Hispanic Groups Condemning Trump Need to Get a Life


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Some Hispanic groups have been condemning Donald Trump for his remarks about Mexico and SOME Mexican migrants. These folks are just making fools out of themselves. Trump talked about rapists and criminals but he never characterized all the Mexican migrants that way.

Here's what Trump said, which these paranoids are reacting to >>

"When Mexico sends its people,they're not sending the best. They're not sending you, they're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they're telling us what we're getting."

So, what Trump has said is that SOME of the migrants Mexico is sending (and YES, they are SENDING them), are rapists, drug possessors, and criminals. Well, is there anyone with better than a grain of intelligence who cannot see this statement to be true ? Can they also not see that this is not talking about Hispanics in general, or even Mexican migrants in general ? And it might be noted that just crossing the border without inspection from US immigration officials is a CRIME, making every migrant who does it a criminal. Those who overstay visas are not committing a crime (yet), but they are lawbreakers also, and all this show a disrespect to our laws, and thereby to us as well.

Still, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (26 Hispanic Democrats in the US House) has denounced Trump for making the remarks, labeled him as a racist, and complained about him appearing on Saturday Night Live. Frankly, if there is any racism (or ethnicism) going on here, I would say it might be the mere existence of a group in Congress labeling itself "Hispanic". Since when did it become OK for US taxpayer dollars (paid by ALL Americans) and congressional time/energy to be devoted to a particular race or ethnicity ? These paranoid pretenders need to get a life, and stop wasting tax dollars and time on false non-issues, and get down to the business of representing EVERYONE in their districts, as they are being paid to do, and not just Hispanics.

It is expected that racist groups like the National Council of La Raza and dopey media reporters like Sally Kohn at CNN, would twist this all out of shape, but members of "our" own government should not be engaging in such FALSE accusing and labeling.

As for Trump's against Mexico, I'd say he probably isn't saying enough against them. Among nations, Mexico is America's # 1 enemy in the world, who has been invading us for decades. It has been remarked in the media about how silent Mexican president Enrique Nieto has been on all this. For anyone who doesn't get it, the reason why Nieto has gone silent on all this is because he knows he and his country are the bad, bad, bad guys, who have got most Americans suckered into thinking they're the good guys.

Mexican imperialism upon the USA has been pillaging America's economy and tax treasuries for decades, and no US president has acted on it since Eisenhower in 1954, with Operation Wetback (the largest mass deportation program in American history). Mexico robs us of $23 Billion/year in remittances$$, extracted out of our economy, wired to Mexico, and promptly re-inserted into the Mexican economy. In addition, they rob the US of tens of Billions$$$ more in welfare payouts to Mexicans living in the US, via the anchor baby racket and false documentation (an industry unto itself). These things + US foreign aid to Mexico, all combine to be Mexico's # 1 source of income.

All this is something Pieto would like to keep very quiet.

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These "groups" are nothing more than collections of enterprising individuals who have discovered that free advertising for self promotion is available by catering to the left wing media's biases.
Some Hispanic groups have been condemning Donald Trump for his remarks about Mexico and SOME Mexican migrants. These folks are just making fools out of themselves. Trump talked about rapists and criminals but he never characterized all the Mexican migrants that way.

Here's what Trump said, which these paranoids are reacting to >>

"When Mexico sends its people,they're not sending the best. They're not sending you, they're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they're telling us what we're getting."

So, what Trump has said is that SOME of the migrants Mexico is sending (and YES, they are SENDING them), are rapists, drug possessors, and criminals. Well, is there anyone with better than a grain of intelligence who cannot see this statement to be true ? Can they also not see that this is not talking about Hispanics in general, or even Mexican migrants in general ? And it might be noted that just crossing the border without inspection from US immigration officials is a CRIME, making every migrant who does it a criminal. Those who overstay visas are not committing a crime (yet), but they are lawbreakers also, and all this show a disrespect to our laws, and thereby to us as well.

Still, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (26 Hispanic Democrats in the US House) has denounced Trump for making the remarks, labeled him as a racist, and complained about him appearing on Saturday Night Live. Frankly, if there is any racism (or ethnicism) going on here, I would say it might be the mere existence of a group in Congress labeling itself "Hispanic". Since when did it become OK for US taxpayer dollars (paid by ALL Americans) and congressional time/energy to be devoted to a particular race or ethnicity ? These paranoid pretenders need to get a life, and stop wasting tax dollars and time on false non-issues, and get down to the business of representing EVERYONE in their districts, as they are being paid to do, and not just Hispanics.

