homosexual marriage

Refusing to defend a case because the outcome is clear is at their prosecutorial discretion. My AG did the same exact thing. Why waste the resources and taxpayers dollars on a losing cause?

Because it is their damn duty as a public servant...lawyers defend losing cases all the time........All AGs that pulled that stunt........including the US AG should have been fired and disbarred.

Be that as it may, these AGs decided that these cases couldn't not be won and used their prosecutorial discretion to not defend them anymore. The law was still in effect but the AG decided defending it was foolish.
NO what they decided is they didnt agree with the law.........regardless, either way they shouldv'e had the integrity to step down.
So, you wanted them spending tax money defending the undefendable?
It wasn't "undefendable". Until an issue such as this makes it all the way to the supreme court it is unresolved...........
What it was, was him putting his personal opinion ahead of his duty.............

What the magistrate in the OP did was no different.

This is what the Arizona Attorney General had to say about it...

Lawyers live under a rule called Rule 11, which provides that it is unethical for a lawyer to file a pleading for purposes of delay rather than to achieve a result.

The probability of persuading the 9th circuit to reverse today’s decision is zero. The probability of the United States Supreme Court accepting review of the 9th circuit decision is also zero.

Therefore, the only purpose to be served by filing another appeal would be to waste the taxpayer’s money. That is not a good conservative principle.
I will never support same sex marriage. I believe that its not right. Marriage has to be only between a man and woman. But respect one another and know that there is never going to be a one side victory on this.

Your "support" is neither required nor desired. Marriage is not only between a man and a woman and hasn't been for decades. We've been marrying in churches looooonnnnnggggg before we also got equal access to civil marriage.
I will never support same sex marriage. I believe that its not right. Marriage has to be only between a man and woman. But respect one another and know that there is never going to be a one side victory on this.
Well...at this point, I'm not entirely sure that it matters what you will, and will not support. Same Sex marriage is happening regardless of the personal opinions of anyone opposed to the ides...
Ya see Scamp... abusing judicial authority doesn't make something right.
And that is why your logic keeps failing you. You keep assuming that the Law is about "Right and Wrong". It isn't. Civil, Secular Law is simply about legal, and illegal. Right and wrong do not enter in. This is because right and wrong is a personal matter, and cannot be legislated - at least not without depriving people of their individual liberty of self-determination.

The only legitimate purpose for law is to serve justice.
No, it's not. The purpose for law is to protect me from you. We have already been through that. All of the rest is justification for depriving me of my right to self-determination in the name of your sense of "morality".

The Law doesn't protect anyone from anything... . The law serves purely to the pursuit of justice.

No one is attempting to deprive you of any right. You've been repeatedly asked to site, in SPECIFIC TERMS, what rights you feel you are being prevented from exercising and you have continuously failed to state such.

The reason that you cannot specify, is that your argument is deceptive; thus specious. As a result you must advance these vague implications using key words and phrases which the casual reader will relate to in a superficial level, producing instinctive reactions. It's natural for people to repel against the unjust taking of the means of others to exercise their rights, so you repeatedly make this claim ad nauseum, in the hopes that the casual observer will 'believe' that you are being separated from some right or another, when in truth, you have the same rights as everyone else and are in NO WAY being prevented from exercising any right.

You're a person is who animated by what is known as E V I L . The antithetical force in nature which serves chaos, calamity and catastrophe and does so through the invalid reasoning, OKA: Relativism, the foundational species of reasoning of Collectivism.

We can be sure that with the rise of your cult, our civilization is in it death throes and is on the precipice of a re-start, not at all unlike the revolution through which it was born.

We can rest assured that this restart will result in the demise of your cult, along with all forms of collectivism, as such us unsustainable and nature's tendency is to promote viability.

Pretty cool, huh?
Ya see Scamp... abusing judicial authority doesn't make something right.
And that is why your logic keeps failing you. You keep assuming that the Law is about "Right and Wrong". It isn't. Civil, Secular Law is simply about legal, and illegal. Right and wrong do not enter in. This is because right and wrong is a personal matter, and cannot be legislated - at least not without depriving people of their individual liberty of self-determination.

