Hillary/Obama/DNC Launches Pre-Emptive Strike - WikiLeaks Server Under 'Hack Attack'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
In an effort to SILENCE the damaging Wikileaks revelations - including the 'bombshell that was supposed to be released today before the election tomorrow, Hillary/Barry/DNC are waging a Cyber Attack / War against Wikileaks!

WikiLeaks says email publication servers under targeted DoS attack since #DNCLeak2

"Our email publication servers are under a targeted DoS attack since releasing #DNCLeak2
- You can increase capacity: https://t.co/MsNZhrTzTL
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) November 7, 2016
Previously WikiLeaks tweeted that the website was briefly down.

The announcement was made by WikiLeaks on its official Twitter account after the organization had released more than 8,000 emails from key figures in the Democratic National Committee.

RELEASE: 8263 new emails from the DNC
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) November 7, 2016

The news comes against the backdrop of the whistleblowing website's ongoing Podesta email leaks and revelations about Hillary Clinton in Julian Assange’s exclusive interview with journalist and documentary maker John Pilger."

WikiLeaks says email publication servers under targeted DoS attack since #DNCLeak2

The DNC, Hillary, and Barry are SO close to 'stealing' this election, they will not let anything stop them now.
On the 'Eve' of the Election, 'Twitter' Taken Down?!

Conspiracy theories abound as Twitter goes down after WikiLeaks 'DDoS attack'

Some believe the 'attacks' are designed to suppress a new WikiLeaks release about the Clintons


Twitter outages reported in Japan and across the US (Downdetector)
Twitter is yet to comment on the loss of service, and it has not been acknowledged via @twitter or @support

Conspiracy theories abound as Twitter goes down following WikiLeaks 'DDoS attack'

Call it what it is right now - 'Conspiracy theory...for now. The sad thing is, after everything that has proven to have been done by this lawless President / Administration to help Hillary, I wouldn't be surprised....
In an effort to SILENCE the damaging Wikileaks revelations - including the 'bombshell that was supposed to be released today before the election tomorrow, Hillary/Barry/DNC are waging a Cyber Attack / War against Wikileaks!

WikiLeaks says email publication servers under targeted DoS attack since #DNCLeak2

"Our email publication servers are under a targeted DoS attack since releasing #DNCLeak2
- You can increase capacity: https://t.co/MsNZhrTzTL
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) November 7, 2016
Previously WikiLeaks tweeted that the website was briefly down.

The announcement was made by WikiLeaks on its official Twitter account after the organization had released more than 8,000 emails from key figures in the Democratic National Committee.

RELEASE: 8263 new emails from the DNC
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) November 7, 2016

The news comes against the backdrop of the whistleblowing website's ongoing Podesta email leaks and revelations about Hillary Clinton in Julian Assange’s exclusive interview with journalist and documentary maker John Pilger."

WikiLeaks says email publication servers under targeted DoS attack since #DNCLeak2

The DNC, Hillary, and Barry are SO close to 'stealing' this election, they will not let anything stop them now.
Yeah, let's attack wikileaks because all of this information they have been releasing has been so damaging. ROTFLMAO.

You really should just forget all this bullshit and start in right now on all of the excuses why trump lost. Rigged election, MSM, etc...

You fucking kkklowns are hilarious.
The far right and alt right media now strike at America's election with lies and falsehoods.
VOR, why are Liberals so 'allergic; to the facts? Is reality that painful to you?

I posted a link to an article about how the Wikileaks server is under attack, and you have a 'reaction' and begin attacking me. :p

You can calm down - NO ONE is going to try to pin it on Hillary. The Clinton e-mail investigation demonstrated she has no clue about computers. Her own staff called her 'technology challenged', always a plus when you're looking for a President. :p
VOR, why are Liberals so 'allergic; to the facts? Is reality that painful to you?

I posted a link to an article about how the Wikileaks server is under attack, and you have a 'reaction' and begin attacking me. :p

You can calm down - NO ONE is going to try to pin it on Hillary. The Clinton e-mail investigation demonstrated she has no clue about computers. Her own staff called her 'technology challenged', always a plus when you're looking for a President. :p
Yeah, I can see where you would prefer a technically savvy trump instead, who stays up all night tweeting derogatory statements about others, like a teenage girl.
easyt, why do you accuse him of such a thing when personal attacks are a staple of your actions.

wikileaks is being hacked by Russia in an attempt to influence the American election.
Yeah, I can see where you would prefer a technically savvy trump instead, who stays up all night tweeting derogatory statements about others, like a teenage girl.
Nah, it would just be nice to have a President not so STUPID and Dain Bramaged that they can't figure out how to use multiple e-mails on 1 govt Blackberry so they don't have to jeopardize National Security by breaking the law.
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Hillary/Obama/DNC Launches Pre-Emptive Strike - WikiLeaks Server Under 'Hack Attack'

Nice cover for the much hyped but no doubt an empty "atom bomb" of gamechanging documents scheduled for today. What a good soldier you are.
easyt, why do you accuse him of such a thing when personal attacks are a staple of your actions.

wikileaks is being hacked by Russia in an attempt to influence the American election.

