Honestly I like Bernie; Students should study for free

I think Im voting for Bernie. Students shouldn’t have to worry about debt and loans while studying to fix our broken society. These loans are immoral and need to be forgiven.

Also anyone working full time deserves a comfortable $15/hour wage and free medical care.

Thats all
I shouldn't have to stress and worry about how I am going to pay for my mortgage ... Or car payment ... Or who will pay for MY 3rd home, like Bernie....I think the govt should give me everything free....like we are going to be overtaxed so illegals will have everything free.....

The problem is the 'utopia' you describe does not exist, can not exist. Nothing is free. Idiots, though, are willing to give up EVERYTHING for the promise of 'FREE' stuff.
Yes I would. Randomness is just cruel.

Lets say we have 10 dice.
Capitalism: Random rolls, some 6, some 1, who knows
Democratic Socialism: We patiently place each dice down on a 4 or 5. Everyone does well.

How is that bad?
Life is going to be a huuuuuuuuuuuge disappointment for you.
Just like communism was a disappointment for the russians and cubans
Yes I would. Randomness is just cruel.

Lets say we have 10 dice.
Capitalism: Random rolls, some 6, some 1, who knows
Democratic Socialism: We patiently place each dice down on a 4 or 5. Everyone does well.

How is that bad?

Rolling the dice is all about luck. I've got news for you, the vast majority of wealthy people in the US aren't wealthy simply due to luck and the vast majority of desperately poor aren't poor because they have been working their butts off. This is the beauty our our system and why the US has flourished and also why we have so many people from other countries clamoring to get here. A person can come from nothing and make millions of dollars. This is not an option in many other countries. Likewise, a person can be born with a little money and lose it all from being lazy and unmotivated.
Yes I would. Randomness is just cruel.

Lets say we have 10 dice.
Capitalism: Random rolls, some 6, some 1, who knows
Democratic Socialism: We patiently place each dice down on a 4 or 5. Everyone does well.

How is that bad?
You're still in that emotive idealistic life phase, ani'tcha...........
it sounds like he or she is playing that game called D&D where everything is done by the roll of the dice
Sounds like a collage freshman straight out of high school who has never had to deal with the real world before. Of course it could be an academic who's never had to deal with the real world that exists outside of academia........

Im older than that. And maybe the real world needs to change for the better. Thats what Bernie will do

Nope. All Bernie and his "Free" stuff will do is put the economy in the tank.

His "free" stuff will cost tax payer billions. I have no interest in funding someone else's life.

If you want to go to college, pay for it yourself. No way should the tax payers have to pay for someone to go to college.

Bernie is a socialist. Check out Venezuela. they had "free" stuff that turned that country into a cesspool

If that's your idea of good, then move to Venezuela. I'm sure you will be as poor and needy as the rest of the citizens.
I think Im voting for Bernie. Students shouldn’t have to worry about debt and loans while studying to fix our broken society. These loans are immoral and need to be forgiven.

Also anyone working full time deserves a comfortable $15/hour wage and free medical care.

Thats all
Want something for nothing or very little effort.

Want others to pay for their things.

Don't understand the ramifications of giving the government the kind of power he proposes.

Economically illiterate:
Don't truly understand the value of a dollar or the gratification that comes from earning it and working your way up the ladder.

Lack life skills and ambition:
Need the government to manage their daily lives.

I know this likely comes off as an insult but that's how I see it. No point in trying to polish a turd least it rub off on me.
i know all about Bernie, my friends

and if he gets the nomination, i'm going to tell all!
I think Im voting for Bernie. Students shouldn’t have to worry about debt and loans while studying to fix our broken society. These loans are immoral and need to be forgiven.

Also anyone working full time deserves a comfortable $15/hour wage and free medical care.

Thats all

You are really confused, aren't you?

How about the productive people having to worry about paying their taxes so that other people can get free shit?

How abut you pay your bills and I'll pay mine and we leave the government out of stealing our money to give to other people?

The only wage that you "deserve" is what the free Labor market is willing to pay for your labor and we sure as hell don't need the filthy ass government telling employers how much money to pay their employees. That should be between them.
I think Im voting for Bernie. Students shouldn’t have to worry about debt and loans while studying to fix our broken society. These loans are immoral and need to be forgiven.

Also anyone working full time deserves a comfortable $15/hour wage and free medical care.

Thats all

I think Sanders should work for free; collect no salary as President.
I think Im voting for Bernie. Students shouldn’t have to worry about debt and loans while studying to fix our broken society. These loans are immoral and need to be forgiven.

Also anyone working full time deserves a comfortable $15/hour wage and free medical care.

Thats all

What a load of horse shit.

Bills are reality. If you incur bills then you need to pay them. That's what happens when you leave college and have to support yourself or a family. Mortgage payments. Car payments and a family to take care of.

