Hillary Busted in Yet Another Lie

The actual conversation, was, from you: "so which are you then? really duped or ill-informed?" and I responded to you, "I'm afraid that refers to you. I am willing to listen and read all of the lies given by GWB. I may agree with anyone that can give me evidence. But you are not willing to do the same. That is both duped and ill-informed, my friend."

I did not say anyone who thinks the Clinton Foundation is a charity is either duped or ill informed. Post the number of the link.

Hillary Busted in Yet Another Lie
Anyone that thinks the Clinton Foundation is strictly a charity is one of two things, really duped or one of the most ill informed people on the planet. The blind loyalty is mind boggling
Sassy, I didn't want to believe it, but it is blind loyalty. Are Republicans this bad? I'm floored.
so there's you, in agreement with Sassy.
Hillary Busted in Yet Another Lie
Anyone that thinks the Clinton Foundation is strictly a charity is one of two things, really duped or one of the most ill informed people on the planet. The blind loyalty is mind boggling
Sassy, I didn't want to believe it, but it is blind loyalty. Are Republicans this bad? I'm floored.
so what is the clinton foundation, other than a charity?
Nothing. Just a charity.

at which point i asked which you were, duped or ill-informed.
Anyone that thinks the Clinton Foundation is strictly a charity is one of two things, really duped or one of the most ill informed people on the planet. The blind loyalty is mind boggling
Sassy, I didn't want to believe it, but it is blind loyalty. Are Republicans this bad? I'm floored.
so what is the clinton foundation, other than a charity?
Nothing. Just a charity.

The Clinton Foundation is not a traditional "charity".
The actual conversation, was, from you: "so which are you then? really duped or ill-informed?" and I responded to you, "I'm afraid that refers to you. I am willing to listen and read all of the lies given by GWB. I may agree with anyone that can give me evidence. But you are not willing to do the same. That is both duped and ill-informed, my friend."

I did not say anyone who thinks the Clinton Foundation is a charity is either duped or ill informed. Post the number of the link.

Hillary Busted in Yet Another Lie
Anyone that thinks the Clinton Foundation is strictly a charity is one of two things, really duped or one of the most ill informed people on the planet. The blind loyalty is mind boggling
Sassy, I didn't want to believe it, but it is blind loyalty. Are Republicans this bad? I'm floored.
so there's you, in agreement with Sassy.
Hillary Busted in Yet Another Lie
Anyone that thinks the Clinton Foundation is strictly a charity is one of two things, really duped or one of the most ill informed people on the planet. The blind loyalty is mind boggling
Sassy, I didn't want to believe it, but it is blind loyalty. Are Republicans this bad? I'm floored.
so what is the clinton foundation, other than a charity?
Nothing. Just a charity.

at which point i asked which you were, duped or ill-informed.
exactly! You did not preface that with the Clinton Foundation .That was sassy, not me. I wrote "the blind loyalty is mind boggling.
just to sort of steer things back to the op - has anyone located the "lie" hillary was "busted" on?
Anyone that thinks the Clinton Foundation is strictly a charity is one of two things, really duped or one of the most ill informed people on the planet. The blind loyalty is mind boggling
Sassy, I didn't want to believe it, but it is blind loyalty. Are Republicans this bad? I'm floored.
so what is the clinton foundation, other than a charity?
Nothing. Just a charity.

The Clinton Foundation is not a traditional "charity".
Well,lol, that I would guess is certainly true. LOL So, tell me how they operate, since you know it is not "traditional".
The actual conversation, was, from you: "so which are you then? really duped or ill-informed?" and I responded to you, "I'm afraid that refers to you. I am willing to listen and read all of the lies given by GWB. I may agree with anyone that can give me evidence. But you are not willing to do the same. That is both duped and ill-informed, my friend."

I did not say anyone who thinks the Clinton Foundation is a charity is either duped or ill informed. Post the number of the link.