The only legitimate purpose for law is to serve justice.
No, it's not. The purpose for law is to protect me from you. We have already been through that. All of the rest is justification for depriving me of my right to self-determination in the name of your sense of "morality".

The Law doesn't protect anyone from anything... . The law serves purely to the pursuit of justice.
Bullshit. "Justice" is nothing more than a philosophical ideal to justify moralistic posturing, and codification of moral codes

No one is attempting to deprive you of any right. You've been repeatedly asked to site, in SPECIFIC TERMS, what rights you feel you are being prevented from exercising and you have continuously failed to state such.
Actually I have answered the question repeatedly. The right of self-determination (choice). You insist that homosexuals "can marry". However, marriage isn't just about being with someone; it is about being with the person of your choice. That is the right that you deprive homosexuals, all in the name of your outrage over the Gays taking advantage of a civil contract that you, and the other moralists have conflated with a religious rite.
Because it is their damn duty as a public servant...lawyers defend losing cases all the time........All AGs that pulled that stunt........including the US AG should have been fired and disbarred.

Be that as it may, these AGs decided that these cases couldn't not be won and used their prosecutorial discretion to not defend them anymore. The law was still in effect but the AG decided defending it was foolish.
NO what they decided is they didnt agree with the law.........regardless, either way they shouldv'e had the integrity to step down.
So, you wanted them spending tax money defending the undefendable?
It wasn't "undefendable". Until an issue such as this makes it all the way to the supreme court it is unresolved...........
What it was, was him putting his personal opinion ahead of his duty.............
What the magistrate in the OP did was no different.

This is what the Arizona Attorney General had to say about it...
Lawyers live under a rule called Rule 11, which provides that it is unethical for a lawyer to file a pleading for purposes of delay rather than to achieve a result.

The probability of persuading the 9th circuit to reverse today’s decision is zero. The probability of the United States Supreme Court accepting review of the 9th circuit decision is also zero.

Therefore, the only purpose to be served by filing another appeal would be to waste the taxpayer’s money. That is not a good conservative principle.

Im not sure of what happened there. he talks of a second appeal??? But guessing it still boils down to its his own view......so hes shirking his duty.

I SO adore the sweeter Ironies...

The only irony here is (blah blah feckless drivel... yadda yadda)

LOL! Tisk tisk... It's such a buzz kill to have to explain the more intellectual acute parts. But oh well... such is the ever-present hazard of engaging progressives in conversation: (The Irony is in your lament of people who claim what they say is true because they say so, while in the process of implying that what you're saying is true, because... Wait for it! THIS IS THE IRONIC PART: you say so.)
Ah, but that's just it, this Gay marriage is not a "thing' because we say so. Gay marriage is legally recognized because the Courts say so. And, between you, and the courts, guess which one has more authority to determine the legal reality of our society. Here's a hint, it's not you. So, in your own little bubble, you can insist that Gay Marriage doesn't exist all you like. However, while you are doing so, more, and more gay couples are engaging in that social contract that you keep insisting doesn't exist.

You are right, irony is sweet.

Actually we have both the courts saying that same gender couples have the same marriage rights as heterosexual couples- and we also have 12 states that have recognized those rights either through direct vote, or through legislative action.

Marriage is a fact- and in more and more states, and more and more countries- it encompasses same gender couples.
Ya see Scamp... abusing judicial authority doesn't make something right.
And that is why your logic keeps failing you. You keep assuming that the Law is about "Right and Wrong". It isn't. Civil, Secular Law is simply about legal, and illegal. Right and wrong do not enter in. This is because right and wrong is a personal matter, and cannot be legislated - at least not without depriving people of their individual liberty of self-determination.

The only legitimate purpose for law is to serve justice.
No, it's not. The purpose for law is to protect me from you. We have already been through that. All of the rest is justification for depriving me of my right to self-determination in the name of your sense of "morality".

The Law doesn't protect anyone from anything... .

That is exactly what the Bill of Rights- and all such similar laws are for- to protect persons from government, from the tyranny of the majority.

