Hillary Busted in Yet Another Lie

How could anyone possibly vote for such vermin?

Hillary Rodham Clinton on CNN Wednesday brushed aside the $675,000 Goldman Sachs provided for speech appearances simply as "what they offered me," but the flip answer ignored that speech fees are negotiated by agents.

During the period of the Goldman Sach and many other top dollar speeches, she was represented by the Harry Walker Agency, which calls itself "the world's leading speaker's bureau."


When groups pick from their list of speakers, which also include Bill Clinton, the price is discreetly provided. For Hillary Clinton, the price appeared to regularly be shy of $300,000 each. For example, she received $275,000 for speaking to the University of Buffalo in 2013.


According to Bloomberg, "Her contract with the University of Buffalo for an Oct. 23 speech stipulated that her $275,000 fee be paid to her speaking agency, Harry Walker Agency Inc., and then remitted to the foundation."

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Hillary's Goldman Sachs speech fee set by her agent, not 'what they offered'
Why was it remitted to the Clinton Foundation (a charity) instead of their personal accounts?

Because she donated it to the Foundation.
Clinton Foundation Hiding Names of Secret Foreign Donors to Its Shell Charity in Sweden - Breitbart

As reported by Breitbart Editor at-large Peter Schweizer in his new book Clinton Cash:

Ericsson decided to sponsor a speech by Bill Clinton and paid him more than he had ever been paid for a single speech: $750,000. According to Clinton financial disclosures, in the previous ten years Ericsson had never sponsored a Clinton speech. But now it apparently thought it would be a good time to do so.

On November 12, 2011, Bill appeared at a telecom conference in Hong Kong and talked in general terms aobut the role that telecom plays in our lives. One week later, on November 19, the State Department unveiled its new sanctions list for Iran. Telecom was not on the list….

In April 2012, President Obama signed an executive order imposing sanctions on telecom sales to Iran and Syria. But those sanctions did not cover Ericsson’s work in Iran.

The manner in which the Clinton Foundation has obscured any ties between it and donors to the WJCFI makes it impossible to determine if any of the $5.4 million donated to the WJCFI from secret donors is transparent to the public
How could anyone possibly vote for such vermin?

Hillary Rodham Clinton on CNN Wednesday brushed aside the $675,000 Goldman Sachs provided for speech appearances simply as "what they offered me," but the flip answer ignored that speech fees are negotiated by agents.

During the period of the Goldman Sach and many other top dollar speeches, she was represented by the Harry Walker Agency, which calls itself "the world's leading speaker's bureau."


When groups pick from their list of speakers, which also include Bill Clinton, the price is discreetly provided. For Hillary Clinton, the price appeared to regularly be shy of $300,000 each. For example, she received $275,000 for speaking to the University of Buffalo in 2013.


According to Bloomberg, "Her contract with the University of Buffalo for an Oct. 23 speech stipulated that her $275,000 fee be paid to her speaking agency, Harry Walker Agency Inc., and then remitted to the foundation."

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Hillary's Goldman Sachs speech fee set by her agent, not 'what they offered'
Hey stupid, the $675,000 was for 3 (THREE) speeches, so she got only $225,000 per speech, so they were getting a multiple speech discount.
JEALOUSY night and day you torture me ,,, Sassys theme song

Why would I be jealous of a bag of shit? Poor Eddie, lies about being a JP Getty stock trader and duped by and old corrupt hag. Sad, sad, sad.

I'll give you a heads up Eddie, you're in way over your head here. Stop ankle snapping like a little poodle or you may get your snout slapped.
you're a republican ,,,so I have a head start ,,,,,,over my head?? not with people like you bashing my countries leaders
Do you even know what self awareness is?
Earlier in the thread, u mention Iraq when the chick YOU support voted for it and her husband scratched at the scab.
Now, you wanna mention bashing our leaders when in an earlier post you were bashing bush.
You are a goddamn moron :thup:
bush is a murderer ,,,killed 1000's of our guys when he should have been protecting them ,,You are an ah supreme
Clinton Foundation Hiding Names of Secret Foreign Donors to Its Shell Charity in Sweden - Breitbart

As reported by Breitbart Editor at-large Peter Schweizer in his new book Clinton Cash:

Ericsson decided to sponsor a speech by Bill Clinton and paid him more than he had ever been paid for a single speech: $750,000. According to Clinton financial disclosures, in the previous ten years Ericsson had never sponsored a Clinton speech. But now it apparently thought it would be a good time to do so.

On November 12, 2011, Bill appeared at a telecom conference in Hong Kong and talked in general terms aobut the role that telecom plays in our lives. One week later, on November 19, the State Department unveiled its new sanctions list for Iran. Telecom was not on the list….

