Here come the Pfizer "Covid Pills". The government is buying 10 million pills for $5.2 billion.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
How much you want to bet Pfizer just put a candy coating on Ivermectin pills so they can charge $500 a pill and call it a "Covid-19" pill? What a scam.

I think they were paying $40,000 per hospital stay, so if they can lower that to $50, I think we've came out ahead.
How much you want to bet Pfizer just put a candy coating on Ivermectin pills so they can charge $500 a pill and call it a "Covid-19" pill? What a scam.

Fifty times the cost of a vaccine, you antivaxer bastards.
Fifty times the cost of a vaccine, you antivaxer bastards.
Go stand in line like a good little boy to get your 2-3 times a year certification to take part in the freedoms we all used to have for FREE. Cowards too afraid to risk anything without gobment approval, don't deserve to be a part of this nation. GFY, ace
How much you want to bet Pfizer just put a candy coating on Ivermectin pills so they can charge $500 a pill and call it a "Covid-19" pill? What a scam.

Who gave him permission to buy them? China.
How much you want to bet Pfizer just put a candy coating on Ivermectin pills so they can charge $500 a pill and call it a "Covid-19" pill? What a scam.

They see the handwriting on the wall and this is their move to continue making bank off the cowards amongst us. This drug is just another form of a monoclonal AB. Those, at least work for most people if taken before the patient's lungs are overwhelmed with virus.

If I begin to sicken and am diagnosed with the 'Rona, I'll be demanding a monoclonal AB.
How much you want to bet Pfizer just put a candy coating on Ivermectin pills so they can charge $500 a pill and call it a "Covid-19" pill? What a scam.

If you get covid, refuse to take the pills.
How much you want to bet Pfizer just put a candy coating on Ivermectin pills so they can charge $500 a pill and call it a "Covid-19" pill?
Every dollar you have. If I have to see your embarrassing fantasies every day, I might as well profit from them.
Paxlovid, within three days of symptom onset. Ivermectin, within three days of symptom onset. What do the comparative stats say?
The pdf I just posted is from a new org created by Malone who invented mRNA tech in 1989 before they stole the patent from him.

He thinks mRNA is dangerous and he's right.
How much you want to bet Pfizer just put a candy coating on Ivermectin pills so they can charge $500 a pill and call it a "Covid-19" pill? What a scam.

Might want to correct your lying thread title.
How much you want to bet Pfizer just put a candy coating on Ivermectin pills so they can charge $500 a pill and call it a "Covid-19" pill? What a scam.

You start from the scientific fact: ivermectin physically attaches to SARS-CoV-2. Paxlovid physically attaches to a SARS-CoV-2 enzyme
The pdf I just posted is from a new org created by Malone who invented mRNA tech in 1989 before they stole the patent from him.

He thinks mRNA is dangerous and he's right.
It’s beginning to look dangerous from badger’s sequence analysis perspective, too. The coronavirus protease literature a quater-century back tends to cast a dubious shadow on Pfizer’s ridiculous paxlovid price. It should be boycotted, while we expose such things as OSHA’s mandates and fines against a Minnesota pork producing facility. Paxlovid inhibits a major SARS-CoV-2 enzyme, but its media propaganda covers over other important coronavirus enzymes, enzymes that link to not only Fau Chi’s influenza senate testimony of 26 Ap 2012, but earlier, to Canadian pork production circa 1962.

We’re not finished with the critique of this Chinese communist-owned virological mafia arrogance.
You start from the scientific fact: ivermectin physically attaches to SARS-CoV-2
So what? That says nothing about efficacy whatsoever. Superglue also attaches to the virus. You always make this same error, either because you don't have any clue about the difference between in vivo and in vitro, or because you know your audience doesn't, and you are trying to deceive them. So, ignorance or dishonesty, pick your poison.
So what? That says nothing about efficacy whatsoever. Superglue also attaches to the virus. You always make this same error, either because you don't have any clue about the difference between in vivo and in vitro, or because you know your audience doesn't, and you are trying to deceive them. So, ignorance or dishonesty, pick your poison.
You’re not educated about it, and with your low IQ, you even gloss over the attachment physics, which an intelligent person at least will hesitate about. You don’t seem to claim enought rights for yourself: the right to contradict oneself is also a right.

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