Hillary For Pres Gets Its Own Tv Show


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI

Let the campaign begin! In case you haven’t noticed the Hillary for President in 08 campaign is in full swing. How else do you explain Hillary’s move to the center on issues like the war on terror, abortion, immigration, taxes, social security…etc. It’s the old Clinton triangulation strategy at work again.

But the best development so far is Hollywood’s effort, specifically ABC, to give the campaign a boost by softening up the public to the idea of a woman president. Witness….Commander in Chief: The Why You Should Vote For Hillary Primer.

Last week, ABC announced that Geena Davis will star as the nation’s first female president in a one-hour drama pilot called Commander in Chief. I don’t have to read a script to know what the show is about. Geena Davis will be a sexy, smart, tough president who get’s the job done. She’ll maintain her principals while remaining compassionate for the little guy. She’ll be conservative on crime and war and liberal on soocial issues. In other words, she’ll be the exact image that Hollywood and the Clinton campaign want you to project onto Hillary. My undertanding is the pilot will include the transition from the previous administration to Davis’s, which will allow the producers and writers one last slam at Bush.

Now a friend of my suggested that it could be just the opposite. They could make Davis a shrill, bitchy conservative so the public might be scared of the idea of a conservative female in office…read…Condoleeza Rice. My response to that is, Geena Davis would never play the role. Besides, it would be to much like the real Hillary!

No, this new show is designed to begin softening the public palate with sweet spoonfuls of low-carb Hillary. And don’t doubt for a minute the production budget on this show is nothing more than a campaign contribution. It’s a brilliant ploy. First, they’ll be able to have a two hour campaign film on a major network. It will be paid for by the advertisers and as long as it’s on the air, they will get to use it to test campaign themes, policy concepts and to sell an image of Hillary being “so much like Geena Davis, it’s uncanny!”

L1: Did you see Commander in Chief last night?
L2: Yes, I Tivoed it after watching Front Line on PBS. Wasnt’ it fantastic.
L1: Yes, there was so much compassion for those less fortunate. It made
me feel better about myself.
L2: Me too. So much so that I bought a hyrid car and a $400 pair of shoes
that I’m pretty sure were not made by child laborers.

M1: Did you Commander in Chief last night?
M2: I watched it for a little bit. It was on at the same time as my favorite Law
& Order.
M1: Which one?
M2: Law & Order: Evindence Room. You know, it’s the one where they
tell the entire story from the perspective of the clerk in the evidence
M1: Yeah, I don’t like that one. Watching all that paperwork is boring, but
what did you think about Commander in Chief? Would you vote for a
woman for president?
M2: I don’t know, maybe. If she looked like Geena Davis…for sure!

C1: Hey did you watch Commander in Chief last night?
C2: No, I was working late. Did you?
C1: No, my doctor said my blood pressure was way to high.

I wouldn’t be shocked if the Commander in Chief web site had polling and discussion forums as a way of interacting with the audience and gaining some key insight on where to steer the Clinton for President campaign.

The left has lost it’s cloak and been exposed in the mainstream news media, so it’s tough to sell the message on the news these days. Now their best hope is to disguise the message as “entertainment". On this web site, we’re going to keep a close eye on Commander in Chief, to see how the fictional president influences the real life candidate and visa-versa. Look for our own episodes of Commander in Chief coming soon.

Until then, all conservatives should take heart. Davis is best known for her role in Thelma and Louise, where she drives over a cliff rather than stay married to a man…and in Earth Girls Are Easy, where she did it with an Alien. I don’t think her on screen persona is going to be in touch with the average American.

God help us all if this dragon lady gets her ass back in the White House, but this time as President.

I would EXPECT, and participate in, a revolution.
Pale Rider said:
God help us all if this dragon lady gets her ass back in the White House, but this time as President.

I would EXPECT, and participate in, a revolution.

grace the White House with her shrew-like presence again. By the way just let me know where to join you should she be elected.. But hey, if that where to happen, hell would be freezing over and signs of the apocalypse would be everywhere...
This TV show does not surprise me, afterall, the westwing show has had a democratic party in office forever, regardless if the rest of the country has voted in a true president, whom happens to be republican.

Further denial.

Personally, I can not see how billary could win.
Yurt said:
This TV show does not surprise me, afterall, the westwing show has had a democratic party in office forever, regardless if the rest of the country has voted in a true president, whom happens to be republican.

Further denial.

Personally, I can not see how billary could win.
it could happen. i pray it never does, but i could happen.
green lantern said:
it could happen. i pray it never does, but i could happen.

Hitlery refers to President Bush as a "polarizing figure", pppphhhhtttt... she's THEE MOST POLARIZING FIGURE in America today.

If she can get elected, then there can be a revolution.
Book war: To Hil & back

A book on Sen. Clinton by Ed Klein is generating early buzz.

Is Sen. Hillary Clinton bracing for a literary "Swift Boat" ambush in the form of a scandalous biography by Kennedy family nemesis Ed Klein?
Klein's latest book, "The Truth About Hillary: What She Knew, When She Knew It, and How Far She'll Go to Become President," won't be out till August at the earliest.

But already, cybergossip Matt Drudge - a proud member of Clinton's vaunted "vast right-wing conspiracy" - is claiming that Klein's publisher, The Penguin Group, is enmeshed in a bitter internal dispute over the publication of the sensational volume by Penguin's conservative Sentinel imprint.

"The revelations in it should sink her [presidential] candidacy," Drudge quoted a so-called "source close to Klein."

Klein yesterday wouldn't shed any light on Drudge's account and uttered a noncommittal "uh-huh" when I noted that some might consider the report a ploy by Sentinel to generate prepublication buzz.

Meanwhile, Clinton's press secretary, Philippe Reines, told me: "We don't comment on works of fiction."

But Sentinel associate publisher Will Weisser insisted: "We are very excited about publishing the Clinton book for September, but it's an embargoed book. I can't comment about any kind of internal discussions at Penguin."


Theres always hope??

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