hillary cannot climb stairs---not conspiracy--fact

It was recently that a poll determined that what most offended Americans about Trump was how he made fun of that man's disabilities.

It was almost immediately that the Trumptards went on this rampage of inventing disabilities for Hillary Clinton,

in order to ridicule her for them and try to make some insane argument about her qualifications for president.

What a weird coincidence.

Since the only reason you'll vote for her is she has a vagina, it's clear you think that's a qualification.

You're a vagina....I'm not voting for you

Those guys who at every opportunity try to steer the conversation towards Hillary's vagina...

...I don't know about them...

nor do I want to.

Why do you have a problem when someone points out why Hillary supporters are Hillary supporters?

I don't have a problem. You have a problem being that stupid.
Since the only reason you'll vote for her is she has a vagina, it's clear you think that's a qualification.

You're a vagina....I'm not voting for you

Those guys who at every opportunity try to steer the conversation towards Hillary's vagina...

...I don't know about them...

nor do I want to.
It's always the same. Hillary's vagina, How hillary walks, how she smiles.. It's an obsession.

That's what you used to make your choice to support her. It has to be. There is absolutely no other reason you can show me why other than you want a female President.
Hillarys economic plan is miles better then Trumps.
Moody's: Hillary Clinton's economy would create 10.4 million jobs in 4 years
She has an actual record and experience. She knows how to negotiate and work on policies that benefit americans. It goes on.

Trump's talking about how it's a great time to balloon the deficit, and, big surprise,

none of his pretend fiscal conservative fans think that's a problem.
You're a vagina....I'm not voting for you

Those guys who at every opportunity try to steer the conversation towards Hillary's vagina...

...I don't know about them...

nor do I want to.
It's always the same. Hillary's vagina, How hillary walks, how she smiles.. It's an obsession.

That's what you used to make your choice to support her. It has to be. There is absolutely no other reason you can show me why other than you want a female President.
Hillarys economic plan is miles better then Trumps.
Moody's: Hillary Clinton's economy would create 10.4 million jobs in 4 years
She has an actual record and experience. She knows how to negotiate and work on policies that benefit americans. It goes on.

Trump's talking about how it's a great time to balloon the deficit, and, big surprise,

none of his pretend fiscal conservative fans think that's a problem.

Were you a Bernie supporter?
Even a crippled Hillary can outperform a conspiracy theory nutjob like Trump

still waiting for her to have an unscripted press conference----------its been over a year. can you give us a date for her next one?
Hillary has given dozens of unscripted interviews. She also gave 11 hours of testimony in a Republican Benghazi witch hunt
you think that testimony was not practiced and scripted? are you that naïve?

Trump has a press conference every week where reporters can ask whatever they want, Hillary hasn't had one in over a year.

"interviews" with media pukes where the questions are written in advance are not press conferences.

Stop the lies, you just make yourself look stupid.

Sure, Gowdy and the other Republicans told Hillary exactly what they were going to ask. They are all in on it,. Didn't you know?

a congressional hearing on one subject is not a press conference on all subjects.

nice cover try, but you fail
You're a vagina....I'm not voting for you

Those guys who at every opportunity try to steer the conversation towards Hillary's vagina...

...I don't know about them...

nor do I want to.
It's always the same. Hillary's vagina, How hillary walks, how she smiles.. It's an obsession.

That's what you used to make your choice to support her. It has to be. There is absolutely no other reason you can show me why other than you want a female President.
Hillarys economic plan is miles better then Trumps.
Moody's: Hillary Clinton's economy would create 10.4 million jobs in 4 years
She has an actual record and experience. She knows how to negotiate and work on policies that benefit americans. It goes on.

Trump's talking about how it's a great time to balloon the deficit, and, big surprise,

none of his pretend fiscal conservative fans think that's a problem.

give us a cite where Trump supported increasing the debt. just more lies from the far left lunatics
Those guys who at every opportunity try to steer the conversation towards Hillary's vagina...

...I don't know about them...

nor do I want to.
It's always the same. Hillary's vagina, How hillary walks, how she smiles.. It's an obsession.

That's what you used to make your choice to support her. It has to be. There is absolutely no other reason you can show me why other than you want a female President.
Hillarys economic plan is miles better then Trumps.
Moody's: Hillary Clinton's economy would create 10.4 million jobs in 4 years
She has an actual record and experience. She knows how to negotiate and work on policies that benefit americans. It goes on.

Trump's talking about how it's a great time to balloon the deficit, and, big surprise,

none of his pretend fiscal conservative fans think that's a problem.

give us a cite where Trump supported increasing the debt. just more lies from the far left lunatics

You're retarded. I did a thread on it.

No need to speculate about what Trump will do with our debt...

Now leave the planet.

does that come with some good looking guys to carry it?
Those guys who at every opportunity try to steer the conversation towards Hillary's vagina...