In April 2012, President Obama signed an executive order imposing sanctions on telecom sales to Iran and Syria. But those sanctions did not cover Ericsson’s work in Iran.

The manner in which the Clinton Foundation has obscured any ties between it and donors to the WJCFI makes it impossible to determine if any of the $5.4 million donated to the WJCFI from secret donors is transparent to the public
a guy on breitbart.com with a book to sell? sounds legit.
Clinton Foundation Hiding Names of Secret Foreign Donors to Its Shell Charity in Sweden - Breitbart

As reported by Breitbart Editor at-large Peter Schweizer in his new book Clinton Cash:

Ericsson decided to sponsor a speech by Bill Clinton and paid him more than he had ever been paid for a single speech: $750,000. According to Clinton financial disclosures, in the previous ten years Ericsson had never sponsored a Clinton speech. But now it apparently thought it would be a good time to do so.

On November 12, 2011, Bill appeared at a telecom conference in Hong Kong and talked in general terms aobut the role that telecom plays in our lives. One week later, on November 19, the State Department unveiled its new sanctions list for Iran. Telecom was not on the list….

In April 2012, President Obama signed an executive order imposing sanctions on telecom sales to Iran and Syria. But those sanctions did not cover Ericsson’s work in Iran.

The manner in which the Clinton Foundation has obscured any ties between it and donors to the WJCFI makes it impossible to determine if any of the $5.4 million donated to the WJCFI from secret donors is transparent to the public

Wait wait wait..... Now i know they are not using a shell game to move assets into less trace-able foreign accounts... right? Because these are Democrats. It's only the evil evil rich and wealthy.. the top 1%, that hides money in foundations, stored in foreign bank accounts.

This was bad when Romney was accused of doing it.... But Hillary? Well..... We can't have a double standards, and we said doing that was bad..... so... in order to not be hypocritical as a left-wing person.......

Huh.... What can we do to not be a hypocrite.....

I know, let's change the standard! The new standard is "It's only bad when others do it!"... that's the standard... and since we're following our standard, we're not hypocritical! Man I LOVE being a left winger....
JEALOUSY night and day you torture me ,,, Sassys theme song

Why would I be jealous of a bag of shit? Poor Eddie, lies about being a JP Getty stock trader and duped by and old corrupt hag. Sad, sad, sad.

I'll give you a heads up Eddie, you're in way over your head here. Stop ankle snapping like a little poodle or you may get your snout slapped.
you're a republican ,,,so I have a head start ,,,,,,over my head?? not with people like you bashing my countries leaders
Do you even know what self awareness is?
Earlier in the thread, u mention Iraq when the chick YOU support voted for it and her husband scratched at the scab.
Now, you wanna mention bashing our leaders when in an earlier post you were bashing bush.
You are a goddamn moron :thup:
bush is a murderer ,,,killed 1000's of our guys when he should have been protecting them ,,You are an ah supreme
What? Dumbfuck
Clinton Foundation Hiding Names of Secret Foreign Donors to Its Shell Charity in Sweden - Breitbart

As reported by Breitbart Editor at-large Peter Schweizer in his new book Clinton Cash:

Ericsson decided to sponsor a speech by Bill Clinton and paid him more than he had ever been paid for a single speech: $750,000. According to Clinton financial disclosures, in the previous ten years Ericsson had never sponsored a Clinton speech. But now it apparently thought it would be a good time to do so.

On November 12, 2011, Bill appeared at a telecom conference in Hong Kong and talked in general terms aobut the role that telecom plays in our lives. One week later, on November 19, the State Department unveiled its new sanctions list for Iran. Telecom was not on the list….

In April 2012, President Obama signed an executive order imposing sanctions on telecom sales to Iran and Syria. But those sanctions did not cover Ericsson’s work in Iran.

The manner in which the Clinton Foundation has obscured any ties between it and donors to the WJCFI makes it impossible to determine if any of the $5.4 million donated to the WJCFI from secret donors is transparent to the public

Wait wait wait..... Now i know they are not using a shell game to move assets into less trace-able foreign accounts... right? Because these are Democrats. It's only the evil evil rich and wealthy.. the top 1%, that hides money in foundations, stored in foreign bank accounts.

This was bad when Romney was accused of doing it.... But Hillary? Well..... We can't have a double standards, and we said doing that was bad..... so... in order to not be hypocritical as a left-wing person.......

Huh.... What can we do to not be a hypocrite.....

I know, let's change the standard! The new standard is "It's only bad when others do it!"... that's the standard... and since we're following our standard, we're not hypocritical! Man I LOVE being a left winger....
How could anyone possibly vote for such vermin?

