hollywood elementry school gay pride protest


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013

so burning gay flags or blm flags is hate crime. but burning the american flag is not. democratic america sucks. these hate mongers are ruining are schools. Hollywood is crazy mess anyhow.
Good thread. Democrats stopped being American after they pushed this race husting BLM trans ally Biden bullshit. As far as I am concerned, if you are a liberal democrat, you are part and parcel of party that has become Benedict Arnold backstabbing Contrainan Communist Crazies pandering to China. And you should NEVER be allowed to vote or post on social media if you supported that insane anti american hate. I am so done with this.

so burning gay flags or blm flags is hate crime. but burning the american flag is not. democratic america sucks. these hate mongers are ruining are schools. Hollywood is crazy mess anyhow.
Burning flags is free speech! Come one liberals! Which is it?

so burning gay flags or blm flags is hate crime. but burning the american flag is not. democratic america sucks. these hate mongers are ruining are schools. Hollywood is crazy mess anyhow.

A gay flag represents gay people, a BLM flag represents black people, the US flag represents the power.
The first two, people were born like this, the second was a CHOICE to become a member of government.
Burning flags is free speech! Come one liberals! Which is it?

Free speech is not unlimited. Different flags represent different things.

Do you think a flag that represents people and how they're born (sexuality, skin color, gender) is the same as one that represents the power of government?
It is a high probability that it is another hoax hate crime.
Left Wingers so obsessed with victimhood that they commit hoax hate crimes.

Oh please, like the right don't play the victim ALL THE TIME.

"boo hoo, they're messing with our religion by letting gay people marry"... I mean....
Free speech is not unlimited. Different flags represent different things.

Do you think a flag that represents people and how they're born (sexuality, skin color, gender) is the same as one that represents the power of government?
Bullshit. Where does it say or who says Free speech is not unlimited?

Regarding your question, you already answered it when you said “different flags represent different things”….. to some it’s people, freedom, personal identity, pride while to others it could be oppression, terrorism, grooming, separatism.

The American Flag actually makes it possible for the BLM, Gay Pride, and many other flags to be flown here. Try flying a gay pride flag in Riyadh or a BLM flag in Japan - oh, wait, they tried that in Japan and it was banned. Lol!!!

Your position on flag burning is inconsistent at best.
Free speech is not unlimited. Different flags represent different things.

Do you think a flag that represents people and how they're born (sexuality, skin color, gender) is the same as one that represents the power of government?
The key word is “represent.” The LGBTQ+Pedo flag doesn't represent “gay” people. It represents an activist organization hellbent on disrupting traditional, American values and morals. BLM flags don't represent “black people.” It represents the hatred of white people. I can burn both flags for what they represent without harming either gays or blacks.
Bullshit. Where does it say or who says Free speech is not unlimited?

Regarding your question, you already answered it when you said “different flags represent different things”….. to some it’s people, freedom, personal identity, pride while to others it could be oppression, terrorism, grooming, separatism.

The American Flag actually makes it possible for the BLM, Gay Pride, and many other flags to be flown here. Try flying a gay pride flag in Riyadh or a BLM flag in Japan - oh, wait, they tried that in Japan and it was banned. Lol!!!

Your position on flag burning is inconsistent at best.

All rights are limited.

Where does it say this? Well, in most texts about Human Rights, I guess.

If you think it's bullshit, show me one right that is "unlimited".
Right to life? Nope, you can be executed.
Right to arms? Nope, you can't have nukes, SAMs, tanks, and you can have your right infringed upon when in prison and the like.

Ever read the US CONSTITUTION? It literally says there's a right to protest the government. Again, limited, you can't go shit on the president's face to make your protest. Nor kill the president to make your protest. However you are allowed to burn the flag as a form of political protest.

You can say "the American flag makes it possible..." but it's not the US flag, it's the Bill of Rights. The flag represents the Bill of Rights.
And yes, the Bill of Rights makes it possible to fly other flags. So what?

There's a difference between a flag that represents POWER and a flag that represents PEOPLE. People have the right to burn the flag that gives them the right to burn the flag. It's just the way it is.

Is there a right to go out and harm people? No, there is no. You can say offensive things, however there's a line, you go across that line, you're stepping into the realm of "this isn't a right anymore".
If you incite violence, say, by burning a flag representing black people and the black people go crazy and start killing people. It's the whole "shouting 'fire' in a crowded theater" thing.
My view isn't inconsistent at all. I just understand Human Rights and how they work. I've studied this. I've spoken about this for decades. You may try and pick holes, but you won't find my argument falling apart. I'll just start quoting the Supreme Court at you.
The key word is “represent.” The LGBTQ+Pedo flag doesn't represent “gay” people. It represents an activist organization hellbent on disrupting traditional, American values and morals. BLM flags don't represent “black people.” It represents the hatred of white people. I can burn both flags for what they represent without harming either gays or blacks.

Well, you can say it represents this, that or the other. You can go to court and you can make this argument.

That you're putting LGBTQ and Pedophiles into the same category when 10 out of 11 pedophiles are STRAIGHT shows just how much you actually care about arguing sensibly.

You can burn both flags. If you incite violence, you can be prosecuted for that. If you burn the US flag, you won't be prosecuted because it's protected in the US Constitution. Political speech is protected.
All rights are limited.

Where does it say this? Well, in most texts about Human Rights, I guess.

If you think it's bullshit, show me one right that is "unlimited".
Right to life? Nope, you can be executed.
Right to arms? Nope, you can't have nukes, SAMs, tanks, and you can have your right infringed upon when in prison and the like.

