Here We Go Again: Ex-Staffer Comes Forward Saying She Had Sex With Newt Gingrich


The cartoon/story has been debunked...try something else.

Not really. He didn't bring a yellow legal pad, but he did go and talk to her about a divorce. She had earlier had cancer, and was in the hospital for the removal of a benign growth.

He also left his second wife after she got MS.

You try again.
Newts already got more than enough baggage anyway :(

As the Obama now has..Ripping off taxpayers for his favorite PET PROJECTS to people who DONATED to his campaign that go bankrupt. fast and furious getting our Border agents killed, and the list goes on.

I hope they pound him over the head with all of it. He is THE MOST corrupt President I have lived under.
Newts already got more than enough baggage anyway :(

As the Obama now has..Ripping off taxpayers for his favorite PET PROJECTS to people who DONATED to his campaign that go bankrupt. fast and furious getting our Border agents killed, and the list goes on.

I hope they pound him over the head with all of it. He is THE MOST corrupt President I have lived under.

This is a twisted version of reality, Stephanie.
Newts already got more than enough baggage anyway :(

As the Obama now has..Ripping off taxpayers for his favorite PET PROJECTS to people who DONATED to his campaign that go bankrupt. fast and furious getting our Border agents killed, and the list goes on.

I hope they pound him over the head with all of it. He is THE MOST corrupt President I have lived under.

This is a twisted version of reality, Stephanie.

Nothing twisted about it it is fact.

But lets add the half billion in a no bid contract for a campaign donor. Do you think the bird flu will hit this year?
As the Obama now has..Ripping off taxpayers for his favorite PET PROJECTS to people who DONATED to his campaign that go bankrupt. fast and furious getting our Border agents killed, and the list goes on.

I hope they pound him over the head with all of it. He is THE MOST corrupt President I have lived under.

This is a twisted version of reality, Stephanie.

Nothing twisted about it it is fact.

But lets add the half billion in a no bid contract for a campaign donor. Do you think the bird flu will hit this year?

Twisted. Full of half truths and misinformation.
This is a twisted version of reality, Stephanie.

Nothing twisted about it it is fact.

But lets add the half billion in a no bid contract for a campaign donor. Do you think the bird flu will hit this year?

Twisted. Full of half truths and misinformation.

Because you say so?
You go on living with your head in the sand or up the Obama's butt. We know you all would rather TALK about peoples divorces and who they SEX WITH... so you all carry on with your little gossip sessions
The rest of the people are seeing this administration for what it REALLY is, thankfully
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Because you say so?
You go on living with your head in the sand or up the Obama's butt. We know you all would rather TALK about peoples divorces and who they SEX WITH... so you all carry on with your little gossip sessions
The rest of the people are seeing this administration for what it REALLY is, thankfully

Because it is so. I've yet to see you back up a word of what you're saying. You just sling accusations without admitting that you're distorting reality.
This is a twisted version of reality, Stephanie.

Nothing twisted about it it is fact.

But lets add the half billion in a no bid contract for a campaign donor. Do you think the bird flu will hit this year?

Twisted. Full of half truths and misinformation.

Your wishful thinking changes nothing.

Did the democrat low life at least send a sympathy card to the widow before running the whistle blower out of a job.
Nothing twisted about it it is fact.

But lets add the half billion in a no bid contract for a campaign donor. Do you think the bird flu will hit this year?

Twisted. Full of half truths and misinformation.

Your wishful thinking changes nothing.

Did the democrat low life at least send a sympathy card to the widow before running the whistle blower out of a job.

And we're still not seeing anything to back any of this up, because it's talk radio distortion.
When will this stuff end? Now Michelle Obama is having an affair too? We don't know who the man is yet though. What's with these people? Why can't they control themselves?

Got a link, or is this like everything else you pull outta your ass?

lol! Yea like you would ever believe it could possibly be true. You're one of those "John Edwards & Bill Clinton are completely innocent!" peeps. You'll defend anything a Democrat does no matter what it is. So no,i don't feel like posting a link because you'll just claim it's all untrue anyway. What's the point? See ya.

You are more likely to have an affair that Mrs. Obama. :lol:
Twisted. Full of half truths and misinformation.

Your wishful thinking changes nothing.

Did the democrat low life at least send a sympathy card to the widow before running the whistle blower out of a job.

And we're still not seeing anything to back any of this up, because it's talk radio distortion.

omg. talk radio talk radio fox news fox news blaa blaa blaa
not our fault you don't KEEP UP with whats happening.
Your wishful thinking changes nothing.

Did the democrat low life at least send a sympathy card to the widow before running the whistle blower out of a job.

And we're still not seeing anything to back any of this up, because it's talk radio distortion.

omg. talk radio talk radio fox news fox news blaa blaa blaa
not our fault you don't KEEP UP with whats happening.

I keep up, that's why I'm asking you to back up your accusations. You're relying on distortions and half-truths.
Twisted. Full of half truths and misinformation.

Your wishful thinking changes nothing.

Did the democrat low life at least send a sympathy card to the widow before running the whistle blower out of a job.

And we're still not seeing anything to back any of this up, because it's talk radio distortion.

Talk radio? I have gotten zero info from talk radio.

But thanks for showing your true colors.
Your wishful thinking changes nothing.

Did the democrat low life at least send a sympathy card to the widow before running the whistle blower out of a job.

And we're still not seeing anything to back any of this up, because it's talk radio distortion.

Talk radio? I have gotten zero info from talk radio.

But thanks for showing your true colors.

Back at you. Where ever you got this information, it's distorted to the point of out and out lies.

The cartoon/story has been debunked...try something else.

Not really. He didn't bring a yellow legal pad, but he did go and talk to her about a divorce. She had earlier had cancer, and was in the hospital for the removal of a benign growth.

He also left his second wife after she got MS.

You try again.

So basically, it happened . . . except that it didn't happen.

Got it.

The cartoon/story has been debunked...try something else.

Not really. He didn't bring a yellow legal pad, but he did go and talk to her about a divorce. She had earlier had cancer, and was in the hospital for the removal of a benign growth.

He also left his second wife after she got MS.

You try again.

So basically, it happened . . . except that it didn't happen.

Got it.

Basically, there are some details in the cartoon that are wrong. But Newt's wife did have cancer, and being a rational person, I understand that after cancer, removal of a growth is a major health scare, but in spite of that, Newt talked to his wife while she was in the hospital about a divorce. Then he left another wife who was sick. And now, in his 60s, he's decided he can "settle down".

Basically, you want to excoriate Democrats for an alleged lack of morality, but defend Newt's incredibly self-centered behavior.

Basically, you're trying to play both sides of the issue, and getting caught.

The cartoon/story has been debunked...try something else.

Not really. He didn't bring a yellow legal pad, but he did go and talk to her about a divorce. She had earlier had cancer, and was in the hospital for the removal of a benign growth.

He also left his second wife after she got MS.

You try again.

So basically, it happened . . . except that it didn't happen.

Got it.

Yeah, dear, your candidate is a creep.

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