Hmmm. So...doesn't EVERY American get second-hand white privilege since US is world's superpower??

Hmmmm. Saw a CNN article talking about "black privilege" vs "white privilege". Google it. This isn't about that. But it got me thinking.....

Don't all non-white Americans....need to check their privilege for being members of the world's most powerful, rich nation...which was built mostly by greedy powerful whites???

Where else could Jay Z be a near billionaire....for singing?
Where else could LeBron James be a near billionaire for playing a ball game?

Where else could "poor" minorities have abundant food, TV, cars, air conditioning, free education, etc etc??

Where else can poor minorities live without fear of invasion or pandemic disease?

Sorry folks. The very same people who bitch about "white privilege".....are benefitting from immense second-hand white privilege! Just like second-hand smoking.

The global superpower built by these wicked evil greedy whites....has provide opportunity and lifestyle for minorities that are the envy of 99% of the rest of the world.

Non-white need to check your second-hand privilege!!
When Whites Just Don’t Get It, Part 6

LET’S start with a quiz. When researchers sent young whites and blacks out to interview for low-wage jobs in New York City armed with equivalent résumés, the result was:

A) Whites and blacks were hired at similar rates.

B) Blacks had a modest edge because of affirmative action.

C) Whites were twice as likely to get callbacks.

The answer is C, and a black applicant with a clean criminal record did no better than a white applicant who was said to have just been released from 18 months in prison.

Interview skills? Dress?

OR COULD IT BE....that many employers have had bad experiences with past black employees being rude, late, insubordinate and overall poor quality they have a subconscious bias???

One more time, B, this trying to rationalize facts ain't holding need to read the intire NY times article. These are documented facts..something you neo nuts can not comprehend. I'm not whining about it, I'm just telling you facts. Oh and just for the record, I've worked in all areas of jobs and white people get the bad raps of having the fuckin attitudes of superiority and a lot of employers hate that. I hear that all the time, they don't like hiring w/mf's cause yaw act like yaw know every gotdamn thing, that's my reality.

If BLM isn't political and it's only about a few blacks that were wrongfully killed by cops, then why are they protesting Trump and his supporters. Trump didn't kill anyone, and he has never advocated that cops should kill blacks unjustly.

You complain that people still prefer to hire whites over blacks with similar backgrounds. You seem to want to blame this on "white privilege", but whites did not create the stigma that blacks have. Blacks have the highest crime rates, and they still embrace the thug culture. Who is more likely to commit a crime, a black man or a white man? We all know the answer so don't hate people for playing the odds and preferring whites.

If blacks want to be treated the same as whites and be successful, they should check their black thuggary. And when they do, you should probably not call them Uncle Tom or a sellout.
Haiti is one of the poorest, most backwards nation in the world, and would not survive without billions of dollars in aid poured in by the United States every year.

So when the American government says to Haiti, no minimum wage for textile workers, Haiti says, "Yes sir, please give me another!"
Because it's being shoved in our faces every damn second by the left, and we were called cowards by Holder for not having the "race talk".

So I'm fucking having it and throwing it right back at them. Relentlessly at times..

They want to give us a lecture on race. They're gonna get a two way debate on it. At least from me.

Holder isn't AG anymore and he isn't reading this Web site. Every thread you create is about race. Fucking get over it already. I'm half white too and you don't see my constantly whining.

Get over it?? How...when the left is on a tirade about race all day every day?? I was over it and had been "over it" for 20 years until the entire American left decided that race would be brought up constantly now. The media...constantly bringing race into issues that 10 years wasn't part of the story.

I point out hypocrisy and stupidity in the left...whatever their topic of the year may be. In 2016 it's race. So...I'm throwing it back.

If you don't like are free to not click on my threads.

B, this is not a Leftish issue. It angers the hell out of me, when people like you and those on the right, want the world to just allow you your racist activities and not say a damn thing about it, or else??? I mean what effin planet do you people like on? Of course you and your kind are "over" it, we'd all like to be over it, unfortunately, racist white cops and people like Trump won't allow "us" to get over it.

