Hmmm... Biden says Trump "climate arsonist" causing wildfires....hmmm... Really?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Biden says wildfires show Trump doesn't deserve reelection, calls him 'climate arsonist'

NWS reported that 87% of the wildfires were caused by humans this year -- 7,072 in California alone.
The Daily Mail reported, "Stark data showed that 36,383 of the 41,599 fires that have ripped through the nation in the first nine months of the year were started by humans, burning a total of 2,510,743 acres.
"California has been hardest-hit by human-caused fires, with a total of 7,072 as of September 10.
"Texas was second with 4,170, followed by North Carolina with 1,889, Florida with 1,779 and Arizona with 1,552.
"Despite the prevalence of human-caused fires, authorities in Oregon have waded in on rumors that wildfires in the state have been deliberately started by extremist political groups." While human-caused fires are not necessarily arson, enough are to warrant alarm.

Whaaaaaat????? According to Biden Trump set these fires... not climate change! Trump is the arsonist!!! Yea.. that's the ticket!
Folks... time after time millions of us read these headlines and shake our heads asking "who believes such crap"?
87% of fires caused by humans. NOT climate change. Humans.
And then when the fires start, where do these fires get the subsistence to grow?
FACTS...not Climate Change!
According to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE),
shrubs and live and dead vegetation are the most important factor in forest fires, being an easily ignitable fuel source that helps spread the flames quickly over vast distances.
For a dry and warm state prone to fires, regular clearing measures removing this vegetation should be common sense. However, California has enacted several laws that heavily restrict such vital fire-preventing measures as logging, removal of dead trees, and clearing of dry underbrush.
During a congressional hearing in May, California congressman Tom McClintock blasted environmentalists for having fervently opposed such measures since the early 1970s.
Instead, they have been advocating that forests be left to their own devices – despite the fact that thousands of years of history shows that forests need to be appropriately maintained in order to reap all their benefits and reduce the risk of fires.
This understanding of the environment has too often been trumped by politics in California.
How Regulations Made California's Fires Worse

NOT CLIMATE CHANGE!!! But environmentalists wouldn't let shrubs, etc. be burned...controlled!

Couple that with 87% of fires started by humans... NOT CLIMATE CHANGE!!!
Biden says wildfires show Trump doesn't deserve reelection, calls him 'climate arsonist'

JOE BIDEN talking out of his ass as usual for a Democrat hoping and playing on the stupidity and ignorance of their base. Here's what a friend of mine in Sacramento valley had to say recently about the "climate changing arson" of the California wildfires. Excerpts from his letter to me:

We have lots of trees around but they are in irrigated patches growing your almonds and don't really present much risk. And there is so much farm equipment around to make fire breaks in a hurry or to pump water, etc. Lots of people in the foothills and in the coastal range area have lost everything. Some of them have had smoke issues far worse than we have had as well.

BTW, it is very irritating that they are blaming this on "climate change". We know why we have huge wildfires in California now and climate change isn't it. Forest management has been horrible - largely due to oppressive regulation and lawsuits.

Under the Clean Air Act fires in our forests are considered to be air pollution emitters. That means that prescribed/controlled burns require very expensive environmental studies (for each and every one no matter how small) and then the lawsuits occur - it takes years and years. Our forests out here have to burn to be healthy and we cannot do the necessary burns when and where they are needed.

Seriously. Our Native Americans/Indians were deliberately setting fires for thousands of years and our forests are effectively now designed for that. Of course, we also had lightning fires in addition.. We've now accumulated far too much fuel with too many trees competing for water and nutrients and as a result our trees are unhealthy and don't have the needed resistance to pests and to fire - and the fires are thus far hotter and far more destructive than they should be. The fires are devastating entire regional ecosystems with a toll on flora and fauna which is difficult to imagine. The animals which can flee are ending up in areas which haven't the resources to support the increased load. Also, the critters can't escape the smoke at all.

California should be having thousands of small wildfires every year. Small is key. There are a whole lot of changes in laws and regulations which are essential if our forests are to be healthy.
The world recognizes that Republicans are destroying the planet.

Burn baby burn

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