Hey Rosenstein....PROVE IT.

Do you believe only American citizens should be allowed to campaign, errrrr, I mean influence elections?
They should not be allowed to hack into servers and release the results

You are against people hearing the truth?

I’m against crime. Hacking computers is a crime.

Are you sure reading other people's email is a crime in Russia?

Are you sure that you want the President of the US employing hackers to help him win elections?

There is zero evidence of employing hackers.

Available information, truth, Is free game. True?
The cuff-linked creep indicts Russians for the Podesta "hack" just days before Trump meets with Putin...they say in life, timing is everything. But what's curious is that nobody, not anybody, has ever offered proof the Ivans hacked the DNC. They claim it happened but then they claim Trump colluded with Russia and committed obstruction of justice by firing Comey too but they offer no evidence of any of it. Who believes Putin's GRU doesn't know how our computer defenses work so why keep claiming our "sources and methods" are at stake? Here's some PROOF the Ivans did NOT hack the DNC, ya creep: :26:


The VIPS theory relies on forensic findings by independent researchers who go by the pseudonyms "Forensicator" and "Adam Carter." The former found that 1,976 MB of Guccifer's files were copied from a DNC server on July 5 in just 87 seconds, implying a transfer rate of 22.6 megabytes per second -- or, converted to a measure most people use, about 180 megabits per second, a speed not commonly available from U.S. internet providers. Downloading such files this quickly over the internet, especially over a VPN (most hackers would use one), would have been all but impossible because the network infrastructure through which the traffic would have to pass would further slow the traffic. However, as Forensicator has pointed out, the files could have been copied to a thumb drive -- something only an insider could have done -- at about that speed.

Why Some U.S. Ex-Spies Don't Buy the Russia Story

You are clear on what an indictment is?

What a grand jury is?

And what a trial is?

And what a trial jury is?

And what order these come in...

Based on the Little Trumpsters' extremely ignorant posts! The answer is NO!
What I'm thinking is, these indictments against Russia mean....
Putin is PISSED that U.S. intelligence was able to get so deep into his intelligence officers' business. Heads are gonna roll in Moscow. AND
Trump has a quandry on his hands. Putin is now caught in a bold faced lie to Trump, since Putin TOLD Trump that his government had nothing to do with the campaign interference. Now it is laid out in detail how Putin's own military intelligence officers coordinated, directed and celebrated the success of their plan. Is Trump hurt? How to approach Putin for a friendly "deal" on building a Trump Tower in Moscow when THIS is in the way?
Will Trump simply ignore it?
None of us will know, since only the interpreters will actually know what was said in their private meetings, and we know both men lie like rugs, so what they TELL us means diddly squat.
if Pres Trump actually believes he's going to meet Putin and talk one on one with him without witnesses,

and without Putin somehow recording the conversation for Kompromat over Trump, he's extremely naive...
Also, since when does a hit man get in a mano e mano fight with the person they are planning to kill? Seth Rich's hands were bruised....he fought the SOB..... he fought for his life, but lost.....

Since there has never been an autopsy report filed, how could you claim his knuckles were bruised from fighting? His first contact with the TWO assailants (caught on video following him) was a bullet into his back..from a pistol stolen from an un-named "federal agent's" car. Curious, since federal agents are instructed to never leave a weapon unsecured in a car or anywhere else....they can't even turn them over before entering a courtroom. If ballistics linked the slugs in Rich's body to a federal agent, he'd have to explain how that could happen....uh, like maybe the weapon was stolen from his car? According to a conversation overheard, one of them was mocking Rich for being on his knees, calling him a "faggot". Further, they seemed to be under the impression he was carrying the thumb drive he used on Podesta's files (nobody anywhere has suggested he had anything to do with any other computer intrusion) and went through his pockets looking for it. They had no interest in his valuables (wallet, watch, I-phone, etc).....does that sound like a street "mugging" as the DC cops alleged? As to Seth's parents, how many phone calls at 2am making clear what happened to their kid could happen to them would it take to silence them? Another detail I'm not claiming is true is that one of the assailants was a federal marshal with ties to....ready for this?....Rod Rosenstein.
sorry Tom, you simply have been programmed to receive and believe Russian propaganda on Seth Rich....

the police were at the scene of the crime in less than 1 minute after the gun shots, the perp or perps ran and got nothing.

