Hillary Clinton House Benghazi Hearing: October 22, 2015

I was particularly amused by Loretta Sanchez who opened by apologizing for her Republican colleagues saying that they apparently wanted to "write her answers for her" and then Sanchez proceeded to essentially do just that... "Blah blah blahdy blah blah, the best you could, isn't that right?"

And Roby? If ever you needed an argument to not visit the beautiful state of Alabama, and it is beautiful, she's it...
This shit is ridiculous, from both sides. Seriously.

If she can keep her cool, it's very likely she gets elected. If for no other reason than this is pissing off Democrats nationwide. Hell, I lean to right more than I do to the left and I'm getting pissed of listening to Jordan and Roby...

At least Westmoreland isn't confrontational... seems as though he has a modicum of respect...

I do wonder how much time was spent rehearsing the questioning because you know she did...
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ELEVEN hours! Are they going to waterboard her?
This shit is ridiculous, from both sides. Seriously.

If she can keep her cool, it's very likely she gets elected. If for no other reason than this is pissing off Democrats nationwide. Hell, I lean to right more than I do to the left and I'm getting pissed of listening Jordan and Roby...

At least Westmoreland isn't confrontational... seems as though he has a modicum of respect...

I do wonder how much time was spent rehearsing the questioning because you know she did...
All congressional investigating committee's are just a dog and pony shows.The only reason anybody watch's them is see who looses their cool, just another waste of taxpayer money. It looks like they have blown 20 million in 7th investigation. If Hillary wasn't running for president, the investigation would have ended two years ago.
2 things I noticed which made me think this Benghazi thing would go nowhere.
1. Biden's speech yesterday
2. Trump's remarks here;
“Yesterday, I watched Trey, who I do respect, I think he is a terrific guy, but he seemed to be doing a big pivot,” Trump said. “He said, ‘Well, this isn’t about Hillary Clinton.’ You know, I’m pretty good at figuring this stuff out.”
The families of the three other guys killed there disagree with the loopy bitch that Hillary.

The video was in no way connected to the killings...
They're going to beat on Hillary some more. Damn, that woman is awesome! Hopefully they'll be done by midnight.
Hey, Washington redskin...

She is no more than just some loopy bitch, you really need to set your standards higher.
The families of the three other guys killed there disagree with the loopy bitch that Hillary.

The video was in no way connected to the killings...

The video thing has been explained to death you know right?

They aren't even questioning her about that anymore...
Rep. Adam Smith lays out how the line of questioning is becoming increasingly badgering and vicious in an attempt to wear Hillary down.
Exactly, they hoped if she became exhausted enough she might break or say something regrettable, but it didn't happen.
That loopy bitch has let down the family's of the killed in a big way...
Trey Gowdy just spoke. He said they didn't learn anything they didn't know. He's a failure.

This all could have been handled behind closed doors in dignified privacy.

Instead it is a dog and pony show where Clinton looks like a harassed martyr for the working class.

I am going to puke.
Gowdy was pathetic!

That is not what I saw. I saw a prosecutor who had no control over his party's conduct. He obviously tried to vet the question they would ask ahead of time, but got rebuffed, probably, from the new leadership, i.e. Team Bush now led by Paul Ryan, a corporate stooge and the new Dictator of the House.

The GOP makes an epic fail once agaion so their corporate masters can get back to passing out the pork with the Democrats again.
Gowdy was pathetic!

That is not what I saw. I saw a prosecutor who had no control over his party's conduct. He obviously tried to vet the question they would ask ahead of time, but got rebuffed, probably, from the new leadership, i.e. Team Bush now led by Paul Ryan, a corporate stooge and the new Dictator of the House.

The GOP makes an epic fail once agaion so their corporate masters can get back to passing out the pork with the Democrats again.

Gowdy was rabid. You could see it in his face and hear it in his voice.

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