Marriage is recognized as a Right in the United States- which means that you- and I- have a Right to marry- and that right can only be denied if the State can establish a compelling reason to deny that right. And that includes the right to marry the person we want to marry- whether that person happens to be of another race, or of the same gender.
We, the Americans, have tolerated the whimsy of the sexual abnormal. And with the Left having hand delivered EBOLA we can readily see that that was a mistake. .

LOL....so you are upset that Americans can have sex in ways you personally disapprove of- and you think that the "Left" is responsible for Ebola....

Okay now I realize a little bit more the intellect we are dealing with.

I SO adore the sweeter Ironies...

The only irony here is (blah blah feckless drivel... yadda yadda)

LOL! Tisk tisk... It's such a buzz kill to have to explain the more intellectual acute parts. But oh well... such is the ever-present hazard of engaging progressives in conversation: (The Irony is in your lament of people who claim what they say is true because they say so, while in the process of implying that what you're saying is true, because... Wait for it! THIS IS THE IRONIC PART: you say so.)
Ah, but that's just it, this Gay marriage is not a "thing' because we say so. Gay marriage is legally recognized because the Courts say so. And, between you, and the courts, guess which one has more authority to determine the legal reality of our society. Here's a hint, it's not you. So, in your own little bubble, you can insist that Gay Marriage doesn't exist all you like. However, while you are doing so, more, and more gay couples are engaging in that social contract that you keep insisting doesn't exist.

You are right, irony is sweet.

Gay Marriage IS a thing. Assuming of course that a fraudulence is a thing... and it is. That it's a judicially fabricated fraud, doesn't change that.

4 States- the number of states that voters have approved recognizing marriage equality for same gender couples.
7- the number of states and District of Columbia that have recognized marriage equality for same gender couples.

No 'judicially fabricated fraud'- that is just the whiny claim by those who are upset that discrimination is ending.

I SO adore the sweeter Ironies...

The only irony here is (blah blah feckless drivel... yadda yadda)

LOL! Tisk tisk... It's such a buzz kill to have to explain the more intellectual acute parts. But oh well... such is the ever-present hazard of engaging progressives in conversation: (The Irony is in your lament of people who claim what they say is true because they say so, while in the process of implying that what you're saying is true, because... Wait for it! THIS IS THE IRONIC PART: you say so.)
Ah, but that's just it, this Gay marriage is not a "thing' because we say so. Gay marriage is legally recognized because the Courts say so. And, between you, and the courts, guess which one has more authority to determine the legal reality of our society. Here's a hint, it's not you. So, in your own little bubble, you can insist that Gay Marriage doesn't exist all you like. However, while you are doing so, more, and more gay couples are engaging in that social contract that you keep insisting doesn't exist.

You are right, irony is sweet.

Gay Marriage IS a thing. Assuming of course that a fraudulence is a thing... and it is. That it's a judicially fabricated fraud, doesn't change that.

4 States- the number of states that voters have approved recognizing marriage equality for same gender couples.
7- the number of states and District of Columbia that have recognized marriage equality for same gender couples.

No 'judicially fabricated fraud'- that is just the whiny claim by those who are upset that discrimination is ending.

ZERO- the number of children ever produced by same gender coupling.

ALL- the number of human beings produced by opposite gender couplings.

Incredible I know
The court was wrong; their reasoning was vacuous, their ruling specious and as is always the case in such decisions, the ramifications of such are going to be catastrophic..

Of course since the courts disagree with you- since the courts didn't find that Government should be deciding what kind of sex you are allowed to have- you think that the courts are wrong.

God save us from you and the Bedroom police.

LOL! I suppose I'll never get my fill of watching the Left chronically throw their sexual needs into the face of the culture, while simultaneously crying that their sexual behavior is a VERY PERSONAL, PRIVATE MATTER.

Here's a clue scamp: The Right to Privacy is sustained ONLY through the responsibility to keep that which you feel is private: PRIVATE! Otherwise, you forfeit your right to privacy.

Its sorta like how where you claim a right to your life, you CAN'T take the lives of others (without a sound moral justification0 without forfeiting your own right to your own life.

See how that works?

They seem more than happy to put their noses in hetros bedrooms when they speak of some hetros inability to procreate.

Curious aye?

I wonder who that is you speak of.