Cops arrest and shoot far more whites than blacks. BlackLivesMatter is a huge lie. said you are a retired Navy member. Thank you for your service first of all. And had second hand white privilege by being able to have a great career in the world's most powerful military built by white men in America over the past 225 years. Pay. Benefits. Retirement. All thanks to the effects of the white American empire that was built.

Second hand white privilege. Check your privilege tigerred59.
Dude, if you and your kind think that BLM has given you reason to go on this Trump love fest, this anti nigga wave, than have at it. BLM has nothing to do with the number of nigga's killed by cops or whites killed by cops for that matter, what the movement is about....PAY ATTENTION....IS THAT UNARMED BLACKS WHO ARE SYSTEMATICALLY MURDERED BY COPS, THEIR FAMILIES RECIEVE NO MOTHERFUCKIN JUSTICE. If a cop kills a redneck, you can bet your ass, 9 times out of 19, that red mf' was either armed or aggressive and deserving of a damned bullet, if that. BLM is saying we don't get that chance, a nigga selling cigs being choked to death, a nigga reaching for a wallet, 6 bullets and on and on and on and if you and your kind can't comprehend that reality, than the conversation ends and your brain remains incased in concrete, unpenatrial.

Your grammar is obviously horrible. Yet you use words like "systematic" which you heard others use but don't know the actual meaning of.

You say cops "systematically" murder blacks. Ok. 35 million black folks in America. How many would cops need to unjustly shoot to consider it "systematic"???? Hitler "systematically" murdered jews. Millions of them per year.

American cops unjustly kill about what.....10 black men a year?? 20 tops??

It's such a statistically rare event it's hardly even worth discussion.

It's certainly not "systematic".....but you keep using those big words you hear white liberals throw around that truly aren't accurate.
Hmmmm. Saw a CNN article talking about "black privilege" vs "white privilege". Google it. This isn't about that. But it got me thinking.....

Don't all non-white Americans....need to check their privilege for being members of the world's most powerful, rich nation...which was built mostly by greedy powerful whites???

Where else could Jay Z be a near billionaire....for singing?
Where else could LeBron James be a near billionaire for playing a ball game?

Where else could "poor" minorities have abundant food, TV, cars, air conditioning, free education, etc etc??

Where else can poor minorities live without fear of invasion or pandemic disease?

Sorry folks. The very same people who bitch about "white privilege".....are benefitting from immense second-hand white privilege! Just like second-hand smoking.

The global superpower built by these wicked evil greedy whites....has provide opportunity and lifestyle for minorities that are the envy of 99% of the rest of the world.

Non-white need to check your second-hand privilege!!
When Whites Just Don’t Get It, Part 6

LET’S start with a quiz. When researchers sent young whites and blacks out to interview for low-wage jobs in New York City armed with equivalent résumés, the result was:

A) Whites and blacks were hired at similar rates.

B) Blacks had a modest edge because of affirmative action.

C) Whites were twice as likely to get callbacks.

The answer is C, and a black applicant with a clean criminal record did no better than a white applicant who was said to have just been released from 18 months in prison.

Interview skills? Dress?

OR COULD IT BE....that many employers have had bad experiences with past black employees being rude, late, insubordinate and overall poor quality they have a subconscious bias???

One more time, B, this trying to rationalize facts ain't holding need to read the intire NY times article. These are documented facts..something you neo nuts can not comprehend. I'm not whining about it, I'm just telling you facts. Oh and just for the record, I've worked in all areas of jobs and white people get the bad raps of having the fuckin attitudes of superiority and a lot of employers hate that. I hear that all the time, they don't like hiring w/mf's cause yaw act like yaw know every gotdamn thing, that's my reality.

If BLM isn't political and it's only about a few blacks that were wrongfully killed by cops, then why are they protesting Trump and his supporters. Trump didn't kill anyone, and he has never advocated that cops should kill blacks unjustly.

You complain that people still prefer to hire whites over blacks with similar backgrounds. You seem to want to blame this on "white privilege", but whites did not create the stigma that blacks have. Blacks have the highest crime rates, and they still embrace the thug culture. Who is more likely to commit a crime, a black man or a white man? We all know the answer so don't hate people for playing the odds and preferring whites.

