Hope they pass Trumpcare.....


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
As everyone well remembers, one of the biggest criticism against passing of the ACA was attributed that it passed without ANY republican approval.....So, guess what will happen when Trumpcare (at least in the House) passes without a single (well maybe one or two) Dem votes?

Further, the 30 second adds are soon to be prepared by the DNC against vulnerable GOP seats in 2018 for their vote on ultimately kicking folks out of the ACA's provision that insurance companies MUST accept to insure people with pre existing conditions.

The moronic and unfounded Trump promise that ALL would be covered at a cheaper and better premium is just that....a moronic, unfulfilled and broken promise....and all who are forced to vote for Trumpcare will ultimately have to carry that "albatross" on their back......

Want to guess which states have the MOST people who will lose coverage?....Mississippi, WV ,Al, KY, TN, SC, etc......all states that foolishly trusted the Trumpster.,
Well I hope they don't pass it because it truly fucks people with pre-existing conditions, and it is a deficit spending bill which makes it doubly worse than Obamacare.

But, this is a strange hill for the GOP to decide to die upon. The dems proved nothing good comes of this issue, even if you have the best of intentions, and Trump surely does not have that on this issue.

Tax reform is where they needed to go.
If this passes with no Democratic votes, will the RW'ers say it was rammed down our throats? That's what they said about the ACA, and for that reason.

I suspect they'll do their usual partisan hack flip. Any bets?
Prediction, The House passes it, it dies in the Senate.
And some GOP House members will die with it.

Won't happen, let's see Obama shut down the Govt and it was said Pubs would die a horrible death in the mid-terms. They took the House. Two year later, they took the Senate and now Hillary is knitting little sickies for Bill and Chelsea. No changes will take place until the powers that be decide they will take place. 2016 was a staged election so I'm not certain there will be any mid-terms.
Prediction, The House passes it, it dies in the Senate.
And some GOP House members will die with it.

Won't happen, let's see Obama shut down the Govt and it was said Pubs would die a horrible death in the mid-terms. They took the House. Two year later, they took the Senate and now Hillary is knitting little sickies for Bill and Chelsea. No changes will take place until the powers that be decide they will take place. 2016 was a staged election so I'm not certain there will be any mid-terms.
oh, I'm pretty sure people like Billy Long will be hearing from constiuents who have pre-existing. The present bill would add 14K per year to my wife's insurance because she has rheumatoid arthritis. Fortunately, she's covered under my employer sponsored, and she'll be on medicare before I retire. But not all are so lucky.
As everyone well remembers, one of the biggest criticism against passing of the ACA was attributed that it passed without ANY republican approval.....So, guess what will happen when Trumpcare (at least in the House) passes without a single (well maybe one or two) Dem votes?

Further, the 30 second adds are soon to be prepared by the DNC against vulnerable GOP seats in 2018 for their vote on ultimately kicking folks out of the ACA's provision that insurance companies MUST accept to insure people with pre existing conditions.

The moronic and unfounded Trump promise that ALL would be covered at a cheaper and better premium is just that....a moronic, unfulfilled and broken promise....and all who are forced to vote for Trumpcare will ultimately have to carry that "albatross" on their back......

Want to guess which states have the MOST people who will lose coverage?....Mississippi, WV ,Al, KY, TN, SC, etc......all states that foolishly trusted the Trumpster.,
Talk about the perfect campaign ad for dem's...Trump's la la land speech on healthcare and the shit he signed into law.....man, I see blue popin up all over the country!! The irony in all this, the people that will get hurt the most should this bill pass....are these southern states that voted overwhelming for the white guy that looks and sounds just like we do...motherfuckers...I love it!!
Prediction, The House passes it, it dies in the Senate.
And some GOP House members will die with it.

Won't happen, let's see Obama shut down the Govt and it was said Pubs would die a horrible death in the mid-terms. They took the House. Two year later, they took the Senate and now Hillary is knitting little sickies for Bill and Chelsea. No changes will take place until the powers that be decide they will take place. 2016 was a staged election so I'm not certain there will be any mid-terms.
True, but racism trumped everything during those years.....this time, its an all white good ol boys club who'll be the political prey for the dems.
As everyone well remembers, one of the biggest criticism against passing of the ACA was attributed that it passed without ANY republican approval.....So, guess what will happen when Trumpcare (at least in the House) passes without a single (well maybe one or two) Dem votes?

Further, the 30 second adds are soon to be prepared by the DNC against vulnerable GOP seats in 2018 for their vote on ultimately kicking folks out of the ACA's provision that insurance companies MUST accept to insure people with pre existing conditions.

The moronic and unfounded Trump promise that ALL would be covered at a cheaper and better premium is just that....a moronic, unfulfilled and broken promise....and all who are forced to vote for Trumpcare will ultimately have to carry that "albatross" on their back......

Want to guess which states have the MOST people who will lose coverage?....Mississippi, WV ,Al, KY, TN, SC, etc......all states that foolishly trusted the Trumpster.,
Yeah, but Trump said if we liked our doctors we can keep them and ditto for our health plans and we'd save $2,500.00 due to lower premiums and...oh, wait. Never mind.

