Hebron schoolgirl says Israeli soldier threatened to kill her

Yes, that's because, if Maaaaaaaaan says so, then it must be true. Maaaaaaaaa maaaaaaa Maaaaaaaaan:

Do you have any supporting evidence from a source other than filastin to show that the girl was threatened ?
No need. Until you can prove your objection has merit, there's no need for me to do anything.

Would you like supportive evidence for the above two blood libels ?
Why? They have nothing to do with this thread.

That stretch was a dangerous area and the girl should have followed orders to stay away. Soldiers can't be protecting civilians that walk right into a hot zone
c'mon folks----- it was for "SOCIETY AND PROPRIETY" ------a little 'palestinian' girl
wants to be PROPER --------remember George M Cohan's lovely song "MARY"???
~~~~la la la ...it was MARY, MARY ---plain as any name can be ...la la .. but

that cute little girl wanted to CONFORM TO SOCIETY-----good girl that she is-----so---

do not scold-------she is just being a good little girl
The Palestinian Ma'an News Agency has about as much credibility in accurately reporting IDF misbehavior as Lord Haw-Haw or Tokyo Rose had amongst Allied troops in WWII.

If Ma'an or B'tselem reported that the sun came up in the east and set in the west, I would seek a second and unbiased opinion and confirmation before believing them.

When your source lacks credibility as an objective and unbiased reporting entity, anything that it says is open to question, or even ends-up getting tossed out, without serious consideration.

Having a track record of one-sided incident investigations, highly partisan and biased op-eds, spin-doctoring and outright bullshitting, all serve to trigger automatic dismissal.

It's a common enough and understandable human reaction.

We have not yet heard from the other side.

And until we do, a one-sided finger-pointing exercise, undertaken by patently hostile sources, is inadequate for purposes of indictment, never mind judgment.

Innocent until proven guilty.
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I don't believe them because they're my enemies and because they were red handed caught as liars.

They blame a soldier. I don't believe them and until they find this soldier guilty in trial, for me her hands are clean.

Get it? Good.
A media outlet is your enemy? Someone with a different point of view, is your enemy? Have you ever thought that might be your problem?

You say you're an Israeli, but you act like a German.
That stretch was a dangerous area and the girl should have followed orders to stay away. Soldiers can't be protecting civilians that walk right into a hot zone
We're talking about an area under occupation, where the Israeli soldiers have no legal reason to be there in the first place. And the kids were walking to school.

Funny how you don't consider walking to school a capital crime unusual?

There is nothing the IDF can do to Palestinian children that would cause you to go, "Now that's crossing the line! That is wrong!"

The typical responses range from no outrage at all, to defending Israeli atrocities.

Whatever the typical response, it's disgusting to the rest of humanity.
We're talking about an area under occupation, where the Israeli soldiers have no legal reason to be there in the first place.
What "occupation", if our honorable P F Tinmore claims palistanians have lost nothing?
And the kids were walking to school.
Don't they always, as their holy-war handlers claim?

Brillo keeps mentioning occupation even though it has been proven there is no occupation and the areas are known as disputed territory.
Brillo keeps mentioning occupation even though it has been proven there is no occupation and the areas are known as disputed territory.
Not only has this "not" been proven, it's not even a debatable issue. It's been an "occupation" for the last 34 years, it is the position of every country on the planet, backed by over 100 UN resolutions and your psycho-bitch mantra ain't gonna change it now.

I suppose you think gravity plays no role in plane crashes? Because that's how stupid your argument is.
Brillo keeps mentioning occupation even though it has been proven there is no occupation and the areas are known as disputed territory.
Not only has this "not" been proven, it's not even a debatable issue. It's been an "occupation" for the last 34 years, it is the position of every country on the planet, backed by over 100 UN resolutions and your psycho-bitch mantra ain't gonna change it now.

I suppose you think gravity plays no role in plane crashes? Because that's how stupid your argument is.

34 years? That makes it 1980 - what happened then?
Occupied from which sovereign authority?
Brillo keeps mentioning occupation even though it has been proven there is no occupation and the areas are known as disputed territory.
Not only has this "not" been proven, it's not even a debatable issue. It's been an "occupation" for the last 34 years, it is the position of every country on the planet, backed by over 100 UN resolutions and your psycho-bitch mantra ain't gonna change it now.

I suppose you think gravity plays no role in plane crashes? Because that's how stupid your argument is.

Who do you believe the leaders of the filastins in gaza or those people who you claim have lied in the past. The filistans have stated they are not occupied.
Fellow posters PROJECT FOR TODAY------eacn and everyone of you-----do
a large star of david necklace-------and walk back and forth all day
in front of a mosque----Today is FRIDAY!!!! lets see how many times
anyone gets "threatened" -----you need a few words ----like
death is "mawt" and dog is "khalb" and whore is 'sharmootah"----
just use a tape recorder on in your pocket and we can work it out later
Fellow posters PROJECT FOR TODAY------eacn and everyone of you-----do
a large star of david necklace-------and walk back and forth all day
in front of a mosque----Today is FRIDAY!!!! lets see how many times
anyone gets "threatened" -----you need a few words ----like
death is "mawt" and dog is "khalb" and whore is 'sharmootah"----
just use a tape recorder on in your pocket and we can work it out later

I will pass on that one. I value my life. :lol:
Fellow posters PROJECT FOR TODAY------eacn and everyone of you-----do
a large star of david necklace-------and walk back and forth all day
in front of a mosque----Today is FRIDAY!!!! lets see how many times
anyone gets "threatened" -----you need a few words ----like
death is "mawt" and dog is "khalb" and whore is 'sharmootah"----
just use a tape recorder on in your pocket and we can work it out later

I can imagine it would get much worse than that.

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