Here's a sick man.


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013

Walter Shaub


Amy Coney Barrett’s qualifications are irrelevant. Her willingness to accept the nomination under these circumstances reveals a disqualifying lack of character.

Walter Shaub.

Don't know him. Never heard of him. But he is one of those Loon-Left-Bloggers whose political inclinations are so absurd, that his psychopathology becomes interesting.

Assholes like this live in a bubble, usually in one of those big bubbles--New York and Washington being prime examples---where they look (metaphorically) West and most certainly South, generally to the Heartland---and can't see anything but scenes from the old movie "Deliverance", and that presumably is their excuse for listening to no one except Assholes just like them---resulting in them making complete fools out of themselves in posts like the above.

Walter Shaub.

A nobody who has gained a wee bit of temporary notoriety by making a complete fool of himself.

He's done one other thing. He's shown just how desperate Assholes like him are to come up with something to criticize this outstanding Jurist, Woman, Human--Amy Coney Barrett.


Walter Shaub


Amy Coney Barrett’s qualifications are irrelevant. Her willingness to accept the nomination under these circumstances reveals a disqualifying lack of character.

Walter Shaub.

Don't know him. Never heard of him. But he is one of those Loon-Left-Bloggers whose political inclinations are so absurd, that his psychopathology becomes interesting.

Assholes like this live in a bubble, usually in one of those big bubbles--New York and Washington being prime examples---where they look (metaphorically) West and most certainly South, generally to the Heartland---and can't see anything but scenes from the old movie "Deliverance", and that presumably is their excuse for listening to no one except Assholes just like them---resulting in them making complete fools out of themselves in posts like the above.

Walter Shaub.

A nobody who has gained a wee bit of temporary notoriety by making a complete fool of himself.

He's done one other thing. He's shown just how desperate Assholes like him are to come up with something to criticize this outstanding Jurist, Woman, Human--Amy Coney Barrett.

HE's a douche, just ignore him......

Walter Shaub


Amy Coney Barrett’s qualifications are irrelevant. Her willingness to accept the nomination under these circumstances reveals a disqualifying lack of character.

Walter Shaub.

Don't know him. Never heard of him. But he is one of those Loon-Left-Bloggers whose political inclinations are so absurd, that his psychopathology becomes interesting.

Assholes like this live in a bubble, usually in one of those big bubbles--New York and Washington being prime examples---where they look (metaphorically) West and most certainly South, generally to the Heartland---and can't see anything but scenes from the old movie "Deliverance", and that presumably is their excuse for listening to no one except Assholes just like them---resulting in them making complete fools out of themselves in posts like the above.

Walter Shaub.

A nobody who has gained a wee bit of temporary notoriety by making a complete fool of himself.

He's done one other thing. He's shown just how desperate Assholes like him are to come up with something to criticize this outstanding Jurist, Woman, Human--Amy Coney Barrett.

I see no ethical conflict with her accepting the nomination. She should recuse on decisions related to the voting related to the unethical person that nominated her, as that would be a conflict. That said. I have no problem with the woman any more than I have had any major problems with the opinions of Kavenaugh, and I was self certain he would be a consistent right wing tool, but have been pleasantly surprised, I think as RGB was also surprised.
Amy Coney Barrett’s qualifications are irrelevant. Her willingness to accept the nomination under these circumstances reveals a disqualifying lack of character.

Didn't take long for the whiny, sore-loser crackpots to all start coming out, like He'd turn down a seat on the SC under ANY circumstances.

Other than to indicate desperation, Walter Shaub's opinion is irrelevant because of its patent absurdity.

I was interested in the mental/emotional state of this turd, because he also said after Trump was acquitted in the farce impeachment that: "we’re in the heads-on-pikes phase of burgeoning authoritarianism".

So, he's a nutjob. Was he recently released from a Mental Institution? Dangerous to himself or others, or just a morbidly obese Asshole gobbling Brie in a wine cave with similar minded pompous nobodies?

Turns out, he was Obama's director of the Office of Government Ethics. So, he's just a bad joke--like an office of Government Ethics under Obama.

Never mind.

Don't know him. Never heard of him. But he is one of those Loon-Left-Bloggers whose political inclinations are so absurd, that his psychopathology becomes interesting.

So, you don't know him, nor have you ever heard of him, but you can still pass judgement on who he is? Guess if you saw a black or brown person, you would walk to the other side of the street, because of your preconceptions.