It is expected that racist groups like the National Council of La Raza and dopey media reporters like Sally Kohn at CNN, would twist this all out of shape, but members of "our" own government should not be engaging in such FALSE accusing and labeling.

As for Trump's against Mexico, I'd say he probably isn't saying enough against them. Among nations, Mexico is America's # 1 enemy in the world, who has been invading us for decades. It has been remarked in the media about how silent Mexican president Enrique Nieto has been on all this. For anyone who doesn't get it, the reason why Nieto has gone silent on all this is because he knows he and his country are the bad, bad, bad guys, who have got most Americans suckered into thinking they're the good guys.

Mexican imperialism upon the USA has been pillaging America's economy and tax treasuries for decades, and no US president has acted on it since Eisenhower in 1954, with Operation Wetback (the largest mass deportation program in American history). Mexico robs us of $23 Billion/year in remittances$$, extracted out of our economy, wired to Mexico, and promptly re-inserted into the Mexican economy. In addition, they rob the US of tens of Billions$$$ more in welfare payouts to Mexicans living in the US, via the anchor baby racket and false documentation (an industry unto itself). These things + US foreign aid to Mexico, all combine to be Mexico's # 1 source of income.

All this is something Pieto would like to keep very quiet.


Ho-hum; another ambassador of "Whiteness" trying to justify Trump's racist rants. The irony here is that you have only made it worse by going even further than Trump did.

Mexico is "SENDING" their worst? Well, I doubt Mexico is sending anyone. The illegal immigrants aren't being sent, they are coming out of desperation and some of them pay thousands of dollars to "coyotes" for the ride.

The proportion of Mexicans on welfare in the USA compared to their population is lower than that of Whites or Blacks.

You are just angry because hue-mans are communicating with each other to further their mutual political interests and there is NOTHING you can do about it! The divide and conquer tactic doesn't work anymore.
Some Hispanic groups have been condemning Donald Trump for his remarks about Mexico and SOME Mexican migrants. These folks are just making fools out of themselves. Trump talked about rapists and criminals but he never characterized all the Mexican migrants that way.

Here's what Trump said, which these paranoids are reacting to >>

"When Mexico sends its people,they're not sending the best. They're not sending you, they're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they're telling us what we're getting."

So, what Trump has said is that SOME of the migrants Mexico is sending (and YES, they are SENDING them), are rapists, drug possessors, and criminals. Well, is there anyone with better than a grain of intelligence who cannot see this statement to be true ? Can they also not see that this is not talking about Hispanics in general, or even Mexican migrants in general ? And it might be noted that just crossing the border without inspection from US immigration officials is a CRIME, making every migrant who does it a criminal. Those who overstay visas are not committing a crime (yet), but they are lawbreakers also, and all this show a disrespect to our laws, and thereby to us as well.

Still, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (26 Hispanic Democrats in the US House) has denounced Trump for making the remarks, labeled him as a racist, and complained about him appearing on Saturday Night Live. Frankly, if there is any racism (or ethnicism) going on here, I would say it might be the mere existence of a group in Congress labeling itself "Hispanic". Since when did it become OK for US taxpayer dollars (paid by ALL Americans) and congressional time/energy to be devoted to a particular race or ethnicity ? These paranoid pretenders need to get a life, and stop wasting tax dollars and time on false non-issues, and get down to the business of representing EVERYONE in their districts, as they are being paid to do, and not just Hispanics.

It is expected that racist groups like the National Council of La Raza and dopey media reporters like Sally Kohn at CNN, would twist this all out of shape, but members of "our" own government should not be engaging in such FALSE accusing and labeling.

As for Trump's against Mexico, I'd say he probably isn't saying enough against them. Among nations, Mexico is America's # 1 enemy in the world, who has been invading us for decades. It has been remarked in the media about how silent Mexican president Enrique Nieto has been on all this. For anyone who doesn't get it, the reason why Nieto has gone silent on all this is because he knows he and his country are the bad, bad, bad guys, who have got most Americans suckered into thinking they're the good guys.

