Hillary Busted in Yet Another Lie

How can anybody vote for a gangster like Hillary Clinton is beyond me.

But some do. There you go....that answer right there tells you all you have to know about a sector of American society.

Given the fact they defended, a lying, raping, violator of federal law... who just happens to be married to Hillary, I'm not all that surprised.

The fact is, we have allowed an entire sub-group of American society to exist, which celebrates and supports people who break the law, and get away with it. OJ Simpson had people literally dancing and singing in praise of a brutal murderer.

Hillary is just another criminal that a specific ideology, Idolizes.
whooooooo andy you spout that bs while your pride and joy the murdering swine gwb goes about making speeches collecting from the pub morons who still think he did nothing wrong?
eddie, did you watch that video in post #9? Watch it and tell me where I am wrong that this woman doesn't have a problem. If you don't watch it, you cannot claim she tells the truth. Let's have a dialogue here.
jack imho the politician that always tells the truth hasn't been born yet ,,,,But one must look at the extent of those lies Bush/cheney far outdid any president in my memory in the telling of lies...and yet they served 8 years
and the lie?

Here are a bunch if you're actually willing to click the play button.

This is more frightening that I remember! There were SOOO many lies and they are shown in this video! Some of the lies were about incidental things! This video should be seen by every Democratic voter. There is no denying she has a pathological urge to lie to make herself something she is clearly not! If someone does not see this video, they clearly are denying the truth. Absolutely frightening that she is running for president! WOW!

They don't care.............

I don't believe that all Democrats are that way. That is painting with a broad brush. People (even Domocrats, lol) have to make up their mind. But they have to seek answers to questions and if they cannot watch that video, then, yes, they don't care. I don't think that is the truth, though, Everyone, D or R wants what is best for the country,

They VOTE in HERDS.............
How could anyone possibly vote for such vermin?

Hillary Rodham Clinton on CNN Wednesday brushed aside the $675,000 Goldman Sachs provided for speech appearances simply as "what they offered me," but the flip answer ignored that speech fees are negotiated by agents.

During the period of the Goldman Sach and many other top dollar speeches, she was represented by the Harry Walker Agency, which calls itself "the world's leading speaker's bureau."


When groups pick from their list of speakers, which also include Bill Clinton, the price is discreetly provided. For Hillary Clinton, the price appeared to regularly be shy of $300,000 each. For example, she received $275,000 for speaking to the University of Buffalo in 2013.


According to Bloomberg, "Her contract with the University of Buffalo for an Oct. 23 speech stipulated that her $275,000 fee be paid to her speaking agency, Harry Walker Agency Inc., and then remitted to the foundation."

Read it all

Hillary's Goldman Sachs speech fee set by her agent, not 'what they offered'

Yup. She's basically taking bribes from Wall Street. They're still behind China and Saudi Arabia in the pecking order though.

A bribe? for what?

It's just a case of hypocrisy. The left-wing idiots assume that anyone who get's a buck, must be being bribed. But when Hillary does it, it's ok.

It's just hypocrisy. I have no problem with her being paid a million dollars per speech.

Just don't tell me that when someone else does, that... Oh well, when they do it... it must be corrupt. No, you are a hypocrite. Pure and simple.
How could anyone possibly vote for such vermin?

Hillary Rodham Clinton on CNN Wednesday brushed aside the $675,000 Goldman Sachs provided for speech appearances simply as "what they offered me," but the flip answer ignored that speech fees are negotiated by agents.

During the period of the Goldman Sach and many other top dollar speeches, she was represented by the Harry Walker Agency, which calls itself "the world's leading speaker's bureau."


When groups pick from their list of speakers, which also include Bill Clinton, the price is discreetly provided. For Hillary Clinton, the price appeared to regularly be shy of $300,000 each. For example, she received $275,000 for speaking to the University of Buffalo in 2013.


According to Bloomberg, "Her contract with the University of Buffalo for an Oct. 23 speech stipulated that her $275,000 fee be paid to her speaking agency, Harry Walker Agency Inc., and then remitted to the foundation."

