarious that you complain about me using the phrase 'what you're saying is' when twice in this very post you have attributed things to me which I have never stated and are untrue. So you certainly seem to be the one distilling things from the conversation that are totally NOT what the other person is saying, and despite repeated attempts to clarify, you insist that's what they said. :lmao:

Look dude, sometimes you raise some good points and ask some valid questions, and I appreciate that. I enjoy a challenge and don't mind explaining my viewpoint to others. If you legitimately have questions regarding my views and opinions, I welcome them. However, you have persistently had another side to your postings, and that is when you attempt to agitate and 'get my goat' by being obtuse, taking things out of context, misunderstanding things intentionally, and accusing me of saying things I haven't said.

Please be advised, that behavior stops being responded to as of now. If you continue to try and do this, I will put you on ignore. It's will be a shame if I have to do that, I would rather read your posts and engage you in meaningful debate, but I've had enough of this juvenile behavior from you. I don't know why you do this, I don't know how old you are, maybe you're just young and foolish? Whatever your reason is, just know that it's about to get you put on ignore permanently.

If you think I am a hypocrite because I stated what I did about the agenda of god-haters, if you think I have deliberately taken your posts out of context in order to aggravate you, or if you think I have been dishonest... you are entitled to your opinion. It does not bother me. If you just want to lie and be dishonest about things I've said, have at it, but know that I will never read your lies or respond to them or anything else you have to say. We can either have adult conversations or you can go on ignore and be treated like a troll... it's up to you.

You do whatever you think you have to. Maybe you don't like having me show how you do the things you constantly accuse me and others of, I don't know. I have no control over who you decide to ignore.
I don't think that's what I said. :doubt:

Well, you said it is possible for there to be many truths about the nature of god, and that god may custom tailor itself to the individual, something like that. If there can be many truths about the nature of god, if the various religions of the world can all be correct at the same time, couldn't multiple gods, including a male and female 'married' god couple, be a possibility?

Please stop being silly. There is no religion I am aware of that believes in God and Mrs. God. So, no... it's very much NOT a possibility. Here again, you are intentionally taking something I said out of context and running to some bizarre extreme with it because you think you're being clever. It's not clever, it's borderline retarded.

I will state this again, so that you can try and understand... Spiritual Nature is not obligated to conform with physical logic and reason. Therefore, it is possible that Spiritual Nature reveals itself to individuals through differing incarnations. I don't know if that is true and I've not said that is my personal belief. I presented this to explain why you were incorrect in your previous assumption that because I believe a certain thing that other things are necessarily wrong or incorrect. I gave you analogies, those didn't suffice, so this is another way for me to explain it to you. Instead of trying to understand my point, you take my point and pervert it into some bizarre viewpoint that you conjured up in your mind and then tried to ambush me with it.

I don't have time for these silly games with you. If your intention is going to be deliberate misunderstanding of the points I make so that you can turn them around and attack me with them, then our conversation is finished.

I'm not deliberately misunderstanding anything. You said it's possible god can be different for different people during a discussion about contradictory beliefs. Here's the quote :
I am saying that all I can attest to is what is true for myself. Spiritual nature doesn't have to conform to your sense of logic and order...or mine, for that matter. As I pointed out in my analogies, there can be more than one truth. Perhaps.... and this is just a point to ponder... God is individually custom-tailored? Our minds are all different, our personalities are not the same, we are all unique in our own way... why can't a spiritual entity be? Remember, God doesn't have to conform to a physical logic, where God is God no matter who you are. Again... I am just tossing that out there, I don't know that's true and I am not claiming it as such. It's just a possibility. This is why I can't sit here and condemn a Christian or say Muslims are wrong, or Hinduism is nuts. It's possible for us to all be right at the same time.

Where in that statement is it required that god be of a religious nature? That only the god described in religions is possible?

If god could be individually custom-tailored, then certainly a person who would have some need for a male and female god could have a god with a wife, couldn't they? Or maybe there's someone that believes in an old religion, let's say Norse mythology, and they believe in an all-father married to Frigga. :lol:

You took a silly, tongue in cheek kind of comment and turned it into an argument that never needed to occur, and used it to once again accuse me of misinterpreting your words. Well, there are your words. Tongue in cheek or not, what about what you posted was taken out of context? What about god and spiritual nature not needing to conform to physical logic or reason leads you to decide that the idea of god having a wife in one incarnation is outside the realm of possibility?
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You need a link for the well-established parameters of the Big Bang Theory, and the ramifications of special and general relativity?

The big bang theory has nothing to do with the size of the universe.

So I need a link that proves your allegation that "this universe is finite".

I wasn't alluding to its size, I was alluding to its finite existence. It had a definite beginning and is expanding.
The farthest back that science can trace origins is to the quantum vacuum.

Please provide a credible scientific link that establishes that the universe was ever in an absolute quantum vacuum state.

My response is still the same: You need a link for the well-established parameters of the Big Bang Theory, and the ramifications of special and general relativity, coupled with, in this case, the ramifications of quantum mechanics? Pick one, and start reading.

Now if you don't believe prevailing theory is right . . . well, that's another breed of dog altogether.

In other words you cannot support your own allegations by providing the corresponding citations that would actually validate what you posted.
You need a link for the well-established parameters of the Big Bang Theory, and the ramifications of special and general relativity?

The big bang theory has nothing to do with the size of the universe.

So I need a link that proves your allegation that "this universe is finite".

I wasn't alluding to its size, I was alluding to its finite existence. It had a definite beginning and is expanding.

That wasn't what you originally alleged. You made a definitive statement that "this universe is finite". However you have no way to measure the extent of the universe beyond our ability to detect what is out there. You also have no ability to detect how long the universe has existed prior to the big bang.

So it is fallacious to claim that the universe is finite given what isn't known.
I go home and think and think and I watch those religious shows
so your entire data base for religion is your imagination and tele-evangelists?.....understood....

Why there is no god
do you realize the author of the link you claim holds all the answers doesn't even give us his name?.....he may know even less about religion than you do, and you know nothing about it except what you learned from a tele-evangelist......
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The Gospel According to Matthew is generally believed to have been composed between 70 and 110.

So lets say it was written 110 years after the supposed son of god walked the earth and did miracles. I'm supposed to believe that?

The anonymous author was probably a highly educated Jew, intimately familiar with the technical aspects of Jewish law, and the disciple Matthew was probably honored within his circle.

Does it blow theists mind when they realize Matthew didn't write Matthew?

why would it blow my mind to learn an atheist denies Matthew wrote Matthew......I ignore most of the ridiculous statements atheists make....I gave you five links that dated it gave me jack shit....
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