Hillary Blames....

Nothing is ever her fault. She is a victim of assorted hate. She just keeps putting a different color bow on it. It is unlikely that she will every face up to her own failings and her own blame for them.
A leftist never accepts responsibility...it's one of the cornerstones of being a leftist
I just saw her comments from yesterday on FOX. Good lord, Her Thighness looks more beat up than ever? Looks like she's been on a bender since the election. Welts under her eyes the size of Texas

And look at this picture of her at a presentation. Weird!

Hillary is definitely going off the deep end. Blaming everyone but herself...she is one sick lady. Thank God Trump won that election!
Hillary has blamed her loss on





'Fake News'

The only one she has not cast blame upon is the only one who deserves it: HERSELF!

Clinton blasts 'epidemic' of fake news

She has no one to blame BUT herself.

She's the one who used an unsecure server.

She's the one who had her maid, with no security clearance at all, faxing top secret and classified documents all over the place.

She's the one who didn't pull our people out of Benghzi.

And she's the one who thought she had the election in the bag.

She's the one who had no idea of the message Trump put out there. The message the blue collar workers took to heart and voted for him.

She's the one who ignored the blue collar working class.

Of course she won't blame herself. Everyone but her is to blame. Typical.
And look at this picture of her at a presentation. Weird!

Weird indeed. One eyed Harry appears to see that Hillary is about to swoon so he gallantly lends a hand. It also looks like he's copping a feel. Good presentation!
"If ONLY Wisconsin hadn't been so far to travel to I would have been able to make at least ONE campaign stop there!
Then I would have won for sure!
My friend, the negro, Charlie Rangel has a great idea for the next election: All the States should be renamed. That way we get rid of any red States".
The great majority of America is glad that Clinton is gone.

The great majority of American is not going to work on getting Trump Nixoned.
"If ONLY Wisconsin hadn't been so far to travel to I would have been able to make at least ONE campaign stop there!
Then I would have won for sure!
My friend, the negro, Charlie Rangel has a great idea for the next election: All the States should be renamed. That way we get rid of any red States".
dannyboys, for a mulatto, you sure talk harshly.

Hillary deserved to lose. Now Trump must be Nixoned.