Hillary Rodham Clinton on CNN Wednesday brushed aside the $675,000 Goldman Sachs provided for speech appearances simply as "what they offered me," but the flip answer ignored that speech fees are negotiated by agents.

During the period of the Goldman Sach and many other top dollar speeches, she was represented by the Harry Walker Agency, which calls itself "the world's leading speaker's bureau."


When groups pick from their list of speakers, which also include Bill Clinton, the price is discreetly provided. For Hillary Clinton, the price appeared to regularly be shy of $300,000 each. For example, she received $275,000 for speaking to the University of Buffalo in 2013.


According to Bloomberg, "Her contract with the University of Buffalo for an Oct. 23 speech stipulated that her $275,000 fee be paid to her speaking agency, Harry Walker Agency Inc., and then remitted to the foundation."

Read it all

Hillary's Goldman Sachs speech fee set by her agent, not 'what they offered'

Yup. She's basically taking bribes from Wall Street. They're still behind China and Saudi Arabia in the pecking order though.
How can anybody vote for a gangster like Hillary Clinton is beyond me.

But some do. There you go....that answer right there tells you all you have to know about a sector of American society.
YES much better to vote for a moronic murderer who starts wars based on lies and gets so many killed over his bs

It's humorous you believe Hillary Clinton would be any different.
JEALOUSY night and day you torture me ,,, Sassys theme song

Why would I be jealous of a bag of shit? Poor Eddie, lies about being a JP Getty stock trader and duped by and old corrupt hag. Sad, sad, sad.

I'll give you a heads up Eddie, you're in way over your head here. Stop ankle snapping like a little poodle or you may get your snout slapped.
you're a republican ,,,so I have a head start ,,,,,,over my head?? not with people like you bashing my countries leaders
Do you even know what self awareness is?
Earlier in the thread, u mention Iraq when the chick YOU support voted for it and her husband scratched at the scab.
Now, you wanna mention bashing our leaders when in an earlier post you were bashing bush.
You are a goddamn moron :thup:
bush is a murderer ,,,killed 1000's of our guys when he should have been protecting them ,,You are an ah supreme
What? Dumbfuck
kma .redneck nitwit
and the lie?

Here are a bunch if you're actually willing to click the play button.

This is more frightening that I remember! There were SOOO many lies and they are shown in this video! Some of the lies were about incidental things! This video should be seen by every Democratic voter. There is no denying she has a pathological urge to lie to make herself something she is clearly not! If someone does not see this video, they clearly are denying the truth. Absolutely frightening that she is running for president! WOW!
and the lie?

Here are a bunch if you're actually willing to click the play button.

This is more frightening that I remember! There were SOOO many lies and they are shown in this video! Some of the lies were about incidental things! This video should be seen by every Democratic voter. There is no denying she has a pathological urge to lie to make herself something she is clearly not! If someone does not see this video, they clearly are denying the truth. Absolutely frightening that she is running for president! WOW!

They don't care.............
How can anybody vote for a gangster like Hillary Clinton is beyond me.

But some do. There you go....that answer right there tells you all you have to know about a sector of American society.

Given the fact they defended, a lying, raping, violator of federal law... who just happens to be married to Hillary, I'm not all that surprised.

The fact is, we have allowed an entire sub-group of American society to exist, which celebrates and supports people who break the law, and get away with it. OJ Simpson had people literally dancing and singing in praise of a brutal murderer.

Hillary is just another criminal that a specific ideology, Idolizes.
whooooooo andy you spout that bs while your pride and joy the murdering swine gwb goes about making speeches collecting from the pub morons who still think he did nothing wrong?
eddie, did you watch that video in post #9? Watch it and tell me where I am wrong that this woman doesn't have a problem. If you don't watch it, you cannot claim she tells the truth. Let's have a dialogue here.
Just like many who have struggled, Hillary dragged herself from the poverty of the White House"Flat Broke" I believe were her exact words. But showing the plucky resolve of a White Priveleged Wellesly college grad she managed to scrape together a few modest speaking engagements and thus saved the Clinton family. Scarlet O'hara in a Sumo Suit, that's Hillary.
and the lie?

Here are a bunch if you're actually willing to click the play button.

This is more frightening that I remember! There were SOOO many lies and they are shown in this video! Some of the lies were about incidental things! This video should be seen by every Democratic voter. There is no denying she has a pathological urge to lie to make herself something she is clearly not! If someone does not see this video, they clearly are denying the truth. Absolutely frightening that she is running for president! WOW!

They don't care.............

I don't believe that all Democrats are that way. That is painting with a broad brush. People (even Domocrats, lol) have to make up their mind. But they have to seek answers to questions and if they cannot watch that video, then, yes, they don't care. I don't think that is the truth, though, Everyone, D or R wants what is best for the country,

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