Certainly not anyone who is for the privacy of adults to be free from the Government Sex Police telling them how they can- or cannot have sex.

I don't care how anyone gets off

Only one of those ways can, and often does creates a child

Doing so is not without considerable risk.

And is far far different then the others

Well for someone who doesn't care- you keep bringing it up.

Do you think that Government should be telling you what kind of sex you can have in the privacy of your bedroom?
Do you believe that Government should limit sex to sex which is intended to create babies?
The only irony here is (blah blah feckless drivel... yadda yadda)

LOL! Tisk tisk... It's such a buzz kill to have to explain the more intellectual acute parts. But oh well... such is the ever-present hazard of engaging progressives in conversation: (The Irony is in your lament of people who claim what they say is true because they say so, while in the process of implying that what you're saying is true, because... Wait for it! THIS IS THE IRONIC PART: you say so.)
Ah, but that's just it, this Gay marriage is not a "thing' because we say so. Gay marriage is legally recognized because the Courts say so. And, between you, and the courts, guess which one has more authority to determine the legal reality of our society. Here's a hint, it's not you. So, in your own little bubble, you can insist that Gay Marriage doesn't exist all you like. However, while you are doing so, more, and more gay couples are engaging in that social contract that you keep insisting doesn't exist.

You are right, irony is sweet.

Gay Marriage IS a thing. Assuming of course that a fraudulence is a thing... and it is. That it's a judicially fabricated fraud, doesn't change that.

4 States- the number of states that voters have approved recognizing marriage equality for same gender couples.
7- the number of states and District of Columbia that have recognized marriage equality for same gender couples.

No 'judicially fabricated fraud'- that is just the whiny claim by those who are upset that discrimination is ending.

ZERO- the number of children ever produced by same gender coupling.

ALL- the number of human beings produced by opposite gender couplings.

Incredible I know

Which is exactly the same number produced by infertile and elderly couples. A bigot only wants to keep the gays from civil marriage and not infertile or childless by choice couples.
It is exceedingly difficult to disagree with you given the LGBT cult icon Harvey Milk and his sodomizing his adopted minor ward and many other "young waifs with substance abuse problems"...0% of any LGBT person denouncing that. And the same with lewd acts performed on purpose in gay pride parades where children invited to watch and attend.

Anyone supporting/not denouncing either of those two revealing governing LGBT tenets belongs on a sex-offenders' registry.

Indeed... Homosexuality is spread best by the imprinting of homosexual activity upon children. !

Of course there is no evidence that is actually happening. If it were true- where did the first homosexual come from? Do you believe that God created some homosexual Adam to start imprinting homosexuality on children?

In reality scientific authorities are not certain how someone ends being attracted to the same gender.

One of the most intriguing and newest theories has to do with Epigenetics:

For an evolutionary biologist, homosexuality is something of a puzzle. It’s a common trait, found inup to 10% of the population. It appears to be run in families, suggesting that it is hereditary, at least in part. And yet it defies the very reason why traits are passed on from generation to generation. How could something that hinders childbearing be passed down so frequently from parents to children?

Researchers at the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) think they may have an answer. It’s not in written in our DNA sequence itself, they suggest, which explains why scientists have failed so far to find “gay genes,” despite intensive investigations. Instead, it’s written in how our genes are expressed: that is, in certain modifications to how and when DNA is activated. These changes can have environmental roots, so are not normally permanent enough to be passed from parent to child. But occasionally, they are.

“It’s not genetics. It’s not DNA. It’s not pieces of DNA. It’s epigenetics,” says Sergey Gavrilets, a NIMBioS researcher and an author on the paper that outlines the new theory of homosexuality, published in The Quarterly Review of Biology. “The hypothesis we put forward is based on epigenetic marks,” he says.

To be specific, the new theory suggests that homosexuality is caused by epigenetic marks, or “epi-marks,” related to sensitivity to hormones in the womb. These are compounds that sit on DNA and regulate how active, or inactive certain genes are, and also control when during development these genes are most prolific.

But I am sure you won't let science get in the way of arguing that homosexuals should be discriminated against.

Homosexuality is found in the greatest numbers, in pockets of the culture which are experiencing major stress..

