Hillary Supporters Gone Berserk

:wtf:OMIGOD! It was a Drumpf pinata!!!!!!!!! *swoon* Fuck them and fuck you.... I THINK THAT MOST PINATAS are more highly educated than you...you can thank me, i am a Hispanic voting for Trump.
Because George Soros paid them to go beserk. soros-460x267.jpg
Stone claimed the protesters were “paid for mostly by George Soros and MoveOn.org and pushed by David Brock at Media Matters for America.”

image: http://www.wnd.com/files/2016/06/bern-ad.png


A Craigslist ad offering $15 an hour to protest a Trump rally Janesville, Wis., in March.

Stone’s accusations could be supported by the discovery of a Craigslist ad calling for “Temporary paid positions to protest Donald Trump rally” that appeared in Wisconsin in March.

Violence at anti-Trump protests is on the increase. Angry mobs have been showing up at Trump rallies in California, waving Mexican flags, wearing Che Guevara T-shirts, burning American flags, while accusing Trump supporters of racism.

Read more at ‘Rent-a-mob’ zealot caught red-handed at Trump riot
So much for civility.
Must have stolen the idea from the Obama effigies hung during his campaign.
Actually, Trump pinatas are a GREAT idea. Hope they've got a big boner to smash.

Obama was hung in effigy? Where?
Google search for ya, buddy.

I won;t waste my time. If so, and I'll go ahead and take your word for it, it is equally stupid. But I am certin the same folks out heir beating on a Trump pinata had a hissy fit it at the time.
Hillary Clinton, Obama and Biden voted for the Secure Border Fence Act which passed into Law in 2006...
Clinton aims to exploit this division, opposing the Republican leadership from the right. This is a calculated strategy that she has been developing...1827_RED_1_1024x1024.jpg biyidlocuaas5ke.jpg
Thus, in a 2003 interview with WABC radio in New York, she declared: “I am, you know, adamantly against illegal immigrants.”
Oh those horrible Demo........um.....er.....Meixcans

Rodriguez said the piñata events aren't held out of malice but as a way to celebrate a Mexican custom. Rodriguez, who is Mexican-American, said piñatas are often used in Mexico and Central America as a way to poke fun at powerful political figures.

Rodriguez said New York billionaire Trump, whom he christened "El Trumpo," fit the bill perfectly. "The Don," he said, "represents the sorts of billionaires we're up against as small business owners.

"If someone is giving you the blues in Mexico, the devil or anyone like that, you build a piñata, sometimes even if you like the person," Rodriguez said. "It's the only way we can ridicule him, because if the one percent wanted, they could grind us into powder and sell us by the pound. Humor is the only way we can go up against this; it's the only weapon we have, and we're going to wield it."

Rodriguez has previously held Trump piñata events on the two most recent Mexican Independence days and on Cinco de Mayo this year.
Just so we are clear, ya'll are pussyaching about a fucking piñata. :lol:
But this isn't Mexico, Its the United States. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................CLARO QUE SI...****************************************************************************************************************
"Rodriguez has previously held Trump piñata events on the two most recent Mexican Independence days and on Cinco de Mayo this year."
But this isn't Mexico, Its the United States. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................CLARO QUE SI...****************************************************************************************************************
"Rodriguez has previously held Trump piñata events on the two most recent Mexican Independence days and on Cinco de Mayo this year."

Where it's citizen are free to make and brake pinatas to our hearts desire. Where as grabbing women by the pussy because you're a rich TV star is still illegal.
So much for civility.
Must have stolen the idea from the Obama effigies hung during his campaign.
Actually, Trump pinatas are a GREAT idea. Hope they've got a big boner to smash.

Obama was hung in effigy? Where?
Google search for ya, buddy.

I won;t waste my time. If so, and I'll go ahead and take your word for it, it is equally stupid. But I am certin the same folks out heir beating on a Trump pinata had a hissy fit it at the time.
Oh, Soggy, it's just good fun. Like Nixon dartboards. Don't be so sensitive!
Oh those horrible Demo........um.....er.....Meixcans

Rodriguez said the piñata events aren't held out of malice but as a way to celebrate a Mexican custom. Rodriguez, who is Mexican-American, said piñatas are often used in Mexico and Central America as a way to poke fun at powerful political figures.