Hillary Busted in Yet Another Lie
Anyone that thinks the Clinton Foundation is strictly a charity is one of two things, really duped or one of the most ill informed people on the planet. The blind loyalty is mind boggling
Sassy, I didn't want to believe it, but it is blind loyalty. Are Republicans this bad? I'm floored.
so there's you, in agreement with Sassy.
Hillary Busted in Yet Another Lie
Anyone that thinks the Clinton Foundation is strictly a charity is one of two things, really duped or one of the most ill informed people on the planet. The blind loyalty is mind boggling
Sassy, I didn't want to believe it, but it is blind loyalty. Are Republicans this bad? I'm floored.
so what is the clinton foundation, other than a charity?
Nothing. Just a charity.

at which point i asked which you were, duped or ill-informed.
exactly! You did not preface that with the Clinton Foundation .That was sassy, not me. I wrote "the blind loyalty is mind boggling.
preface what? the posts i was responding to were quoted.
you agreed with sassy, calling the belief that the clinton foundation is a charity the result of 'blind loyalty.'
if that's not what you were referring to, why did you quote her post?
Anyone that thinks the Clinton Foundation is strictly a charity is one of two things, really duped or one of the most ill informed people on the planet. The blind loyalty is mind boggling
Sassy, I didn't want to believe it, but it is blind loyalty. Are Republicans this bad? I'm floored.
so what is the clinton foundation, other than a charity?
Nothing. Just a charity.

The Clinton Foundation is not a traditional "charity".
Well,lol, that I would guess is certainly true. LOL So, tell me how they operate, since you know it is not "traditional".

Clinton Foundation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
just to sort of steer things back to the op - has anyone located the "lie" hillary was "busted" on?
Hillary Busted in Yet Another Lie
It was something about a speech for $675,000 or so that she apparently lied about. She said something to the fact, that she took the money before she was committed to running for president. That is all I remember. Clink on the link to post#1.


You don't even know what this fake scandal is supposed to be about?
How can anybody vote for a gangster like Hillary Clinton is beyond me.

But some do. There you go....that answer right there tells you all you have to know about a sector of American society.
YES much better to vote for a moronic murderer who starts wars based on lies and gets so many killed over his bs
A word of warning for everyone about Ed. No matter the topic or what millennium it occurred in, he will blame Bush.
Sassy, I didn't want to believe it, but it is blind loyalty. Are Republicans this bad? I'm floored.
so what is the clinton foundation, other than a charity?
Nothing. Just a charity.

The Clinton Foundation is not a traditional "charity".
Well,lol, that I would guess is certainly true. LOL So, tell me how they operate, since you know it is not "traditional".

Clinton Foundation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thank you! From your link:

Around 2007, the Clinton Foundation was criticized for a lack of transparency. Although U.S. law did not require nonprofit charities — including presidential foundations — to disclose the identities of their contributors, critics said that the names of donors should be disclosed because Hillary Rodham Clinton was running to be the Democratic nominee for President of the United States. Commentator Matthew Yglesias wrote in a Los Angeles Times op-ed that the Clintons should make public the names of foundation donors to avoid any appearance of impropriety.[

the ethics agreement between the State Department and the Clinton Foundation that was put into force at the beginning of the Secretary of State Clinton's tenure came under scrutiny from the news media during February 2015. A Wall Street Journal report found that the Clinton Foundation had resumed accepting donations from foreign governments once Secretary Clinton's tenure had ended.[66] Contributions from foreign donors who are prohibited by law from contributing to political candidates in the U.S. constitute a major portion of the foundation's income.

