Hollywood Democrats Gave N. Korea And Iran Incentive Never To Give Up Nukes This Weekend


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
All of these spineless Hollywood types screaming over the weekend about Donald Trump causing this panic in Hawaii unknowingly gave these dictators exactly what they wanted.

Why would a shithole country like N. Korea want nukes?

Because it allows them to blackmail spineless liberals all over the world into giving them everything they demand. Jim Carrey, Magic Johnson caught in Hawaii missile blunder | Daily Mail Online


This is why Saddam wanted nukes, why Iran wants them, and why N. Korea has them. They know that their regimes destroyed their economies, so the only way a despotic regime can survive is through blackmail. China helps N. Korea behind the scenes because China wants to us this little fat asshole as an attack dog. If China doesn't do it the Russians will. But it's not enough.

N. Korea is going to send a team to the Olympics, but the people living in that country are literally starving to death. Some are turning to cannibalism. Grass soup is just about the only thing they can eat with regularity and that is counted out during the Winter. Somebody needs to feed them, and their leader won't do it. Their only hope is that they can scare enough weak-kneed leftist into giving in to their demands. The Cannibals of North Korea


Before WWII Stalin starved his people like this only on a more massive scale. This is what communism leads to. All of the folks that are screaming about Trump disparaging shithole countries have no idea what's in store for them if they allow the media to change this country into a quasi-communist society.

If you leave it in the hands of Democrats/Communists they will continue to gut the military, and pretty soon if one of these crazy regimes launches an ICBM missile at Hawaii we won't have a military response, let alone a shield that might intercept one.

That is the world we live in. Not the imaginary world people like Barack H. Obama live on. They call Trump a threat, but the real threat is communists in the Democrat party using the media to disarm this country and destroy it from within. Thems the facts, Ladies and Gentlemen. Like it or not we cannot survive in this world with just our good intentions anymore because insane dictators know that they're killing their own people, and they have to take from free nations to survive. That is why wars have started throughout history.
  1. NK showed they are not for civility when they attacked SK without provocation in 1950
  2. they murdered US solders for chopping down a tree
  3. Korean axe murder incident - Wikipedia
We cannot argue they're assholes.
The problem is....they know how liberals act during a crisis.
They want to use that to get from us what they should be producing themselves.
Liberals in the media love panic......they feed off of it.
They create it.
the world condemned Israel for bombing Iraq's nuke plant
so did the US--but I believe that was more for show
...good thing Israel did it as we saw Saddam was aggressively dangerous in:
1. gassing his own people !!!
2. starting the Iran-Iraq war by attacking Iran
3. attacking Kuwait
4. not abiding by the PG1 cease fire

I'm betting a lot of these Hollywooders AND a lot of politicians have about 0 knowledge on history/etc
What incentive does North Korea have to give up nukes. Go.
None....and the Democrats gave them that on a silver platter.
These people are a threat....yet they feel Trump is dangerous.
Of course Trump is dangerous. The only difference between Trump and Kim Jong Un is our system of checks and balances.
That's insane.
When has Trump executed his brother?
When has Trump starved his people?
When has Trump launched missiles over Canada or Mexico just to prove he can?
Compare even to Obama, I don't remember seeing Trump breaking down the doors of Gibson Guitar or attacking his political enemies with the IRS..or name the time Donald Trump took over most of the auto industry.
I don't see Trump burning a bunch of Branch Davidians out of their compound because they own guns.

You really need to get a grip when you start comparing any American president to ruthless murdering dictator.
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All of these spineless Hollywood types screaming over the weekend about Donald Trump causing this panic in Hawaii unknowingly gave these dictators exactly what they wanted.

Why would a shithole country like N. Korea want nukes?

Because it allows them to blackmail spineless liberals all over the world into giving them everything they demand. Jim Carrey, Magic Johnson caught in Hawaii missile blunder | Daily Mail Online


This is why Saddam wanted nukes, why Iran wants them, and why N. Korea has them. They know that their regimes destroyed their economies, so the only way a despotic regime can survive is through blackmail. China helps N. Korea behind the scenes because China wants to us this little fat asshole as an attack dog. If China doesn't do it the Russians will. But it's not enough.

N. Korea is going to send a team to the Olympics, but the people living in that country are literally starving to death. Some are turning to cannibalism. Grass soup is just about the only thing they can eat with regularity and that is counted out during the Winter. Somebody needs to feed them, and their leader won't do it. Their only hope is that they can scare enough weak-kneed leftist into giving in to their demands. The Cannibals of North Korea


Before WWII Stalin starved his people like this only on a more massive scale. This is what communism leads to. All of the folks that are screaming about Trump disparaging shithole countries have no idea what's in store for them if they allow the media to change this country into a quasi-communist society.

