Hollywood, Stop Making Violent Movies


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
I'm a bit tired of hearing the left whining about gun violence and then discovering that yet another violent movie has been released like "Gangster Squad" and "Django" or "Chainsaw Massacre".

There is plenty of other subject matter out there you can make movies about other than gun violence or mass-murder. Change starts from within Hollywood.

One of the reasons America is such a violent society is because Hollywood spends so much time glorying gun-wielding assholes. Maybe being a good upstanding member of a society should be stressed a bit more in movies.
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I don't think we can ban violence in movies but we need to relook our ratings system

A nipple gets you an R
While blowing shit up and shooting into a crowd is PG-13
I don't think we can ban violence in movies but we need to relook our ratings system

A nipple gets you an R
While blowing shit up and shooting into a crowd is PG-13

Hollywood will quit making violent movies when Americans quit supporting them. Hollywood is about money, not art.
I don't think we can ban violence in movies but we need to relook our ratings system

A nipple gets you an R
While blowing shit up and shooting into a crowd is PG-13

Hollywood will quit making violent movies when Americans quit supporting them. Hollywood is about money, not art.

I don't agree.

Hollywood can make a story about a game show seem interesting. Reality programming proves utter nonsense can sell if it's all that's available.

The fact is making good movies is difficult so sex and violence can cover up serious flaws in plot and scriptwriting. Plus the fact that Hollywood dwells on negativity rather than something that uplifts the soul. When they focus on what is good in life or in strong values it cleans up at the boxoffice.

I think Hollywood has a bad attitude and they want us all to be a part of their negativity.
Hollywood makes non violent movies all the time! They just don't make any money because no one goes to see them.
I don't think we can ban violence in movies but we need to relook our ratings system

A nipple gets you an R
While blowing shit up and shooting into a crowd is PG-13

Hollywood will quit making violent movies when Americans quit supporting them. Hollywood is about money, not art.

I don't agree.

Hollywood can make a story about a game show seem interesting. Reality programming proves utter nonsense can sell if it's all that's available.

The fact is making good movies is difficult so sex and violence can cover up serious flaws in plot and scriptwriting. Plus the fact that Hollywood dwells on negativity rather than something that uplifts the soul. When they focus on what is good in life or in strong values it cleans up at the boxoffice.

I think Hollywood has a bad attitude and they want us all to be a part of their negativity.

Hollywood makes what sells and what they can make cheap. This is why they make so many sequels, they can be made a lot cheaper than buying an original script.
Hollywood makes non violent movies all the time! They just don't make any money because no one goes to see them.

Exactly my point, they make what sells, except for the rare exception. I worked for a film producer back in the 80s, and she had a pet project to a DH Lawrence book that she wanted to make. It became impossible to get funding for it because it was an 'art film' and no one was interested.
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Hollywood is making so many sequels because the talent is so lacking that they don't have an original thought between them.

Reality programming doesn't mean utter nonsense sells. It means that people will watch reality programming when nothing else is available. Reality programming is the cheapest sort of programming. It depends on conflict. People tune in to see who is going to be humiliated next. Who is going to inflict the most emotional pain on someone else. And in the case of some reality shows, will the stunt be dangerous enough that someone will be seriously hurt, maybe die right on the set!
Hollywood will quit making violent movies when Americans quit supporting them. Hollywood is about money, not art.

I don't agree.

Hollywood can make a story about a game show seem interesting. Reality programming proves utter nonsense can sell if it's all that's available.

The fact is making good movies is difficult so sex and violence can cover up serious flaws in plot and scriptwriting. Plus the fact that Hollywood dwells on negativity rather than something that uplifts the soul. When they focus on what is good in life or in strong values it cleans up at the boxoffice.

I think Hollywood has a bad attitude and they want us all to be a part of their negativity.

Hollywood makes what sells and what they can make cheap. This is why they make so many sequels, they can be made a lot cheaper than buying an original script.

Terminator 2 was more expensive than the original. Aliens was more expensive than the original.

The reason they make so many sequels is because you can sell an idea easier, to a producer, that already sold big at the box office.
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I don't think we can ban violence in movies but we need to relook our ratings system

A nipple gets you an R
While blowing shit up and shooting into a crowd is PG-13

Hollywood will quit making violent movies when Americans quit supporting them. Hollywood is about money, not art.

I don't agree.

Hollywood can make a story about a game show seem interesting. Reality programming proves utter nonsense can sell if it's all that's available.

The fact is making good movies is difficult so sex and violence can cover up serious flaws in plot and scriptwriting. Plus the fact that Hollywood dwells on negativity rather than something that uplifts the soul. When they focus on what is good in life or in strong values it cleans up at the boxoffice.

I think Hollywood has a bad attitude and they want us all to be a part of their negativity.

Your dim view of pop media is well justified, but the fact is yes it is the moviegoers who enable it. If it didn't sell, it wouldn't exist, plan and simple. Lowest common denominator.

It's the same thing on TV - our local Fraction News will lead with not the story that a new park was built or that peace broke out -- our lead story is fire and riots and murder in some place you never heard of, but we have film at 11. That's the meaning of "if it bleeds, it leads". Because it sells. That's the whole reason Fox Noise has an audience: they sell fear. Hollywood's shortcoming is not that they're pushing negativity; it's that their values involve nothing but the dollar sign.

Why people buy it is a different question, but a good one. Why do we set our cultural bar so low?
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I don't care for movies myself; I have to be dragged in kicking and screaming. But if you've ever had to listen to other people watching movies in the next room you realize that the sound tracks to Hollywood films basically consist of three elements:

1 Gunshots and explosions;
2 Car chases;
3 Women screaming.

Mix and match, over and over, ad nauseum. That's why I don't do movies. Not exactly challenging.
I don't agree.

Hollywood can make a story about a game show seem interesting. Reality programming proves utter nonsense can sell if it's all that's available.

The fact is making good movies is difficult so sex and violence can cover up serious flaws in plot and scriptwriting. Plus the fact that Hollywood dwells on negativity rather than something that uplifts the soul. When they focus on what is good in life or in strong values it cleans up at the boxoffice.

I think Hollywood has a bad attitude and they want us all to be a part of their negativity.

Hollywood makes what sells and what they can make cheap. This is why they make so many sequels, they can be made a lot cheaper than buying an original script.

Terminator 2 was more expensive than the original. Aliens was more expensive than the original.

The reason they make so many sequels is because you can sell an idea easier, to a producer, that already sold big at the box office.

That was 2 of how many sequels? Trying to have a discussion with you is a major waste of time.
Hollywood makes what sells and what they can make cheap. This is why they make so many sequels, they can be made a lot cheaper than buying an original script.

Terminator 2 was more expensive than the original. Aliens was more expensive than the original.

The reason they make so many sequels is because you can sell an idea easier, to a producer, that already sold big at the box office.

That was 2 of how many sequels? Trying to have a discussion with you is a major waste of time.

I gave you two examples.

I didn't feel the need to provide more to prove my point.

And the feeling is mutual.

Well, come to think of it, I take that back, at least you're not a total dick.
I don't think we can ban violence in movies but we need to relook our ratings system

A nipple gets you an R
While blowing shit up and shooting into a crowd is PG-13

Hollywood will quit making violent movies when Americans quit supporting them. Hollywood is about money, not art.

I think it's also about politics. I haven't been to see a movie in years, nor have many of my friends. We just don't like the gratuitous sex and violence. Worse, they do it to tv shows. I've cancelled my cable.

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