Hear exclusive audio of Trump discussing classified documents in 2021

Only if you pay me enough you perv.

You mean the question I already answered TWICE, twit?

No, its shoved up your ass along with your head.
Typical retards. Not just dance away but also a liar.

Post #69 Just for your benefit, I will quote it again:
You keep asking the same question. But the actual question you should ask is... Why didn't your orange fuhrer do something about it?

Heck, didn't he promise to LOCK HER UP and you guys even cheered that, didn't you? So, what happened?

Why didn't he? Why didn't he bring charges against her? Why didn't he have Comey go after her?

That's the question you should ask your fuhrer. Instead, you come whining to us that Hillary didn't get charged.

That was the question, you sick fucking liar. Let's see if you answer it, this time. But, I will bet you won't because you are a lying trumptard. But, hey, surprise me. Go.
YOU are laughable. Trump was an outsider who had never held office of any kind and knew NOTHING about documents until he got in office and others instructed him, no matter what he might have thought or claimed.

Gee, how funny. You assholes USED TO claim you couldn't believe a word of anything Trump ever said! Now you want to fucking HANG him over a confusion, dispute or mistake over a simple clerical error.

You creeps are sick, demented, fascist fucks.

I can't wait to hear you scream when Trump goes free and the impeachment of Boneass Bidden and his felon family begins!

116,273 false starts later, you idiots still keep telling yourself that you "got him now." :auiqs.jpg:

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Trump was told over & over again what he could & could not do with top secret documents. But the prick asshole that he is ignored them. So now he's finding out the hard way how it feels to be looking at a loooong time in a federal lockup. Trump's future looks to be fun time with Bubba.

So long Donnie, have fun!
Trump was told over & over again what he could & could not do with top secret documents.

Show me where that is in the PRA?

Whatever Trump did, Biden dis is 10X worse, 10X more often, and the case is building against the Biden Thugs day by day.

Now Biden admits he sold state secrets to our enemies.

Really SUCKS to be you.
Show me where that is in the PRA?
Read. The. Indictment.

And read the PRA, too, because you obviously haven't. The PRA is very clear that presidential records are the property of the government, not the former president.

You are being lied to and it is working because the people lying to you know you won't take the time to read the indictment or the PRA.

You DESERVE to be lied to.
Trumptards will spend days and months defending the criminal based on lies being fed to them, but won't spend the few minutes it takes to read the indictment or the PRA.

This is fascinating. They are willfully ignorant. Perfect fodder for their propagandists.
You DESERVE to be lied to.

You deserve Joe Bedpan. Biden illegally had records going back to the 70s, all
felonious taken, with ZERO authorization, held and stored illegally for DECADES.

Screen Shot 2023-06-01 at 6.27.31 PM copy 4.jpg
You deserve Joe Bedpan. Biden illegally had records going back to the 70s, all
felonious taken, with ZERO authorization, held and stored illegally for DECADES.

Read. The. Indictment.

Trump Prosecutors Struggled Over Motives. Then They Heard the Tape.​

What turned the tide was an audio tape and other evidence investigators confirmed around February from meetings Trump held almost two years earlier and a thousand miles from the former president’s Palm Beach, Fla., resort, according to people familiar with the matter.

That crucial evidence, along with notes from a Trump lawyer describing his response to the investigation, helped spur prosecutors to push forward with a criminal case, the people said—
an unprecedented step that might have been avoided if Trump had cooperated even late last year, as some of his lawyers had urged him to do.
Bend over and shove it up yer ass, dickwad. You are deranged. Biden is a traitor, his son is a felon, and you are a useful idiot fascist.
LOL Thanks for proving me right, retard. Never fails.

Retards like you not only won't answer questions but lie about it.

Thanks for being consistent, retard. I would have been shocked if you had actually answered the question. :itsok:
Donald Trump has not been indicted for any of the hundreds of documents he turned over. And that is where the similarity to Biden and Pence ends.

Trump has been indicted for those documents he deliberately hid from the rightful owners. He is being indicted for lying to his own lawyer and having him sign a statement that everything had been returned.

If you dumb fucks would read the goddam indictment, you would stop sounding so retarded.

Read. The. Indictment.

Trump Prosecutors Struggled Over Motives. Then They Heard the Tape.

What turned the tide was an audio tape and other evidence investigators confirmed around February from meetings Trump held almost two years earlier and a thousand miles from the former president’s Palm Beach, Fla., resort, according to people familiar with the matter.

That crucial evidence, along with notes from a Trump lawyer describing his response to the investigation, helped spur prosecutors to push forward with a criminal case, the people said—
an unprecedented step that might have been avoided if Trump had cooperated even late last year, as some of his lawyers had urged him to do.
I am actually beginning to feel sad for the trumptards. On a daily basis, they got to defend their orange douchebag on yet another scandal.

No wonder they are all so angry all the time. The poor 'tards.

Guess that just makes Trump a hapless incompetent like Hillary whom the FBI said there was no case against her!
And Trump didn't have Hillary's 50 years experience in government!!! :laughing0301:
So Trump didn't know what he was talking about when he shot his big mouth off about the handling of classified documents during the 2016 campaign?
Trumptards will spend days and months defending the criminal based on lies being fed to them, but won't spend the few minutes it takes to read the indictment or the PRA.

This is fascinating. They are willfully ignorant. Perfect fodder for their propagandists.
The Trumptards are the reason that Murdoch & Co laugh off an $800 million judgement against them. There's plenty more where that come from.

The willfully stupid.
Presidential records act
Presidents have supreme authority over classified documents

We have no idea what these supposed papers actually detailed, but let's assume that they were top secret Iran attack plans that still have relevance and are in classified storage in the DOD somewhere....

Let's also assume that Trump did not declassify these records, even though one could argue that his mere act of taking them affirmatively shows that he declassified them.

Trump says that these documents were given to him. That means, clearly, that they were his presidential records, doesn't it?

Here is a legal definition of presidential records...
The term “Presidential records” means documentary materials, or any reasonably segregable portion thereof, created or received by the President, the President’s immediate staff, or a unit or individual of the Executive Office of the President whose function is to advise or assist the President, in the course of conducting activities which relate to or have an effect upon the carrying out of the constitutional, statutory, or other official or ceremonial duties of the President.

And if they are his presidential records, then they are covered by 44 US Code, The Presidential Records Act.

This act is specific to documents (etc) possessed by presidents and former presidents. As such, it supersedes other general laws related to classified documents (Bill Clinton Sock Drawer).

The act states:
(1) Upon the conclusion of a President’s term of office, or if a President serves consecutive terms upon the conclusion of the last term, the Archivist of the United States shall assume responsibility for the custody, control, and preservation of, and access to, the Presidential records of that President. The Archivist shall have an affirmative duty to make such records available to the public as rapidly and completely as possible consistent with the provisions of this chapter.

The main goal here is to facilitate prompt release to the public. The subject documents would not be released to us little people anyway, and Trump's position is that he was actively working with the Archivist to return relevant records as time permitted.

(3) the Presidential records of a former President shall be available to such former President or the former President’s designated representative.

This does not necessarily mean that he gets to keep everything, but he is still authorized to see it all, as he has seen it before.

There are no criminal penalties whatsoever applicable to a former president under the act.

1. He knew he was being recorded.
2. We have no idea what these papers were, and no way to prove it now.
3. The conversation was light-hearted - "Weiner is a pervert."
4. Why is the Left taking Trump's word for everything - they say he lies about everything, but they believe him when he says Milley wanted to attack Iran?

Not going to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump was violating the espionage act, withholding documents, false statements, and conspiracy obstruction.



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