Hillary Clinton Puts the Lie to Her Own Caution About Fighting Terrorism


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
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Hillary claims tht the best way to fight Salafi terrorism is to be careful to not offend them and to bend over backwards to avoid saying anything that might be used by our enemies to "Wave the bloody shirt" of Crusaderism and provoke more Muslims to join ISIS, AQ and other not so well known Jihadist groups.

But if this is true, then why doesnt she apply that tactic in her campaign against Trump? Why is she so eager to insult the Deplorables and provoke them to higher levels of effort to defeat her?

Because she knows the trade off work in her faovr, or at lest she thinks it does.

The trade off is yes, some Republicans are motivated more to defeat her, but she also is motivating her own supporters to work hard to defeat Trump. That is why she does it, my critique is that she has the percentages wrong as far more people are antagonized by her comments (because they are seriously considering or have decided to support Trump) vrs the hand full (5%) of Salafi Muslims that are revising Islam into a violent religion.

Hillary's actions, rhetoric and behavior show her to have a different set of beliefs about how to beat ones rivals/enemies than to not say bad things about them.

Based on her rhetoric one would conclude that she thinks that Republicans are more of a threat to America than bombers and mass attack idiots spouting Allah Akbar!

Lol, and she probably does think that like the fool she truly is.
Hillary speak worse about Trump supporters than she does the Islamic terrorists. How can she claim she represents all of us?
Hillary speak worse about Trump supporters than she does the Islamic terrorists. How can she claim she represents all of us?
She cant, just like Obama did not represent anyone but the hard core left and queers.
She's odd. But to understand Hillary you also have to understand her friend Benazir. A strange type. Much like Bernadine.

Everyone always goes to Ayers. No the horror is and always will be Bernie.
Hillary claims tht the best way to fight Salafi terrorism is to be careful to not offend them and to bend over backwards to avoid saying anything that might be used by our enemies to "Wave the bloody shirt" of Crusaderism and provoke more Muslims to join ISIS, AQ and other not so well known Jihadist groups.

But if this is true, then why doesnt she apply that tactic in her campaign against Trump? Why is she so eager to insult the Deplorables and provoke them to higher levels of effort to defeat her?

Because she knows the trade off work in her faovr, or at lest she thinks it does.

The trade off is yes, some Republicans are motivated more to defeat her, but she also is motivating her own supporters to work hard to defeat Trump. That is why she does it, my critique is that she has the percentages wrong as far more people are antagonized by her comments (because they are seriously considering or have decided to support Trump) vrs the hand full (5%) of Salafi Muslims that are revising Islam into a violent religion.

Hillary's actions, rhetoric and behavior show her to have a different set of beliefs about how to beat ones rivals/enemies than to not say bad things about them.

Based on her rhetoric one would conclude that she thinks that Republicans are more of a threat to America than bombers and mass attack idiots spouting Allah Akbar!

Lol, and she probably does think that like the fool she truly is.

more rightwingnut misogyny

now go vote for dumb donald
Now back to the Clintons. How the hell did Bill et al NOT KNOW that Bhutto was creating the Taliban.
Hillary claims tht the best way to fight Salafi terrorism is to be careful to not offend them and to bend over backwards to avoid saying anything that might be used by our enemies to "Wave the bloody shirt" of Crusaderism and provoke more Muslims to join ISIS, AQ and other not so well known Jihadist groups.
She says be smart and not offend the vast majority of Muslims who are NOT terrorists if we expect them to help us.
But you knew that already when you posted your lie.
Hillary claims tht the best way to fight Salafi terrorism is to be careful to not offend them and to bend over backwards to avoid saying anything that might be used by our enemies to "Wave the bloody shirt" of Crusaderism and provoke more Muslims to join ISIS, AQ and other not so well known Jihadist groups.
She says be smart and not offend the vast majority of Muslims who are NOT terrorists if we expect them to help us.
But you knew that already when you posted your lie.

Oh fuck off. More than most "I told you don't put sugar in my coffee JIAHAD!!!!!!!!!!!

They get pissed off at everything. Hey. Great idea. Go be gay in front of a batch of them. Wasn't there a nightclub or something?
Hillary claims tht the best way to fight Salafi terrorism is to be careful to not offend them and to bend over backwards to avoid saying anything that might be used by our enemies to "Wave the bloody shirt" of Crusaderism and provoke more Muslims to join ISIS, AQ and other not so well known Jihadist groups.
She says be smart and not offend the vast majority of Muslims who are NOT terrorists if we expect them to help us.
But you knew that already when you posted your lie.

Oh fuck off. More than most "I told you don't put sugar in my coffee JIAHAD!!!!!!!!!!!

They get pissed off at everything. Hey. Great idea. Go be gay in front of a batch of them. Wasn't there a nightclub or something?
Liberals make every excuse they can find in order to defend their importation of MILLIONS of new Dimbocrat voters, and if enabling the Salafist jihad is one side effect, so be it.

They would rather see hundreds of thousands of Americans die than lose power, and this is especially true of losing the White House, their last refuge of power that they have.
Now back to the Clintons. How the hell did Bill et al NOT KNOW that Bhutto was creating the Taliban.

from where did you get BHUTTO created the TALIBAN?
The Taliban was the product of the Pakistan's ISI intelligence network during Bhutto's reign, but I am not sure that that program reached all the way to the top, though others seem to be.