If blacks want to be treated the same as whites and be successful, they should check their black thuggary. And when they do, you should probably not call them Uncle Tom or a sellout.

First off, all types are protesting Trump rallies, all aspects of civil stability, not just BLM, which is not the main focus of protest and you people know this. Secondly, trust me, Thugs are the least motherfuckers to put in a job application, just think about that for a second; fool. A black guy who sells or commits crimes applying for a job, seems kinda strange to me, don't you think? No, studies have shown that good decent blacks are systematically over looked by white employers based solely on stereotype and racism. I don't make this shit up, its just fact. And its people like you stuck on FOX fed bullshit that buy into this crap of crimes equal black me, where I live white people dominate our criminal activity.
Holder isn't AG anymore and he isn't reading this Web site. Every thread you create is about race. Fucking get over it already. I'm half white too and you don't see my constantly whining.

Get over it?? How...when the left is on a tirade about race all day every day?? I was over it and had been "over it" for 20 years until the entire American left decided that race would be brought up constantly now. The media...constantly bringing race into issues that 10 years wasn't part of the story.

I point out hypocrisy and stupidity in the left...whatever their topic of the year may be. In 2016 it's race. So...I'm throwing it back.

If you don't like are free to not click on my threads.

B, this is not a Leftish issue. It angers the hell out of me, when people like you and those on the right, want the world to just allow you your racist activities and not say a damn thing about it, or else??? I mean what effin planet do you people like on? Of course you and your kind are "over" it, we'd all like to be over it, unfortunately, racist white cops and people like Trump won't allow "us" to get over it.

Cops arrest and shoot far more whites than blacks. BlackLivesMatter is a huge lie. said you are a retired Navy member. Thank you for your service first of all. And had second hand white privilege by being able to have a great career in the world's most powerful military built by white men in America over the past 225 years. Pay. Benefits. Retirement. All thanks to the effects of the white American empire that was built.

Second hand white privilege. Check your privilege tigerred59.
Dude, if you and your kind think that BLM has given you reason to go on this Trump love fest, this anti nigga wave, than have at it. BLM has nothing to do with the number of nigga's killed by cops or whites killed by cops for that matter, what the movement is about....PAY ATTENTION....IS THAT UNARMED BLACKS WHO ARE SYSTEMATICALLY MURDERED BY COPS, THEIR FAMILIES RECIEVE NO MOTHERFUCKIN JUSTICE. If a cop kills a redneck, you can bet your ass, 9 times out of 19, that red mf' was either armed or aggressive and deserving of a damned bullet, if that. BLM is saying we don't get that chance, a nigga selling cigs being choked to death, a nigga reaching for a wallet, 6 bullets and on and on and on and if you and your kind can't comprehend that reality, than the conversation ends and your brain remains incased in concrete, unpenatrial.

Your grammar is obviously horrible. Yet you use words like "systematic" which you heard others use but don't know the actual meaning of.

You say cops "systematically" murder blacks. Ok. 35 million black folks in America. How many would cops need to unjustly shoot to consider it "systematic"???? Hitler "systematically" murdered jews. Millions of them per year.

American cops unjustly kill about what.....10 black men a year?? 20 tops??

It's such a statistically rare event it's hardly even worth discussion.

It's certainly not "systematic".....but you keep using those big words you hear white liberals throw around that truly aren't accurate.

1 unarmed black murdered unjustly by a cop is 1 too many and until this happens on a systematic bases to whites, people like you are ignored and put on a systematic put that in your pipe B and smoke it.
Get over it?? How...when the left is on a tirade about race all day every day?? I was over it and had been "over it" for 20 years until the entire American left decided that race would be brought up constantly now. The media...constantly bringing race into issues that 10 years wasn't part of the story.

I point out hypocrisy and stupidity in the left...whatever their topic of the year may be. In 2016 it's race. So...I'm throwing it back.

If you don't like are free to not click on my threads.

