Hey Mainstream Media / Democrats, White Lives matter, too....don't refuse to report / acknowledge their murders....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Mainstream Media Ignores Story of White
Teenage Girl’s Murder, As They Always Seem
To Do When the Suspects Are Black

White kid? Murdered by persons of color? Nothing to see here.....

Want to talk about the number of women who have been killed? white, black, Asian, First Nations? Chris Watts? Killing his pregnant wife and his two little girls? How many women and girls go missing or their murdered bodies are found every damned day. How many TV shows do there has to be that are about somebody's missing daughter? I just turned on the TV now. Yet another dead girl.
Mainstream Media Ignores Story of White Teenage Girl’s Murder, As They Always Seem To Do When the Suspects Are Black

19 Aug 2020 ~~ By Cassandra Fairbanks
The brutal murder of 17-year-old Veronica Lee Baker in North Carolina has become another shocking crime ignored by the national media because the victim was white and the people involved in her murder are black.
While some may argue this is a local crime that should only be covered by local news, the media reports on every sleight and insult by a white person against a person of color, see the cases of Amy Cooper or the Covington kids for a couple of examples. If a white woman simply calling the police on a black person who was threatening her is national news, surely murders of white women killed by black strangers should be as well.
Baker was shot in her vehicle at a Bojangles restaurant in Garner, south of Raleigh, on Saturday night. Her car was still running when her body was found. The 9-1-1 call by the restaurant employee who found her has been released to the public.
Keyshara Michelle Deans, 19; Nezyiha Zamir Collins, 19; and Tyreek Qumay Rogers, 18, were arrested and charged with felony accessory after the fact to murder, the News & Observer reported Tuesday night. The name of the person who police believe to have pulled the trigger has not been released, as he is 17-years-old. He has been arrested.
“She didn’t deserve to get shot and killed and left in a parking lot,” Jim Baker, Veronica’s father, told local station WRAL.
The Bakers believe that the murder may have been part of a robbery.
“She was my baby. She was my baby who had a future. She had such big, big plans for her future,” said her mother, Laura Baker. “My daughter would never hurt anybody. She didn’t have a fighting chance in this. She was a good girl; she has the biggest heart.”
The Nationalist Review reports, “NBC and ABC, despite both having regional affiliates covering this story, have not issued a report on their national websites. Do you see the pattern developing? A similar chain of events followed the execution of 5-year-old Cannon Hinnant, whose story was only covered by CNN after the hashtag “Say His Name” trended nationwide for a full day. Hinnant’s murder also took place in North Carolina.”
Veronica Baker was supposed to start college on Monday.

The Lame Stream MSM will not allow the average citizen to be made aware of these hate crimes. They continue to praise and try to elevate the hatred spawned by the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA funded terrorist arm of the Democrat Leftist commies.
CNN will not fully cover this story, nor will NY Times, WAPO, Politico, nor the talking heads like Lemon, Lawrence, or Maddow,
They have a strict white-man-bad editorial policy.
If a black person does harm, they do not tell the story, especially when it's a Black on White crime.
When the white person is the victim, it goes straight down the memory hole.
Take for example the recent execution of a 5 year old child or the heinous murders of Christian and Newsom.
This is their narrative war.
Meanwhile, statistics show that Blacks lead the entire world in almost every single negative statistic tracked. They are the least educated, least healthy, least wealthy, most criminal, most murdering, most addicted, most likely to grow up without a father of any race on the planet. It takes work to be the worst at everything, and only the Black people can fix that. Proving that black lives don't matter to blacks. When Nobel Prize winner James Watson, discoverer of DNA sequence suggested that the reason for this could be partly genetic. He was immediately fired, humiliated and forced into retirement.
Notwithstanding the fact that in America, PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists since the emancipation of Black People in America have
fought against and attempted to destroy every effort to desegregate, improve the education, or give black people the opportunities to advance..
Will you report when a white girl is murdered by a white guy? When a Black girl is murdered by a black guy? Cut it out. We women are being murdered.