Or we could go with science.

One of the most intriguing and newest theories has to do with Epigenetics:

For an evolutionary biologist, homosexuality is something of a puzzle. It’s a common trait, found inup to 10% of the population. It appears to be run in families, suggesting that it is hereditary, at least in part. And yet it defies the very reason why traits are passed on from generation to generation. How could something that hinders childbearing be passed down so frequently from parents to children?

Researchers at the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) think they may have an answer. It’s not in written in our DNA sequence itself, they suggest, which explains why scientists have failed so far to find “gay genes,” despite intensive investigations. Instead, it’s written in how our genes are expressed: that is, in certain modifications to how and when DNA is activated. These changes can have environmental roots, so are not normally permanent enough to be passed from parent to child. But occasionally, they are.

“It’s not genetics. It’s not DNA. It’s not pieces of DNA. It’s epigenetics,” says Sergey Gavrilets, a NIMBioS researcher and an author on the paper that outlines the new theory of homosexuality, published in The Quarterly Review of Biology. “The hypothesis we put forward is based on epigenetic marks,” he says.

To be specific, the new theory suggests that homosexuality is caused by epigenetic marks, or “epi-marks,” related to sensitivity to hormones in the womb. These are compounds that sit on DNA and regulate how active, or inactive certain genes are, and also control when during development these genes are most prolific.
But I am sure you won't let science get in the way of arguing that homosexuals should be discriminated against.

LOL! You're conflating science with the politically correct farce which advances subjective deceit, as a fraudulent means to influence the ignorant, OKA: SCIENCE...

Homosexuality is found in the greatest numbers, in pockets of the culture which are experiencing major stress... producing greater levels of competition for sexual partners, weeding out the weakest candidates who are predisposed to 'taking the easy way out'.

In the book, "The Population Bomb" the study shows that instances of homosexuality explode, just prior to the mass-insanity which engulfs the previously stable and content study group. Prior to the explosion in homosexuality came a collective sense of entitlement... where instances of theft and hoarding became prevalent in a fair percentage of the population.

The explosion of mayhem was manifested in the unbridled attack which consistently began by the leader of the theft cult upon a member of the stable group, which resulted in a simultaneous mass-response, by the stable group upon members of the theft and homo cults. And such continued, test after objective test... until the thieves and homos were eradicated, entirely, returning the study groups to a point assuring viability.

We can take from this that there exist within the mammalian DNA, some sort of warning system... of which the homosexual and the lowly socialist are part, acting as a harbinger of sorts; like a canary in a mine-shaft.

Therefore, it becomes obvious to all but the most pathetically addled that to NORMALIZE THE HARBINGER IS TANTAMOUNT TO CULTURAL SUICIDE!

"Hey George, did ya see Harry's dead Canary? Fred, Tom, Bill and I are bringing our own dead canaries in tomorrow, you should bring one too!"

(The Homosexual cultist should understand that the Canary is dead, because of the levels of toxic gas in the mine have risen to lethal volumes, thus ignoring the signs of such can only lead to the likelihood that the miners chance to avoid certain death slipped by them because they were distracted by the popular new trend of carrying dead canaries to work... If this still puzzles you, suffice it to say: THAT IS BAD!)

Meanwhile actual science....

For an evolutionary biologist, homosexuality is something of a puzzle. It’s a common trait, found inup to 10% of the population. It appears to be run in families, suggesting that it is hereditary, at least in part. And yet it defies the very reason why traits are passed on from generation to generation. How could something that hinders childbearing be passed down so frequently from parents to children?

Researchers at the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) think they may have an answer. It’s not in written in our DNA sequence itself, they suggest, which explains why scientists have failed so far to find “gay genes,” despite intensive investigations. Instead, it’s written in how our genes are expressed: that is, in certain modifications to how and when DNA is activated. These changes can have environmental roots, so are not normally permanent enough to be passed from parent to child. But occasionally, they are.

“It’s not genetics. It’s not DNA. It’s not pieces of DNA. It’s epigenetics,” says Sergey Gavrilets, a NIMBioS researcher and an author on the paper that outlines the new theory of homosexuality, published in The Quarterly Review of Biology. “The hypothesis we put forward is based on epigenetic marks,” he says.