If you don't know or have even heard of someone, how can you possibly pass judgement on them?
Biden and Obama tried to do the exact same thing, replace a conservative justice with a liberal justice in an election year. The ONLY difference is that where they failed Trump will succeed so Dems are crying and wailing and foaming at the mouth.
Biden and Obama tried to do the exact same thing, replace a conservative justice with a liberal justice in an election year. The ONLY difference is that where they failed Trump will succeed so Dems are crying and wailing and foaming at the mouth.

So, it was wrong for Obama to try to replace a justice when he was 8 months away from the election, but it's okay for Trump to replace one when he's less than 45 days from his election? Got it, you are a hypocrite.
Biden and Obama tried to do the exact same thing, replace a conservative justice with a liberal justice in an election year. The ONLY difference is that where they failed Trump will succeed so Dems are crying and wailing and foaming at the mouth.

So, it was wrong for Obama to try to replace a justice when he was 8 months away from the election, but it's okay for Trump to replace one when he's less than 45 days from his election? Got it, you are a hypocrite.
The only reason he didn't and could not was he did not have a senate majority to get'r'done or I am sure Dems would have.

On March 16, 2016, President Barack Obama nominated Merrick Garland for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States to succeed Antonin Scalia, who had died one month earlier.

Merrick Garland Supreme Court nomination - Wikipedia
Biden and Obama tried to do the exact same thing, replace a conservative justice with a liberal justice in an election year. The ONLY difference is that where they failed Trump will succeed so Dems are crying and wailing and foaming at the mouth.

So, it was wrong for Obama to try to replace a justice when he was 8 months away from the election, but it's okay for Trump to replace one when he's less than 45 days from his election? Got it, you are a hypocrite.

Biden and Obama said it was wrong. Okay you convinced us, our bad, we'll go ahead and replace Ginsburg now okay. :auiqs.jpg:

Walter Shaub


Amy Coney Barrett’s qualifications are irrelevant. Her willingness to accept the nomination under these circumstances reveals a disqualifying lack of character.

Walter Shaub.

Don't know him. Never heard of him. But he is one of those Loon-Left-Bloggers whose political inclinations are so absurd, that his psychopathology becomes interesting.

Assholes like this live in a bubble, usually in one of those big bubbles--New York and Washington being prime examples---where they look (metaphorically) West and most certainly South, generally to the Heartland---and can't see anything but scenes from the old movie "Deliverance", and that presumably is their excuse for listening to no one except Assholes just like them---resulting in them making complete fools out of themselves in posts like the above.

Walter Shaub.

A nobody who has gained a wee bit of temporary notoriety by making a complete fool of himself.

He's done one other thing. He's shown just how desperate Assholes like him are to come up with something to criticize this outstanding Jurist, Woman, Human--Amy Coney Barrett.

I see no ethical conflict with her accepting the nomination. She should recuse on decisions related to the voting related to the unethical person that nominated her, as that would be a conflict. That said. I have no problem with the woman any more than I have had any major problems with the opinions of Kavenaugh, and I was self certain he would be a consistent right wing tool, but have been pleasantly surprised, I think as RGB was also surprised.

Funny, I don't recall you demanding Kagan and Sotomayor recuse on decisions relating to the maobama admin, hypocrite much?


Walter Shaub


Amy Coney Barrett’s qualifications are irrelevant. Her willingness to accept the nomination under these circumstances reveals a disqualifying lack of character.

Walter Shaub.

Don't know him. Never heard of him. But he is one of those Loon-Left-Bloggers whose political inclinations are so absurd, that his psychopathology becomes interesting.

Assholes like this live in a bubble, usually in one of those big bubbles--New York and Washington being prime examples---where they look (metaphorically) West and most certainly South, generally to the Heartland---and can't see anything but scenes from the old movie "Deliverance", and that presumably is their excuse for listening to no one except Assholes just like them---resulting in them making complete fools out of themselves in posts like the above.

Walter Shaub.

A nobody who has gained a wee bit of temporary notoriety by making a complete fool of himself.

He's done one other thing. He's shown just how desperate Assholes like him are to come up with something to criticize this outstanding Jurist, Woman, Human--Amy Coney Barrett.