A Washington Post inquiry into donations by foreign governments to the Clinton Foundation during the secretary's tenure found six cases where such governments continued making donations at the same level they had before Clinton became secretary, which was permissible under the agreement, but also one instance of a new donation, $500,000 from Algeria for earthquake relief in Haiti, that was outside the bounds of the continuation provision and should have received a special ethics review, but did not.[9] Foundation officials said that if the former secretary decided to run for president in 2016, they would again consider what steps to take in reference to foreign donations.[

In March 2015, Reuters reported that the Clinton Foundation had broken its promise to publish all of its donors, as well as its promise to let the State Departmentreview all of its donations from foreign governments.[68] In April 2015, the New York Times reported that when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, the State Department had approved a deal to sell American uranium to Russians who had donated to the Clinton Foundation, and that Clinton had broken her promise to publicly identify such donations.[69] About this news, the other media made a list of questionable items.[70] In a May 2015 book regarding the Foundation, author Peter Schweizer wrote, "We see a pattern of financial transactions involving the Clintons that occurred contemporaneous with favorable U.S. policy decisions benefiting those providing the funds."[12] Clinton's campaign has denied any impropriety, and called the book part of the Republicans’ coordinated attack strategy on Mrs. Clinton "twisting previously known facts into absurd conspiracy theories".

After her January 2009 appointment as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton proposed hiring long-time Clinton friend and confidant Sidney Blumenthal as an advisor, however, Obama's chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, blocked Blumenthal's appointment at the State Department.[74] Blumenthal was subsequently hired by the Clinton Foundation, earning a Foundation salary of about $10,000 a month, and after the 2011 uprising in Libya against Muammar Gaddafi, Blumenthal prepared, from public and other sources, about 25 memos which he sent as emails to Clinton in 2011 and 2012 with advice regarding Libyan matters, and sometimes promoting his business associates for contract work in Libya.[75][76]

In May 2015, it was revealed that former Clinton aide and current ABC political news anchor George Stephanopoulos had, over a period of three years from 2012-2014 donated a total of $75,000, to the Clinton Foundation, but did not disclose the donations to ABC News, his employer, or to his viewers.[77] The donations had been reported by the Clinton Foundation, which Stephanopoulos had considered sufficient, a reliance ABC News characterized as "an honest mistake
so what is the clinton foundation, other than a charity?
Nothing. Just a charity.

The Clinton Foundation is not a traditional "charity".
Well,lol, that I would guess is certainly true. LOL So, tell me how they operate, since you know it is not "traditional".

Clinton Foundation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thank you! From your link:

Around 2007, the Clinton Foundation was criticized for a lack of transparency. Although U.S. law did not require nonprofit charities — including presidential foundations — to disclose the identities of their contributors, critics said that the names of donors should be disclosed because Hillary Rodham Clinton was running to be the Democratic nominee for President of the United States. Commentator Matthew Yglesias wrote in a Los Angeles Times op-ed that the Clintons should make public the names of foundation donors to avoid any appearance of impropriety.[

the ethics agreement between the State Department and the Clinton Foundation that was put into force at the beginning of the Secretary of State Clinton's tenure came under scrutiny from the news media during February 2015. A Wall Street Journal report found that the Clinton Foundation had resumed accepting donations from foreign governments once Secretary Clinton's tenure had ended.[66] Contributions from foreign donors who are prohibited by law from contributing to political candidates in the U.S. constitute a major portion of the foundation's income.

A Washington Post inquiry into donations by foreign governments to the Clinton Foundation during the secretary's tenure found six cases where such governments continued making donations at the same level they had before Clinton became secretary, which was permissible under the agreement, but also one instance of a new donation, $500,000 from Algeria for earthquake relief in Haiti, that was outside the bounds of the continuation provision and should have received a special ethics review, but did not.[9] Foundation officials said that if the former secretary decided to run for president in 2016, they would again consider what steps to take in reference to foreign donations.[

In March 2015, Reuters reported that the Clinton Foundation had broken its promise to publish all of its donors, as well as its promise to let the State Departmentreview all of its donations from foreign governments.[68] In April 2015, the New York Times reported that when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, the State Department had approved a deal to sell American uranium to Russians who had donated to the Clinton Foundation, and that Clinton had broken her promise to publicly identify such donations.[69] About this news, the other media made a list of questionable items.[70] In a May 2015 book regarding the Foundation, author Peter Schweizer wrote, "We see a pattern of financial transactions involving the Clintons that occurred contemporaneous with favorable U.S. policy decisions benefiting those providing the funds."[12] Clinton's campaign has denied any impropriety, and called the book part of the Republicans’ coordinated attack strategy on Mrs. Clinton "twisting previously known facts into absurd conspiracy theories".