...I don't know about them...

nor do I want to.
It's always the same. Hillary's vagina, How hillary walks, how she smiles.. It's an obsession.

That's what you used to make your choice to support her. It has to be. There is absolutely no other reason you can show me why other than you want a female President.
Hillarys economic plan is miles better then Trumps.
Moody's: Hillary Clinton's economy would create 10.4 million jobs in 4 years
She has an actual record and experience. She knows how to negotiate and work on policies that benefit americans. It goes on.

Trump's talking about how it's a great time to balloon the deficit, and, big surprise,

none of his pretend fiscal conservative fans think that's a problem.

give us a cite where Trump supported increasing the debt. just more lies from the far left lunatics

poor deluded dolt....



Experts Weigh Donald Trump’s Tax Plan, and Find It Wanting
It's always the same. Hillary's vagina, How hillary walks, how she smiles.. It's an obsession.

That's what you used to make your choice to support her. It has to be. There is absolutely no other reason you can show me why other than you want a female President.
Hillarys economic plan is miles better then Trumps.
Moody's: Hillary Clinton's economy would create 10.4 million jobs in 4 years
She has an actual record and experience. She knows how to negotiate and work on policies that benefit americans. It goes on.

Trump's talking about how it's a great time to balloon the deficit, and, big surprise,

none of his pretend fiscal conservative fans think that's a problem.

give us a cite where Trump supported increasing the debt. just more lies from the far left lunatics

You're retarded. I did a thread on it.

No need to speculate about what Trump will do with our debt...

Now leave the planet.

I am going nowhere. But I'll make a deal with you. If Trump wins you leave USMB forever and if HRC wins I will leave. Deal?

Or if that scares you too much, If Trump wins you change your sig line to: Redfish is the most brilliant poster ever to post on USMB, I wish I could come close to his brilliance.
and if HRC wins I will change my sig line to: NY carbineer is the most brilliant poster with the user name NY carbineer.
It's always the same. Hillary's vagina, How hillary walks, how she smiles.. It's an obsession.

That's what you used to make your choice to support her. It has to be. There is absolutely no other reason you can show me why other than you want a female President.
Hillarys economic plan is miles better then Trumps.
Moody's: Hillary Clinton's economy would create 10.4 million jobs in 4 years
She has an actual record and experience. She knows how to negotiate and work on policies that benefit americans. It goes on.

Trump's talking about how it's a great time to balloon the deficit, and, big surprise,

none of his pretend fiscal conservative fans think that's a problem.

give us a cite where Trump supported increasing the debt. just more lies from the far left lunatics

poor deluded dolt....



Experts Weigh Donald Trump’s Tax Plan, and Find It Wanting

Wow, an op ed from a left wing blog, come on.

XXXX -- Mod Edit. This addresses the medical issues faced by one of the candidates and her ability to do the job of president.

She is a sick woman, we do not wish medical issues on anyone, but we also cannot ignore them.

We are entitled to an unbiased full and current medical report on both candidates. Does anyone disagree with that?
you are stupid

^^^^^^^obviously a product of a liberal education by the teachers union.

lets try again, shall we. Would you like to see an unbiased full and current medical report on both candidates? Simple question, yes or no.
That's what you used to make your choice to support her. It has to be. There is absolutely no other reason you can show me why other than you want a female President.
Hillarys economic plan is miles better then Trumps.
Moody's: Hillary Clinton's economy would create 10.4 million jobs in 4 years
She has an actual record and experience. She knows how to negotiate and work on policies that benefit americans. It goes on.

Trump's talking about how it's a great time to balloon the deficit, and, big surprise,

none of his pretend fiscal conservative fans think that's a problem.

give us a cite where Trump supported increasing the debt. just more lies from the far left lunatics

You're retarded. I did a thread on it.

No need to speculate about what Trump will do with our debt...

Now leave the planet.

I am going nowhere. But I'll make a deal with you. If Trump wins you leave USMB forever and if HRC wins I will leave. Deal?

Or if that scares you too much, If Trump wins you change your sig line to: Redfish is the most brilliant poster ever to post on USMB, I wish I could come close to his brilliance.
and if HRC wins I will change my sig line to: NY carbineer is the most brilliant poster with the user name NY carbineer.
Where have seen that bet before?
That's what you used to make your choice to support her. It has to be. There is absolutely no other reason you can show me why other than you want a female President.
Hillarys economic plan is miles better then Trumps.
Moody's: Hillary Clinton's economy would create 10.4 million jobs in 4 years
She has an actual record and experience. She knows how to negotiate and work on policies that benefit americans. It goes on.

Trump's talking about how it's a great time to balloon the deficit, and, big surprise,

none of his pretend fiscal conservative fans think that's a problem.

give us a cite where Trump supported increasing the debt. just more lies from the far left lunatics

You're retarded. I did a thread on it.