Wikileaks is being attacked by RUSSIA?! The same Russia that is in league with Wikileaks and Trump, according to Liberals?!


I can't put up with WILLFUL Liberal ignorance and corruption. And as John Wayne said, "Life is hard...it's harder if you're a Liberal'...I mean 'Harder if you're stupid. (Same same :p )
easyt, why do you accuse him of such a thing when personal attacks are a staple of your actions.

wikileaks is being hacked by Russia in an attempt to influence the American election.

Wikileaks is being attacked by RUSSIA?! The same Russia that is in league with Wikileaks and Trump, according to Liberals?!


I can't put up with WILLFUL Liberal ignorance and corruption. And as John Wayne said, "Life is hard...it's harder if you're a Liberal'...I mean 'Harder if you're stupid. (Same same :p )
The same Russia that has been using wikileaks from the beginning.
wikileaks drops yet another bombshell full of nonsense that everyone in america either already knows or doesn't care.
The same Russia that has been using wikileaks from the beginning.

I just realized something - you actually ARE an Idiot. It's NOT an 'act'.

Jake, I want you to muster all the intelligence and common sense you can and 'walk' with me through this one.

According to LIBERALS, Russia allied themselves with Wikileaks to 'take down' Hillary (despite Wikileaks declaring it has been members of our own Intel community)

If Russia's goal was to help Wikileaks 'take down' Hillary, WHY would Russia launch a cyber attack on Wikileaks when it has supposedly been helping Assange until now? WHY would Russia want to silence Assange on the day when Assange is supposed to be releasing the 'nuke' of revelations against Hillary?

It makes about as much sense as War Mongering, Personal Drone Assassination Program-Running, Al Qaeida/ISIS-Befriending Barry winning the Nobel Peace Prize for 'POTENTIAL'.

That's a whole lot of 'Ignorant' for such a tiny head, Jake.
easyt, sensible and rational people do not follow your goat herder chant down the path to America's destruction.

Rational thinking Americans from the right to the left know that Russia did ally itself with wikileaks long ago.

The Russian goal always was to take over wikileaks completely and that is what is going on now.

You people are so foolish, just lame brains.
In an effort to SILENCE the damaging Wikileaks revelations - including the 'bombshell that was supposed to be released today before the election tomorrow, Hillary/Barry/DNC are waging a Cyber Attack / War against Wikileaks!

WikiLeaks says email publication servers under targeted DoS attack since #DNCLeak2

The news comes against the backdrop of the whistleblowing website's ongoing Podesta email leaks and revelations about Hillary Clinton in Julian Assange’s exclusive interview with journalist and documentary maker John Pilger."

The DNC, Hillary, and Barry are SO close to 'stealing' this election, they will not let anything stop them now.

In fact, they are Far away...


They will Make People #Furious, with their Stupid Despotism attempts...
easyt, sensible and rational people do not follow your goat herder chant down the path to America's destruction.
Jakey, YOUR problem is you are at the other end of the goat, humping it like a Mooslim in springtime.

I understand why you are so upset, though - you failed to think your whole 'Russia hacking their ally Wikileaks' BS through before you typed it an pushed 'enter'. I recommend getting someone else to ready what you type before you submit it in the future. It will save you a lot of embarrassment. I mean, THAT whole thing was just STUPID!
easyt, sensible and rational people do not follow your goat herder chant down the path to America's destruction.
Jakey, YOUR problem is you are at the other end of the goat, humping it like a Mooslim in springtime.

I understand why you are so upset, though - you failed to think your whole 'Russia hacking their ally Wikileaks' BS through before you typed it an pushed 'enter'. I recommend getting someone else to ready what you type before you submit it in the future. It will save you a lot of embarrassment. I mean, THAT whole thing was just STUPID!
All you can do is attack personally because you have nothing to work with on your side. The Russians have manipulated wikileaks as it does all of you freaks out there in the extreme edges of the right, and now the Russians are taking over wikileaks.

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