How A Doctor's Hatred of Insurance Companies Brought Down The GOP


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
Rand Paul is a doctor with a bitter hatred of insurance companies. He spent his life fighting with them. He just said in open interview that he stopped the GOP Healthcare bill because it would have subsidized insurance companies with a bailout of billions of dollars when they already make billions, they don't deserve any more in his opinion, and he will have nothing of it.

To him, it did not matter that the GOP bill resolved many glaring problems with Obamacare, such as the mandates and many other things. The bailout was necessary to offset insurance company loses that was forcing them to drop out, otherwise, these costs would have been passed onto consumers in the form of higher premiums. So the GOP did away with all of the onerous mandates and provisions of Obamacare and many other things and provided a safety net to the insurance companies to make up for the huge loses done them by Obamacare to keep insurance affordable to the consumer creating a much better healthcare system that was much more affordable and stable for years longer giving the GOP time to fix the rest, but instead, that jackass Rand Paul shot the whole thing down for the sole reason of proving his point that he just doesn't like insurance companies.

How does the left have the gall to claim that "the GOP was brought down" when democrats lost every important election in the last eight years? It's insane when democrats admit that Obamacare is seriously flawed but yet the democrat party stalls every effort to fix it or do it over and their minions who subscribe to left wing blogs get to blame republicans. The democrat party used to get away with promoting wishful thinking as fact and they still don't realize that Americans are smarter in the age of information and they don't fall for that crap anymore.
How does the left have the gall to claim that "the GOP was brought down" when democrats lost every important election in the last eight years? It's insane when democrats admit that Obamacare is seriously flawed but yet the democrat party stalls every effort to fix it or do it over and their minions who subscribe to left wing blogs get to blame republicans. The democrat party used to get away with promoting wishful thinking as fact and they still don't realize that Americans are smarter in the age of information and they don't fall for that crap anymore.
I hope you are right about Americans not falling for the socialist party's BS and their lying media, but I am skeptical. Many of us are getting information from sources interested in truth, but many still consume elite media propaganda.

Look at what the Ds said about the Rs repeal and replace effort. They screamed about millions of Americans dying, if it passed. The elite media did not out them as liars, like they do to Trump. I would hope few Americans believed the Ds lies.
How does the left have the gall to claim that "the GOP was brought down" when democrats lost every important election in the last eight years? It's insane when democrats admit that Obamacare is seriously flawed but yet the democrat party stalls every effort to fix it or do it over and their minions who subscribe to left wing blogs get to blame republicans. The democrat party used to get away with promoting wishful thinking as fact and they still don't realize that Americans are smarter in the age of information and they don't fall for that crap anymore.

Jackass, I'm not the Left, I'm about ten miles to the Right of the GOP! And I'm not saying that Rand Paul brought the GOP down TODAY, when you topple a building, there is a period after the dynamite detonates that the building still stands there unmoving, like it is still fine. The actions of Rand Paul today are going to have ramifications to the GOP in the months ahead.

I predict their effort to repeal Obamacare will FAIL. Idiot GOP bitches are already lining up to oppose it. All of this will dam up Trump's efforts to get his agenda done. Paul Ryan is on record as deliberately not wanting to cooperate with Trump. The Old GOP establishment and the Deep State don't like him.

The democrats are going to parley the GOP's impotence this fall in the 11th hour to wheedle a bunch of negotiations and compromises out of the GOP. The GOP will take all of the heat and blame for these failures as usual and when they allow Schumer in to help save Obamacare, the Democrats will come out of it proclaiming that it took them to get things done, they fixed the mess and saved the people because the GOP are oafs. Trump will be left looking the fool again by the hapless republicans who keep electing RINO's.

This will all parley into a dramatic fall of support for the GOP in the mid-term elections, the GOP will lose control of part or all of the Congress, they can't get anything done anyway even when they have FULL control because of RINOs, and things will just get tougher for Trump bringing him to a 1-term president, followed by another Democratic presidential win after the GOP lets the whole nation down. Again. And all principally because of Rand Paul and a few others today.

You can deflect a million ton asteroid with the knock of a pebble if done right early enough. The GOP just never learns.

The only way this can be stopped is if somehow McConnell The Buffoon can pull a miracle out of his leaderless ass. I really doubt it. Even with them delaying the August recess, they only have something like TWENTY DAYS to resolve healthcare, rewrite the tax laws, do border security and immigration, write a budget for next year to prevent an October shutdown and I think other things. Plus all these investigations and anything else that comes up. Trump works 24 hours a day if he has to, whatever it takes to get it done, but he is shoe-strung by the feckless Republicans who couldn't even beat Obama when he was first an unknown do-nothing senator, then a hapless president whose first term proved one of the costliest, most disastrous and least transparent and dishonest in history. Do you really think the GOP will pull this off now after doing NOTHING these past 6 months?


The GOP hasn't done shit. They didn't win the House, WE GAVE IT TO THEM. They didn't win the Senate or the White House, it was all dropped in their lap. They promised us ALL THEY NEEDED was both houses and the White House, then, LOOK OUT!