That's life and everyone should have to pay their own way through life.
Yes I would. Randomness is just cruel.

Lets say we have 10 dice.
Capitalism: Random rolls, some 6, some 1, who knows
Democratic Socialism: We patiently place each dice down on a 4 or 5. Everyone does well.

How is that bad?
You're still in that emotive idealistic life phase, ani'tcha...........
it sounds like he or she is playing that game called D&D where everything is done by the roll of the dice
Sounds like a collage freshman straight out of high school who has never had to deal with the real world before. Of course it could be an academic who's never had to deal with the real world that exists outside of academia........

Im older than that. And maybe the real world needs to change for the better. Thats what Bernie will do
I love an idealist regardless of age, y'all are always so clueless. But don't let that stop ya, we need clueless idealists who think they can change the bad/wild side of human nature, it's always good for a laugh. :thup:
I think Im voting for Bernie. Students shouldn’t have to worry about debt and loans while studying to fix our broken society. These loans are immoral and need to be forgiven.

Also anyone working full time deserves a comfortable $15/hour wage and free medical care.

Thats all
How about free housing?

do you want bernie voters to live on the street?

and dont forget free cell phones and free internet


a free light rail and buss pass for EVERYONE!

I’m sure there more that we can think of
Don't be silly--not everyone uses a bus or train, but it is almost impossible to get along these days without access to the internet. Even job applications need to go online. So maybe internet SHOULD be universally accessible without cost. I'm not talking about Netflix or any of that stuff. Just WiFi. Not everyone can afford a smartphone.
I think Im voting for Bernie. Students shouldn’t have to worry about debt and loans while studying to fix our broken society. These loans are immoral and need to be forgiven.

Also anyone working full time deserves a comfortable $15/hour wage and free medical care.

Thats all
I shouldn't have to stress and worry about how I am going to pay for my mortgage ... Or car payment ... Or who will pay for MY 3rd home, like Bernie....I think the govt should give me everything free....like we are going to be overtaxed so illegals will have everything free.....

The problem is the 'utopia' you describe does not exist, can not exist. Nothing is free. Idiots, though, are willing to give up EVERYTHING for the promise of 'FREE' stuff.
the 'utopia' you describe does not exist,

Neither does the scenario you offer.
I think Im voting for Bernie. Students shouldn’t have to worry about debt and loans while studying to fix our broken society. These loans are immoral and need to be forgiven.

Also anyone working full time deserves a comfortable $15/hour wage and free medical care.

Thats all

Lol. Why not make it 500 an hour? Why not free everything. You people are beyond stupid.
I think Im voting for Bernie. Students shouldn’t have to worry about debt and loans while studying to fix our broken society. These loans are immoral and need to be forgiven.

Also anyone working full time deserves a comfortable $15/hour wage and free medical care.

Thats all
How about free housing?

do you want bernie voters to live on the street?

and dont forget free cell phones and free internet


a free light rail and buss pass for EVERYONE!

I’m sure there more that we can think of
Don't be silly--not everyone uses a bus or train, but it is almost impossible to get along these days without access to the internet. Even job applications need to go online. So maybe internet SHOULD be universally accessible without cost. I'm not talking about Netflix or any of that stuff. Just WiFi. Not everyone can afford a smartphone.

Come on. Everytime i drive through the hood, everyone has a smart phone.
“Sanders generates enthusiasm not by promising more freedom, but more free stuff. His sales pitch is not to allow voters to keep more of what they earn, but to take more of what others earn. It’s a campaign based on envy and theft, rather than personal achievement.” ~ Peter Schiff
[QUOTE="OldLady, post: 24116556, member: 56127
the 'utopia' you describe does not exist,
Neither does the scenario you offer.[/QUOTE]

I beg to differ.......

My belief that I shouldn't have to stress and worry about how I am going to pay for my mortgage ... Or car payment ...is just as strong as students' beliefs that they should not have to pay for their own education....or illegals' / Democrats belief that they should cross out border illegally and be given free healthcare, free education, free food, free housing, etc....

WHY would ANYONE have the belief that anyone else OWES them something for free....that others exist and work to pay for free 'stuff' for THEM simply because they want things but do not want to work for any of it?

Such a belief is BEYOND 'retarded' / a sign of mental instability....

Yet this is EXACTLY what every Democrat 2020 Presidential candidate has promised to provide to Americans:

'We promise to provide 'Free' health care to every illegal who crosses into the United States....because 'health care' is a 'God-Given Right'....but, according to these same Democrats, only ILLEGAL, NON-US Citizens have the God-Given Right to FREE health care, paid for by American citizens who can hardly afford their own but who will be taxed more to give NON-US citizens better care that citizens can afford.

Or who will pay for MY 3rd home, like Bernie....I think the govt should give me everything free....like we are going to be overtaxed so illegals will have everything free.....

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