Hey dims! Hitlery Is TOAST. Who You Got Now?


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012

Between her rapist husband being seen with a known pedophile, their foundation taking money from Foreign Governments WHILE she was SoS, her complete and total unlikeability and now -- This?

dims, you better be looking around. Pocahontas, maybe?

Whatever. But can you imagine the Ads we'll be running if this nasty old scrunt runs on the dimocrap ticket?

Documents Reveal Top Hillary Advisers Knew Immediately That Assault On Benghazi Was Armed Attack, Not Some Guy Out For A Walk With An RPG…

Hillary was suffering from amnesia after taking a header into a cocktail table.

Via Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch announced today that on February 11, 2015, it uncovered documents from the U.S. Department of State revealing that top aides for then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, including her then-chief of staff Cheryl Mills, knew from the outset that the Benghazi mission compound was under attack by armed assailants tied to a terrorist group. The documents were produced as a result of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the State Department (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State ((No. 1:14-cv-01511). The documents make no reference to a spontaneous demonstration or Internet video, except in an official statement issued by Hillary Clinton.

Judicial Watch lawsuit focused on Mrs. Clinton’s involvement in the Benghazi scandal:

Any and all records concerning, regarding, or related to notes, updates, or reports created in response to the September 11, 2012 attack on the U.S, Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. This request includes but is not limited to, notes, taken by then Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton or employees of the Office of the Secretary of State during the attack and its immediate aftermath.

The chain of internal emails tracks the events surrounding the terrorist attack in real time beginning immediately upon its inception.

On September 11, 2012, at 4:07 PM, Maria Sand (who was then a Special Assistant to Mrs. Clinton) forwarded an email from the State Department’s Operations Center entitled “U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi is Under Attack (SBU) [Sensitive But Unclassified]” to Cheryl Mills (then-Chief of Staff), Jacob Sullivan (then-Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy), Joseph McManus (then-Hillary Clinton’s Executive Assistant), and a list of other Special Assistants in the Secretary’s office:

The Regional Security Officer reports the diplomatic mission is under attack. Tripoli reports approximately 20 armed people fired shots; explosions have been heard as well. Ambassador Stevens, who is currently in Benghazi, and four COM [Chief of Mission] personnel are in the compound safe haven. The 17th of February militia is providing security support.

On September 11, 2012, 4:38 PM, State Department Foreign Service Officer Lawrence Randolph forwarded Mills, Sullivan and McManus an email from Scott Bultrowicz, who was the former director of the Diplomatic Security Service (ousted following review of the attack), with the subject line, “Attack on Benghazi 09112012”:

DSCC received a phone call from [REDACTED] in Benghazi, Libya initially stating that 15 armed individuals were attacking the compound and trying to gain entrance. The Ambassador is present in Benghazi and currently is barricaded within the compound. There are no injuries at this time and it is unknown what the intent of the attackers is. At approximately 1600 DSCC received word from Benghazi that individuals had entered the compound. At 1614 RSO advised the Libyans had set fire to various buildings in the area, possibly the building that houses the Ambassador [REDACTED] is responding and taking fire.[…]

Despite her three top staff members being informed that a terrorist group had claimed credit for the attack, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, issued an official statement, also produced to Judicial Watch, claiming the assault may have been in “a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet.”

Cheryl Mills asks that the State Department stop answering press inquiries at 12:11 am on September 12, despite the ongoing questions about “Chris’ whereabouts.” In an email to State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland, Jacob Kennedy, and Phillipe Reines (then-Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Strategic Communications and Senior Communications Advisor), Mills writes:

Can we stop answering emails for the night Toria b/c now the first one [Hillary Clinton’s “inflammatory material posted on the Internet” statement] is hanging out there.

Earlier in the chain of emails, Nuland told Mills, Sullivan, and Patrick Kennedy (Under Secretary of State for Management) that she “ignored” a question about Ambassador Steven’s status and whereabouts from a CBS News Reporter.

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Yeah, big deal. No one could have saved those guys. Congress already reported that.

And I see, witch hunt:

“These emails leave no doubt that Hillary Clinton’s closest advisers knew the truth about the Benghazi attack from almost the moment it happened,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “And it is inescapable that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knowingly lied when she planted the false story about ‘inflammatory material being posted on the Internet.’ The contempt for the public’s right to know is evidenced not only in these documents but also in the fact that we had to file a lawsuit in federal court to obtain them. The Obama gang’s cover-up continues to unravel, despite its unlawful secrecy and continued slow-rolling of information. Congress, if it ever decides to do its job, cannot act soon enough to put Hillary Clinton, Cheryl Mills, and every other official in these emails under oath.”
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No Clinton is not responsible for what happened,the terrorist are,the deplorable actions after,she Rice,and Obama are. The truth from day one and we wouldn't be having the conversation still.
No Clinton is not responsible for what happened,the terrorist are,the deplorable actions after,she Rice,and Obama are. The truth from day one and we wouldn't be having the conversation still.

Anyone paying attention to Hillary knows Benghazi isn't the only issue
Yeah, big deal. No one could have saved those guys. Congress already reported that.

