Henotheism and Atheism


Gold Member
Jun 7, 2015
Can a person be both atheistic and henotheistic simultaneously? Don’t worry if you have to look up henotheism. I had to look it up too.
And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God:

Ruth 1:16
Even the Abrahamic god seems to think there are other gods since he stated in the 10 Commandments that there will be no other gods before him and that he is jealous of other gods
Can a person be both atheistic and henotheistic simultaneously? Don’t worry if you have to look up henotheism. I had to look it up too.

Henotheism (from Greek ἑνός θεοῦ (henos theou) 'of one god') is the worship of a single, overarching god while not denying the existence or possible existence of other lower deities.[1][2] Friedrich Schelling (1775–1854) coined the word, and Friedrich Welcker (1784–1868) used it to depict primitive monotheism among ancient Greeks.[3]

Max Müller (1823–1900), a German philologist and orientalist, brought the term into wider usage in his scholarship on the Indian religions,[4][5] particularly Hinduism whose scriptures mention and praise numerous deities as if they are one ultimate unitary divine essence.[2] Müller made the term central to his criticism of Western theological and religious exceptionalism (relative to Eastern religions), focusing on a cultural dogma which held "monotheism" to be both fundamentally well-defined and inherently superior to differing conceptions of God.[citation needed]

Can a person be both atheistic and henotheistic simultaneously? Don’t worry if you have to look up henotheism. I had to look it up too.
Atheism, in the broadest sense, is an absence of belief in the existence of deities.[1][2][3][4] Less broadly, atheism is a rejection of the belief that any deities exist.[5][6] In an even narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities.[1][2][7][8] Atheism is contrasted with theism,[9][10] which in its most general form is the belief that at least one deity exists.[10][11][12]

Still No.
Can a person be both atheistic and henotheistic simultaneously? Don’t worry if you have to look up henotheism. I had to look it up too.
Since you didn't define henotheism, I had to look it up, too.

Thank you for making me do my own legwork. I hope others notice that I didn't define the term, either, so they can benefit, too.
Yeah it sooooo much work to google a word.
Even the Abrahamic god seems to think there are other gods since he stated in the 10 Commandments that there will be no other gods before him and that he is jealous of other gods
You have two choices; you can worship the creator or you can worship the created. Those are the only two gods.
Can a person be both atheistic and henotheistic simultaneously? Don’t worry if you have to look up henotheism. I had to look it up too.
Since you didn't define henotheism, I had to look it up, too.

Thank you for making me do my own legwork. I hope others notice that I didn't define the term, either, so they can benefit, too.
Yeah it sooooo much work to google a word.
Yes, and I feel great now.
Even the Abrahamic god seems to think there are other gods since he stated in the 10 Commandments that there will be no other gods before him and that he is jealous of other gods
no, they are who set the rules, how you will replace them would matter ... or pay the price.
Even the Abrahamic god seems to think there are other gods since he stated in the 10 Commandments that there will be no other gods before him and that he is jealous of other gods
You have two choices; you can worship the creator or you can worship the created. Those are the only two gods.

Says you.

Where in the bible does it say the Abrahamic god created other gods? And why does the Abrahamic god say he is jealous of other gods if he did indeed create them as you say?
Even the Abrahamic god seems to think there are other gods since he stated in the 10 Commandments that there will be no other gods before him and that he is jealous of other gods
You have two choices; you can worship the creator or you can worship the created. Those are the only two gods.
I actually have a third choice and that is not to worship any gods whether they exist or not.
Even the Abrahamic god seems to think there are other gods since he stated in the 10 Commandments that there will be no other gods before him and that he is jealous of other gods
You have two choices; you can worship the creator or you can worship the created. Those are the only two gods.
How does a person worship?
Is believing in the existence of an unprovable entity a form of worship?
Are abstract values worthy of guarding?
Is guarding the value of abstract qualities a form of worship?

Let's just start a discussion on this.

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