If you leave it in the hands of Democrats/Communists they will continue to gut the military, and pretty soon if one of these crazy regimes launches an ICBM missile at Hawaii we won't have a military response, let alone a shield that might intercept one.

That is the world we live in. Not the imaginary world people like Barack H. Obama live on. They call Trump a threat, but the real threat is communists in the Democrat party using the media to disarm this country and destroy it from within. Thems the facts, Ladies and Gentlemen. Like it or not we cannot survive in this world with just our good intentions anymore because insane dictators know that they're killing their own people, and they have to take from free nations to survive. That is why wars have started throughout history.

No one can explain how a state can have a system where ONE MAN can press ONE BUTTON and send off a nuclear threat warning during a mere test (Hey! At least it works!) then take 38 minutes to issue a correction because they hadn't ever planned for a retraction.

Nope. I'm not buying it. This was just another devious effort by the liberals to stage a faux event in an attempt to make Trump look bad. After all, if Trump was just sucking ass with Little Kim like Oflama did and Hillary would be, there would be no problem, right?
What incentive does North Korea have to give up nukes. Go.
None....and the Democrats gave them that on a silver platter.
These people are a threat....yet they feel Trump is dangerous.
Of course Trump is dangerous. The only difference between Trump and Kim Jong Un is our system of checks and balances.
That's insane.
When has Trump executed his brother?
When has Trump starved his people?
When has Trump launched missiles over Canada or Mexico just to prove he can?
Compare even to Obama, I don't remember seeing Trump breaking down the doors of Gibson Guitar or attacking his political enemies with the IRS..or name the time Donald Trump took over most of the auto industry.
You really need to get a grip when you start comparing any American president to ruthless murdering dictator.
Like I said, Trump has to deal with checks and balances
What incentive does North Korea have to give up nukes. Go.
None....and the Democrats gave them that on a silver platter.
These people are a threat....yet they feel Trump is dangerous.
Of course Trump is dangerous. The only difference between Trump and Kim Jong Un is our system of checks and balances.
That's insane.
When has Trump executed his brother?
When has Trump starved his people?
When has Trump launched missiles over Canada or Mexico just to prove he can?
Compare even to Obama, I don't remember seeing Trump breaking down the doors of Gibson Guitar or attacking his political enemies with the IRS..or name the time Donald Trump took over most of the auto industry.
You really need to get a grip when you start comparing any American president to ruthless murdering dictator.
Like I said, Trump has to deal with checks and balances
Yet he hasn't even committed the civil rights violations and outright murders of Americans that Democrats have.
Where the hell do you get off???

What incentive does North Korea have to give up nukes. Go.
None....and the Democrats gave them that on a silver platter.
These people are a threat....yet they feel Trump is dangerous.
Of course Trump is dangerous. The only difference between Trump and Kim Jong Un is our system of checks and balances.
That's insane.
When has Trump executed his brother?
When has Trump starved his people?
When has Trump launched missiles over Canada or Mexico just to prove he can?
Compare even to Obama, I don't remember seeing Trump breaking down the doors of Gibson Guitar or attacking his political enemies with the IRS..or name the time Donald Trump took over most of the auto industry.
You really need to get a grip when you start comparing any American president to ruthless murdering dictator.
Like I said, Trump has to deal with checks and balances
Yet he hasn't even committed the civil rights violations and outright murders of Americans that Democrats have.
Where the hell do you get off???

Yeah Trump keeps getting foild by the cinstitution. Suddenly, republicans think it’s a living document.
What incentive does North Korea have to give up nukes. Go.
None....and the Democrats gave them that on a silver platter.
These people are a threat....yet they feel Trump is dangerous.
Of course Trump is dangerous. The only difference between Trump and Kim Jong Un is our system of checks and balances.
and the fact people can talk shit about trump and no one cares. try it about kim jong un and you're dead.

wait - they're pretty different then, aren't they?
None....and the Democrats gave them that on a silver platter.
These people are a threat....yet they feel Trump is dangerous.
Of course Trump is dangerous. The only difference between Trump and Kim Jong Un is our system of checks and balances.
That's insane.
When has Trump executed his brother?
When has Trump starved his people?
When has Trump launched missiles over Canada or Mexico just to prove he can?
Compare even to Obama, I don't remember seeing Trump breaking down the doors of Gibson Guitar or attacking his political enemies with the IRS..or name the time Donald Trump took over most of the auto industry.
You really need to get a grip when you start comparing any American president to ruthless murdering dictator.
Like I said, Trump has to deal with checks and balances
Yet he hasn't even committed the civil rights violations and outright murders of Americans that Democrats have.
Where the hell do you get off???

Yeah Trump keeps getting foild by the cinstitution. Suddenly, republicans think it’s a living document.
The Constitution is on Trump's side.
You fuckers on the left are the ones that keep trying to go around it.

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