Hillary Blames....

The Hillary blame game continues. No surprise.

She and dimocrats who agree with her are blind as bats. Her message and lousy campaign cost her and other dims to lose. Period.

They've lost the White House, Senate and House. They're down to like only 11 governors, some of whom are handicapped with Republican legislatures. Since Barry's been "in power" they've lost 800+ state legislature seats. It's a rebellion, a complete repudiation of liberalism, yet they claim otherwise.

They're soundly asleep at the switch, and that's a very good thing for our country.
Hillary has blamed her loss on





'Fake News'

The only one she has not cast blame upon is the only one who deserves it: HERSELF!

Clinton blasts 'epidemic' of fake news

It can also be blamed on her supporters.

If they were rational people, they would have said:

"He look hilldog, we love you but you're way too much of an authoritarian kunt, a liar and a sociopath. Everyone else hates you. Save yourself the embarrassment and let Bernie have it".

Pelosi actually said the other day that the majority of her party "don't want to change course.
Next time if Google/Facebook and all other 'social media is censored there's "No way the LIBs will lose".
It can also be blamed on her supporters.

If they were rational people, they would have said:

"He look hilldog, we love you but you're way too much of an authoritarian kunt, a liar and a sociopath. Everyone else hates you. Save yourself the embarrassment and let Bernie have it".
That's actually part of the problem - a lot of progressives out there DO love her.

Someone posted yesterday that Trump was a 'cult of personality', which I agree with to some extent. Trump became the personification of a major American attitude of frustration, anger, and being 'fed up' with what has been going on. He became a movement because people rallied around this guy who projected the image of an 'average joe' declaring, 'To Hell with Manners & Being Nice - I'm mad as hell and not going to take it anymore'. (Never mind that he is a billionaire, he still pushed the right buttons and exuded the right personality and message.)

At the same time, the CLINTON'S are definitely a 'Cult of Personality'. They have managed to do what Al Gore Could Not do:
- Explanation: Gore sought to create this FAKE NOTHING - carbon credits - and sell them to get rich. The Clintons went from having nothing to selling 'POTENTIAL' - potential access, potential favors. With enough money and their charm they would keep getting bigger, getting bigger govt jobs, and have more access and favors to sell. They sold 'NOTHING' and made it into 'something'. The money coming in made it possible for them to keep growing and have something to give back for all that money they were getting. The Clintons started out as an investment but once established they were open for business selling favors, contracts, access, etc...

Important people, rich people, flocked to them - they became like rock stars...because of what they could get from the Clintons. Cult of Personality - when someone becomes a huge star, everyone loves them and wants to be around them.

As we have seen since Hillary lost the election, the opposite is also true. Since she lost the election, since she has no more political future, no more access to sell, no more favors to sell, Foundation Contributions have evaporated, there are no more insanely expensive Speaking engagements to be had...no one wants to be around the 'has been's.

Not only do I hope she dies, but I hope I get a chance to crap on her grave.

Pity the poor Trump-snowflakes. Even after they win, they're still weepy homicidal losers.

So Owl, compared to all the other conservative rectums you've sampled, how does Trump's rectum taste?

You other Trump-cucks, feel free to answer as well. After all, you're all well-known all for being connoisseurs on the topic, and your fellow conservatives will value your opinions concerning whose rectum is the tastiest.
You other Trump-cucks, feel free to answer as well. After all, you're all well-known all for being connoisseurs on the topic, and your fellow conservatives will value your opinions concerning whose rectum is the tastiest.
Your crude, vulgar language aside, I am not a 'Trump follower', but in answer to your question, which seems to be how does it feel to have Trump as the new President - correct me if I am wrong - but it definitely feels better than it does to you knowing Hillary Clinton was rejected again.
Not only do I hope she dies, but I hope I get a chance to crap on her grave.

Pity the poor Trump-snowflakes. Even after they win, they're still weepy homicidal losers.

So Owl, compared to all the other conservative rectums you've sampled, how does Trump's rectum taste?

You other Trump-cucks, feel free to answer as well. After all, you're all well-known all for being connoisseurs on the topic, and your fellow conservatives will value your opinions concerning whose rectum is the tastiest.
OH DEAR! You poor baby.
Crawl back under your rock. NO ONE gives a shit about your broken heart.
Permanent Ignore.
Your crude, vulgar language aside,

Snowflake, I notice how you never protest the torrents of vulgar language from your own side. You only have these fainting spells when liberals respond in the same way.

I am not a 'Trump follower',

Do you prefer "Trump cultist"? Or maybe the more impressive sounding "Trump stormtrooper"? I strive to be accurate.
I am not a 'Trump follower',
Do you prefer "Trump cultist"? Or maybe the more impressive sounding "Trump stormtrooper"? I strive to be accurate.

I understand you are bitter, angry, and trying to be antagonistic, but you are also embarrassing yourself. You have this aggressive / defensive 'Us Vs Them' mentality thing going on. The nation is not divided into 2 'warring camps' that are either 'FOR / WITH you or AGAINST you'.

Note everyone is a die-hard partisan Liberal or a die-hard Conservative as you think. In essence, you seem to be suffering from 'Party-Dementia'. You see, I am NOT a Democrat. I am NOT a Republican. I am NOT 'Green party'. I am an AMERICAN 1st and foremost.

I have the ability to think for myself, not be swayed by any mob-mentality, don't let anyone tell me 'how things are', what to think', and I do not parrot anyone else's ideas. I do my homework, think things through, and make decisions for myself, based on what I think is best for this country and Americans 1st rather than what is best for any given individual or party.

I have served this nation for going on 30 years now. I have kept an oath to defend the Constitution, the Rule of law, and the Rights of everyone. I may not agree with you, but I will and have fought to damn-well make sure you have the right to say it....and I will continue to do so.

So you go right on trying to be 'cute' and thinking you are insulting me because you believe I give my allegiance to any one person if you want. I will just continue to find you 'amusing' and ignore you, hoping you will realize that it isn't about 'Us Vs Them', it's about 'United we stand, divided we fall'.
Shes right, her ideas were great. Things like Trump hate women and..............?????
Or there is Im a woman
and Trump.hates women........

Who couldnt win an election with those top flight ideas.

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