Mainstream Media Ignores Story of White
Teenage Girl’s Murder, As They Always Seem
To Do When the Suspects Are Black

White kid? Murdered by persons of color? Nothing to see here.....

Leftists celebrate when this happens.

Mainstream Media Ignores Story of White
Teenage Girl’s Murder, As They Always Seem
To Do When the Suspects Are Black

White kid? Murdered by persons of color? Nothing to see here.....

Leftists celebrate when this happens.
LaQuisha Lysista sure the hell is, but she wants everyone to SHUT UP about it, and is too stupid to realize she's proving the point of the OP.
Will you report when a white girl is murdered by a white guy? When a Black girl is murdered by a black guy? Cut it out. We women are being murdered.

Yes I've reported when Black children have been killed by other blacks and I've reported with factual evidence when Whites have been accused of killing Black people.
Will you report when ... a Black girl is murdered by a black guy?

Hell NO, the media will not report black-on-black crime / murder ... or the massive black abortion rate - it completely destroys their BS message about how much 'Black Lives Matter'.
Mainstream Media Ignores Story of White Teenage Girl’s Murder, As They Always Seem To Do When the Suspects Are Black

19 Aug 2020 ~~ By Cassandra Fairbanks
The brutal murder of 17-year-old Veronica Lee Baker in North Carolina has become another shocking crime ignored by the national media because the victim was white and the people involved in her murder are black.
While some may argue this is a local crime that should only be covered by local news, the media reports on every sleight and insult by a white person against a person of color, see the cases of Amy Cooper or the Covington kids for a couple of examples. If a white woman simply calling the police on a black person who was threatening her is national news, surely murders of white women killed by black strangers should be as well.
Baker was shot in her vehicle at a Bojangles restaurant in Garner, south of Raleigh, on Saturday night. Her car was still running when her body was found. The 9-1-1 call by the restaurant employee who found her has been released to the public.
Keyshara Michelle Deans, 19; Nezyiha Zamir Collins, 19; and Tyreek Qumay Rogers, 18, were arrested and charged with felony accessory after the fact to murder, the News & Observer reported Tuesday night. The name of the person who police believe to have pulled the trigger has not been released, as he is 17-years-old. He has been arrested.
“She didn’t deserve to get shot and killed and left in a parking lot,” Jim Baker, Veronica’s father, told local station WRAL.
The Bakers believe that the murder may have been part of a robbery.
“She was my baby. She was my baby who had a future. She had such big, big plans for her future,” said her mother, Laura Baker. “My daughter would never hurt anybody. She didn’t have a fighting chance in this. She was a good girl; she has the biggest heart.”
The Nationalist Review reports, “NBC and ABC, despite both having regional affiliates covering this story, have not issued a report on their national websites. Do you see the pattern developing? A similar chain of events followed the execution of 5-year-old Cannon Hinnant, whose story was only covered by CNN after the hashtag “Say His Name” trended nationwide for a full day. Hinnant’s murder also took place in North Carolina.”
Veronica Baker was supposed to start college on Monday.

The Lame Stream MSM will not allow the average citizen to be made aware of these hate crimes. They continue to praise and try to elevate the hatred spawned by the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA funded terrorist arm of the Democrat Leftist commies.
CNN will not fully cover this story, nor will NY Times, WAPO, Politico, nor the talking heads like Lemon, Lawrence, or Maddow,
They have a strict white-man-bad editorial policy.
If a black person does harm, they do not tell the story, especially when it's a Black on White crime.
When the white person is the victim, it goes straight down the memory hole.
Take for example the recent execution of a 5 year old child or the heinous murders of Christian and Newsom.
This is their narrative war.
Meanwhile, statistics show that Blacks lead the entire world in almost every single negative statistic tracked. They are the least educated, least healthy, least wealthy, most criminal, most murdering, most addicted, most likely to grow up without a father of any race on the planet. It takes work to be the worst at everything, and only the Black people can fix that. Proving that black lives don't matter to blacks. When Nobel Prize winner James Watson, discoverer of DNA sequence suggested that the reason for this could be partly genetic. He was immediately fired, humiliated and forced into retirement.
Notwithstanding the fact that in America, PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists since the emancipation of Black People in America have
fought against and attempted to destroy every effort to desegregate, improve the education, or give black people the opportunities to advance..
Democracy Dies in the Darkness.....and the American Press is the Darkness