The gun was not some govt agent's stolen gun

His parents said his hands were totally bruised

His girlfriend was on the phone with him right before it happen

RUSSIA began the Rumor

And Assange, who we now know through the indictment, was an agent working for Russia... spread the rumor to right wing nut's sites then on to FOX news.

It is hurtful to his family to accuse him....

Please read the FACT CHECK

The VIPS theory relies on forensic findings by independent researchers who go by the pseudonyms "Forensicator" and "Adam Carter." The former found that 1,976 MB of Guccifer's files were copied from a DNC server on July 5 in just 87 seconds, implying a transfer rate of 22.6 megabytes per second -- or, converted to a measure most people use, about 180 megabits per second, a speed not commonly available from U.S. internet providers. Downloading such files this quickly over the internet, especially over a VPN (most hackers would use one), would have been all but impossible because the network infrastructure through which the traffic would have to pass would further slow the traffic. However, as Forensicator has pointed out, the files could have been copied to a thumb drive -- something only an insider could have done -- at about that speed.
So you mean that AFTER Tramp's Russian hackers downloaded the files it would be impossible for them to then copy those files to a thumb drive for distribution to Guccifer and Assange. :cuckoo:
You guys are the most gullible FOOLS on Earth.

They know the exact time the material was downloaded from the DNC servers and how long it took to do so.
There is noway it could have been done through the internet based on the time it took to download.
The cuff-linked creep indicts Russians for the Podesta "hack" just days before Trump meets with Putin...they say in life, timing is everything. But what's curious is that nobody, not anybody, has ever offered proof the Ivans hacked the DNC. They claim it happened but then they claim Trump colluded with Russia and committed obstruction of justice by firing Comey too, but they offer no evidence of any of it. Who believes Putin's GRU doesn't know how our computer defenses work so why keep claiming our "sources and methods" are at stake? Here's some PROOF the Ivans did NOT hack the DNC, ya creep: :26:


The VIPS theory relies on forensic findings by independent researchers who go by the pseudonyms "Forensicator" and "Adam Carter." The former found that 1,976 MB of Guccifer's files were copied from a DNC server on July 5 in just 87 seconds, implying a transfer rate of 22.6 megabytes per second -- or, converted to a measure most people use, about 180 megabits per second, a speed not commonly available from U.S. internet providers. Downloading such files this quickly over the internet, especially over a VPN (most hackers would use one), would have been all but impossible because the network infrastructure through which the traffic would have to pass would further slow the traffic. However, as Forensicator has pointed out, the files could have been copied to a thumb drive -- something only an insider could have done -- at about that speed.

Why Some U.S. Ex-Spies Don't Buy the Russia Story
The proof is highly classified and every Republican and Democrat on the intelligence committees and everyone else who has seen the evidence agrees it proves the Russians did it. Fox is a disgrace and it's better than the rest of them....
Only hater dupes use a dead man in a conspiracy theory to try and excuse the Russians eh.
and what a silly and stupid theory on seth rich!

Hello? How did podesta emails get hacked how did state election boards get hacked how'd the DCCC get hacked, how'd that State voter registration lists get hacked?

SETH RICH who worked at the DNC did those too? And even stole emails, after he had died!!! :lol:

so called conservatives have lost their minds....with their mindless and thoughtless and illogical and even impossible, conspiracy theories..... dumb is contagious....who knew??

