Hillary: I haven’t driven a car in 18 years

George still drives.



Where is his seat belt?

Still driving isn't it? His ranch is 1,583 acres and he drives it.

How do you know he doesn't drive himself to places?

I just addressed this. No Secret Service agent in his right mind would allow a former President to drive himself around in public for obvious security reasons. His ranch is a private residence that is already well protected by the Secret Service.
I wouldn't drive either if I didn't have to. It'd be fun to have a car and driver at my disposal at all times. :)
Non issue?

Being completely out of touch with ordinary Americans is a non-issue.

Oh, yeah, right. That's why she didn't give a shit about those ordinary Americans in Benghazi. Yeah. they, too, were (and are) non-issues for her.

But Shillary WILL be your next president if it means every possible opponent must die.
Why, exactly, is this an issue?

Because the POTUS is supposed to be "of the people". She is just the latest in a long line of politicians who have shown their disdain for the common folk. Does the phrase "let them eat cake" ring a bell.

It is the same lack of care, and lack of awareness that afflicted the French nobility before their revolution. A thinking person would be considering these factors before electing the next POTUS, don't you think? Or is it OK for the politicians to be so far removed from reality in your world?


You cannot be serious.

Given the Republican candidates of the last 50 years.
Non issue?

Being completely out of touch with ordinary Americans is a non-issue.

Oh, yeah, right. That's why she didn't give a shit about those ordinary Americans in Benghazi. Yeah. they, too, were (and are) non-issues for her.

But Shillary WILL be your next president if it means every possible opponent must die.

If she were an R, the MSM and fools like Shallow would be screaming about how out of touch she is...and what a disgusting elitist she is...but since she is a D, it is not an issue.
buncha whiners

I normally use a limousine service when I don't want to walk an extra distance

does that make me elitist?
Why, exactly, is this an issue?

She's a Democrat so it's not an issue. If she were a Republican then she'd be castigated as an out of touch one percenter who doesn't understand the plight of the working class.
Of course former Presidents and First Ladies don't drive themselves. They are still protected by the Secret Service at all times. Imagine the security nightmare, having the Secret Service in the back seat, and the one who is supposed to be protected in the front. Also, I imagine Secret Service drivers are trained in evasive driving maneuvers. Even if she was part of a motorcade, how would she be able to keep up with the men protecting her? This is a stupid non-issue.

look who created the OP...
What a revealing thread!
No wonder US politics is such a basket case!

Hillary Clinton doesn't drive herself which proves that she's fat and ugly and the Democrats are elitist hypocrites.
There's no hope.
Still looking for anyone to show me a First Lady who still drives herself

This is somewhat off topic but last night I watched "The Queen" about Queen Elizabeth in the weeks following the death of Princess Diana. It struck me as very odd seeing her driving around the estate. I have no idea how accurate the story was but it just seemed odd seeing her driving and out alone to boot.

Please forgive the interruption.
good grief, and they want this woman to be President...and they bring up Palin and what magazines she supposedly didn't read for why she wouldn't of made a good President...
links and video at site


posted at 2:41 pm on January 27, 2014 by Allahpundit

Less unusual than you think, depending upon where you’re from. My uncle, a lifelong New Yorker, has driven twice in his life, I believe. But Hillary’s not a lifelong New Yorker, and Hillary ain’t taking the bus in lieu of taking the wheel.

It’s odd that a would-be president would mention her nearly 20-year run of being chauffeured around wherever she goes, especially in scripted remarks, but maybe this is what happens when a national candidate starts to think of him- or herself as a sure thing. Why not hand the GOP an easy “supermarket scanner” moment to show she’s out of touch? What are they going to do with it? The scanner thing stuck against Bush 41 (unfairly, as it was based on bad reporting) because it fit the media narrative of an older country-club patrician president not understanding America’s problems the way a younger man from Arkansas who didn’t come from money could.

all of it here
Hillary: I haven?t driven a car in 18 years « Hot Air
How does driving a car make you a better president? I can't remember the last time a sitting president drove on a public street. Presidents, most members of congress, and governors rarely drive. They have chauffeurs. The whole idea that top government officials are just like you and me is a fantasy. With few exceptions, they don't drive themselves, wash their car, take it in for service, or do any of the dozens of chores that make up our daily life. Does that make them less qualified for public office? I don't think so.
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