Rodriguez said New York billionaire Trump, whom he christened "El Trumpo," fit the bill perfectly. "The Don," he said, "represents the sorts of billionaires we're up against as small business owners.

"If someone is giving you the blues in Mexico, the devil or anyone like that, you build a piñata, sometimes even if you like the person," Rodriguez said. "It's the only way we can ridicule him, because if the one percent wanted, they could grind us into powder and sell us by the pound. Humor is the only way we can go up against this; it's the only weapon we have, and we're going to wield it."

Rodriguez has previously held Trump piñata events on the two most recent Mexican Independence days and on Cinco de Mayo this year.

This isn't Mexico, dumbass. The people bashing the pinata weren't Mexicans.
But this isn't Mexico, Its the United States. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................CLARO QUE SI...****************************************************************************************************************
"Rodriguez has previously held Trump piñata events on the two most recent Mexican Independence days and on Cinco de Mayo this year."

Where it's citizen are free to make and brake pinatas to our hearts desire. Where as grabbing women by the pussy because you're a rich TV star is still illegal.
Not if they let you, moron. Note: Trump said "they let you." That's the part morons like you keep leaving out when you lie that Trump admitted to sexual assault.
Oh those horrible Demo........um.....er.....Meixcans

Rodriguez said the piñata events aren't held out of malice but as a way to celebrate a Mexican custom. Rodriguez, who is Mexican-American, said piñatas are often used in Mexico and Central America as a way to poke fun at powerful political figures.

Rodriguez said New York billionaire Trump, whom he christened "El Trumpo," fit the bill perfectly. "The Don," he said, "represents the sorts of billionaires we're up against as small business owners.

"If someone is giving you the blues in Mexico, the devil or anyone like that, you build a piñata, sometimes even if you like the person," Rodriguez said. "It's the only way we can ridicule him, because if the one percent wanted, they could grind us into powder and sell us by the pound. Humor is the only way we can go up against this; it's the only weapon we have, and we're going to wield it."

Rodriguez has previously held Trump piñata events on the two most recent Mexican Independence days and on Cinco de Mayo this year.

This isn't Mexico, dumbass. The people bashing the pinata weren't Mexicans.

Hey zippy I just copied that from the OP's link. The guy who commissioned it was.

"Trump piñatas are nothing new to restaurant owner Francis Rodriguez. In fact, Sunday evening marked the fourth time Rodriguez commissioned a Trump piñata for residents of Cherokee Street to "thump" since last fall."

At least they're not talking about 2nd amendment solutions if Donald "The Groper" Trump gets elected.
Oh those horrible Demo........um.....er.....Meixcans

Rodriguez said the piñata events aren't held out of malice but as a way to celebrate a Mexican custom. Rodriguez, who is Mexican-American, said piñatas are often used in Mexico and Central America as a way to poke fun at powerful political figures.

Rodriguez said New York billionaire Trump, whom he christened "El Trumpo," fit the bill perfectly. "The Don," he said, "represents the sorts of billionaires we're up against as small business owners.

"If someone is giving you the blues in Mexico, the devil or anyone like that, you build a piñata, sometimes even if you like the person," Rodriguez said. "It's the only way we can ridicule him, because if the one percent wanted, they could grind us into powder and sell us by the pound. Humor is the only way we can go up against this; it's the only weapon we have, and we're going to wield it."

Rodriguez has previously held Trump piñata events on the two most recent Mexican Independence days and on Cinco de Mayo this year.

This isn't Mexico, dumbass. The people bashing the pinata weren't Mexicans.

Hey zippy I just copied that from the OP's link. The guy who commissioned it was.

"Trump piñatas are nothing new to restaurant owner Francis Rodriguez. In fact, Sunday evening marked the fourth time Rodriguez commissioned a Trump piñata for residents of Cherokee Street to "thump" since last fall."

At least they're not talking about 2nd amendment solutions if Donald "The Groper" Trump gets elected.

Look at the guy in the picture swinging the stick. He's not Mexican.
But this isn't Mexico, Its the United States. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................CLARO QUE SI...****************************************************************************************************************
"Rodriguez has previously held Trump piñata events on the two most recent Mexican Independence days and on Cinco de Mayo this year."

Where it's citizen are free to make and brake pinatas to our hearts desire. Where as grabbing women by the pussy because you're a rich TV star is still illegal.
Link to him grabbing a woman's pussy? Thanks....

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