Pakistan created Taliban during Benazirs regime with support from U.S., Saudi Arabia
New Delhi, Dec.17 : Pakistan organised the Taliban within the country with the active support of the United States and Saudi Arabia in 1996 when Benazir Bhutto was the Prime Minister and Nasir Ullah Babar was interior minister of Pakistan, Afzal Khan, a legendary personality of the North West Frontier Province (NWFP) has said.

Khan, who was a federal Cabinet minister at the time of creation of Taliban, has revealed that the United States created the Taliban to work as their proxy so that they could keep control over central Asia's energy resources. It was also done for the possibility of exploring four trillion cubic feet of gas in Afghanistan besides keeping China away from these energy rich areas.

Afzhal Khan, in a recent interview with Current, a Delhi-based newspaper, talked about various important aspects related to Taliban and role of Pakistan and the U.S. in its creation and the factors significant to bring peace in the region.


He said that Pakistan did organize the Taliban within Pakistan but with the active support of the US and Saudi Arabia in 1996 when Benazir Bhutto was the prime minister and Nasir Ullah Babar was interior minister of Pakistan. Being a federal Cabinet minister at that time, I am witness to the events."

Khan said: "Strategically, the US created the Taliban to work as their proxy so that they could keep control over central Asia's energy resources. It was also to explore the four trillion cubicfeet of gas in Afghanistan besides keeping China away from these energy rich areas."

Bhuttos Created Taliban – Benazir apologized in London at LSE

The whole of Pakistan and region is on the verge of collapse and turmoil because of the mistakes of Benziar Bhutto and her government’s support of Taliban which became Al-Qaida. Benazir Bhutto admitted few months ago, “We made a mistake in supporting (creating) Taliban”, at London School of Economics (LSE).Her interior minister Naseerullah Babar used to call ‘Taliban’ my boys.
The Taliban was the product of the Paklistan's ISI intelligence network during Bhutto's reign, but I am not sure that that program reached all the way to the top, though others seem to be.
And Reagan's favorite Republican is a major Taliban supporter.

Media reports documenting the Taliban’s harsh, radical beliefs were "nonsense."
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R) California

The Taliban would develop a "disciplined, moral society" that did not harbor terrorists.
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R) California

The Taliban posed no threat to the U.S.
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R) California

"Taliban could provide stability in an area where chaos was creating a real threat to the U.S."
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R) California

"Listen! Hold on! I am a bigger expert on Afghanistan than any member of Congress."
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R) California
The Taliban was the product of the Paklistan's ISI intelligence network during Bhutto's reign, but I am not sure that that program reached all the way to the top, though others seem to be.
And Reagan's favorite Republican is a major Taliban supporter.

Media reports documenting the Taliban’s harsh, radical beliefs were "nonsense."
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R) California

The Taliban would develop a "disciplined, moral society" that did not harbor terrorists.
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R) California

The Taliban posed no threat to the U.S.
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R) California

"Taliban could provide stability in an area where chaos was creating a real threat to the U.S."
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R) California

"Listen! Hold on! I am a bigger expert on Afghanistan than any member of Congress."
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R) California

We were fed a crock of shit. This is a bi partisan rant here.

Walk softly with me because I started to rock and roll over the Taliban mid 90's and I'm a pro on these sons of bitches because I started to work womens rights in the ME back then. And I have lived this for decades.
The Taliban was the product of the Paklistan's ISI intelligence network during Bhutto's reign, but I am not sure that that program reached all the way to the top, though others seem to be.
And Reagan's favorite Republican is a major Taliban supporter.

Media reports documenting the Taliban’s harsh, radical beliefs were "nonsense."
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R) California

The Taliban would develop a "disciplined, moral society" that did not harbor terrorists.
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R) California

The Taliban posed no threat to the U.S.
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R) California

"Taliban could provide stability in an area where chaos was creating a real threat to the U.S."
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R) California

"Listen! Hold on! I am a bigger expert on Afghanistan than any member of Congress."
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R) California
Now make no mistake. Benazir Bhutto created the Taliban. How did Bill Clinton AKA PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON NOT KNOW what the hell was going on in between blow jobs?
Lets make it clear.... It was US misadventures into the Middle East that brought the rise of Islamic Fundamentalism, Trump's tactic of insulting US allies in the region does not help America. This is an area of soft power, at the moment the US is trying to get Muslims to bring the fight to ISIS with US support, this is smart...

When you you insult the Islamic faith like Trump is doing you are alienating 1.3 Billion muslims and you are making it harder for your allies to rally support for the US cause down there... Trump is leaving very little option but placing huge US soldiers in the ME for a long time... And that has never gone well...

To understand this you have to consider that islamic fundamentalism was on its knees during the time of 911... Failures by the Bush administration cause a huge surge in there numbers. They were clueless in how to deal with the problem...
The Taliban was the product of the Paklistan's ISI intelligence network during Bhutto's reign, but I am not sure that that program reached all the way to the top, though others seem to be.
And Reagan's favorite Republican is a major Taliban supporter.

Media reports documenting the Taliban’s harsh, radical beliefs were "nonsense."
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R) California

The Taliban would develop a "disciplined, moral society" that did not harbor terrorists.
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R) California

The Taliban posed no threat to the U.S.
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R) California

"Taliban could provide stability in an area where chaos was creating a real threat to the U.S."
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R) California

"Listen! Hold on! I am a bigger expert on Afghanistan than any member of Congress."
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R) California

Quick aside. Love the avie!
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