Read it all

Hillary's Goldman Sachs speech fee set by her agent, not 'what they offered'
Why was it remitted to the Clinton Foundation (a charity) instead of their personal accounts?

Because she donated it to the Foundation.
And that Foundation money was used exclusively for charity, right? Remember when Hillary wanted Sidney Blumenthal to work for the State Dept. when she became SoS? Obama had a history with Blumenthal, an unpleasant one and denied Hillary's request. Hillary then sent Blumenthal to Libya and paid him $10,000 a month out of the Clinton fund to send her reports on what was happening there. He may have been in other parts of the ME as well. Bottom line, $120,000 a year from the Clinton fund was sent to Blumenthal. He is NOT a charity case,.

Who Is Clinton Confidant Sidney Blumenthal?

Sidney Blumenthal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Clinton Foundation paid Blumenthal $10K per month while he advised on Libya

Clinton Foundation Silent on Blumenthal’s Exit Date

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How can anybody vote for a gangster like Hillary Clinton is beyond me.

But some do. There you go....that answer right there tells you all you have to know about a sector of American society.

Given the fact they defended, a lying, raping, violator of federal law... who just happens to be married to Hillary, I'm not all that surprised.

The fact is, we have allowed an entire sub-group of American society to exist, which celebrates and supports people who break the law, and get away with it. OJ Simpson had people literally dancing and singing in praise of a brutal murderer.

Hillary is just another criminal that a specific ideology, Idolizes.
whooooooo andy you spout that bs while your pride and joy the murdering swine gwb goes about making speeches collecting from the pub morons who still think he did nothing wrong?
eddie, did you watch that video in post #9? Watch it and tell me where I am wrong that this woman doesn't have a problem. If you don't watch it, you cannot claim she tells the truth. Let's have a dialogue here.
I just did ,,,yes she went backwards and forwards on things she said ,,,some just a change in beliefs and some changing to appeal to her voters but none as bad as what you let bush and cheney get away with for 8 years
How could anyone possibly vote for such vermin?

Hillary Rodham Clinton on CNN Wednesday brushed aside the $675,000 Goldman Sachs provided for speech appearances simply as "what they offered me," but the flip answer ignored that speech fees are negotiated by agents.

During the period of the Goldman Sach and many other top dollar speeches, she was represented by the Harry Walker Agency, which calls itself "the world's leading speaker's bureau."


When groups pick from their list of speakers, which also include Bill Clinton, the price is discreetly provided. For Hillary Clinton, the price appeared to regularly be shy of $300,000 each. For example, she received $275,000 for speaking to the University of Buffalo in 2013.


According to Bloomberg, "Her contract with the University of Buffalo for an Oct. 23 speech stipulated that her $275,000 fee be paid to her speaking agency, Harry Walker Agency Inc., and then remitted to the foundation."

Read it all

Hillary's Goldman Sachs speech fee set by her agent, not 'what they offered'
Why was it remitted to the Clinton Foundation (a charity) instead of their personal accounts?

Because she donated it to the Foundation.
And that Foundation money was used exclusively for charity, right? Remember when Hillary wanted Sidney Blumenthal to work for the State Dept. when she became SoS? Obama had a history with Blumenthal, an unpleasant one and denied Hillary's request. Hillary then sent Blumenthal to Libya and paid him $10,000 a month out of the Clinton fund to send her reports on what was happening there. He may have been in other parts of the ME as well. Bottom line, $120,000 a year from the Clinton fund was sent to Blumenthal. He is NOT a charity case,.

Yes, Sidney Blumenthal was an employee of the Clinton Foundation. So what?
How could anyone possibly vote for such vermin?

Hillary Rodham Clinton on CNN Wednesday brushed aside the $675,000 Goldman Sachs provided for speech appearances simply as "what they offered me," but the flip answer ignored that speech fees are negotiated by agents.