The Idiot Podesta fell for a phishing scam that wouldnt have fooled a twelve year old.
The cuff-linked creep indicts Russians for the Podesta "hack" just days before Trump meets with Putin...they say in life, timing is everything. But what's curious is that nobody, not anybody, has ever offered proof the Ivans hacked the DNC. They claim it happened but then they claim Trump colluded with Russia and committed obstruction of justice by firing Comey too, but they offer no evidence of any of it. Who believes Putin's GRU doesn't know how our computer defenses work so why keep claiming our "sources and methods" are at stake? Here's some PROOF the Ivans did NOT hack the DNC, ya creep: :26:


The VIPS theory relies on forensic findings by independent researchers who go by the pseudonyms "Forensicator" and "Adam Carter." The former found that 1,976 MB of Guccifer's files were copied from a DNC server on July 5 in just 87 seconds, implying a transfer rate of 22.6 megabytes per second -- or, converted to a measure most people use, about 180 megabits per second, a speed not commonly available from U.S. internet providers. Downloading such files this quickly over the internet, especially over a VPN (most hackers would use one), would have been all but impossible because the network infrastructure through which the traffic would have to pass would further slow the traffic. However, as Forensicator has pointed out, the files could have been copied to a thumb drive -- something only an insider could have done -- at about that speed.

Why Some U.S. Ex-Spies Don't Buy the Russia Story

Q. Why would an investigator give a play by play of their investigation.
The proof is highly classified and every Republican and Democrat on the intelligence committees and everyone else who has seen the evidence agrees it proves the Russians did it.....

Right, asking for 'highly classified' evidence is just stupid, the word of 'intelligence' congresscritters should be proof enough for everyone

It's a conspiracy!! All our great institutions mean nothing in comparison to bought off High School grad Fox Etc pundits and bought off hypocrite GOP big mouths... You are all brainwashed conspiracy nut jobs.
Don’t be stupid.

But the NSA criminals are hacking the entire planet, you don't think they should be in jail instead of reading your mail?

Especially that Clapper creep, he even openly lied to congress about his crimes


There is a difference between doing it to protect your nation’s vital interest…and tying to win an election for yourself. I hope that concept is not lost on you; sadly…it likely is.
They should not be allowed to hack into servers and release the results

You are against people hearing the truth?

I’m against crime. Hacking computers is a crime.

Are you sure reading other people's email is a crime in Russia?

Are you sure that you want the President of the US employing hackers to help him win elections?

There is zero evidence of employing hackers.

Available information, truth, Is free game. True?

No…Stone knew that Podesta was hacked weeks before it was released. Additionally, Stone tweeted his support for the hacker (Guccifer2.0 is the twitter handle) that hacked the DNC. Further; you nor I know what Mueller has as far as evidence goes.

Should an advisor to a campaign be cavorting with criminals?
"Guccifer may have been the first one who penetrated Hillary Clinton’s and other Democrats’ mail servers. But he certainly wasn’t the last. No wonder any other hacker could easily get access to the DNC’s servers. Shame on CrowdStrike: Do you think I’ve been in the DNC’s networks for almost a year and saved only 2 documents? Do you really believe it?"
This thread poses a question with the phrase "prove it"! Let us examine some facts that are very strange. Let us look at the timing of this supposed great big announcement...right before Trump meets with Putin and while Trump is out of the country. What brilliant timing on the part of Rosenstein that has not gone unnoticed. Let us look at how convenient this is for Team Hillary and the violent unhinged left. They are really scared of another conservative Supreme Court judge, especially a nominee that has investigated the Clintons before. Then how all this renewed anti Trump hysteria goes along with the "immigration reform"- "children in cages"-"open borders" hysteria...LET US NOW POINT THE FINGER AT HILLARY...WHY? why poor little old sore loser Hillary? 1) It is the Hillary for President and little Debbie campaign that a) did everything to destroy the Bernie Sanders movement including denying Team Bernie people from appropriate requests of DNC voter data (voter data-hmmm) and b) were so careless, well, really Team Hillary has always been sooo careless about all things related to computer security and computer servers except for whambang convenienty when the DNC calls in Crowdstrike, their own to examine the "Russian hacked" servers and who knows what info made it to the corrupt FBI... NUMBER 2) Let us play along that it WAS Russians just like the indictments say a) Did the FBI get to examine the DNC servers or not? Who are all the great FBI and/or other nerds who provided this explanation written on the indictment. THE PUBLIC NEEDS TO KNOW, not just be told to believe it, and 3) STUPID HILLARY brought all this (no matter who is responsible) on herself which made her UNFIT to run for President because:

Putin's Revenge
WATCH: The Election Clash That Fueled Putin’s Ire Against Clinton
October 24, 2017
by Patrice Taddonio

For months, reports of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election have dominated the headlines.

