Hear exclusive audio of Trump discussing classified documents in 2021

CNN has exclusively obtained the audio recording of the 2021 meeting in Bedminster, New Jersey. This is where former President Donald Trump discusses holding secret documents he did not declassify. Listen to the tape.
Edited in a period and two words for thread start rule conformity. White 6.

The audio recording comes from a July 2021 interview Trump gave at his Bedminster resort for people working on the memoir of Mark Meadows, Trump’s former chief of staff. The special counsel’s indictment alleges that those in attendance – a writer, publisher and two of Trump’s staff members – were shown classified information about the plan of attack on Iran.

The episode is one of two referenced in the indictment where prosecutors allege that Trump showed classified information to others who did not have security clearances.

Trump’s statements on the audio recording, saying “these are the papers” and referring to something he calls “highly confidential” and seems to be showing others in the room, could undercut the former president’s claims in an interview last week with Fox News’ Bret Baier that he did not have any documents with him.

Trump was obviously just incompetent and not cognizant like Hillary but with no malice intended and the FBI Comey said no prosecutor in the country would touch such a case. Your tiresome TDS witchhunt will go nowhere, Puddin.
That argument is completely laughable. Trump throughout the 2016 campaign said that he knew everything about handling classified information while attacking Hillary.
Saying over and over, that he knew more about the proper handling of classified information than Hillary.
It's not a crime to destroy copies of classified information.

It is a crime to destroy ANY government records, especially after being subpoenaed to produce them. Sure, Hillary turned over her server, AFTER she wiped it clean of 33,000 documents showing her using her office in a government pay-to-play scheme making herself rich.

They let her off the hook because that was the bribe to let her be Sec. of State and do that to get her to accept letting Obumma be Prez instead of her.

Trump doesn't have that Family & Friends Deal because he isn't an inside player.

Your case is shit. Trump walks. The more you chase him, the stronger he gets.

Thanks for proving you got nothing.
The case should be thrown out. This is tampering to a potential jury pool.
I thought about that, but all it's doing is that the potential jurors already saw evidence that would be presented to them again during the trial. It's no different than potential jurors having read the indictment.
That argument is completely laughable.

YOU are laughable. Trump was an outsider who had never held office of any kind and knew NOTHING about documents until he got in office and others instructed him, no matter what he might have thought or claimed.

Gee, how funny. You assholes USED TO claim you couldn't believe a word of anything Trump ever said! Now you want to fucking HANG him over a confusion, dispute or mistake over a simple clerical error.

You creeps are sick, demented, fascist fucks.

I can't wait to hear you scream when Trump goes free and the impeachment of Boneass Bidden and his felon family begins!

116,273 false starts later, you idiots still keep telling yourself that you "got him now." :auiqs.jpg:

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It is a crime to destroy ANY government records, especially after being subpoenaed to produce them. Sure, Hillary turned over her server, AFTER she wiped it clean of 33,000 documents showing her using her office in a government pay-to-play scheme making herself rich.
Before you run with that,

FBI Recovers Deleted Hillary Emails

FBI Investigators Recover Clinton Emails Thought To Have Been Lost
YOU are laughable. Trump was an outsider who had never held office of any kind and knew NOTHING about documents until he got in office and others instructed him, no matter what he might have thought or claimed.
That would be a good excuse in Trumps transition into the white house, but we're talking about handling of classified documents after a full tenure as president of the united states.
Before you run with that

You got nothing, Ace. They recovered some but not all of Hillary's stuff. Doesn't change the fact that she illegally had it, illegally HID it, then illegally tried to destroy it all when caught.

I can name 50 democrats far more guilty than Trump who walk free without so much as a parking ticket for their crimes.

Witch Hunt.

Going nowhere.

Sucks to be you when Trump rightfully regains his office again.
How about discussing the OP. Where they have Trump on tape confessing in his own words.

I am. The tape don't mean shit. It proves nothing,. Just more pie in the sky bullshit trying to keep you TDS goons hopes alive.


It's all fizzling out through your fingers again like so much jism.

Judge just blocked Smith from another dirty illegal move
trying to frame Trump. :auiqs.jpg:
I am. The tape don't mean shit. It proves nothing,. Just more pie in the sky bullshit trying to keep you TDS goons hopes alive.
It's a smoking gun confession of Trump in his own words.

It means the same as the Nixon watergate tapes.
Meh. It has never been about justice, if it were a significant percentage of politocians in the West would have criminal records related to bribery and/or National Security. Let us not extrapolate a larger objective than that of keeping Trump from running in 2024. There are deep pockets who.want in on the action and Trump is a non-starter for them.
For example?

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