Mainstream Media Ignores Story of White
Teenage Girl’s Murder, As They Always Seem
To Do When the Suspects Are Black

White kid? Murdered by persons of color? Nothing to see here.....

Leftists celebrate when this happens.

who celebrates a murder? There are problems of men, white, black, Asian, murdering women. Do something about it. Chris watts is white, and he annihilated his entire family. White men kill white women. Black men kill black women. Many women from the First Nations are missing. Do something about it.

Mainstream Media Ignores Story of White
Teenage Girl’s Murder, As They Always Seem
To Do When the Suspects Are Black

White kid? Murdered by persons of color? Nothing to see here.....

Leftists celebrate when this happens.

who celebrates a murder? There are problems of men, white, black, Asian, murdering women. Do something about it. Chris watts is white, and he annihilated his entire family. White men kill white women. Black men kill black women. Many women from the First Nations are missing. Do something about it.

The issue here is not who kills more women of whatever color, the issue is that the mainstream media, as a whole, does not report black-on-white murders. Especially cold-blooded murders of the type this one seems to be.

My thinking is that one of the reasons they generally don't is that it scares the living shit out of them that they might find out it was a hate crime.
How quickly has the LSM buried this story?


Mainstream Media Ignores Story of White
Teenage Girl’s Murder, As They Always Seem
To Do When the Suspects Are Black

White kid? Murdered by persons of color? Nothing to see here.....

Of course white lives, blue lives and all lives matter. Murder is always a tragedy. BLM is an activist group focusing on systemic problems involving race and policing. I’m sorry you don’t understand that by now. You must really keep yourself in a bubble.

Mainstream Media Ignores Story of White
Teenage Girl’s Murder, As They Always Seem
To Do When the Suspects Are Black

White kid? Murdered by persons of color? Nothing to see here.....

Of course white lives, blue lives and all lives matter. Murder is always a tragedy. BLM is an activist group focusing on systemic problems involving race and policing. I’m sorry you don’t understand that by now. You must really keep yourself in a bubble.

BLM, as an organization, focuses on systemic problems involving race and policing. The problem is that their actions and words are sometimes inflammatory and violent and this stirs up resentment and hatred toward white people.

I can't say if this crime was motivated by race but I can say with absolute certainty that there are now many more racist blacks than there were. Or at least, many more are manifesting it now.

Mainstream Media Ignores Story of White
Teenage Girl’s Murder, As They Always Seem
To Do When the Suspects Are Black

White kid? Murdered by persons of color? Nothing to see here.....

Leftists celebrate when this happens.

who celebrates a murder? There are problems of men, white, black, Asian, murdering women. Do something about it. Chris watts is white, and he annihilated his entire family. White men kill white women. Black men kill black women. Many women from the First Nations are missing. Do something about it.

The issue here is not who kills more women of whatever color, the issue is that the mainstream media, as a whole, does not report black-on-white murders. Especially cold-blooded murders of the type this one seems to be.

My thinking is that one of the reasons they generally don't is that it scares the living shit out of them that they might find out it was a hate crime.

The mainstream media actually does report on black-on-white crime. Murders usually are reported on a local basis. I notice that, on USMB, white supremacists only report on black-on-white crime, which they make a big thing over. Other murders? No threads. My local news outlets report on murders all the time. Yes, the "mainstream media" does report on murders. This is not an "issue." Face the fact that there are scum out there who want a "race war" between Americans. No way. Murder is an awful thing, but it should not be used to gin up a war where there is no war. It seems the perps have been caught, or we wouldn't have their names and pictures.

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