How beautiful is our fight against climate change?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
We're back in the Paris Accord (puke). Trump dropped it because it was worthless though benefitted China to our detriment, so thank golly Biden re-entered the accord, because he's bitch'n.

I wonder if this is all just a scare tactic hence money grab? Is it realistic to believe humans can curb climate change, really? Fuck I don't know, if anything seems there are just too many people no matter what we do, climate change sounds like BS to me. Say, did you know China makes most of the solar panels? Same with batteries, what a surprise.

How beautiful are solar, wind & batteries? Since when are any of these things done without harming the environment & processing fossil fuels?

The materials extracted from the earth to fabricate wind turbines, solar panels, and batteries (to store grid electricity or power electric vehicles) are out of sight, located at remote quarries, mine sites, and mineral-processing facilities around the world. Those locations matter in terms of geopolitics and supply-chain risks, as well as in environmental terms. Before considering the supply chain, it is important to understand the scale of the material demands. For green energy, it all begins with the fact that such sources are land-intensive and very diffuse.

For example, replacing the energy output from a single 100-MW natural gas-fired turbine, itself about the size of a residential house (producing enough electricity for 75,000 homes), requires at least 20 wind turbines, each one about the size of the Washington Monument, occupying some 10 square miles of land.[4]

Building those wind machines consumes enormous quantities of conventional materials, including concrete, steel, and fiberglass, along with less common materials, including “rare earth” elements such as dysprosium. A World Bank study noted what every mining engineer knows: “[T]echnologies assumed to populate the clean energy shift … are in fact significantly more material intensive in their composition than current traditional fossil-fuel-based energy supply systems.”[5]
Solving the climate crisis....

Put the Climate "scientists" right here...

See the source image

Climate "crisis" solved 100%
What exactly is Earth's ideal climate anyways?
Ice world? Dune? Or about thirty years ago?

The Greta Cult sees the Earth as static, with no deviations allowed since upright primates stupidly built mega cities in flood prone areas.

Next up.
Stopping tectonic plate shifting before the Cities of the west coast fall into the ocean as the California plate slides towards Alaska, plus volcanoes pollute.

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Climate change is just the Democrat's way of making every American worker and taxpayer poor, pissed off and dependent on government. It's a method of enslaving the American people which has always been a big Democrat goal.

Many actually believe it, which is one reason they've introduced COVID & the results.
I would actually like to put a challenge out to Biden and the global warming alarmists....

Since cow farts are such a huge menace to the environment, I am willing to lock myself in a garage with a cow (or Farting Joe
Biden) overnight....

And considering that Senile Fucktard has proposed releasing fuel from the Strategic Reserve (possibly contributing to global warming from running our vehicles), they can lock themselves in a garage with a running car overnight.....

We can meet in the morning to discuss the results!!!!
What do the climate change Bozo's plan to do? Dig up and try to neutralize all of the Permafrost that contributes uber methane naturally into the climate??
The Climate Change myth finally busted !!!
Fight as hard as you may, climate change began when our planet developed an atmosphere.

In the Beginning earth was a molten blob of rock with a high concentration of oxygen and hydrogen gas and a few others like nitrogen & argon.

The nitrogen and oxygen gases were heated up by an external force until a spontaneous combustion reaction took place.

In the process a great deal of heat was released. This heat energy began cooling and as it cooled the water molecules clung to each other producing ice. This Ice originally covered our plant.


Snowball Earth: The times our planet was covered in ice

Ancient rocks suggest that ice entirely covered our planet on at least two occasions. This theory may help explain the rise of complex life that followed.

By Laura Poppick | Published: Friday, April 5, 2019
The story of Snowball Earth |

The Snowball Earth hypothesis proposes that, during one or more of Earth's icehouse climates, the planet's surface became entirely or nearly entirely frozen. It is believed that this occurred sometime before 650 Mya during the Cryogenian period. Wikipedia
The story of Snowball Earth

Snowball Earth


Our planet is thought to have been completely frozen over during the Neoproterozoic. From space, Earth would have looked like a big snowball.
Callan Bentley art
The “Snowball Earth” glaciations were a series of ice ages during the Neoproterozoic era of geologic time, mainly confined to the Cryogenian period, but perhaps also into the Ediacaran period, too. These ice ages were thought to have been so profound that perhaps the entire surface of the planet froze over, all the way from the poles to the equator. In a 1992 paper, Caltech geophysicist Joe Kirschvink quipped that
from a vantage point in outer space, the planet would have looked like a giant snowball. The evocative name stuck, and there has been an avalanche of scientific studies investigating the Snowball Earth glaciations ever since.

The earths climate has been in a flux of change since day one and all along this massive ice sheet has been slowly melting.

It is time for climate change deniers to wake up and smell the roses.
Climate change lol

The entire nation is engulfed in the biggest crime wave in history and I don’t consider CC a top priority
Hell. He can't even control his bowels, much less inflation and the weather. :laughing0301:
It is amazing and disgusting how many russan moles travel these threads.

I have only one thing to say to these un-american moles with flees--


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