Hitler and The Big Lie


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Southern California
He swindled the German people out of money for Volkswagens that were
never delivered and the money was never refunded:

Google Groups

He betrayed the Catholic Church after signing a treaty with the

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He perpetuated the Gleiwitz Fraud

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He repeatedly assured the world that he wanted peace, despite the
that he invaded every country in Continental Europe with the
of Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. He also invaded North Africa.:

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He swindled the German people out of money for Volkswagens that were
never delivered and the money was never refunded:

Google Groups

He betrayed the Catholic Church after signing a treaty with the

Google Groups

He perpetuated the Gleiwitz Fraud

Google Groups

He repeatedly assured the world that he wanted peace, despite the
that he invaded every country in Continental Europe with the
of Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. He also invaded North Africa.:

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Mr. Hitler was a lot like Obama. Both were rabid socialists, advocates of socialized medicine schemes as well as draconian gun control.

A story several years ago, I believe in a Salt Lake newspaper, verified that Obama had pure German blood running through his veins.
He swindled the German people out of money for Volkswagens that were
never delivered and the money was never refunded:

Google Groups

He betrayed the Catholic Church after signing a treaty with the

Google Groups

He perpetuated the Gleiwitz Fraud

Google Groups

He repeatedly assured the world that he wanted peace, despite the
that he invaded every country in Continental Europe with the
of Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. He also invaded North Africa.:

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Hitler burned the Reichstag and blamed it on the Jews. Hillary's guru, Saul Alinsky was an extension of the Nazi political tricks. His "Rules for Radicals" are the basis of radical democrat/radical media agenda..
He swindled the German people out of money for Volkswagens that were
never delivered and the money was never refunded:

Google Groups

He betrayed the Catholic Church after signing a treaty with the

Google Groups

He perpetuated the Gleiwitz Fraud

Google Groups

He repeatedly assured the world that he wanted peace, despite the
that he invaded every country in Continental Europe with the
of Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. He also invaded North Africa.:

Google Groups

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On November 6, 1937, Hitler was seen by numerous witnesses with 15 or 16 items in the ten-items-or-less express checkout lane at the Jolly Schnitzel supermarket in Dusseldorf.
Mr. Hitler was a lot like Obama. Both were rabid socialists, advocates of socialized medicine schemes as well as draconian gun control.
I'm not a big Obama fan, but Obamacare is far from being 'socialized medical care' --if anything it was a huge cash cow for Wall Street, Big Pharma and big Insurance. And as for 'gun control' - the NRA and gun manufacturers had their most profitable 8 year stretch ever between 2008 and 2016.
Mr. Hitler was a lot like Obama. Both were rabid socialists, advocates of socialized medicine schemes as well as draconian gun control.
I'm not a big Obama fan, but Obamacare is far from being 'socialized medical care' --if anything it was a huge cash cow for Wall Street, Big Pharma and big Insurance. And as for 'gun control' - the NRA and gun manufacturers had their most profitable 8 year stretch ever between 2008 and 2016.
They wanted National Health care but did not have the votes, so they implemented Obamacare which was meant to implode and lead to NHC.

And look at where we are, the same voices that sold us the lie of Obamacare are now selling us a NHC system and the ink is not even dry on the legislation of Obamacare.

Fascism is all about government control of pretty much everything, but ESPECIALLY YOUR HEALTH CARE!
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Mr. Hitler was a lot like Obama. Both were rabid socialists, advocates of socialized medicine schemes as well as draconian gun control.
I'm not a big Obama fan, but Obamacare is far from being 'socialized medical care' --if anything it was a huge cash cow for Wall Street, Big Pharma and big Insurance. And as for 'gun control' - the NRA and gun manufacturers had their most profitable 8 year stretch ever between 2008 and 2016.
They wanted National Health care but did not have the votes, so they implemented Obamacare which was meant to implode and lead to NHC.

And look at where we are, the same voices that sold us the lie of Obamacare are now selling us a NHC system and the ink is not even dry on the legislation of Obamacare.

Fascism is all about government control of pretty much everything, but ESPECIALLY YOUR HEALTH CARE!

Fascism Communism is all about government control of pretty much everything, but ESPECIALLY YOUR HEALTH CARE!
He swindled the German people out of money for Volkswagens that were
never delivered and the money was never refunded:

Google Groups

He betrayed the Catholic Church after signing a treaty with the

Google Groups

He perpetuated the Gleiwitz Fraud

Google Groups

He repeatedly assured the world that he wanted peace, despite the
that he invaded every country in Continental Europe with the
of Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. He also invaded North Africa.:

Google Groups

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Mr. Hitler was a lot like Obama. Both were rabid socialists, advocates of socialized medicine schemes as well as draconian gun control.

A story several years ago, I believe in a Salt Lake newspaper, verified that Obama had pure German blood running through his veins.
at least hitler loved Germany

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