And I see, witch hunt:

“These emails leave no doubt that Hillary Clinton’s closest advisers knew the truth about the Benghazi attack from almost the moment it happened,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “And it is inescapable that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knowingly lied when she planted the false story about ‘inflammatory material being posted on the Internet.’ The contempt for the public’s right to know is evidenced not only in these documents but also in the fact that we had to file a lawsuit in federal court to obtain them. The Obama gang’s cover-up continues to unravel, despite its unlawful secrecy and continued slow-rolling of information. Congress, if it ever decides to do its job, cannot act soon enough to put Hillary Clinton, Cheryl Mills, and every other official in these emails under oath.”

Yes, prevention would be the only thing to save those men, Hillary wasn't up to it.

the truth is that for some reason her, Obama, and Rice lied through their teeth. We all should be asking why. I think they were covering for gun running which may have caused the rise of ISIS.

No matter how it is sugar coated this happened on Hillary's watch, she should take the fall, but only after she is the democrat nominee.
There is a mountain of evidence against Hillary but most Americans will never see it unless they watch Fox News.
Steve Malzberg reported the story on her and Bill taking money from foreign govts. and Obama ok'd continuation of those gifts even though it was against the law. There is no other way to describe them but as criminals. Truly despicable that they were permitted to get away with it for so long.
Yeah, big deal. No one could have saved those guys. Congress already reported that.

And I see, witch hunt:

“These emails leave no doubt that Hillary Clinton’s closest advisers knew the truth about the Benghazi attack from almost the moment it happened,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “And it is inescapable that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knowingly lied when she planted the false story about ‘inflammatory material being posted on the Internet.’ The contempt for the public’s right to know is evidenced not only in these documents but also in the fact that we had to file a lawsuit in federal court to obtain them. The Obama gang’s cover-up continues to unravel, despite its unlawful secrecy and continued slow-rolling of information. Congress, if it ever decides to do its job, cannot act soon enough to put Hillary Clinton, Cheryl Mills, and every other official in these emails under oath.”

Yes, prevention would be the only thing to save those men, Hillary wasn't up to it.

the truth is that for some reason her, Obama, and Rice lied through their teeth. We all should be asking why. I think they were covering for gun running which may have caused the rise of ISIS.

No matter how it is sugar coated this happened on Hillary's watch, she should take the fall, but only after she is the democrat nominee.
No one has shown any lie at all. Confusion yes, but no lie. Even this says there was an attack, but not why. And Stevens chose to be that day, it was his call.
Yeah, big deal. No one could have saved those guys. Congress already reported that.

And I see, witch hunt:

“These emails leave no doubt that Hillary Clinton’s closest advisers knew the truth about the Benghazi attack from almost the moment it happened,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “And it is inescapable that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knowingly lied when she planted the false story about ‘inflammatory material being posted on the Internet.’ The contempt for the public’s right to know is evidenced not only in these documents but also in the fact that we had to file a lawsuit in federal court to obtain them. The Obama gang’s cover-up continues to unravel, despite its unlawful secrecy and continued slow-rolling of information. Congress, if it ever decides to do its job, cannot act soon enough to put Hillary Clinton, Cheryl Mills, and every other official in these emails under oath.”

Yes, prevention would be the only thing to save those men, Hillary wasn't up to it.

the truth is that for some reason her, Obama, and Rice lied through their teeth. We all should be asking why. I think they were covering for gun running which may have caused the rise of ISIS.

No matter how it is sugar coated this happened on Hillary's watch, she should take the fall, but only after she is the democrat nominee.
No one has shown any lie at all. Confusion yes, but no lie. Even this says there was an attack, but not why. And Stevens chose to be that day, it was his call.

Were you living abroad when Obama got up front of the UN and blamed it on a video? WTF we lived through this why do you think you can reinvent what happened?
There is a mountain of evidence against Hillary but most Americans will never see it unless they watch Fox News.

they should watch Fox when they are showing the results of the 2016 general election and how bad Hillary kicked her Republican opponents ass ....
13 hearings, 50 briefings, and 25,000 pages of documents have been released, all on Benghazi. Fox will keep promoting the CONSPIRACY and dumbass RW's will keep watching Fox and believe their BS ... meanwhile Hillary beats the living hell out of the Republicans/Benghaz-idiots.

and they blame it on voter fraud ...

13 hearings, 50 briefings, and 25,000 pages of documents have been released, all on Benghazi. Fox will keep promoting the CONSPIRACY and dumbass RW's will keep watching Fox and believe their BS ... meanwhile Hillary beats the living hell out of the Republicans/Benghaz-idiots.

and they blame it on voter fraud ...

Bwhahahah so when that doesn't happen you will post just how wrong you were? safe bet ,you wont.
Clinton will be lucky if she even runs lets alone win the nomination,or the general.But you do have an active imagination.
13 hearings, 50 briefings, and 25,000 pages of documents have been released, all on Benghazi. Fox will keep promoting the CONSPIRACY and dumbass RW's will keep watching Fox and believe their BS ... meanwhile Hillary beats the living hell out of the Republicans/Benghaz-idiots.

and they blame it on voter fraud ...

Bwhahahah so when that doesn't happen you will post just how wrong you were? safe bet ,you wont.
Clinton will be lucky if she even runs lets alone win the nomination,or the general.But you do have an active imagination.

We should know soon enough:

Hillary Clinton and her close advisers are telling Democratic donors that she will enter the presidential race sooner than expected, likely in April, a move that would allay uncertainties within her party and allow her to rev up fundraising.

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Hillary Clinton Seen Launching Presidential Bid in April - WSJ

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