B, this is not a Leftish issue. It angers the hell out of me, when people like you and those on the right, want the world to just allow you your racist activities and not say a damn thing about it, or else??? I mean what effin planet do you people like on? Of course you and your kind are "over" it, we'd all like to be over it, unfortunately, racist white cops and people like Trump won't allow "us" to get over it.

Cops arrest and shoot far more whites than blacks. BlackLivesMatter is a huge lie. said you are a retired Navy member. Thank you for your service first of all. And had second hand white privilege by being able to have a great career in the world's most powerful military built by white men in America over the past 225 years. Pay. Benefits. Retirement. All thanks to the effects of the white American empire that was built.

Second hand white privilege. Check your privilege tigerred59.
Dude, if you and your kind think that BLM has given you reason to go on this Trump love fest, this anti nigga wave, than have at it. BLM has nothing to do with the number of nigga's killed by cops or whites killed by cops for that matter, what the movement is about....PAY ATTENTION....IS THAT UNARMED BLACKS WHO ARE SYSTEMATICALLY MURDERED BY COPS, THEIR FAMILIES RECIEVE NO MOTHERFUCKIN JUSTICE. If a cop kills a redneck, you can bet your ass, 9 times out of 19, that red mf' was either armed or aggressive and deserving of a damned bullet, if that. BLM is saying we don't get that chance, a nigga selling cigs being choked to death, a nigga reaching for a wallet, 6 bullets and on and on and on and if you and your kind can't comprehend that reality, than the conversation ends and your brain remains incased in concrete, unpenatrial.

Your grammar is obviously horrible. Yet you use words like "systematic" which you heard others use but don't know the actual meaning of.

You say cops "systematically" murder blacks. Ok. 35 million black folks in America. How many would cops need to unjustly shoot to consider it "systematic"???? Hitler "systematically" murdered jews. Millions of them per year.

American cops unjustly kill about what.....10 black men a year?? 20 tops??

It's such a statistically rare event it's hardly even worth discussion.

It's certainly not "systematic".....but you keep using those big words you hear white liberals throw around that truly aren't accurate.

1 unarmed black murdered unjustly by a cop is 1 too many and until this happens on a systematic bases to whites, people like you are ignored and put on a systematic put that in your pipe B and smoke it.

Um...more whites are killed by cops than blacks. What you said "until it happens" is happening.

Stop using big words that are above your vocabulary. It makes you look silly.
So......every time I hear some fucking moron who lives in America accusing someone of having white privilege...I'm demanding they acknowledge and check their own second-hand white privilege and American privilege.

Why are you so hung up on race?

Because it's being shoved in our faces every damn second by the left, and we were called cowards by Holder for not having the "race talk".

So I'm fucking having it and throwing it right back at them. Relentlessly at times..

They want to give us a lecture on race. They're gonna get a two way debate on it. At least from me.

Holder isn't AG anymore and he isn't reading this Web site. Every thread you create is about race. Fucking get over it already. I'm half white too and you don't see my constantly whining.

But you see, its not his fault. Other people are compelling him to create race threads every day...all the time.
So......every time I hear some fucking moron who lives in America accusing someone of having white privilege...I'm demanding they acknowledge and check their own second-hand white privilege and American privilege.

Why are you so hung up on race?

Because it's being shoved in our faces every damn second by the left, and we were called cowards by Holder for not having the "race talk".

So I'm fucking having it and throwing it right back at them. Relentlessly at times..

They want to give us a lecture on race. They're gonna get a two way debate on it. At least from me.

Holder isn't AG anymore and he isn't reading this Web site. Every thread you create is about race. Fucking get over it already. I'm half white too and you don't see my constantly whining.

But you see, its not his fault. Other people are compelling him to create race threads every day...all the time.

Are you talking about guno? Or tigerred59? Or Asclepias?
So......every time I hear some fucking moron who lives in America accusing someone of having white privilege...I'm demanding they acknowledge and check their own second-hand white privilege and American privilege.

Why are you so hung up on race?

Because it's being shoved in our faces every damn second by the left, and we were called cowards by Holder for not having the "race talk".

So I'm fucking having it and throwing it right back at them. Relentlessly at times..

They want to give us a lecture on race. They're gonna get a two way debate on it. At least from me.

