Hillary Espionage Scandal- Comey Listing Classified Found Set To Music In Video - 'What Difference Does It Make' - Awesome


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The video is awesome. Comey states what classified / crimes were found was found while Hillary repeats her famous line 'What difference does it make'


Past time for Trump to live up to his threats and call out his murderers in waiting.
The gnashing of teeth by the extreme right is starting to get boring.

What is boring is 6 years of failed coup attempts, violations of the Patriot Act, Constitution, & law...defrauding the FISA Court, illegally spying on Americans and the President, Democrats manufacturing fake evidence, multiple failed Impeachment attempts, failed 'we got him this time' after failed 'we got him this time', the resulting snowflake tears after each failure, and now sending agents under investigation for their part in Hillary & Obama's failed coup attempt to raid Trump's home.

The never-ending Democrat / criminal FBI 'Don Quixote windmill crusade' against Trump ...

THAT is getting boring.
They need to make another one with the footage of Comey bragging that he purposely disregarded FBI protocols with Donald Trump.

I still remember all the idiot republicans making the rounds on the MSM touting what a great guy he was…so much integrity he has…blah blah blah. And then the cocky asshole brags about his lack of it . What a POS.
The video is awesome. Comey states what classified / crimes were found was found while Hillary repeats her famous line 'What difference does it make'


Hillary didn't "steal" classified documents, they were sent directly to her server by her co-workers. And please note that only a handful of "classified" documents were found, not "Secret", "Top Secret", and certainly not "SDI Top Secret". Hillary's documents were stored on a secure server, not in boxes in the basement of a public golf club.
Oh no doubt - no disagreement that too many Dems, especially in the Senate, are too cozy w/ corporate America. But their policies are still miles ahead of the GOP. Which party contributed several billion dollars to help Western states deal with a water crisis? It wasn't republicans. Which party actually just made healthcare and prescription drugs more affordable? Wasn't republicans.
I appreciate your open mind, but I fail to see actual policies as supportive to the Dems. If you could, in what way did they improve healthcare and drug costs? At what cost did they do these things? Do you believe in the progressive ideal of equal outcomes? Do you think students who do well in school should be punished for success, and forced to make the same incomes as fast food and custodial services? Should people who work 60 hours be punished for 'getting ahead' and have their wealth redistributed to people who work 20 hours a week or less? The entire progressive agenda appears to be keeping people from working and succeeding while the ruling class gets filthy rich. Safety Net arguments are fine, old school liberal arguments are fine as well, but the progressive push for a ruling class to force people into a set allotment seems very unnatural and dehumanizing. Is it unfair for two parent households to be better off than single parent households? Should two parent households be punished for doing better?
What is boring is 6 years of failed coup attempts, violations of the Patriot Act, Constitution, & law...defrauding the FISA Court, illegally spying on Americans and the President, Democrats manufacturing fake evidence, multiple failed Impeachment attempts, failed 'we got him this time' after failed 'we got him this time', the resulting snowflake tears after each failure, and now sending agents under investigation for their part in Hillary & Obama's failed coup attempt to raid Trump's home.

The never-ending Democrat / criminal FBI 'Don Quixote windmill crusade' against Trump ...

THAT is getting boring.
^ Won his own thread.
Short of eating a kitten on national tv, Dem leaders will never be held accountable for their crimes.
The kitten had Covid, voted for Trump, and the Dem leaders were under sniper fire, so I don't see a problem.
I appreciate your open mind, but I fail to see actual policies as supportive to the Dems. If you could, in what way did they improve healthcare and drug costs? At what cost did they do these things? Do you believe in the progressive ideal of equal outcomes? Do you think students who do well in school should be punished for success, and forced to make the same incomes as fast food and custodial services? Should people who work 60 hours be punished for 'getting ahead' and have their wealth redistributed to people who work 20 hours a week or less? The entire progressive agenda appears to be keeping people from working and succeeding while the ruling class gets filthy rich. Safety Net arguments are fine, old school liberal arguments are fine as well, but the progressive push for a ruling class to force people into a set allotment seems very unnatural and dehumanizing. Is it unfair for two parent households to be better off than single parent households? Should two parent households be punished for doing better?

The "progessive ideal" is not equality of outcome, but rather equality of opportunity.

Students who "do well in school" is a poor measure of intellect and ability, and once again, a measure of the level of their opportunity. When how "well you do in school" directly correlates with your zipcode, that's not equality of opportunity.

You seem to have entirely misconstrued the progressive agenda around wages, and outcomes. ALL worker wages are too low. Workers haven't had a real raise since 1980. The idea isn't that everyone receive the SAME wage, but that all wages, even the lowest ones, are enough to keep a roof over your head without government assistance.

The social safety net is a recognition that a capitalist economy has periods of expansion and contraction, and periods of contraction affect those least able to cope with the costs, and the layoffs, the most.
The kitten had Covid, voted for Trump, and the Dem leaders were under sniper fire, so I don't see a problem.

The problem is that no Democrat would eat the kitten, but Republicans would SAY that one of them did, and soon it's all over FOX News about how the Democrats are ALL eating kittens, and then there would be an investigation, and it would be found that the Republicans and FOX News lied and no kittens were eaten. At the end of the investigation, where it was found that no kittens were harmed by Democrats, the Republicans closed the report cover and said "They got away with it!!! We'll keep investigating until we find the evidence."
The "progessive ideal" is not equality of outcome, but rather equality of opportunity.

Students who "do well in school" is a poor measure of intellect and ability, and once again, a measure of the level of their opportunity. When how "well you do in school" directly correlates with your zipcode, that's not equality of opportunity.

You seem to have entirely misconstrued the progressive agenda around wages, and outcomes. ALL worker wages are too low. Workers haven't had a real raise since 1980. The idea isn't that everyone receive the SAME wage, but that all wages, even the lowest ones, are enough to keep a roof over your head without government assistance.

The social safety net is a recognition that a capitalist economy has periods of expansion and contraction, and periods of contraction affect those least able to cope with the costs, and the layoffs, the most.
Is it unfair for kids in poor schools to do better than their classmates? Those kids should not get any extra opportunities right, it would be unfair? Do you really believe good grades have nothing to do with ability? I agree schools are messed up in their funding, but to say doing well in school is pointless is horrific.

So in your effort to make it easy for a single parent with a minimum wage job have the dream life, you are not artificially creating equal outcomes? Working extra hours, having two parents, making good investments, none of that should matter, because it would be unfair to the lowest ones? Are you not removing good decision making as a means to better one's life in the name of fairness? If you believe that is a safety net you are mistaken. It is straight up oppression. It is not remotely possible to pay people who have no incentive to live their best lives a wage that keeps them off government assistance. That is the point of government assistance, to create the umbrella for people who need it. It is insane to think you can engineer a society where everybody earns their way with no regards for any choices they make in their lives. It is naive and monstrous. It creates poverty, perpetuates it.
The video is awesome. Comey states what classified / crimes were found was found while Hillary repeats her famous line 'What difference does it make'


That is fantastic. And of course no prosecutor would take it on he/she and their family would be taken out by the Clinton mob.
Hillary & her lackeys are still lying, but they still have to 'face the music'

The video is awesome. Comey states what classified / crimes were found was found while Hillary repeats her famous line 'What difference does it make'


They weren't classified. Obama declassified them with a thought.

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