Hillary is now attacking Americans who oppose her political agenda. That is the same strategy Vietnam era traitors like her husband used. The traitors attacked Americans while they made it look like they only opposed an unjust war. Hillary attacks Americans while she makes it look like she only opposes Donald Trump.
The fact is: Vietnam era traitors supported the enemy in a war at the same time men and women were fighting and dying for their country. That strategy amounted to saying the men and women who knowingly knew what they were fighting for in Vietnam were “deplorable.” Veterans were certainly treated that way when they returned home.
The Left’s Vietnam era strategy brought defeat to their own country. The same thing will happen if Hillary wins the election. Our defeat in Vietnam had an insidious, long-lasting, effect. The defeat Hillary Clinton & Company is engineering will be far more pernicious, and last a lot longer than did defeat in Vietnam.
NOTE: Hillary Clinton will only defend this country as part of an international coalition. In plain English, to Hillary “No boots on the ground” can be ignored when America’s military is defending this country under the banner of a United Nations coalition.
Finally, I cannot prove it, but I firmly believe that the scandals surrounding the Veterans Administration is deeply rooted in the Left’s hatred of Americans fighting against Communism in Vietnam. To this day Vietnam era traitors permeate every administration, Congress, the courts, and federal bureaucracies; so I am not stretching it too far to suggest that Democrats believe that everybody who fought against Communism deserve the worst treatment possible. I would go so far as to propose that if elected Democrats could get away with it they would deny benefits of any kind to every vet who served in the military during the Vietnam War.
Incidentally, Democrats ain’t too happy about veterans who fought in Iraq without the UN’s approval:
p.s. Here is another take on the Vietnam War:
“You could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right,” Clinton said, drawing laughter and applause as she addressed about 1,000 donors at an LGBT for Hillary fundraising gala in New York City, “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic – you name it.” Adding that Trump had “given voice” to many of those elements through his campaign rhetoric and retweets, she continued that, “some of those folks – they are irredeemable, but thankfully they are not America.”
Look what Hillary thinks of other half of voters
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 09/10/2016 @ 3:39 pm
Look what Hillary thinks of other half of voters
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 09/10/2016 @ 3:39 pm
Look what Hillary thinks of other half of voters
The fact is: Vietnam era traitors supported the enemy in a war at the same time men and women were fighting and dying for their country. That strategy amounted to saying the men and women who knowingly knew what they were fighting for in Vietnam were “deplorable.” Veterans were certainly treated that way when they returned home.
The Left’s Vietnam era strategy brought defeat to their own country. The same thing will happen if Hillary wins the election. Our defeat in Vietnam had an insidious, long-lasting, effect. The defeat Hillary Clinton & Company is engineering will be far more pernicious, and last a lot longer than did defeat in Vietnam.
NOTE: Hillary Clinton will only defend this country as part of an international coalition. In plain English, to Hillary “No boots on the ground” can be ignored when America’s military is defending this country under the banner of a United Nations coalition.
Finally, I cannot prove it, but I firmly believe that the scandals surrounding the Veterans Administration is deeply rooted in the Left’s hatred of Americans fighting against Communism in Vietnam. To this day Vietnam era traitors permeate every administration, Congress, the courts, and federal bureaucracies; so I am not stretching it too far to suggest that Democrats believe that everybody who fought against Communism deserve the worst treatment possible. I would go so far as to propose that if elected Democrats could get away with it they would deny benefits of any kind to every vet who served in the military during the Vietnam War.
Incidentally, Democrats ain’t too happy about veterans who fought in Iraq without the UN’s approval:
p.s. Here is another take on the Vietnam War:
What these modern war memorials have in common with each other is nothing. They portray nothingness. They have no people in them, never mind men carrying guns or swords, statues of Winged Victory, or even doves of peace. Just death and names -- grief without glory.
November 11, 2007
Monuments to Wimpdom
By Duncan Maxwell Anderson
Monuments to Wimpdom
By Duncan Maxwell Anderson
I was always uncomfortable with the design of the Vietnam War Memorial but never said anything against it. I felt that any criticism would be twisted by Lefties into a slur against the men and women whose names appear on the “Wall.” The anti-Vietnam War traitors defending America’s fallen heroes because of something I said would have been more than I can bear. Unfortunately I was right. Whenever I broached the topic in the following years the Left’s perpetually outraged morality had a field day criticizing my objections.
Parenthetically, since 2007, the worst people in our society have acquired more political power than they ever had since they worked so hard to give America’s enemy in Vietnam a victory at any cost.
There is a subliminal political message involved in Anderson’s “grief without glory” aspect of the Vietnam War Memorial’s design. Traditional designs honor the sacrifice as well as those who made it. The Vietnam War Memorial is different in that the dead are listed, but the message is that their sacrifice was a waste. How many visiting the Wall remember that the Vietnam War was fought against Communism? That was not a waste.
The political message incorporated in the Vietnam War Memorial also justifies the anti-Vietnam War demonstrations by American Communists who did not, and do not, care one iota about the men and women who gave their lives fighting against Communism.
Parenthetically, since 2007, the worst people in our society have acquired more political power than they ever had since they worked so hard to give America’s enemy in Vietnam a victory at any cost.
There is a subliminal political message involved in Anderson’s “grief without glory” aspect of the Vietnam War Memorial’s design. Traditional designs honor the sacrifice as well as those who made it. The Vietnam War Memorial is different in that the dead are listed, but the message is that their sacrifice was a waste. How many visiting the Wall remember that the Vietnam War was fought against Communism? That was not a waste.
The political message incorporated in the Vietnam War Memorial also justifies the anti-Vietnam War demonstrations by American Communists who did not, and do not, care one iota about the men and women who gave their lives fighting against Communism.
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