Holder isn't AG anymore and he isn't reading this Web site. Every thread you create is about race. Fucking get over it already. I'm half white too and you don't see my constantly whining.

But you see, its not his fault. Other people are compelling him to create race threads every day...all the time.

Compelling me to? More like motivating me to do it. You idiots in 2008 went on a racial jihad to make Americans...most of whom had moved on from race....have to hear your racial whining 24/7.

Well....didn't expect us to throw it back at ya huh? You idiots thought we would all sit silently and take your lectures and outbursts. Wrong.
So......every time I hear some fucking moron who lives in America accusing someone of having white privilege...I'm demanding they acknowledge and check their own second-hand white privilege and American privilege.

Why are you so hung up on race?

Because it's being shoved in our faces every damn second by the left, and we were called cowards by Holder for not having the "race talk".

So I'm fucking having it and throwing it right back at them. Relentlessly at times..

They want to give us a lecture on race. They're gonna get a two way debate on it. At least from me.

Holder isn't AG anymore and he isn't reading this Web site. Every thread you create is about race. Fucking get over it already. I'm half white too and you don't see my constantly whining.

But you see, its not his fault. Other people are compelling him to create race threads every day...all the time.

Are you talking about guno? Or tigerred59? Or Asclepias?

Good question for those who cant read the names quoted above
So......every time I hear some fucking moron who lives in America accusing someone of having white privilege...I'm demanding they acknowledge and check their own second-hand white privilege and American privilege.

Why are you so hung up on race?

Because it's being shoved in our faces every damn second by the left, and we were called cowards by Holder for not having the "race talk".

So I'm fucking having it and throwing it right back at them. Relentlessly at times..

They want to give us a lecture on race. They're gonna get a two way debate on it. At least from me.

Holder isn't AG anymore and he isn't reading this Web site. Every thread you create is about race. Fucking get over it already. I'm half white too and you don't see my constantly whining.

But you see, its not his fault. Other people are compelling him to create race threads every day...all the time.

Compelling me to? More like motivating me to do it. You idiots in 2008 went on a racial jihad to make Americans...most of whom had moved on from race....have to hear your racial whining 24/7.

Well....didn't expect us to throw it back at ya huh? You idiots thought we would all sit silently and take your lectures and outbursts. Wrong.

See? Its not his fault its other peoples fault...just so happen all the people who are to blame are minorities. ;);)
Why are you so hung up on race?

Because it's being shoved in our faces every damn second by the left, and we were called cowards by Holder for not having the "race talk".

So I'm fucking having it and throwing it right back at them. Relentlessly at times..

They want to give us a lecture on race. They're gonna get a two way debate on it. At least from me.

Holder isn't AG anymore and he isn't reading this Web site. Every thread you create is about race. Fucking get over it already. I'm half white too and you don't see my constantly whining.

But you see, its not his fault. Other people are compelling him to create race threads every day...all the time.

Compelling me to? More like motivating me to do it. You idiots in 2008 went on a racial jihad to make Americans...most of whom had moved on from race....have to hear your racial whining 24/7.

Well....didn't expect us to throw it back at ya huh? You idiots thought we would all sit silently and take your lectures and outbursts. Wrong.

See? Its not his fault its other peoples fault...just so happen all the people who are to blame are minorities. ;);)

Where did I mention minorities? Hillary is currently making race her #1 campaign theme.

Funny....I never mentioned minorities in the post you quoted...and you instantly jumped to mentioning minorities.

Denounce your second-hand white privilege.
Why are you so hung up on race?

Because it's being shoved in our faces every damn second by the left, and we were called cowards by Holder for not having the "race talk".

So I'm fucking having it and throwing it right back at them. Relentlessly at times..

They want to give us a lecture on race. They're gonna get a two way debate on it. At least from me.

Holder isn't AG anymore and he isn't reading this Web site. Every thread you create is about race. Fucking get over it already. I'm half white too and you don't see my constantly whining.

But you see, its not his fault. Other people are compelling him to create race threads every day...all the time.

Are you talking about guno? Or tigerred59? Or Asclepias?