Well, look at what they've done for Trump. NOTHING. NOT ONE FRICKING THING this year. If you think half the people who stretched their necks out to put all of that in their hands is going to still support them next year, you have another thing coming. This is going to snowball into major loses for the GOP and ultimately, probably even Trump. He can't EO everything.
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The GOP is still made up of the same failures who backed Dubya in the idea that we should occupy/be at war in Iraq for 100 years. Nobody should expect those idiots to do any good for our country.
The GOP is still made up of the same failures who backed Dubya in the idea that we should occupy/be at war in Iraq for 100 years. Nobody should expect those idiots to do any good for our country.
Yeah and nearly all Ds backed Dubya too, along with the entire MSM.
The GOP is still made up of the same failures who backed Dubya in the idea that we should occupy/be at war in Iraq for 100 years. Nobody should expect those idiots to do any good for our country.
Yeah and nearly all Ds backed Dubya too, along with the entire MSM.
In supporting endless war after it was proven to all be for nothing? No, that was you bloodthirsty inbreds.
The GOP is still made up of the same failures who backed Dubya in the idea that we should occupy/be at war in Iraq for 100 years. Nobody should expect those idiots to do any good for our country.
Yeah and nearly all Ds backed Dubya too, along with the entire MSM.
In supporting endless war after it was proven to all be for nothing? No, that was you bloodthirsty inbreds.
Foolish partisans. Can't see past their noses.
The GOP is still made up of the same failures who backed Dubya in the idea that we should occupy/be at war in Iraq for 100 years. Nobody should expect those idiots to do any good for our country.
Yeah and nearly all Ds backed Dubya too, along with the entire MSM.
In supporting endless war after it was proven to all be for nothing? No, that was you bloodthirsty inbreds.
Foolish partisans. Can't see past their noses.
Sorry, the memory of you bastards calling me a soldier hating traitor because I wanted to end your war and bring the troops home to safety will be forever seared into my memory.
Borrow billions of dollars to dole out billions in government subsidies to insurance companies to create the illusion of affordable healthcare well let me just think on that :eusa_think: yeah the politicians are up to their same old stupid shit again.
Rand Paul is a doctor with a bitter hatred of insurance companies. He spent his life fighting with them. He just said in open interview that he stopped the GOP Healthcare bill because it would have subsidized insurance companies with a bailout of billions of dollars when they already make billions, they don't deserve any more in his opinion, and he will have nothing of it.

To him, it did not matter that the GOP bill resolved many glaring problems with Obamacare, such as the mandates and many other things. The bailout was necessary to offset insurance company loses that was forcing them to drop out, otherwise, these costs would have been passed onto consumers in the form of higher premiums. So the GOP did away with all of the onerous mandates and provisions of Obamacare and many other things and provided a safety net to the insurance companies to make up for the huge loses done them by Obamacare to keep insurance affordable to the consumer creating a much better healthcare system that was much more affordable and stable for years longer giving the GOP time to fix the rest, but instead, that jackass Rand Paul shot the whole thing down for the sole reason of proving his point that he just doesn't like insurance companies.

View attachment 139434
Being against insurance company bailouts is bad now?
The GOP is still made up of the same failures who backed Dubya in the idea that we should occupy/be at war in Iraq for 100 years. Nobody should expect those idiots to do any good for our country.
Yeah and nearly all Ds backed Dubya too, along with the entire MSM.
In supporting endless war after it was proven to all be for nothing? No, that was you bloodthirsty inbreds.
Foolish partisans. Can't see past their noses.
Sorry, the memory of you bastards calling me a soldier hating traitor because I wanted to end your war and bring the troops home to safety will be forever seared into my memory.
Sorry our memories of you is accurate.
The GOP is still made up of the same failures who backed Dubya in the idea that we should occupy/be at war in Iraq for 100 years. Nobody should expect those idiots to do any good for our country.
Yeah and nearly all Ds backed Dubya too, along with the entire MSM.
In supporting endless war after it was proven to all be for nothing? No, that was you bloodthirsty inbreds.
Foolish partisans. Can't see past their noses.
Sorry, the memory of you bastards calling me a soldier hating traitor because I wanted to end your war and bring the troops home to safety will be forever seared into my memory.
Sorry our memories of you is accurate.
Don't blame me just because you haven't been able to get your dick hard since reports of our soldiers dying by the hundreds every month stopped coming out.
I know a doctor that took on a couple insurance companies. They utterly ruined him. They had him stripped of his rights as a doctor to prescribe medication and various other things that normal doctors do. All because he saw that they habitually denied people that genuinely needed treatment the treatment they needed.

It's real, insurance companies know individual doctors have little power to fight them.
Being against insurance company bailouts is bad now?

If it keeps you in the game as the only way to balance out years of losses so the consumer doesn't have to bear the brunt of high premiums to buy yourself the time to pick it apart and fix everything else, keep the republican congress moving forward on Trump mandates, and keep confidence high in the GOP that they can actually legislate what they promised, hold seats in the mid term and hopefully even win some more as cushion, YOU TELL ME?

I say what Paul, Lee and others did was a horrifically shortsighted and selfish mistake. It will make for an interesting fall and next year. I hope to be proven wrong, but when it all bombs now, remember that I told you.
Let this year, the year of our Lord Trump 1st is at the height of his glorious reign, be a most magnificent year of guilding our poor rich folketh with more trillions of dollars in subsidies and tax cuts that they choke to death in thy mercy...Amen...

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