Old Fogey
- Sep 25, 2011
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Hillary claims tht the best way to fight Salafi terrorism is to be careful to not offend them and to bend over backwards to avoid saying anything that might be used by our enemies to "Wave the bloody shirt" of Crusaderism and provoke more Muslims to join ISIS, AQ and other not so well known Jihadist groups.
But if this is true, then why doesnt she apply that tactic in her campaign against Trump? Why is she so eager to insult the Deplorables and provoke them to higher levels of effort to defeat her?
Because she knows the trade off work in her faovr, or at lest she thinks it does.
The trade off is yes, some Republicans are motivated more to defeat her, but she also is motivating her own supporters to work hard to defeat Trump. That is why she does it, my critique is that she has the percentages wrong as far more people are antagonized by her comments (because they are seriously considering or have decided to support Trump) vrs the hand full (5%) of Salafi Muslims that are revising Islam into a violent religion.
Hillary's actions, rhetoric and behavior show her to have a different set of beliefs about how to beat ones rivals/enemies than to not say bad things about them.
Based on her rhetoric one would conclude that she thinks that Republicans are more of a threat to America than bombers and mass attack idiots spouting Allah Akbar!
Lol, and she probably does think that like the fool she truly is.
But if this is true, then why doesnt she apply that tactic in her campaign against Trump? Why is she so eager to insult the Deplorables and provoke them to higher levels of effort to defeat her?
Because she knows the trade off work in her faovr, or at lest she thinks it does.
The trade off is yes, some Republicans are motivated more to defeat her, but she also is motivating her own supporters to work hard to defeat Trump. That is why she does it, my critique is that she has the percentages wrong as far more people are antagonized by her comments (because they are seriously considering or have decided to support Trump) vrs the hand full (5%) of Salafi Muslims that are revising Islam into a violent religion.
Hillary's actions, rhetoric and behavior show her to have a different set of beliefs about how to beat ones rivals/enemies than to not say bad things about them.
Based on her rhetoric one would conclude that she thinks that Republicans are more of a threat to America than bombers and mass attack idiots spouting Allah Akbar!
Lol, and she probably does think that like the fool she truly is.