Good question for those who cant read the names quoted above

Can't read? Why am I not surprised?
So......every time I hear some fucking moron who lives in America accusing someone of having white privilege...I'm demanding they acknowledge and check their own second-hand white privilege and American privilege.

Why are you so hung up on race?

Because it's being shoved in our faces every damn second by the left, and we were called cowards by Holder for not having the "race talk".

So I'm fucking having it and throwing it right back at them. Relentlessly at times..

They want to give us a lecture on race. They're gonna get a two way debate on it. At least from me.

Holder isn't AG anymore and he isn't reading this Web site. Every thread you create is about race. Fucking get over it already. I'm half white too and you don't see my constantly whining.

Get over it?? How...when the left is on a tirade about race all day every day?? I was over it and had been "over it" for 20 years until the entire American left decided that race would be brought up constantly now. The media...constantly bringing race into issues that 10 years wasn't part of the story.

I point out hypocrisy and stupidity in the left...whatever their topic of the year may be. In 2016 it's race. So...I'm throwing it back.

If you don't like are free to not click on my threads.

B, this is not a Leftish issue. It angers the hell out of me, when people like you and those on the right, want the world to just allow you your racist activities and not say a damn thing about it, or else??? I mean what effin planet do you people like on? Of course you and your kind are "over" it, we'd all like to be over it, unfortunately, racist white cops and people like Trump won't allow "us" to get over it.
Because it's being shoved in our faces every damn second by the left, and we were called cowards by Holder for not having the "race talk".

So I'm fucking having it and throwing it right back at them. Relentlessly at times..

They want to give us a lecture on race. They're gonna get a two way debate on it. At least from me.

Holder isn't AG anymore and he isn't reading this Web site. Every thread you create is about race. Fucking get over it already. I'm half white too and you don't see my constantly whining.

Get over it?? How...when the left is on a tirade about race all day every day?? I was over it and had been "over it" for 20 years until the entire American left decided that race would be brought up constantly now. The media...constantly bringing race into issues that 10 years wasn't part of the story.

I point out hypocrisy and stupidity in the left...whatever their topic of the year may be. In 2016 it's race. So...I'm throwing it back.

If you don't like are free to not click on my threads.

B, this is not a Leftish issue. It angers the hell out of me, when people like you and those on the right, want the world to just allow you your racist activities and not say a damn thing about it, or else??? I mean what effin planet do you people like on? Of course you and your kind are "over" it, we'd all like to be over it, unfortunately, racist white cops and people like Trump won't allow "us" to get over it.

Cops arrest and shoot far more whites than blacks. BlackLivesMatter is a huge lie. said you are a retired Navy member. Thank you for your service first of all. And had second hand white privilege by being able to have a great career in the world's most powerful military built by white men in America over the past 225 years. Pay. Benefits. Retirement. All thanks to the effects of the white American empire that was built.

Second hand white privilege. Check your privilege tigerred59.
Dude, if you and your kind think that BLM has given you reason to go on this Trump love fest, this anti nigga wave, than have at it. BLM has nothing to do with the number of nigga's killed by cops or whites killed by cops for that matter, what the movement is about....PAY ATTENTION....IS THAT UNARMED BLACKS WHO ARE SYSTEMATICALLY MURDERED BY COPS, THEIR FAMILIES RECIEVE NO MOTHERFUCKIN JUSTICE. If a cop kills a redneck, you can bet your ass, 9 times out of 19, that red mf' was either armed or aggressive and deserving of a damned bullet, if that. BLM is saying we don't get that chance, a nigga selling cigs being choked to death, a nigga reaching for a wallet, 6 bullets and on and on and on and if you and your kind can't comprehend that reality, than the conversation ends and your brain remains incased in concrete, unpenatrial.
Hmmmm. Saw a CNN article talking about "black privilege" vs "white privilege". Google it. This isn't about that. But it got me thinking.....

Don't all non-white Americans....need to check their privilege for being members of the world's most powerful, rich nation...which was built mostly by greedy powerful whites???

Where else could Jay Z be a near billionaire....for singing?
Where else could LeBron James be a near billionaire for playing a ball game?