After her January 2009 appointment as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton proposed hiring long-time Clinton friend and confidant Sidney Blumenthal as an advisor, however, Obama's chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, blocked Blumenthal's appointment at the State Department.[74] Blumenthal was subsequently hired by the Clinton Foundation, earning a Foundation salary of about $10,000 a month, and after the 2011 uprising in Libya against Muammar Gaddafi, Blumenthal prepared, from public and other sources, about 25 memos which he sent as emails to Clinton in 2011 and 2012 with advice regarding Libyan matters, and sometimes promoting his business associates for contract work in Libya.[75][76]

In May 2015, it was revealed that former Clinton aide and current ABC political news anchor George Stephanopoulos had, over a period of three years from 2012-2014 donated a total of $75,000, to the Clinton Foundation, but did not disclose the donations to ABC News, his employer, or to his viewers.[77] The donations had been reported by the Clinton Foundation, which Stephanopoulos had considered sufficient, a reliance ABC News characterized as "an honest mistake

So you know how to cut-and-paste.

What's your point, exactly?
My GOD! This Cu*t has a HISTORY of lies....just some of the more OBVIOUS ones!

How could anyone possibly vote for such vermin?

Hillary Rodham Clinton on CNN Wednesday brushed aside the $675,000 Goldman Sachs provided for speech appearances simply as "what they offered me," but the flip answer ignored that speech fees are negotiated by agents.

During the period of the Goldman Sach and many other top dollar speeches, she was represented by the Harry Walker Agency, which calls itself "the world's leading speaker's bureau."


When groups pick from their list of speakers, which also include Bill Clinton, the price is discreetly provided. For Hillary Clinton, the price appeared to regularly be shy of $300,000 each. For example, she received $275,000 for speaking to the University of Buffalo in 2013.


According to Bloomberg, "Her contract with the University of Buffalo for an Oct. 23 speech stipulated that her $275,000 fee be paid to her speaking agency, Harry Walker Agency Inc., and then remitted to the foundation."

Read it all

Hillary's Goldman Sachs speech fee set by her agent, not 'what they offered'
Hey stupid, the $675,000 was for 3 (THREE) speeches, so she got only $225,000 per speech, so they were getting a multiple speech discount.
Hey stupid, you're argueing with the Washington Post, and it's not about the amount of money, moron.
just to sort of steer things back to the op - has anyone located the "lie" hillary was "busted" on?
Hillary Busted in Yet Another Lie
It was something about a speech for $675,000 or so that she apparently lied about. She said something to the fact, that she took the money before she was committed to running for president. That is all I remember. Clink on the link to post#1.


You don't even know what this fake scandal is supposed to be about?
Respectfully, I know more than you. What I have mentioned in previous posts were confirmed in your link. Check post # 93. :disagree: I won't insult your integrity with the laughing smilies, just that I disagree, and I think you can read it and find out why.
just to sort of steer things back to the op - has anyone located the "lie" hillary was "busted" on?
Hillary Busted in Yet Another Lie
It was something about a speech for $675,000 or so that she apparently lied about. She said something to the fact, that she took the money before she was committed to running for president. That is all I remember. Clink on the link to post#1.


You don't even know what this fake scandal is supposed to be about?
Respectfully, I know more than you. What I have mentioned in previous posts were confirmed in your link. Check post # 93. :disagree: I won't insult your integrity with the laughing smilies, just that I disagree, and I think you can read it and find out why.

