Hearing of Facebook Whistke Blower


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
I listened to the whole thing and I'm not really impressed with the "its for the protection of the children" ploy. Id that gal really a whistle blower or an agent provocater? And those politicians claiming like her that freedom on social media platforms is dangerous to "Our Democracy"??? WTF, I think their Democracy is looking for more ways to stifle consent. All I see these self centered politicians doing is is trying to work more angles how how to silence people who are not in their dream world "Democracy" where parents haven't a clue. Most parents would be watching their children at home close enough to realize a great weight loss. Adults who fall into traps of online crap better just buckle up and quit being so damn ignorant as I personally am not giving away my right to disent or seek varied information for I can make the choice of what is best for me. I will not abidicate my personally authority over to anyone except for God Himself and none of these fleshly being are God.


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