Where else could "poor" minorities have abundant food, TV, cars, air conditioning, free education, etc etc??

Where else can poor minorities live without fear of invasion or pandemic disease?

Sorry folks. The very same people who bitch about "white privilege".....are benefitting from immense second-hand white privilege! Just like second-hand smoking.

The global superpower built by these wicked evil greedy whites....has provide opportunity and lifestyle for minorities that are the envy of 99% of the rest of the world.

Non-white need to check your second-hand privilege!!
When Whites Just Don’t Get It, Part 6

LET’S start with a quiz. When researchers sent young whites and blacks out to interview for low-wage jobs in New York City armed with equivalent résumés, the result was:

A) Whites and blacks were hired at similar rates.

B) Blacks had a modest edge because of affirmative action.

C) Whites were twice as likely to get callbacks.

The answer is C, and a black applicant with a clean criminal record did no better than a white applicant who was said to have just been released from 18 months in prison.

Interview skills? Dress?

OR COULD IT BE....that many employers have had bad experiences with past black employees being rude, late, insubordinate and overall poor quality they have a subconscious bias???

One more time, B, this trying to rationalize facts ain't holding need to read the intire NY times article. These are documented facts..something you neo nuts can not comprehend. I'm not whining about it, I'm just telling you facts. Oh and just for the record, I've worked in all areas of jobs and white people get the bad raps of having the fuckin attitudes of superiority and a lot of employers hate that. I hear that all the time, they don't like hiring w/mf's cause yaw act like yaw know every gotdamn thing, that's my reality.

If BLM isn't political and it's only about a few blacks that were wrongfully killed by cops, then why are they protesting Trump and his supporters. Trump didn't kill anyone, and he has never advocated that cops should kill blacks unjustly.

You complain that people still prefer to hire whites over blacks with similar backgrounds. You seem to want to blame this on "white privilege", but whites did not create the stigma that blacks have. Blacks have the highest crime rates, and they still embrace the thug culture. Who is more likely to commit a crime, a black man or a white man? We all know the answer so don't hate people for playing the odds and preferring whites.

If blacks want to be treated the same as whites and be successful, they should check their black thuggary. And when they do, you should probably not call them Uncle Tom or a sellout.

First off, all types are protesting Trump rallies, all aspects of civil stability, not just BLM, which is not the main focus of protest and you people know this. Secondly, trust me, Thugs are the least motherfuckers to put in a job application, just think about that for a second; fool. A black guy who sells or commits crimes applying for a job, seems kinda strange to me, don't you think? No, studies have shown that good decent blacks are systematically over looked by white employers based solely on stereotype and racism. I don't make this shit up, its just fact. And its people like you stuck on FOX fed bullshit that buy into this crap of crimes equal black me, where I live white people dominate our criminal activity.
but the question was for BLM which you didn't answer. You dodged it, and thought we'd all see that and ignore it. Nope. Answer the man's question jake.
Because it's being shoved in our faces every damn second by the left, and we were called cowards by Holder for not having the "race talk".

So I'm fucking having it and throwing it right back at them. Relentlessly at times..

They want to give us a lecture on race. They're gonna get a two way debate on it. At least from me.

Holder isn't AG anymore and he isn't reading this Web site. Every thread you create is about race. Fucking get over it already. I'm half white too and you don't see my constantly whining.

But you see, its not his fault. Other people are compelling him to create race threads every day...all the time.

Compelling me to? More like motivating me to do it. You idiots in 2008 went on a racial jihad to make Americans...most of whom had moved on from race....have to hear your racial whining 24/7.

Well....didn't expect us to throw it back at ya huh? You idiots thought we would all sit silently and take your lectures and outbursts. Wrong.

See? Its not his fault its other peoples fault...just so happen all the people who are to blame are minorities. ;);)

Where did I mention minorities? Hillary is currently making race her #1 campaign theme.

Funny....I never mentioned minorities in the post you quoted...and you instantly jumped to mentioning minorities.

Denounce your second-hand white privilege.

LOL...Yes, tis a mystery your motives and since you are new here without a history its perplexing what in the tarnation you are referring too

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