I see no ethical conflict with her accepting the nomination. She should recuse on decisions related to the voting related to the unethical person that nominated her, as that would be a conflict. That said. I have no problem with the woman any more than I have had any major problems with the opinions of Kavenaugh, and I was self certain he would be a consistent right wing tool, but have been pleasantly surprised, I think as RGB was also surprised.

Funny, I don't recall you demanding Kagan and Sotomayor recuse on decisions relating to the maobama admin, hypocrite much?

Do you recall me being on this message board at that time? I don't.

Walter Shaub


Amy Coney Barrett’s qualifications are irrelevant. Her willingness to accept the nomination under these circumstances reveals a disqualifying lack of character.

Walter Shaub.

Don't know him. Never heard of him. But he is one of those Loon-Left-Bloggers whose political inclinations are so absurd, that his psychopathology becomes interesting.

Assholes like this live in a bubble, usually in one of those big bubbles--New York and Washington being prime examples---where they look (metaphorically) West and most certainly South, generally to the Heartland---and can't see anything but scenes from the old movie "Deliverance", and that presumably is their excuse for listening to no one except Assholes just like them---resulting in them making complete fools out of themselves in posts like the above.

Walter Shaub.

A nobody who has gained a wee bit of temporary notoriety by making a complete fool of himself.

He's done one other thing. He's shown just how desperate Assholes like him are to come up with something to criticize this outstanding Jurist, Woman, Human--Amy Coney Barrett.




Walter Shaub


Amy Coney Barrett’s qualifications are irrelevant. Her willingness to accept the nomination under these circumstances reveals a disqualifying lack of character.

Walter Shaub.

Don't know him. Never heard of him. But he is one of those Loon-Left-Bloggers whose political inclinations are so absurd, that his psychopathology becomes interesting.

Assholes like this live in a bubble, usually in one of those big bubbles--New York and Washington being prime examples---where they look (metaphorically) West and most certainly South, generally to the Heartland---and can't see anything but scenes from the old movie "Deliverance", and that presumably is their excuse for listening to no one except Assholes just like them---resulting in them making complete fools out of themselves in posts like the above.

Walter Shaub.

A nobody who has gained a wee bit of temporary notoriety by making a complete fool of himself.

He's done one other thing. He's shown just how desperate Assholes like him are to come up with something to criticize this outstanding Jurist, Woman, Human--Amy Coney Barrett.



If you do not know him, here is the wiki write up. I am still of a mind, that not unethical for her to accept nomination, not unethical for trump to nominate, fairly unethical for Moscow Mitch and Lindsey to go back on their earlier pronouncements. Would be unethical for her to not recuse on 2020 election issues. At this time, I have no problem with her ethics or credentials.

Walter Shaub


Amy Coney Barrett’s qualifications are irrelevant. Her willingness to accept the nomination under these circumstances reveals a disqualifying lack of character.

Walter Shaub.

Don't know him. Never heard of him. But he is one of those Loon-Left-Bloggers whose political inclinations are so absurd, that his psychopathology becomes interesting.

Assholes like this live in a bubble, usually in one of those big bubbles--New York and Washington being prime examples---where they look (metaphorically) West and most certainly South, generally to the Heartland---and can't see anything but scenes from the old movie "Deliverance", and that presumably is their excuse for listening to no one except Assholes just like them---resulting in them making complete fools out of themselves in posts like the above.

Walter Shaub.

A nobody who has gained a wee bit of temporary notoriety by making a complete fool of himself.

He's done one other thing. He's shown just how desperate Assholes like him are to come up with something to criticize this outstanding Jurist, Woman, Human--Amy Coney Barrett.

I see no ethical conflict with her accepting the nomination. She should recuse on decisions related to the voting related to the unethical person that nominated her, as that would be a conflict. That said. I have no problem with the woman any more than I have had any major problems with the opinions of Kavenaugh, and I was self certain he would be a consistent right wing tool, but have been pleasantly surprised, I think as RGB was also surprised.

Funny, I don't recall you demanding Kagan and Sotomayor recuse on decisions relating to the maobama admin, hypocrite much?

Do you recall me being on this message board at that time? I don't.

There's one coming up on Nov 10, do you plan on leaving the board before then?


Walter Shaub


Amy Coney Barrett’s qualifications are irrelevant. Her willingness to accept the nomination under these circumstances reveals a disqualifying lack of character.

Walter Shaub.

Don't know him. Never heard of him. But he is one of those Loon-Left-Bloggers whose political inclinations are so absurd, that his psychopathology becomes interesting.