Mexican imperialism upon the USA has been pillaging America's economy and tax treasuries for decades, and no US president has acted on it since Eisenhower in 1954, with Operation Wetback (the largest mass deportation program in American history). Mexico robs us of $23 Billion/year in remittances$$, extracted out of our economy, wired to Mexico, and promptly re-inserted into the Mexican economy. In addition, they rob the US of tens of Billions$$$ more in welfare payouts to Mexicans living in the US, via the anchor baby racket and false documentation (an industry unto itself). These things + US foreign aid to Mexico, all combine to be Mexico's # 1 source of income.

All this is something Pieto would like to keep very quiet.

in english this time condemning what the fk is that word?
Ho-hum; another ambassador of "Whiteness" trying to justify Trump's racist rants. The irony here is that you have only made it worse by going even further than Trump did.

Mexico is "SENDING" their worst? Well, I doubt Mexico is sending anyone. The illegal immigrants aren't being sent, they are coming out of desperation and some of them pay thousands of dollars to "coyotes" for the ride.

The proportion of Mexicans on welfare in the USA compared to their population is lower than that of Whites or Blacks.

You are just angry because hue-mans are communicating with each other to further their mutual political interests and there is NOTHING you can do about it! The divide and conquer tactic doesn't work anymore.
This sounds like the typical nonsense spewed out by the illegal alien ass-kissing media who wants foreigner for democrat VOTES. Here's your re-education >>

1. "Whiteness" has nothing to do with this. American Hispanics (myself included)and Blacks are just as harmed by illegal (and legal) immigration and Whites are if not more so. You think we somehow got an exemption from job loss + the long list of other harms just from being brown or black ?

2. The "further" you are talking about is the FACTS. (whether anybody likes them or not).

3. Yes Mexico is SENDING their worst (ie. poorest, criminal, etc) just like Castro did during the Mariel boatlift in the Carter years, when he opened up his prisons, nuthouses, poorhouses, etc, sent them here. Don't think te Mexican govt has ever been complicit int he SENDING scenario. Try reading THIS Guide for the Mexican Migrant, published and distributed free of charge by the Mexican government, showing illegal aliens how they can most efficiently invade the USA, and evade US immigration authorities >>

Guide for the Mexican Migrant

4. Not only is the proportion of immigrants on welfare compared to their population, in the US higher than Whites or Blacks, but the the total % of all immigrants is higher among immigrants than it is among native-born Americans. In 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children.

5. There plenty we can do about it, and after Trump becomes the next president of the US, million of illegal aliens (of any nationalitiy) will be deported same as occured in 1954 under Operation Wetback. In addition, birthright citienship andf sanctuary cities will become a thing of the past, as will birth tourists, anchor babies, false documentation, and visa overstayers.

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children

6. Ho hum. Yawn *****
Anybody who says Mexico isn't sending people here illegally is a fool. Billions of dollars are being sent back to Mexico.
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Ho-hum; another ambassador of "Whiteness" trying to justify Trump's racist rants. The irony here is that you have only made it worse by going even further than Trump did.

Mexico is "SENDING" their worst? Well, I doubt Mexico is sending anyone. The illegal immigrants aren't being sent, they are coming out of desperation and some of them pay thousands of dollars to "coyotes" for the ride.

The proportion of Mexicans on welfare in the USA compared to their population is lower than that of Whites or Blacks.

You are just angry because hue-mans are communicating with each other to further their mutual political interests and there is NOTHING you can do about it! The divide and conquer tactic doesn't work anymore.
This sounds like the typical nonsense spewed out by the illegal alien ass-kissing media who wants foreigner for democrat VOTES. Here's your re-education >>

1. "Whiteness" has nothing to do with this. American Hispanics (myself included)and Blacks are just as harmed by illegal (and legal) immigration and Whites are if not more so. You think we somehow got an exemption from job loss + the long list of other harms just from being brown or black ?

2. The "further" you are talking about is the FACTS. (whether anybody likes them or not).

3. Yes Mexico is SENDING their worst (ie. poorest, criminal, etc) just like Castro did during the Mariel boatlift in the Carter years, when he opened up his prisons, nuthouses, poorhouses, etc, sent them here. Don't think te Mexican govt has ever been complicit int he SENDING scenario. Try reading THIS Guide for the Mexican Migrant, published and distributed free of charge by the Mexican government, showing illegal aliens how they can most efficiently invade the USA, and evade US immigration authorities >>

Guide for the Mexican Migrant

4. Not only is the proportion of immigrants on welfare compared to their population, in the US higher than Whites or Blacks, but the the total % of all immigrants is higher among immigrants than it is among native-born Americans. In 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children.