You don't "know" shit - you can't even remember what this thread is about.

Tell me, in your own words, what you think post #93 has "confirmed" for you.

I've read your cut-and-paste wall of text - in fact, I read the whole wikipedia page. There is nothing it in that goes against anything I've said in this thread.
Nothing. Just a charity.

The Clinton Foundation is not a traditional "charity".
Well,lol, that I would guess is certainly true. LOL So, tell me how they operate, since you know it is not "traditional".

Clinton Foundation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thank you! From your link:

Around 2007, the Clinton Foundation was criticized for a lack of transparency. Although U.S. law did not require nonprofit charities — including presidential foundations — to disclose the identities of their contributors, critics said that the names of donors should be disclosed because Hillary Rodham Clinton was running to be the Democratic nominee for President of the United States. Commentator Matthew Yglesias wrote in a Los Angeles Times op-ed that the Clintons should make public the names of foundation donors to avoid any appearance of impropriety.[

the ethics agreement between the State Department and the Clinton Foundation that was put into force at the beginning of the Secretary of State Clinton's tenure came under scrutiny from the news media during February 2015. A Wall Street Journal report found that the Clinton Foundation had resumed accepting donations from foreign governments once Secretary Clinton's tenure had ended.[66] Contributions from foreign donors who are prohibited by law from contributing to political candidates in the U.S. constitute a major portion of the foundation's income.

A Washington Post inquiry into donations by foreign governments to the Clinton Foundation during the secretary's tenure found six cases where such governments continued making donations at the same level they had before Clinton became secretary, which was permissible under the agreement, but also one instance of a new donation, $500,000 from Algeria for earthquake relief in Haiti, that was outside the bounds of the continuation provision and should have received a special ethics review, but did not.[9] Foundation officials said that if the former secretary decided to run for president in 2016, they would again consider what steps to take in reference to foreign donations.[

In March 2015, Reuters reported that the Clinton Foundation had broken its promise to publish all of its donors, as well as its promise to let the State Departmentreview all of its donations from foreign governments.[68] In April 2015, the New York Times reported that when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, the State Department had approved a deal to sell American uranium to Russians who had donated to the Clinton Foundation, and that Clinton had broken her promise to publicly identify such donations.[69] About this news, the other media made a list of questionable items.[70] In a May 2015 book regarding the Foundation, author Peter Schweizer wrote, "We see a pattern of financial transactions involving the Clintons that occurred contemporaneous with favorable U.S. policy decisions benefiting those providing the funds."[12] Clinton's campaign has denied any impropriety, and called the book part of the Republicans’ coordinated attack strategy on Mrs. Clinton "twisting previously known facts into absurd conspiracy theories".

After her January 2009 appointment as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton proposed hiring long-time Clinton friend and confidant Sidney Blumenthal as an advisor, however, Obama's chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, blocked Blumenthal's appointment at the State Department.[74] Blumenthal was subsequently hired by the Clinton Foundation, earning a Foundation salary of about $10,000 a month, and after the 2011 uprising in Libya against Muammar Gaddafi, Blumenthal prepared, from public and other sources, about 25 memos which he sent as emails to Clinton in 2011 and 2012 with advice regarding Libyan matters, and sometimes promoting his business associates for contract work in Libya.[75][76]

In May 2015, it was revealed that former Clinton aide and current ABC political news anchor George Stephanopoulos had, over a period of three years from 2012-2014 donated a total of $75,000, to the Clinton Foundation, but did not disclose the donations to ABC News, his employer, or to his viewers.[77] The donations had been reported by the Clinton Foundation, which Stephanopoulos had considered sufficient, a reliance ABC News characterized as "an honest mistake

So you know how to cut-and-paste.

What's your point, exactly?

Now, don't get testy. The highlighted information is important and verifies what I have been trying to tell you. Let's just say, shady and dishonest practices.

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