Holy toledo CNN caught lying again!Fake news about G20 summit location


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
These people are unreal. They're actually outdoing the Pathological Liar. I've been saying that the media should start off every fairy tale broadcast with "Once upon a time..." BUT now I'm thinking they can give some new lie about Trump and go "yeah, yeah....that's the ticket!".


And left wing loons the article in question although at Brietbart is based on information from the Federalist and the AP so don't have a freak out. Here's the new lie.

CNN Reports Fake Anti-Trump News About G20 Summit Location

From the article.

Nic Roberston, CNN’s international diplomatic editor, falsely told viewers on Wednesday that the chosen site of the upcoming G20 Summit was made to “humiliate” President Donald Trump.
Roberston said German Chancellor Angela Merkel was motivated by her dislike of Trump to pick Hamburg so protestors would have more access to the president.

“Quite simply, Angela Merkel has chosen to hold this summit in an environment, in a location that can be surrounded by protestors,” Robertson said.

“The essence of the idea here is, not forgetting that Angela Merkel is in a reelection campaign this year, the protesters will be able to get close so that, in part, President Trump can hear the voices of dissent here in Germany, here in Europe,” Robertson said.

But as The Federalist pointed out, the Associated Press reported that Hamburg would be the venue for the summit a year ago when polls and the liberal media were predicting that Hillary Clinton would handily defeat Trump in the presidential election.

“The German government says it will host a summit of the Group of 20 major world economic powers in Hamburg on July 7 and 8 next year,” AP reported.

“The government said Friday that the meeting will likely be held at the northern port city’s congress center,” AP reported. “The venue contrasts with the remote hotel in the Bavarian Alps where Germany hosted last year’s Group of Seven summit, but the government says it ‘fulfills all the logistical and security demands.’”

The Federalist also cited Robertson’s remarks about the protesters supporting Merkel’s globalist views when, in fact, the anarchists who regularly protest the international economic and finance event are anti-globalism and anti-capitalist.

....yeah yeah that's the ticket...

More at link:

CNN Reports Fake Anti-Trump News About G20 Summit Location - Breitbart
It's not just that they're pathological about destroying Trump in every way possible, they're acting like they're some of the most ignorant talking heads in the business. Stuff like this would not be tolerated in a credible news source.
These people are unreal. They're actually outdoing the Pathological Liar. I've been saying that the media should start off every fairy tale broadcast with "Once upon a time..." BUT now I'm thinking they can give some new lie about Trump and go "yeah, yeah....that's the ticket!".


And left wing loons the article in question although at Brietbart is based on information from the Federalist and the AP so don't have a freak out. Here's the new lie.

CNN Reports Fake Anti-Trump News About G20 Summit Location

From the article.

Nic Roberston, CNN’s international diplomatic editor, falsely told viewers on Wednesday that the chosen site of the upcoming G20 Summit was made to “humiliate” President Donald Trump.
Roberston said German Chancellor Angela Merkel was motivated by her dislike of Trump to pick Hamburg so protestors would have more access to the president.

“Quite simply, Angela Merkel has chosen to hold this summit in an environment, in a location that can be surrounded by protestors,” Robertson said.

“The essence of the idea here is, not forgetting that Angela Merkel is in a reelection campaign this year, the protesters will be able to get close so that, in part, President Trump can hear the voices of dissent here in Germany, here in Europe,” Robertson said.

But as The Federalist pointed out, the Associated Press reported that Hamburg would be the venue for the summit a year ago when polls and the liberal media were predicting that Hillary Clinton would handily defeat Trump in the presidential election.

“The German government says it will host a summit of the Group of 20 major world economic powers in Hamburg on July 7 and 8 next year,” AP reported.

“The government said Friday that the meeting will likely be held at the northern port city’s congress center,” AP reported. “The venue contrasts with the remote hotel in the Bavarian Alps where Germany hosted last year’s Group of Seven summit, but the government says it ‘fulfills all the logistical and security demands.’”

The Federalist also cited Robertson’s remarks about the protesters supporting Merkel’s globalist views when, in fact, the anarchists who regularly protest the international economic and finance event are anti-globalism and anti-capitalist.

....yeah yeah that's the ticket...

More at link:

CNN Reports Fake Anti-Trump News About G20 Summit Location - Breitbart
Can we see the full quote of Robertson's statement that includes the word "humiliate?" (Or did Breitbart intend the quotation marks as so-called "scare quotes?") The only directly quoted passages from Robertson are these:
  • “The essence of the idea here is, not forgetting that Angela Merkel is in a reelection campaign this year, the protesters will be able to get close so that, in part, President Trump can hear the voices of dissent here in Germany, here in Europe.”
    • If Clinton were the POTUS, the location would be the same and Robertson would have said "President Clinton." Did it escape you that the same observation would have to apply no matter who is the POTUS? It clearly escaped you (presumably Breitbart's editors too) that for Merkel, the presence of protesters is useful to her regardless of who the POTUS be? The location and its accessibility to the masses affords her the opportunity to, in a general sense, to "take the temperature" of her citizenry, who though not the only people protesting, will comprise the bulk of the protesters. She knew damn well that she'd face an election in the fall, so why would she pass up an opportunity to gather information of that nature whereby she and and her political strategists can glean a lot without Merkel or her German political opponents being the center of attention?

      Even though Trump's sycophants and fawning fans think so, even though Trump wants it to be so, not everything is always about him personally. It's not even about the U.S. A lot of heads of state have their own domestic reasons, reasons that have nothing to do with who be the U.S. POTUS, for doing and saying as they do. Savvy political strategists and politicians don't willfully squander opportunities great or small. Merkel is on her home turf. If one for a minute thinks she wasn't going to use the G20 as an opportunity, one is just politically ignorant, verging on stupid.
    • Though Robertson didn't use these words explicitly, I construed his introductory clause as being the equivalent of saying, "the substance I'm getting at here is." I did because the program during which he made the comment is pure political opinion and commentary. As always, context is everything.
  • "Angela Merkel was quoted in a popular weekly political paper here saying that ‘The United States sees globalization differently to how we do. We see a win win situation,’ she said. ‘The United States see winners and losers where only some profit in globalization.'"

    "So the stakes have been set pretty high there and the people of Germany and others will be able to give voice and vent their frustrations and feelings that perhaps the German chancellor is too polite to say in the terms that they will."
    • (See my above comments regarding political strategy.)
  • “Quite simply, Angela Merkel has chosen to hold this summit in an environment, in a location that can be surrounded by protestors.”
    • This is factually true.
      • Hamburg is vastly more accessible to protestors than is a "remote hotel in the Bavarian Alps."
      • Merkel did choose Hamburg, which by the way is where she was born, as the location for the G20 summit her country is hosting.
What exactly did Robertson say? On what program was it during which he made the remark? Inside Politics, CNN's full-on daily news commentary and editorial program.

Despite the existence of Robertson's remark on Youtube, Breitbart didn't bother to provide it so its readers could decide for themselves what Roberson said and what his tone and context were. Hmmm.....What would "The Church Lady" say about that omission?


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