Assholes like this live in a bubble, usually in one of those big bubbles--New York and Washington being prime examples---where they look (metaphorically) West and most certainly South, generally to the Heartland---and can't see anything but scenes from the old movie "Deliverance", and that presumably is their excuse for listening to no one except Assholes just like them---resulting in them making complete fools out of themselves in posts like the above.

Walter Shaub.

A nobody who has gained a wee bit of temporary notoriety by making a complete fool of himself.

He's done one other thing. He's shown just how desperate Assholes like him are to come up with something to criticize this outstanding Jurist, Woman, Human--Amy Coney Barrett.



If you do not know him, here is the wiki write up. I am still of a mind, that not unethical for her to accept nomination, not unethical for trump to nominate, fairly unethical for Moscow Mitch and Lindsey to go back on their earlier pronouncements. Would be unethical for her to not recuse on 2020 election issues. At this time, I have no problem with her ethics or credentials.

Why would she recuse from cases that haven't been filed, didn't you just say you have no problem with her ethics or credentials?

BTW I asked for a link because board rules require one when you quote someone and was hoping to get a bit more context.


Walter Shaub


Amy Coney Barrett’s qualifications are irrelevant. Her willingness to accept the nomination under these circumstances reveals a disqualifying lack of character.

Walter Shaub.

Don't know him. Never heard of him. But he is one of those Loon-Left-Bloggers whose political inclinations are so absurd, that his psychopathology becomes interesting.

Assholes like this live in a bubble, usually in one of those big bubbles--New York and Washington being prime examples---where they look (metaphorically) West and most certainly South, generally to the Heartland---and can't see anything but scenes from the old movie "Deliverance", and that presumably is their excuse for listening to no one except Assholes just like them---resulting in them making complete fools out of themselves in posts like the above.

Walter Shaub.

A nobody who has gained a wee bit of temporary notoriety by making a complete fool of himself.

He's done one other thing. He's shown just how desperate Assholes like him are to come up with something to criticize this outstanding Jurist, Woman, Human--Amy Coney Barrett.

I see no ethical conflict with her accepting the nomination. She should recuse on decisions related to the voting related to the unethical person that nominated her, as that would be a conflict. That said. I have no problem with the woman any more than I have had any major problems with the opinions of Kavenaugh, and I was self certain he would be a consistent right wing tool, but have been pleasantly surprised, I think as RGB was also surprised.

Funny, I don't recall you demanding Kagan and Sotomayor recuse on decisions relating to the maobama admin, hypocrite much?

Do you recall me being on this message board at that time? I don't.

There's one coming up on Nov 10, do you plan on leaving the board before then?

No. Why would I?

Walter Shaub


Amy Coney Barrett’s qualifications are irrelevant. Her willingness to accept the nomination under these circumstances reveals a disqualifying lack of character.

Walter Shaub.

Don't know him. Never heard of him. But he is one of those Loon-Left-Bloggers whose political inclinations are so absurd, that his psychopathology becomes interesting.

Assholes like this live in a bubble, usually in one of those big bubbles--New York and Washington being prime examples---where they look (metaphorically) West and most certainly South, generally to the Heartland---and can't see anything but scenes from the old movie "Deliverance", and that presumably is their excuse for listening to no one except Assholes just like them---resulting in them making complete fools out of themselves in posts like the above.

Walter Shaub.

A nobody who has gained a wee bit of temporary notoriety by making a complete fool of himself.

He's done one other thing. He's shown just how desperate Assholes like him are to come up with something to criticize this outstanding Jurist, Woman, Human--Amy Coney Barrett.



If you do not know him, here is the wiki write up. I am still of a mind, that not unethical for her to accept nomination, not unethical for trump to nominate, fairly unethical for Moscow Mitch and Lindsey to go back on their earlier pronouncements. Would be unethical for her to not recuse on 2020 election issues. At this time, I have no problem with her ethics or credentials.

Why would she recuse from cases that haven't been filed, didn't you just say you have no problem with her ethics or credentials?

BTW I asked for a link because board rules require one when you quote someone and was hoping to get a bit more context.

I meant when the time comes. I have no problem with judges recusing if there is a conflict of interest, just like I have no problem with Attorney Generals recusing if a conflict of interest comes up. I think, in a perfect world, elected and appointed figures should not only avoid impropriety, but even the appearance of impropriety. Positions of public trust morally and ethically require it.

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