During the period of the Goldman Sach and many other top dollar speeches, she was represented by the Harry Walker Agency, which calls itself "the world's leading speaker's bureau."


When groups pick from their list of speakers, which also include Bill Clinton, the price is discreetly provided. For Hillary Clinton, the price appeared to regularly be shy of $300,000 each. For example, she received $275,000 for speaking to the University of Buffalo in 2013.


According to Bloomberg, "Her contract with the University of Buffalo for an Oct. 23 speech stipulated that her $275,000 fee be paid to her speaking agency, Harry Walker Agency Inc., and then remitted to the foundation."

Read it all

Hillary's Goldman Sachs speech fee set by her agent, not 'what they offered'

So I'm assuming tat you think th foundation is just a slush fund tat she can use any way she wants. Do you have any proof that the foundation is not exactly what it says it is, or that donations are used for anything other than charity projects?
How can anybody vote for a gangster like Hillary Clinton is beyond me.

But some do. There you go....that answer right there tells you all you have to know about a sector of American society.

Given the fact they defended, a lying, raping, violator of federal law... who just happens to be married to Hillary, I'm not all that surprised.

The fact is, we have allowed an entire sub-group of American society to exist, which celebrates and supports people who break the law, and get away with it. OJ Simpson had people literally dancing and singing in praise of a brutal murderer.

Hillary is just another criminal that a specific ideology, Idolizes.
whooooooo andy you spout that bs while your pride and joy the murdering swine gwb goes about making speeches collecting from the pub morons who still think he did nothing wrong?
eddie, did you watch that video in post #9? Watch it and tell me where I am wrong that this woman doesn't have a problem. If you don't watch it, you cannot claim she tells the truth. Let's have a dialogue here.
jack imho the politician that always tells the truth hasn't been born yet ,,,,But one must look at the extent of those lies Bush/cheney far outdid any president in my memory in the telling of lies...and yet they served 8 years
Alright, I cannot attest to the outright lies of Bush except I agree with you that Iraq was wrong, and there were no exit strategies to the war. So, show me more lies they said and if proven, I will accept them. Like you said, politicians lie. So tell me more about that on the GOP side.

Can you accept knowing the truth as well? Can you, or anyone go to post #9 and listen to just 10 minutes of the video? Is anyone here brave enough to see that unbiased reporters (CNN) were catching her and showing clips of lying again, again and again. So much, that it was more than just white lies, it was a personal defunct of any kind of honor at all.

I expect most will not view it. But if you don't ask yourself why. Are you THAT invested in the party that you cannot be honest with yourself?
How could anyone possibly vote for such vermin?

Hillary Rodham Clinton on CNN Wednesday brushed aside the $675,000 Goldman Sachs provided for speech appearances simply as "what they offered me," but the flip answer ignored that speech fees are negotiated by agents.

During the period of the Goldman Sach and many other top dollar speeches, she was represented by the Harry Walker Agency, which calls itself "the world's leading speaker's bureau."


When groups pick from their list of speakers, which also include Bill Clinton, the price is discreetly provided. For Hillary Clinton, the price appeared to regularly be shy of $300,000 each. For example, she received $275,000 for speaking to the University of Buffalo in 2013.


According to Bloomberg, "Her contract with the University of Buffalo for an Oct. 23 speech stipulated that her $275,000 fee be paid to her speaking agency, Harry Walker Agency Inc., and then remitted to the foundation."

Read it all

Hillary's Goldman Sachs speech fee set by her agent, not 'what they offered'

So I'm assuming that you think th foundation is just a slush fund tat she can use any way she wants. Do you have any proof that the foundation is not exactly what it says it is, or that donations are used for anything other than charity projects?
I am not going to say that, because what I say on the board I have proven in my records and provide links. I know she paid Blumenthal to give reports on what was going on in libya, $120,000 a year and that is not charity,
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How could anyone possibly vote for such vermin?

Hillary Rodham Clinton on CNN Wednesday brushed aside the $675,000 Goldman Sachs provided for speech appearances simply as "what they offered me," but the flip answer ignored that speech fees are negotiated by agents.