5. There plenty we can do about it, and after Trump becomes the next president of the US, million of illegal aliens (of any nationalitiy) will be deported same as occured in 1954 under Operation Wetback. In addition, birthright citienship andf sanctuary cities will become a thing of the past, as will birth tourists, anchor babies, false documentation, and visa overstayers.

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children

6. Ho hum. Yawn *****
Gee another pasty faced bloated cross grovelers ignorant screed
Trump should play that as part of his campaign. Just to show people what kind of scum mexicans bring into the world and raise.
Gee another pasty faced bloated cross grovelers ignorant screed

Did I forget to mention that I'm Hispanic ? Could have saved you from declaring your racism to the world. Oh well. Too late now. As for ignorance, If you have anything in the OP that you think is debateable, than debate it. SInce you're not doing that, it looks like you have nothing much to say. Well, at least now you're a little less "ignorant" :biggrin:
Prediction: Illegal Mexicans will destroy the SNL show this Saturday whenever Trump is onstage. They will have to stop the skits and let one of the comedians do his stand up act. Liberals are like that and typically act like Code Pink.
Some Hispanic groups have been condemning Donald Trump for his remarks about Mexico and SOME Mexican migrants. These folks are just making fools out of themselves. Trump talked about rapists and criminals but he never characterized all the Mexican migrants that way.

Here's what Trump said, which these paranoids are reacting to >>

"When Mexico sends its people,they're not sending the best. They're not sending you, they're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they're telling us what we're getting."

So, what Trump has said is that SOME of the migrants Mexico is sending (and YES, they are SENDING them), are rapists, drug possessors, and criminals. Well, is there anyone with better than a grain of intelligence who cannot see this statement to be true ? Can they also not see that this is not talking about Hispanics in general, or even Mexican migrants in general ? And it might be noted that just crossing the border without inspection from US immigration officials is a CRIME, making every migrant who does it a criminal. Those who overstay visas are not committing a crime (yet), but they are lawbreakers also, and all this show a disrespect to our laws, and thereby to us as well.

Still, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (26 Hispanic Democrats in the US House) has denounced Trump for making the remarks, labeled him as a racist, and complained about him appearing on Saturday Night Live. Frankly, if there is any racism (or ethnicism) going on here, I would say it might be the mere existence of a group in Congress labeling itself "Hispanic". Since when did it become OK for US taxpayer dollars (paid by ALL Americans) and congressional time/energy to be devoted to a particular race or ethnicity ? These paranoid pretenders need to get a life, and stop wasting tax dollars and time on false non-issues, and get down to the business of representing EVERYONE in their districts, as they are being paid to do, and not just Hispanics.

It is expected that racist groups like the National Council of La Raza and dopey media reporters like Sally Kohn at CNN, would twist this all out of shape, but members of "our" own government should not be engaging in such FALSE accusing and labeling.

As for Trump's against Mexico, I'd say he probably isn't saying enough against them. Among nations, Mexico is America's # 1 enemy in the world, who has been invading us for decades. It has been remarked in the media about how silent Mexican president Enrique Nieto has been on all this. For anyone who doesn't get it, the reason why Nieto has gone silent on all this is because he knows he and his country are the bad, bad, bad guys, who have got most Americans suckered into thinking they're the good guys.

Mexican imperialism upon the USA has been pillaging America's economy and tax treasuries for decades, and no US president has acted on it since Eisenhower in 1954, with Operation Wetback (the largest mass deportation program in American history). Mexico robs us of $23 Billion/year in remittances$$, extracted out of our economy, wired to Mexico, and promptly re-inserted into the Mexican economy. In addition, they rob the US of tens of Billions$$$ more in welfare payouts to Mexicans living in the US, via the anchor baby racket and false documentation (an industry unto itself). These things + US foreign aid to Mexico, all combine to be Mexico's # 1 source of income.

All this is something Pieto would like to keep very quiet.


Are you speaking for all conservatives or just those who pretend the majority of illegal workers are not hired and paid by GOP associates business and farm interests.

