'Podesta/DNC Not Hacked - Failed To Implement Basic Security Measures'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"...the so-called Russia hacking, in which no vote tallies were altered, has been a major point for Democrat to harp on the airwaves.

Specifically, the targeting of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails, which wasn’t necessarily a hack. He was phished by a fake password reset email.

This is hardly sophisticated. It’s a no-brainer: don’t respond or open the damn email.

He didn’t. In fact, a typo in an email from a tech aide led to 50,000 emails being made public on Wikileaks"


"Podesta & DNC were not hacked

They didn't implement BASIC security measures that would have stopped infiltration.

Both gave away password to primitive spear phishing. No sophistication.

Not targeted.

Opened doors wide open.

https://t.co/BvLo6Ohd8v— Jordan Schachtel (@JordanSchachtel) July 14, 2018"

According to Liberals / Snowflakes, though, this event was akin to Russian committing an act of war against the US in 2014.

"In the wake of 
[the] indictments alleging that 13 Russian nationals and entities created fake social media accounts and sponsored political events to sow political discord in the U.S., something of a consensus has arisen in the political and media class (with some notable exceptions) that these actions not only constitute an “act of war” against the U.S., but one so grave that it is tantamount to Pearl Harbor and 9/11. Indeed, that Russia’s alleged “meddling” is comparable to the two most devastating attacks in U.S. history has, overnight, become a virtual clichĂ©.

Let’s leave aside what a stinging indictment this claim is of the Obama presidency. It not only means that Barack Obama allowed an attack of the magnitude of Pearl Harbor and 9/11 to happen on his watch, but worse, did very little — basically nothing — in response, allegedly due to fears that any retaliation would be criticized by Republicans as partisan."

Liberal Reporter: I'm Really Not Sold Fake Password Reset Emails From Russia Is A Hack...Or An Attack
Seth Rich. There was no 'hack.' The DNC corruption info was leaked. And a poor young man was likely murdered for it.
"...the so-called Russia hacking, in which no vote tallies were altered, has been a major point for Democrat to harp on the airwaves.

Specifically, the targeting of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails, which wasn’t necessarily a hack. He was phished by a fake password reset email.

This is hardly sophisticated. It’s a no-brainer: don’t respond or open the damn email.

He didn’t. In fact, a typo in an email from a tech aide led to 50,000 emails being made public on Wikileaks"


"Podesta & DNC were not hacked

They didn't implement BASIC security measures that would have stopped infiltration.

Both gave away password to primitive spear phishing. No sophistication.

Not targeted.

Opened doors wide open.

https://t.co/BvLo6Ohd8v— Jordan Schachtel (@JordanSchachtel) July 14, 2018"

According to Liberals / Snowflakes, though, this event was akin to Russian committing an act of war against the US in 2014.

"In the wake of 
[the] indictments alleging that 13 Russian nationals and entities created fake social media accounts and sponsored political events to sow political discord in the U.S., something of a consensus has arisen in the political and media class (with some notable exceptions) that these actions not only constitute an “act of war” against the U.S., but one so grave that it is tantamount to Pearl Harbor and 9/11. Indeed, that Russia’s alleged “meddling” is comparable to the two most devastating attacks in U.S. history has, overnight, become a virtual clichĂ©.

Let’s leave aside what a stinging indictment this claim is of the Obama presidency. It not only means that Barack Obama allowed an attack of the magnitude of Pearl Harbor and 9/11 to happen on his watch, but worse, did very little — basically nothing — in response, allegedly due to fears that any retaliation would be criticized by Republicans as partisan."

Liberal Reporter: I'm Really Not Sold Fake Password Reset Emails From Russia Is A Hack...Or An Attack

It is comparable to war and you don't have to be a liberal to believe it.

Seth Rich. There was no 'hack.' The DNC corruption info was leaked. And a poor young man was likely murdered for it.

It has nothing to do with Seth Rich.
Wallace asked Putin if Russia had interfered in the 2016 US presidential election.

The Russian state did not do anything of the sort, Putin said, wondering if Americans really believed that someone from Russia could influence their opinions and the presidential election. He then turned the tables on Wallace, asking if there was anything untrue in what the documents from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) computers and the email account of Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair John Podesta, had revealed.

“As far as I recall, the entire [Democratic] party leadership resigned and admitted to these manipulations” in favor of Clinton and against Bernie Sanders, Putin said. “Every single grain of it is true.”

‘Don’t hold US-Russia ties hostage to internal politics’: 5 takeaways from Putin’s Fox interview
"Podesta & DNC were not hacked. They didn't implement BASIC security measures that would have stopped infiltration. Both gave away password to primitive spear phishing. No sophistication. Not targeted. Opened doors wide open.

It is comparable to war and you don't have to be a liberal to believe it.

Incompetent Democrats who did not exercise even the most BASIC security measures, while running / communicating with an illegal unauthorized, unencrypted unsecured TOP SECRET server, ALLOWING 6 foreign entities to have access to their classified files.... is comparable to 'WAR'?

No, you don't have to be a liberal to believe that. You have to be an emotionally unstable, Trump-Hating, easily-manipulated, butt-hurt snowflake to believe that.
The Dems can't protect their data, they couldn't even protect ours (remember the IRS was hit), they couldn't protect the borders and refuse to, so obviously they can't protect this country nor do they care to.
Personally I would not entrust them with a mere turtle, he'd come back wearing a hoodie with a lipstick stained blunt hanging out his mouth with the Isis flag tatooed on his tortoise shell.
Hey by the way, talk about turtles, what is Adam Schiff doing these days?
The Dems can't protect their data, they couldn't even protect ours (remember the IRS was hit), they couldn't protect the borders and refuse to, so obviously they can't protect this country nor do they care to.
Personally I would not entrust them with a mere turtle, he'd come back wearing a hoodie with a lipstick stained blunt hanging out his mouth with the Isis flag tatooed on his tortoise shell.
Hey by the way, talk about turtles, what is Adam Schiff doing these days?

The DNC corruption info was leaked. There was no hack. A DNC employee leaked the info. And it's what likely got him killed.

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