During the period of the Goldman Sach and many other top dollar speeches, she was represented by the Harry Walker Agency, which calls itself "the world's leading speaker's bureau."


When groups pick from their list of speakers, which also include Bill Clinton, the price is discreetly provided. For Hillary Clinton, the price appeared to regularly be shy of $300,000 each. For example, she received $275,000 for speaking to the University of Buffalo in 2013.


According to Bloomberg, "Her contract with the University of Buffalo for an Oct. 23 speech stipulated that her $275,000 fee be paid to her speaking agency, Harry Walker Agency Inc., and then remitted to the foundation."

Read it all

Hillary's Goldman Sachs speech fee set by her agent, not 'what they offered'
Why was it remitted to the Clinton Foundation (a charity) instead of their personal accounts?

Because she donated it to the Foundation.
And that Foundation money was used exclusively for charity, right? Remember when Hillary wanted Sidney Blumenthal to work for the State Dept. when she became SoS? Obama had a history with Blumenthal, an unpleasant one and denied Hillary's request. Hillary then sent Blumenthal to Libya and paid him $10,000 a month out of the Clinton fund to send her reports on what was happening there. He may have been in other parts of the ME as well. Bottom line, $120,000 a year from the Clinton fund was sent to Blumenthal. He is NOT a charity case,.

Yes, Sidney Blumenthal was an employee of the Clinton Foundation. So what?
I gave you several links. Post one that describes the charity work he performed. TIA
How can anybody vote for a gangster like Hillary Clinton is beyond me.

But some do. There you go....that answer right there tells you all you have to know about a sector of American society.

Given the fact they defended, a lying, raping, violator of federal law... who just happens to be married to Hillary, I'm not all that surprised.

The fact is, we have allowed an entire sub-group of American society to exist, which celebrates and supports people who break the law, and get away with it. OJ Simpson had people literally dancing and singing in praise of a brutal murderer.

Hillary is just another criminal that a specific ideology, Idolizes.
whooooooo andy you spout that bs while your pride and joy the murdering swine gwb goes about making speeches collecting from the pub morons who still think he did nothing wrong?
eddie, did you watch that video in post #9? Watch it and tell me where I am wrong that this woman doesn't have a problem. If you don't watch it, you cannot claim she tells the truth. Let's have a dialogue here.
I just did ,,,yes she went backwards and forwards on things she said ,,,some just a change in beliefs and some changing to appeal to her voters but none as bad as what you let bush and cheney get away with for 8 years
Give me 3 examples of what she went back and forth on and then 3 examples of Bush 's dishonesty.
How could anyone possibly vote for such vermin?

Hillary Rodham Clinton on CNN Wednesday brushed aside the $675,000 Goldman Sachs provided for speech appearances simply as "what they offered me," but the flip answer ignored that speech fees are negotiated by agents.

During the period of the Goldman Sach and many other top dollar speeches, she was represented by the Harry Walker Agency, which calls itself "the world's leading speaker's bureau."


When groups pick from their list of speakers, which also include Bill Clinton, the price is discreetly provided. For Hillary Clinton, the price appeared to regularly be shy of $300,000 each. For example, she received $275,000 for speaking to the University of Buffalo in 2013.


According to Bloomberg, "Her contract with the University of Buffalo for an Oct. 23 speech stipulated that her $275,000 fee be paid to her speaking agency, Harry Walker Agency Inc., and then remitted to the foundation."

Read it all

Hillary's Goldman Sachs speech fee set by her agent, not 'what they offered'

So I'm assuming tat you think th foundation is just a slush fund tat she can use any way she wants. Do you have any proof that the foundation is not exactly what it says it is, or that donations are used for anything other than charity projects?
I am not going to say yhat, because what I say on the board I have proven in my records and provide links. I know she paid Blumenthal to give reports on what was going on in libya, $120,000 a year and that is not charity,

She didn't pay Blumenthal anything, the Clinton Foundation did - and his job there didn't include giving Clinton reports on Libya, he did that on his own time.
How could anyone possibly vote for such vermin?

