How can workers vote Republican?

How can "workers" vote Republican?

Because non-working government "employees" vote Dem....
The U.S. Supreme Court delivered a blow (5 to 4 along Party lines) to the rights of workers on Monday by allowing companies to require them to sign away their ability to bring class-action claims against management, agreements already in place for about 25 million employees.

High court backs companies over worker class-action claims


Workers are being fukked... Cut corporate and high earners taxes (re: business men); allow immediate "expensing" for business
Vote this November.

No worries. If one is a Democrat, one can be certain of voting whether one actually shows up at the polls or not. Democrats can be certain of voting even after they die.

Although what you're seeing that desperately requires "Go out and vote!" here is a bit beyond me. Maybe "call your Congressman" is more in order, assuming you're actually concerned with changing this policy, rather than simply using it to further Democrat power.
I only voted 16 times last election. This time I’ll vote 40 or 50, just for you, ya retard :thup:

If you REALLY want to do something "just for me", promise me they'll all be posthumous, a la Chicago tradition.
The U.S. Supreme Court delivered a blow (5 to 4 along Party lines) to the rights of workers on Monday by allowing companies to require them to sign away their ability to bring class-action claims against management, agreements already in place for about 25 million employees.

High court backs companies over worker class-action claims


Workers are being fukked... Cut corporate and high earners taxes (re: business men); allow immediate "expensing" for business

So . . . looking at the ACTUAL ruling and written opinions, rather than your "feelz" about what's right and wrong, we see Justice Gorsuch AND Justice Ginsberg saying, "This is what the law actually is." The only difference between the two is that Gorsuch thinks the laws should be enforced as written and corrected by Congress, and Ginsberg saying that the written law should be ignored because she knows better.

Have you anything to say on THAT subject? Or on whether or not the ruling was incorrect in regards to the actual law?
Yes I do.... I'll go with Ginsberg over the shithead placed there by Only the best and brightest, Trump the perv

So what you have to say is "Fuck the law, so long as I get my way!"

You have no room to be criticizing ANYONE else, ass clown.
The U.S. Supreme Court delivered a blow (5 to 4 along Party lines) to the rights of workers on Monday by allowing companies to require them to sign away their ability to bring class-action claims against management, agreements already in place for about 25 million employees.

High court backs companies over worker class-action claims


Workers are being fukked... Cut corporate and high earners taxes (re: business men); allow immediate "expensing" for business

Given all that, how can they bring themselves to vote Republican? Indeed, how? This is the question Democrats need to be pondering, long and hard.
Are you too for corporations over the workers like most here are??? Seems that's where SC has been going

Only if you're such a immature leftist turd that you can only see "for" and "against" instead of "following the law".

YOU are the people the Founding Fathers warned us about.
In case you were in a coma for a year it seems that people vote republican because the DOW is over 25,000 when the GDP never climbed above 3% for the entire sorry eight years of the Hussein administration.
Everyone who cares about AMERICA should vote LIBERTARIAN.

The two "major" parties are 100% bad for the US, and sold out to the same master.
The U.S. Supreme Court delivered a blow (5 to 4 along Party lines) to the rights of workers on Monday by allowing companies to require them to sign away their ability to bring class-action claims against management, agreements already in place for about 25 million employees.

High court backs companies over worker class-action claims


Workers are being fukked... Cut corporate and high earners taxes (re: business men); allow immediate "expensing" for business
Because they aren't brainwashed by the media?
The corporations control things. While people making a pittance like 50 grand try to read each other down because of party lines the uber wealthy laugh at them and wonder how this can happen. How can it get any better for the rich? It can't and neither party knows any better not cares. I see why the wealthy operate the way they do. I can't figure out why middle class workers can't figure this out. When workers have nothing left perhaps they wake up.
The U.S. Supreme Court delivered a blow (5 to 4 along Party lines) to the rights of workers on Monday by allowing companies to require them to sign away their ability to bring class-action claims against management, agreements already in place for about 25 million employees.

High court backs companies over worker class-action claims


Workers are being fukked... Cut corporate and high earners taxes (re: business men); allow immediate "expensing" for business

Because they like to keep the money they earn, they like to be able to protect themeselves and their families with guns, they like cops to stop criminals, they don't like criminals, they like to be left alone, they don't want men using the same bathroom as their wives and daughters, they don't want to force bakers to bake cakes........

For a start...
Just shaking my head at this OP. I mean, where to start? So liberals want our companies to be subject to lawsuits over pay and benefits? That might seem like a good idea to people who know nothing about business and law, but thank heavens we have five judges on the Supreme Court who have the sense to rule for sanity and stability. Do liberals just want to bankrupt and ruin any company that employs more than 10 people? Do they have any clue about the Pandora's Box they would be opening and the billions in legal expenses that would follow if employees could sue their companies over such things?

I can hear liberals now, "I don't care! I hate all corporations! They're all evil!" Uh, yeah, and those same corporations provide the kinds of jobs that put people in the middle class and enable them to buy a decent home, buy a car, and save for retirement.
The U.S. Supreme Court delivered a blow (5 to 4 along Party lines) to the rights of workers on Monday by allowing companies to require them to sign away their ability to bring class-action claims against management, agreements already in place for about 25 million employees.

High court backs companies over worker class-action claims


Workers are being fukked... Cut corporate and high earners taxes (re: business men); allow immediate "expensing" for business

Given all that, how can they bring themselves to vote Republican? Indeed, how? This is the question Democrats need to be pondering, long and hard.
Are you too for corporations over the workers like most here are??? Seems that's where SC has been going

Only if you're such a immature leftist turd that you can only see "for" and "against" instead of "following the law".

YOU are the people the Founding Fathers warned us about.
Are you so dung infested that you believe 4 SC officers would vote against the law?
The U.S. Supreme Court delivered a blow (5 to 4 along Party lines) to the rights of workers on Monday by allowing companies to require them to sign away their ability to bring class-action claims against management, agreements already in place for about 25 million employees.

High court backs companies over worker class-action claims


Workers are being fukked... Cut corporate and high earners taxes (re: business men); allow immediate "expensing" for business
Politics Is a Spitball Fight at a Prep School

Populists should hate both the Right and the Left. Liberals are snooty snobs who hate anyone who was born in the White working class. For them to champion genetically lazy minorities shows how much those spoiled and entitled bossy brats despise the work ethic. MLK was hired by the united ruling class to break up workers' solidarity by forcing them to work with incompatible minorities.
In case you were in a coma for a year it seems that people vote republican because the DOW is over 25,000 when the GDP never climbed above 3% for the entire sorry eight years of the Hussein administration.
Since you like to believe you're so wise ,,,Obama had 8 quarters of 3 or more % just never a full year
The U.S. Supreme Court delivered a blow (5 to 4 along Party lines) to the rights of workers on Monday by allowing companies to require them to sign away their ability to bring class-action claims against management, agreements already in place for about 25 million employees.

High court backs companies over worker class-action claims


Workers are being fukked... Cut corporate and high earners taxes (re: business men); allow immediate "expensing" for business
Because they like having jobs :dunno:

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