If you want to fret over the '18 election a good place to concentrate on would be the 23 Senate seats the dimocrats have to defend. Ten of which are in states Trump won in '16, five of them by double digits, and five also won by Romney in '12 too.

Sleep tight, snowflake.
Prediction, The House passes it, it dies in the Senate.

I agree 90%, there is always that possibility they will pass it just to make congress look bad. I have no preconceived notions any of them care about anyone or anything except themselves and saving their jobs. Too bad I see nothing in it to get rid of the MLR that played a hand in screwing broker's. It would only be worth while to me to stay in the business and learn something new again if they got rid of the MLR and stopped screwing broker's. I have done senior seminar's during AEP for 10 years for the company I represent and it has been very successful. If I am to remain I will also be expected to participate in the under 65. May finally go independent.
As everyone well remembers, one of the biggest criticism against passing of the ACA was attributed that it passed without ANY republican approval.....So, guess what will happen when Trumpcare (at least in the House) passes without a single (well maybe one or two) Dem votes?

Further, the 30 second adds are soon to be prepared by the DNC against vulnerable GOP seats in 2018 for their vote on ultimately kicking folks out of the ACA's provision that insurance companies MUST accept to insure people with pre existing conditions.

The moronic and unfounded Trump promise that ALL would be covered at a cheaper and better premium is just that....a moronic, unfulfilled and broken promise....and all who are forced to vote for Trumpcare will ultimately have to carry that "albatross" on their back......

Want to guess which states have the MOST people who will lose coverage?....Mississippi, WV ,Al, KY, TN, SC, etc......all states that foolishly trusted the Trumpster.,
Talk about the perfect campaign ad for dem's...Trump's la la land speech on healthcare and the shit he signed into law.....man, I see blue popin up all over the country!! The irony in all this, the people that will get hurt the most should this bill pass....are these southern states that voted overwhelming for the white guy that looks and sounds just like we do...motherfuckers...I love it!!

So, you're seeing spots....does your Obamacare cover that?
As everyone well remembers, one of the biggest criticism against passing of the ACA was attributed that it passed without ANY republican approval.....So, guess what will happen when Trumpcare (at least in the House) passes without a single (well maybe one or two) Dem votes?

Further, the 30 second adds are soon to be prepared by the DNC against vulnerable GOP seats in 2018 for their vote on ultimately kicking folks out of the ACA's provision that insurance companies MUST accept to insure people with pre existing conditions.

The moronic and unfounded Trump promise that ALL would be covered at a cheaper and better premium is just that....a moronic, unfulfilled and broken promise....and all who are forced to vote for Trumpcare will ultimately have to carry that "albatross" on their back......

Want to guess which states have the MOST people who will lose coverage?....Mississippi, WV ,Al, KY, TN, SC, etc......all states that foolishly trusted the Trumpster.,
/---- Trumpcare is 100% transparent. We don't have to pass it to see what's in it. This will be phase 1. When all the phases are complete including selling across state lines then you can judge. I predict there will be some Dem support.
new sheriff.jpg
As everyone well remembers, one of the biggest criticism against passing of the ACA was attributed that it passed without ANY republican approval.....So, guess what will happen when Trumpcare (at least in the House) passes without a single (well maybe one or two) Dem votes?

Further, the 30 second adds are soon to be prepared by the DNC against vulnerable GOP seats in 2018 for their vote on ultimately kicking folks out of the ACA's provision that insurance companies MUST accept to insure people with pre existing conditions.

The moronic and unfounded Trump promise that ALL would be covered at a cheaper and better premium is just that....a moronic, unfulfilled and broken promise....and all who are forced to vote for Trumpcare will ultimately have to carry that "albatross" on their back......

Want to guess which states have the MOST people who will lose coverage?....Mississippi, WV ,Al, KY, TN, SC, etc......all states that foolishly trusted the Trumpster.,
Yeah, but Trump said if we liked our doctors we can keep them and ditto for our health plans and we'd save $2,500.00 due to lower premiums and...oh, wait. Never mind.

If you want to fret over the '18 election a good place to concentrate on would be the 23 Senate seats the dimocrats have to defend. Ten of which are in states Trump won in '16, five of them by double digits, and five also won by Romney in '12 too.

Sleep tight, snowflake.

Obama or his aides were oblivious of how insurance worked. I am sure he believed you could keep your doctor, but did not know with networks all provider's can come and go at their contract time. Once in a while an insurance company will kick a doc out of network during the year.

His assertion of you'd save $2500 a year was just dumb. He should have checked with actuaries and asked, What happens when you take everyone with pre existing conditions and are paying out million's more for claims? Hell he didn't even have to check with actuaries, anyone can figure out if you're taking on thousand's more being treated for cancer is going to cost you a fortune. What he was referring to but did not say it was if you get a large subsidy your premium's will come down $2500 which in almost every case was true, but not for the people not receiving a subsidy.

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