Hillary Rodham Clinton on CNN Wednesday brushed aside the $675,000 Goldman Sachs provided for speech appearances simply as "what they offered me," but the flip answer ignored that speech fees are negotiated by agents.

During the period of the Goldman Sach and many other top dollar speeches, she was represented by the Harry Walker Agency, which calls itself "the world's leading speaker's bureau."


When groups pick from their list of speakers, which also include Bill Clinton, the price is discreetly provided. For Hillary Clinton, the price appeared to regularly be shy of $300,000 each. For example, she received $275,000 for speaking to the University of Buffalo in 2013.


According to Bloomberg, "Her contract with the University of Buffalo for an Oct. 23 speech stipulated that her $275,000 fee be paid to her speaking agency, Harry Walker Agency Inc., and then remitted to the foundation."

Read it all

Hillary's Goldman Sachs speech fee set by her agent, not 'what they offered'

So I'm assuming tat you think th foundation is just a slush fund tat she can use any way she wants. Do you have any proof that the foundation is not exactly what it says it is, or that donations are used for anything other than charity projects?
I am not going to say yhat, because what I say on the board I have proven in my records and provide links. I know she paid Blumenthal to give reports on what was going on in libya, $120,000 a year and that is not charity,

So you don't have anything then.
How could anyone possibly vote for such vermin?

Hillary Rodham Clinton on CNN Wednesday brushed aside the $675,000 Goldman Sachs provided for speech appearances simply as "what they offered me," but the flip answer ignored that speech fees are negotiated by agents.

During the period of the Goldman Sach and many other top dollar speeches, she was represented by the Harry Walker Agency, which calls itself "the world's leading speaker's bureau."


When groups pick from their list of speakers, which also include Bill Clinton, the price is discreetly provided. For Hillary Clinton, the price appeared to regularly be shy of $300,000 each. For example, she received $275,000 for speaking to the University of Buffalo in 2013.


According to Bloomberg, "Her contract with the University of Buffalo for an Oct. 23 speech stipulated that her $275,000 fee be paid to her speaking agency, Harry Walker Agency Inc., and then remitted to the foundation."

Read it all

Hillary's Goldman Sachs speech fee set by her agent, not 'what they offered'
Why was it remitted to the Clinton Foundation (a charity) instead of their personal accounts?

Because she donated it to the Foundation.
And that Foundation money was used exclusively for charity, right? Remember when Hillary wanted Sidney Blumenthal to work for the State Dept. when she became SoS? Obama had a history with Blumenthal, an unpleasant one and denied Hillary's request. Hillary then sent Blumenthal to Libya and paid him $10,000 a month out of the Clinton fund to send her reports on what was happening there. He may have been in other parts of the ME as well. Bottom line, $120,000 a year from the Clinton fund was sent to Blumenthal. He is NOT a charity case,.

Yes, Sidney Blumenthal was an employee of the Clinton Foundation. So what?
I gave you several links. Post one that describes the charity work he performed. TIA


His job at the Foundation was to consult on highlighting President Clinton's legacy, apparently.

From your own link (that you clearly didn't bother to read):

Clinton Foundation paid Blumenthal $10K per month while he advised on Libya

While Blumenthal’s foundation job focused on highlighting the legacy of Clinton’s presidency, some officials at the charity questioned his value and grumbled that his hiring was a favor from the Clintons, according to people familiar with the foundation.
How could anyone possibly vote for such vermin?

Hillary Rodham Clinton on CNN Wednesday brushed aside the $675,000 Goldman Sachs provided for speech appearances simply as "what they offered me," but the flip answer ignored that speech fees are negotiated by agents.

During the period of the Goldman Sach and many other top dollar speeches, she was represented by the Harry Walker Agency, which calls itself "the world's leading speaker's bureau."