To be specific, the new theory suggests that homosexuality is caused by epigenetic marks, or “epi-marks,” related to sensitivity to hormones in the womb. These are compounds that sit on DNA and regulate how active, or inactive certain genes are, and also control when during development these genes are most prolific.
But I am sure you won't let science get in the way of arguing that homosexuals should be discriminated against
That is exactly what the Bill of Rights- and all such similar laws are for- to protect persons from government, from the tyranny of the majority.

Marriage is recognized as a Right in the United States- which means that you- and I- have a Right to marry- and that right can only be denied if the State can establish a compelling reason to deny that right. And that includes the right to marry the person we want to marry- whether that person happens to be of another race, or of the same gender.

The Bill of Rights recognizes God-given rights and limits the power of government from usurping the means of individuals to exercise their rights.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman... your failure to find a person of the distinct gender to join with as a means to qualify, is your problem. You do not have a right to alter critical cultural standards, as a means to find the legitimacy from which your behavior otherwise excludes.

If you want the legitimacy intrinsic to marriage, the only way to get it is to meet the standards which provide for legitimacy.

See how that works?

The key here, is that there is no potential for a right, wherein the exercise of such usurps the means of others to exercise their rights.

By demanding that Marriage is meaningless and that such is so meaningless that the perverse cult of the sexually abnormal should be included in such, despite their existence representing antipathy of everything marriage represents, you preclude the means of others govern themselves by excluding perversion and deviancy from their institutions.

In short, your position axiomatically excludes the society from setting any standard relevant to one's behavior, which cripples the means of the culture to remain viable.

As such you set yourself and your cult as being a direct threat to the means of each individual in the culture to pursue the fulfillment of their lives... because you feel that your subjective needs trump their means to do so.

What you and your cult ARE: is a sign of impending catastrophe. And normalizing a harbinger, can NEVER produce anything remotely akin to 'GOOD', thus our means to know to an absolute certainty, that what you represent is little more than EVIL.

Now... spend a moment and explain to the board, the right of evil to reap catastrophe upon the innocent. I know I would love to hear it, I expect others would, as well.
Last edited:
Indeed... Homosexuality is spread best by the imprinting of homosexual activity upon children. !

Of course there is no evidence that is actually happening. If it were true- where did the first homosexual come from? Do you believe that God created some homosexual Adam to start imprinting homosexuality on children?

In reality scientific authorities are not certain how someone ends being attracted to the same gender.

One of the most intriguing and newest theories has to do with Epigenetics:

For an evolutionary biologist, homosexuality is something of a puzzle. It’s a common trait, found inup to 10% of the population. It appears to be run in families, suggesting that it is hereditary, at least in part. And yet it defies the very reason why traits are passed on from generation to generation. How could something that hinders childbearing be passed down so frequently from parents to children?

Researchers at the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) think they may have an answer. It’s not in written in our DNA sequence itself, they suggest, which explains why scientists have failed so far to find “gay genes,” despite intensive investigations. Instead, it’s written in how our genes are expressed: that is, in certain modifications to how and when DNA is activated. These changes can have environmental roots, so are not normally permanent enough to be passed from parent to child. But occasionally, they are.

“It’s not genetics. It’s not DNA. It’s not pieces of DNA. It’s epigenetics,” says Sergey Gavrilets, a NIMBioS researcher and an author on the paper that outlines the new theory of homosexuality, published in The Quarterly Review of Biology. “The hypothesis we put forward is based on epigenetic marks,” he says.

To be specific, the new theory suggests that homosexuality is caused by epigenetic marks, or “epi-marks,” related to sensitivity to hormones in the womb. These are compounds that sit on DNA and regulate how active, or inactive certain genes are, and also control when during development these genes are most prolific.

But I am sure you won't let science get in the way of arguing that homosexuals should be discriminated against.

Homosexuality is found in the greatest numbers, in pockets of the culture which are experiencing major stress..

Or we could go with science.