We know that it's not liberals who are hiring the vast majority of undocumented workers. It's farmers, construction companies, restaurants, hotel chains, etc., all of them owned and operated by Republicans. [There are rare exceptions: Liberal churches who provide sanctuary and jobs, only to be vilified for their efforts.]

So much for your “foreigner for democrat votes” canard. although there may be a modicum of truth to it. From my perspective, BOTH parties are benefitted by the influx.

"Illegal immigration" would end overnight if GOP wanted

Fruit Pickers aren’t likely to take jobs from American workers but domestics and burger flippers might. Still, the agents doing the hiring are predominantly republicans. Shouldn’t you be aiming your spiel at them? Can you pause long enough to see that neither party is going to do squat about illegal immigration and Trump won’t either if he is elected.

What CAN he do without Congressional approval? He won’t get that and the flow will continue...

I really don’t think Trump will win so his grandiose proposals will never see the light of day.


I can’t believe you would expect me to fall for the old’ bait and switch routine. Nice try but we are not talking about ALL US immigrants here we are talking about illegal Hispanic immigrants. But I will show this chart which shows the number of Hispanic welfare recipients in the USA period.

Welfare Demographics
Percent of recipients who are white 38.8 %
Percent of recipients who are black 39.8 %
Percent of recipients who are Hispanic 15.7 %
Percent of recipients who are Asian 2.4 %
Percent of recipients who are Other 3.3 %

Welfare Statistics | Statistic Brain
Some Hispanic groups have been condemning Donald Trump for his remarks about Mexico and SOME Mexican migrants. These folks are just making fools out of themselves. Trump talked about rapists and criminals but he never characterized all the Mexican migrants that way.

Here's what Trump said, which these paranoids are reacting to >>

"When Mexico sends its people,they're not sending the best. They're not sending you, they're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they're telling us what we're getting."

So, what Trump has said is that SOME of the migrants Mexico is sending (and YES, they are SENDING them), are rapists, drug possessors, and criminals. Well, is there anyone with better than a grain of intelligence who cannot see this statement to be true ? Can they also not see that this is not talking about Hispanics in general, or even Mexican migrants in general ? And it might be noted that just crossing the border without inspection from US immigration officials is a CRIME, making every migrant who does it a criminal. Those who overstay visas are not committing a crime (yet), but they are lawbreakers also, and all this show a disrespect to our laws, and thereby to us as well.

Still, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (26 Hispanic Democrats in the US House) has denounced Trump for making the remarks, labeled him as a racist, and complained about him appearing on Saturday Night Live. Frankly, if there is any racism (or ethnicism) going on here, I would say it might be the mere existence of a group in Congress labeling itself "Hispanic". Since when did it become OK for US taxpayer dollars (paid by ALL Americans) and congressional time/energy to be devoted to a particular race or ethnicity ? These paranoid pretenders need to get a life, and stop wasting tax dollars and time on false non-issues, and get down to the business of representing EVERYONE in their districts, as they are being paid to do, and not just Hispanics.

It is expected that racist groups like the National Council of La Raza and dopey media reporters like Sally Kohn at CNN, would twist this all out of shape, but members of "our" own government should not be engaging in such FALSE accusing and labeling.

As for Trump's against Mexico, I'd say he probably isn't saying enough against them. Among nations, Mexico is America's # 1 enemy in the world, who has been invading us for decades. It has been remarked in the media about how silent Mexican president Enrique Nieto has been on all this. For anyone who doesn't get it, the reason why Nieto has gone silent on all this is because he knows he and his country are the bad, bad, bad guys, who have got most Americans suckered into thinking they're the good guys.

Mexican imperialism upon the USA has been pillaging America's economy and tax treasuries for decades, and no US president has acted on it since Eisenhower in 1954, with Operation Wetback (the largest mass deportation program in American history). Mexico robs us of $23 Billion/year in remittances$$, extracted out of our economy, wired to Mexico, and promptly re-inserted into the Mexican economy. In addition, they rob the US of tens of Billions$$$ more in welfare payouts to Mexicans living in the US, via the anchor baby racket and false documentation (an industry unto itself). These things + US foreign aid to Mexico, all combine to be Mexico's # 1 source of income.

All this is something Pieto would like to keep very quiet.

Trump insulting Hispanics is all part of the plan. They can afford to offend Hispanics now to appeal to anti illegal immigrant americans because they will quickly forgive and forget when rubio is nominated.

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