When groups pick from their list of speakers, which also include Bill Clinton, the price is discreetly provided. For Hillary Clinton, the price appeared to regularly be shy of $300,000 each. For example, she received $275,000 for speaking to the University of Buffalo in 2013.


According to Bloomberg, "Her contract with the University of Buffalo for an Oct. 23 speech stipulated that her $275,000 fee be paid to her speaking agency, Harry Walker Agency Inc., and then remitted to the foundation."

Read it all

Hillary's Goldman Sachs speech fee set by her agent, not 'what they offered'

So I'm assuming tat you think th foundation is just a slush fund tat she can use any way she wants. Do you have any proof that the foundation is not exactly what it says it is, or that donations are used for anything other than charity projects?
I am not going to say yhat, because what I say on the board I have proven in my records and provide links. I know she paid Blumenthal to give reports on what was going on in libya, $120,000 a year and that is not charity,

She didn't pay Blumenthal anything, the Clinton Foundation did - and his job there didn't include giving Clinton reports on Libya, he did that on his own time.
So, this was a serious coincidence... there are copies of emails to Hillary from Blumenthal that portions had to blacked out. Strange for a charity. Especially when H. wanted Blumenthal on the State's payroll and it was denied by Obama. Then, at the same time he began working for the Clinton Foundation at the tune of $10,000 a month.
Anyone that thinks the Clinton Foundation is strictly a charity is one of two things, really duped or one of the most ill informed people on the planet. The blind loyalty is mind boggling
How could anyone possibly vote for such vermin?

Hillary Rodham Clinton on CNN Wednesday brushed aside the $675,000 Goldman Sachs provided for speech appearances simply as "what they offered me," but the flip answer ignored that speech fees are negotiated by agents.

During the period of the Goldman Sach and many other top dollar speeches, she was represented by the Harry Walker Agency, which calls itself "the world's leading speaker's bureau."


When groups pick from their list of speakers, which also include Bill Clinton, the price is discreetly provided. For Hillary Clinton, the price appeared to regularly be shy of $300,000 each. For example, she received $275,000 for speaking to the University of Buffalo in 2013.


According to Bloomberg, "Her contract with the University of Buffalo for an Oct. 23 speech stipulated that her $275,000 fee be paid to her speaking agency, Harry Walker Agency Inc., and then remitted to the foundation."

Read it all

Hillary's Goldman Sachs speech fee set by her agent, not 'what they offered'

So I'm assuming tat you think th foundation is just a slush fund tat she can use any way she wants. Do you have any proof that the foundation is not exactly what it says it is, or that donations are used for anything other than charity projects?
I am not going to say yhat, because what I say on the board I have proven in my records and provide links. I know she paid Blumenthal to give reports on what was going on in libya, $120,000 a year and that is not charity,

So you don't have anything then.
Sidney Blumenthal paid by Clinton Foundation while advising on Libya

Sidney Blumenthal, the controversial former Clinton aide who sent private intelligence reports on Libya to then secretary of state Hillary Clinton, was also on the payroll of the Clinton Foundation.

Politico reported on Thursday that Blumenthal was being paid $10,000 a month by the Clinton Foundation from 2009 to 2013, after top Obama aides blocked him from a job at the State Department. At the time, Blumenthal was also on the payroll of two pro-Clinton groups, American Bridge and Media Matters. Both organisations are run by Clinton ally David Brock.

Questions have been raised about how Blumenthal received the intelligence he used for his reports to Clinton. The former writer for the New Republic and the New Yorker is not a foreign policy expert but had connections to investors pursuing business opportunities in Libya in the aftermath of the collapse of the Gaddafi regime.

Clinton defended the emails about Libya she received from Blumenthal last week. In a rare exchange with reporters, the former secretary of state described
Blumenthal as “a friend of mine for a long time”.

She went on to describe their interactions about Libya by saying: “He sent me unsolicited emails which I passed on in some instances and I say that that’s just part of the give and take.”

Blumenthal’s lawyer, James Cole, did not respond to a request for comment.


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