Ever read the US CONSTITUTION? It literally says there's a right to protest the government. Again, limited, you can't go shit on the president's face to make your protest. Nor kill the president to make your protest. However you are allowed to burn the flag as a form of political protest.

You can say "the American flag makes it possible..." but it's not the US flag, it's the Bill of Rights. The flag represents the Bill of Rights.
And yes, the Bill of Rights makes it possible to fly other flags. So what?

There's a difference between a flag that represents POWER and a flag that represents PEOPLE. People have the right to burn the flag that gives them the right to burn the flag. It's just the way it is.

Is there a right to go out and harm people? No, there is no. You can say offensive things, however there's a line, you go across that line, you're stepping into the realm of "this isn't a right anymore".
If you incite violence, say, by burning a flag representing black people and the black people go crazy and start killing people. It's the whole "shouting 'fire' in a crowded theater" thing.
My view isn't inconsistent at all. I just understand Human Rights and how they work. I've studied this. I've spoken about this for decades. You may try and pick holes, but you won't find my argument falling apart. I'll just start quoting the Supreme Court at you.

The American Flag doesn’t represent people whereas a BLM Flag does represent people??? Seriously?

So burning a BLM flag that incites violence where Blacks start killing people is the fault of the flag burner yet when someone burns the US Flag at the foot of the steps of the Supreme Court and people assault him or chase him away, it is they who are at fault?

You are cherry picking at best.
Well, you can say it represents this, that or the other. You can go to court and you can make this argument.

That you're putting LGBTQ and Pedophiles into the same category when 10 out of 11 pedophiles are STRAIGHT shows just how much you actually care about arguing sensibly.

You can burn both flags. If you incite violence, you can be prosecuted for that. If you burn the US flag, you won't be prosecuted because it's protected in the US Constitution. Political speech is protected.
The “+” in LGBTQ+Pedo doesn't differentiate between straight, queer, bi, gay, or trans-confused. It simply allows “pedos” into the club.
The American Flag doesn’t represent people whereas a BLM Flag does represent people??? Seriously?

So burning a BLM flag that incites violence where Blacks start killing people is the fault of the flag burner yet when someone burns the US Flag at the foot of the steps of the Supreme Court and people assault him or chase him away, it is they who are at fault?

You are cherry picking at best.
your talking to a lunatic .
The American Flag doesn’t represent people whereas a BLM Flag does represent people??? Seriously?

So burning a BLM flag that incites violence where Blacks start killing people is the fault of the flag burner yet when someone burns the US Flag at the foot of the steps of the Supreme Court and people assault him or chase him away, it is they who are at fault?

You are cherry picking at best.

Let's look a history of flags.

The English flag.

Henry II decided he needed a symbol so he chose the St. George's Cross. Kings have, since then, used this flag. The flag represents the monarch of England. It doesn't represent the people.

Flag of China.

Red for Communism, the five stars represent "the unity of the Chinese people under the CCP", or, the CCP seeing how they don't have much choice about this unity.

Again, it's about the power of the CCP. It doesn't represent the people.

Flags represent the power.

The US flag has 13 stripes to represent the 13 original colonies. i.e. the power of those states and the 50 stars to represent the states that exist today, again, the power.

That is what a flag is. Here's our power, we're in control of this country.

We can see that in China they had a different flag before the Communists took over, same with Germany, France and many other countries that have had revolutions. "I'm in charge now, here's MY flag to represent MY power."

It doesn't represent the people. Not even the Communist red represents the people of the country.

I'm not cherry picking at all. Again, I know what I'm talking about.

Some things are inherent within a person.

Gender, sexuality, skin color, you're born with this, it's who you are.

Nobody is born into power. Not even Kin Jong Un was certain to gain power in North Korea, he's the second child, Kim Jong Chul was the oldest to Kim Jong Il and his consort. However Kim Jong Nam was older, one of two children to a different mistress.

I can protest power. The First Amendment says "or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, "

Here were have the right to peaceably assemble.

In the first draft it read "The people shall not be restrained from peaceably assembling and consulting for their common good; nor from applying to the Legislature by petitions, or remonstrances, for redress of their grievances"

In other words, the Founding Fathers wanted people to be able to talk about politics. They wanted them to be able to criticize the powers that be. It's enshrined in the Constitution.

The Freedom of Speech is also enshrined. However, in Schenck v. United States, 249 U.S. 47 (1919) they said:

"The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic."

i.e. the freedom of speech is LIMITED, just like every other right (including the right to protest).

"The question in every case is whether the words used are used in such circumstances and are of such a nature as to create a clear and present danger that they will bring about the substantive evils that Congress has a right to prevent."

You create a "clear and present danger", your right is not protected.

Virginia v. Black (2003)

""[A] State may choose to prohibit only those forms of intimidation," O'Connor wrote, "that are most likely to inspire fear of bodily harm." As a caveat, the justices noted, such acts can be prosecuted if the intent is proven, something not done in this case."

In other words, you can't ban cross burning, because burning a cross in itself doesn't do much. However using intimidation or threatening harm, or even creating a clear and present danger, then you are not protected.

So, if you go around burning certain flags and you create a clear and present danger, or you use it to intimidate, then you're not protected.

I guess, it would be possible, in theory, to use US flag burning to intimidate or create a clear and present danger, but I don't know of any case where this has ever happened.
I think you know what you're doing. It's nonsense. Conversation over.
It truly IS nonsense, but it's what America has become. “Woke” has always been nonsensical to me, but I'm glad others like yourself are seeing it too.

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