But the story traces back long before the race between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton last year.

In fact, as the above scene from the new, two-part FRONTLINE documentary Putin’s Revenge explores, Vladimir Putin clashed with then-Secretary of State Clinton in 2011 over her condemnation of Russia’s parliamentary elections.

More than 100,000 Russians had taken to the streets demanding Putin’s ouster, after cellphone video surfaced showing alleged stuffing of ballot boxes and campaign officials filling out ballots. In comments that spread across the internet, Clinton weighed in, saying, “We do have serious concerns about the conduct of the election … The Russian people deserve the right to have their voices heard and their votes counted.”

The Kremlin saw Clinton’s comments as a message to protesters: “It was the first signal from the State Department [that] they’re really very serious in their attempts to interference in our internal political life,” Russian senator Andrei Klimov tells FRONTLINE.

And Putin himself believed Clinton was encouraging protests against him and threatening his hold on power. Russian journalist Yevgenia Albats tells FRONTLINE: “He said it was Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who provided funds and means to the Russian opposition and made them to get … on the streets.”

Clinton’s State Department said it was simply promoting democracy, but to Putin, Clinton had crossed the line.
The cuff-linked creep indicts Russians for the Podesta "hack" just days before Trump meets with Putin...they say in life, timing is everything. But what's curious is that nobody, not anybody, has ever offered proof the Ivans hacked the DNC. They claim it happened but then they claim Trump colluded with Russia and committed obstruction of justice by firing Comey too, but they offer no evidence of any of it. Who believes Putin's GRU doesn't know how our computer defenses work so why keep claiming our "sources and methods" are at stake? Here's some PROOF the Ivans did NOT hack the DNC, ya creep: :26:


The VIPS theory relies on forensic findings by independent researchers who go by the pseudonyms "Forensicator" and "Adam Carter." The former found that 1,976 MB of Guccifer's files were copied from a DNC server on July 5 in just 87 seconds, implying a transfer rate of 22.6 megabytes per second -- or, converted to a measure most people use, about 180 megabits per second, a speed not commonly available from U.S. internet providers. Downloading such files this quickly over the internet, especially over a VPN (most hackers would use one), would have been all but impossible because the network infrastructure through which the traffic would have to pass would further slow the traffic. However, as Forensicator has pointed out, the files could have been copied to a thumb drive -- something only an insider could have done -- at about that speed.

Why Some U.S. Ex-Spies Don't Buy the Russia Story
The proof is highly classified and every Republican and Democrat on the intelligence committees and everyone else who has seen the evidence agrees it proves the Russians did it. Fox is a disgrace and it's better than the rest of them....
Only hater dupes use a dead man in a conspiracy theory to try and excuse the Russians eh.
and what a silly and stupid theory on seth rich!

Hello? How did podesta emails get hacked how did state election boards get hacked how'd the DCCC get hacked, how'd that State voter registration lists get hacked?

SETH RICH who worked at the DNC did those too? And even stole emails, after he had died!!! :lol:

so called conservatives have lost their minds....with their mindless and thoughtless and illogical and even impossible, conspiracy theories..... dumb is contagious....who knew??

The Idiot Podesta fell for a phishing scam that wouldnt have fooled a twelve year old.
No doubt one of his staffers, super duper. Same way Republican staffers would have done if Democrats had evil assholes on on their side.
sorry Tom, you simply have been programmed to receive and believe Russian propaganda on Seth Rich....

the police were at the scene of the crime in less than 1 minute after the gun shots, the perp or perps ran and got nothing.

