High school tranny throw violent tantrum over bathroom

Happened just down the street from my place. The kid looks like a bratty punk to me.
She definitely does look like she has an attitude from the photo I saw. Imagine a girl demanding access to the boys' bathrooms and showers at school. What a pervert...and a rape begging to be had. The school might want to consult lawyers about the prognosis for a lawsuit letting a girl into the boys' showers and bathrooms.

Later she'll sue the school because she was raped. And guess what? With the f-ed up legal limbo about this dementia, she'll probably win too.

He is at school and wants to learn.

"Lehman handcuffed and arrested the student, as Evans "continued to physically fight and curse loudly," with the help of other school officials, including the assistant director, the report said."

He wants to learn about S&M and bondage. What better way for him or her to learn.
SHE...the student in the OP is a FEMALE.

Does it REALLY matter if you call a transgender individual either male or female? On one hand, you are recognizing the new gender role. On the other, you want to call him or her according to their sex at birth. IMO the ONLY possibilities are to call a transgender either man or woman, boy or girl. Both are correct. If you can clear this dilemma up, I would be grateful. :)
Yes it matters because "He created them male and female" (Genesis 5:2)

In this culture war it's critical that the righteous stand for truth and resist going along with a culture of delusion, even if to ridicule it. Gender dysphorics are mentally ill and desperately need treatment and any psychologist can tell you that you don't encourage the fantasies of a delusional person.

These people need a reality check, not accommodation, and it begins by referring to them in terms of their God given gender.

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