No need to speculate about what Trump will do with our debt...

Now leave the planet.

I am going nowhere. But I'll make a deal with you. If Trump wins you leave USMB forever and if HRC wins I will leave. Deal?

Or if that scares you too much, If Trump wins you change your sig line to: Redfish is the most brilliant poster ever to post on USMB, I wish I could come close to his brilliance.
and if HRC wins I will change my sig line to: NY carbineer is the most brilliant poster with the user name NY carbineer.

Apologize for calling me a liar.
Hillarys economic plan is miles better then Trumps.
Moody's: Hillary Clinton's economy would create 10.4 million jobs in 4 years
She has an actual record and experience. She knows how to negotiate and work on policies that benefit americans. It goes on.

Trump's talking about how it's a great time to balloon the deficit, and, big surprise,

none of his pretend fiscal conservative fans think that's a problem.

give us a cite where Trump supported increasing the debt. just more lies from the far left lunatics

You're retarded. I did a thread on it.

No need to speculate about what Trump will do with our debt...

Now leave the planet.

I am going nowhere. But I'll make a deal with you. If Trump wins you leave USMB forever and if HRC wins I will leave. Deal?

Or if that scares you too much, If Trump wins you change your sig line to: Redfish is the most brilliant poster ever to post on USMB, I wish I could come close to his brilliance.
and if HRC wins I will change my sig line to: NY carbineer is the most brilliant poster with the user name NY carbineer.
Where have seen that bet before?

I offered it to you and you ran like a scalded ass ape.
Hillarys economic plan is miles better then Trumps.
Moody's: Hillary Clinton's economy would create 10.4 million jobs in 4 years
She has an actual record and experience. She knows how to negotiate and work on policies that benefit americans. It goes on.

Trump's talking about how it's a great time to balloon the deficit, and, big surprise,

none of his pretend fiscal conservative fans think that's a problem.

give us a cite where Trump supported increasing the debt. just more lies from the far left lunatics

You're retarded. I did a thread on it.

No need to speculate about what Trump will do with our debt...

Now leave the planet.

I am going nowhere. But I'll make a deal with you. If Trump wins you leave USMB forever and if HRC wins I will leave. Deal?

Or if that scares you too much, If Trump wins you change your sig line to: Redfish is the most brilliant poster ever to post on USMB, I wish I could come close to his brilliance.
and if HRC wins I will change my sig line to: NY carbineer is the most brilliant poster with the user name NY carbineer.

Apologize for calling me a liar.

Ok, lets make that the bet, if Trump wins you apologize for calling me a liar and if Hilly wins I will apologize for calling you a liar. Deal?
Funny how the right wing wingnuts float this absurd notion she can't climb stairs then criticize her for taking a private jet while showing her climbing stairs.:blahblah:
Funny how the right wing wingnuts float this absurd notion she can't climb stairs then criticize her for taking a private jet while showing her climbing stairs.:blahblah:

The pics in the OP are real. She needed help climbing those few steps. She looks very feeble in those pics. Can you explain?
you brought FDR into it, not me. clearly she has both physical and mental issues. But you don't care, right?

Mr. Tuna.......WHO headed the thread by claiming that Clinton cannot climb stairs?
.......I responded that FDR also could not climb stairs....
You, Mr. Tuna....changed your biased direction by stating that well, beside Clinton not able to climb stairs (which is a lie you got out of your rectum) Clinton has brain seizures (which is another lie from your ample behind.)

redfish and tuna are two distinct species of fish. your ignorance is noted.

Hillary has been caught on tape having what appear to be mild seizures, one of her handlers was also caught holding a emergency valium injector (used to calm seizures), once he was caught on tape, he disappeared (is the syringe now carried by a different staffer each day).

I do not wish bad health on anyone, but it is clear that HRC has medical issues and we are entitled to know what they are and how serious they are.

for the record, we are entitled to a full current unbiased medical report on both candidates. Do you agree?
Funny how the right wing wingnuts float this absurd notion she can't climb stairs then criticize her for taking a private jet while showing her climbing stairs.:blahblah:

The pics in the OP are real. She needed help climbing those few steps. She looks very feeble in those pics. Can you explain?

Yeah, she hurt her back. We've all been there. Our backs heal, and we're good to go. Read, educate yourself, and stop being so gullible in buying all the nonsense the partisan media tries to shove down your throat. You're showing an exceptional lack of character in pushing this bullshit story about her health, and you know it.
And if you need another source on how Trump's proposals will explode the debt by over 10 trillion taking us from 75% of GDP to an economy crushing 127% of GDP, check out this independent analysis.
Promises and Price Tags: A Fiscal Guide to the 2016 Election

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