The gun was not some govt agent's stolen gun

His parents said his hands were totally bruised

His girlfriend was on the phone with him right before it happen

RUSSIA began the Rumor

And Assange, who we now know through the indictment, was an agent working for Russia... spread the rumor to right wing nut's sites then on to FOX news.

It is hurtful to his family to accuse him....

Please read the FACT CHECK


Snopes? you can't be serious! I see most of your claims also come from Wiki, a page that has changed considerably since the Rich family sued Fox News for trying to find their son's killer. The words "rightwing conspiracy" are littered throughout the Google search sites...nobody should wonder why the drive-by media wants this story buried. You aren't going to even consider the kid was murdered for leaking the Podesta emails for what they did to Bernie so I'm done with you.
The cuff-linked creep indicts Russians for the Podesta "hack" just days before Trump meets with Putin...they say in life, timing is everything. But what's curious is that nobody, not anybody, has ever offered proof the Ivans hacked the DNC. They claim it happened but then they claim Trump colluded with Russia and committed obstruction of justice by firing Comey too, but they offer no evidence of any of it. Who believes Putin's GRU doesn't know how our computer defenses work so why keep claiming our "sources and methods" are at stake? Here's some PROOF the Ivans did NOT hack the DNC, ya creep: :26:


The VIPS theory relies on forensic findings by independent researchers who go by the pseudonyms "Forensicator" and "Adam Carter." The former found that 1,976 MB of Guccifer's files were copied from a DNC server on July 5 in just 87 seconds, implying a transfer rate of 22.6 megabytes per second -- or, converted to a measure most people use, about 180 megabits per second, a speed not commonly available from U.S. internet providers. Downloading such files this quickly over the internet, especially over a VPN (most hackers would use one), would have been all but impossible because the network infrastructure through which the traffic would have to pass would further slow the traffic. However, as Forensicator has pointed out, the files could have been copied to a thumb drive -- something only an insider could have done -- at about that speed.

Why Some U.S. Ex-Spies Don't Buy the Russia Story
The proof is highly classified and every Republican and Democrat on the intelligence committees and everyone else who has seen the evidence agrees it proves the Russians did it. Fox is a disgrace and it's better than the rest of them....
Only hater dupes use a dead man in a conspiracy theory to try and excuse the Russians eh.
and what a silly and stupid theory on seth rich!

Hello? How did podesta emails get hacked how did state election boards get hacked how'd the DCCC get hacked, how'd that State voter registration lists get hacked?

SETH RICH who worked at the DNC did those too? And even stole emails, after he had died!!! :lol:

so called conservatives have lost their minds....with their mindless and thoughtless and illogical and even impossible, conspiracy theories..... dumb is contagious....who knew??

The Idiot Podesta fell for a phishing scam that wouldnt have fooled a twelve year old.
No doubt one of his staffers, super duper. Same way Republican staffers would have done if Democrats had evil assholes on on their side.

WTF does Podesta falling for a phishing scam have to do Republicans?
Conclusion = Russian meddling - no evidence of Trump involvement

If Trump was not involved, why doesn’t he just explain why his people were meeting with the Russians?

Were the Russians the only foreign entities his people met with ?
Of course not
But they were the only ones interfering with our elections
Why were Trumps key people meeting with the Russians while this was going on?

All Crooked Donnie needs to do is offer a credible explanation. Their concerns over Russian adoptions does not cut it
Conclusion = Russian meddling - no evidence of Trump involvement

If Trump was not involved, why doesn’t he just explain why his people were meeting with the Russians?

Were the Russians the only foreign entities his people met with ?
Of course not
But they were the only ones interfering with our elections
Why were Trumps key people meeting with the Russians while this was going on?

All Crooked Donnie needs to do is offer a credible explanation. Their concerns over Russian adoptions does not cut it

But barry said it was impossible for the russians to hack our elections?

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