One of the most intriguing and newest theories has to do with Epigenetics:

For an evolutionary biologist, homosexuality is something of a puzzle. It’s a common trait, found inup to 10% of the population. It appears to be run in families, suggesting that it is hereditary, at least in part. And yet it defies the very reason why traits are passed on from generation to generation. How could something that hinders childbearing be passed down so frequently from parents to children?

Researchers at the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) think they may have an answer. It’s not in written in our DNA sequence itself, they suggest, which explains why scientists have failed so far to find “gay genes,” despite intensive investigations. Instead, it’s written in how our genes are expressed: that is, in certain modifications to how and when DNA is activated. These changes can have environmental roots, so are not normally permanent enough to be passed from parent to child. But occasionally, they are.

“It’s not genetics. It’s not DNA. It’s not pieces of DNA. It’s epigenetics,” says Sergey Gavrilets, a NIMBioS researcher and an author on the paper that outlines the new theory of homosexuality, published in The Quarterly Review of Biology. “The hypothesis we put forward is based on epigenetic marks,” he says.

To be specific, the new theory suggests that homosexuality is caused by epigenetic marks, or “epi-marks,” related to sensitivity to hormones in the womb. These are compounds that sit on DNA and regulate how active, or inactive certain genes are, and also control when during development these genes are most prolific.
But I am sure you won't let science get in the way of arguing that homosexuals should be discriminated against.

LOL! You're conflating science with the politically correct farce which advances subjective deceit, as a fraudulent means to influence the ignorant, OKA: SCIENCE...

Homosexuality is found in the greatest numbers, in pockets of the culture which are experiencing major stress... producing greater levels of competition for sexual partners, weeding out the weakest candidates who are predisposed to 'taking the easy way out'.

In the book, "The Population Bomb" the study shows that instances of homosexuality explode, just prior to the mass-insanity which engulfs the previously stable and content study group. Prior to the explosion in homosexuality came a collective sense of entitlement... where instances of theft and hoarding became prevalent in a fair percentage of the population.

The explosion of mayhem was manifested in the unbridled attack which consistently began by the leader of the theft cult upon a member of the stable group, which resulted in a simultaneous mass-response, by the stable group upon members of the theft and homo cults. And such continued, test after objective test... until the thieves and homos were eradicated, entirely, returning the study groups to a point assuring viability.

We can take from this that there exist within the mammalian DNA, some sort of warning system... of which the homosexual and the lowly socialist are part, acting as a harbinger of sorts; like a canary in a mine-shaft.

Therefore, it becomes obvious to all but the most pathetically addled that to NORMALIZE THE HARBINGER IS TANTAMOUNT TO CULTURAL SUICIDE!

"Hey George, did ya see Harry's dead Canary? Fred, Tom, Bill and I are bringing our own dead canaries in tomorrow, you should bring one too!"

(The Homosexual cultist should understand that the Canary is dead, because of the levels of toxic gas in the mine have risen to lethal volumes, thus ignoring the signs of such can only lead to the likelihood that the miners chance to avoid certain death slipped by them because they were distracted by the popular new trend of carrying dead canaries to work... If this still puzzles you, suffice it to say: THAT IS BAD!)

Meanwhile actual science....

For an evolutionary biologist, homosexuality is something of a puzzle. It’s a common trait, found inup to 10% of the population. It appears to be run in families, suggesting that it is hereditary, at least in part. And yet it defies the very reason why traits are passed on from generation to generation. How could something that hinders childbearing be passed down so frequently from parents to children?

Researchers at the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) think they may have an answer. It’s not in written in our DNA sequence itself, they suggest, which explains why scientists have failed so far to find “gay genes,” despite intensive investigations. Instead, it’s written in how our genes are expressed: that is, in certain modifications to how and when DNA is activated. These changes can have environmental roots, so are not normally permanent enough to be passed from parent to child. But occasionally, they are.

“It’s not genetics. It’s not DNA. It’s not pieces of DNA. It’s epigenetics,” says Sergey Gavrilets, a NIMBioS researcher and an author on the paper that outlines the new theory of homosexuality, published in The Quarterly Review of Biology. “The hypothesis we put forward is based on epigenetic marks,” he says.

To be specific, the new theory suggests that homosexuality is caused by epigenetic marks, or “epi-marks,” related to sensitivity to hormones in the womb. These are compounds that sit on DNA and regulate how active, or inactive certain genes are, and also control when during development these genes are most prolific.
But I am sure you won't let science get in the way of arguing that homosexuals should be discriminated against

LOL! You're conflating science with the politically correct farce which advances subjective deceit, as a fraudulent means to influence the ignorant, OKA: SCIENCE...

Homosexuality is found in the greatest numbers, in pockets of the culture which are experiencing major stress... producing greater levels of competition for sexual partners, weeding out the weakest candidates who are predisposed to 'taking the easy way out'.

In the book, "The Population Bomb" the study shows that instances of homosexuality explode, just prior to the mass-insanity which engulfs the previously stable and content study group. Prior to the explosion in homosexuality came a collective sense of entitlement... where instances of theft and hoarding became prevalent in a fair percentage of the population.

The explosion of mayhem was manifested in the unbridled attack which consistently began by the leader of the theft cult upon a member of the stable group, which resulted in a simultaneous mass-response, by the stable group upon members of the theft and homo cults. And such continued, test after objective test... until the thieves and homos were eradicated, entirely, returning the study groups to a point assuring viability.

We can take from this that there exist within the mammalian DNA, some sort of warning system... of which the homosexual and the lowly socialist are part, acting as a harbinger of sorts; like a canary in a mine-shaft.

Therefore, it becomes obvious to all but the most pathetically addled that to NORMALIZE THE HARBINGER IS TANTAMOUNT TO CULTURAL SUICIDE!

"Hey George, did ya see Harry's dead Canary? Fred, Tom, Bill and I are bringing our own dead canaries in tomorrow, you should bring one too!"

(The Homosexual cultist should understand that the Canary is dead, because of the levels of toxic gas in the mine have risen to lethal volumes, thus ignoring the signs of such can only lead to the likelihood that the miners chance to avoid certain death slipped by them because they were distracted by the popular new trend of carrying dead canaries to work... If this still puzzles you, suffice it to say: THAT IS BAD!)[/QUOTE]
This just in...

Aids didn't do it... so Nature is sending EBOLA in to finish off those who've Acquired Immuno-Deficiency.

Science believes: IT CAN'T LOSE!
When a baker must bake that wedding cake, a photographer forced to attend a gay wedding, they are forced to participate.

Gay rights are here to stay, the same way they were here to stay in Mesopotamia, Greece, Egypt and Rome. Gay rights stayed until they didn't stay any more.
Odd that the vendors are assumed to 'participate' in the wedding. The money they earn is from baking, delivering and setting up a wedding cake. Photographers are hired to document the event, but they are not required to wrap up a toaster oven in silver paper for the happy couple.
The only irony here is (blah blah feckless drivel... yadda yadda)

LOL! Tisk tisk... It's such a buzz kill to have to explain the more intellectual acute parts. But oh well... such is the ever-present hazard of engaging progressives in conversation: (The Irony is in your lament of people who claim what they say is true because they say so, while in the process of implying that what you're saying is true, because... Wait for it! THIS IS THE IRONIC PART: you say so.)
Ah, but that's just it, this Gay marriage is not a "thing' because we say so. Gay marriage is legally recognized because the Courts say so. And, between you, and the courts, guess which one has more authority to determine the legal reality of our society. Here's a hint, it's not you. So, in your own little bubble, you can insist that Gay Marriage doesn't exist all you like. However, while you are doing so, more, and more gay couples are engaging in that social contract that you keep insisting doesn't exist.

You are right, irony is sweet.

Gay Marriage IS a thing. Assuming of course that a fraudulence is a thing... and it is. That it's a judicially fabricated fraud, doesn't change that.

4 States- the number of states that voters have approved recognizing marriage equality for same gender couples.
7- the number of states and District of Columbia that have recognized marriage equality for same gender couples.

No 'judicially fabricated fraud'- that is just the whiny claim by those who are upset that discrimination is ending.

ZERO- the number of children ever produced by same gender coupling.

ALL- the number of human beings produced by opposite gender couplings.

Incredible I know
What does that have to do with the topic of homosexual marriage?

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