Hear exclusive audio of Trump discussing classified documents in 2021

All of this energy invested in bringing someone to justice. Heck, someone would think we are a country that follows the rule of law.
Meh. It has never been about justice, if it were a significant percentage of politocians in the West would have criminal records related to bribery and/or National Security. Let us not extrapolate a larger objective than that of keeping Trump from running in 2024. There are deep pockets who.want in on the action and Trump is a non-starter for them.

Hear exclusive audio of Trump discussing classified documents in 2021​

Too funny. You present public information recorded with Trump's knowledge, leaked through the same leftwing sieve that the FBI and DOJ had on Biden and his felon kid for YEARS but can't get released for all of the tea in China! And the case? Taking Trump's own words out of context in a casual conversation finishing sentences for others as your PRIME evidence to INDICT A PRESIDENT OVER A PAPERWORK DISPUTE. Meanwhile, you used THE EXACT SAME CASE to declare Hillary INNOCENT of records abuse. You cards kill me.

How PATHETIC and weak you are, as is the case.

The PRA gives Trump full authority to have and declassify any records he has and the papers in question actually make the case that Gen. Milley is a Traitor who should be shot at sunup for treason.

There is no case here for insurrection. Trump will be the GOP candidate and will win reelection in any sort of free and fair election against the Boob in the WH.

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I do think that was mentioned weeks ago...I just do not remember where. But according to some news source they were discussing why the charges were not in New Jersey since that is where the most grievous crime with the indisputable evidence occurred. I guess this is that evidence.
This is where Jack Smith has to be careful about what he charges, and where. As he charged 31 counts from the espionage act, which deals with military secrets, and not classified documents. And the Bedminster tapes where they can clearly show by Trumps own admission he was in possession of classified documents.
One would think, after Nixon and his "smoking gun" tapes, Republicans would have learned their lesson.

But noooo. They keep taking selfies (J6) and this audio recording. It is as if, they want to be caught.
Too funny. You present public information recorded with Trump's knowledge, leaked through the same leftwing sieve that the FBI and DOJ had on Biden and his felon kid for YEARS but can't get released for all of the tea in China! And the case? Taking Trump's own words out of context in a casual conversation finishing sentences for others as your PRIME evidence to INDICT A PRESIDENT OVER A PAPERWORK DISPUTE. Meanwhile, you used THE EXACT SAME CASE to declare Hillary INNOCENT of records abuse. You cards kill me.

How PATHETIC and weak you are, as is the case.

The PRA gives Trump full authority to have and declassify any records he has and the papers in question actually make the case that Gen. Milley is a Traitor who should be shot at sunup for treason.

There is no case here for insurrection. Trump will be the GOP candidate and will win reelection in any sort of free and fair election against the Boob in the WH.

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:itsok: As always... Thoughts & prayers.
This is where Jack Smith has to be careful about what he charges, and where. As he charged 31 counts from the espionage act, which deals with military secrets, and not classified documents. And the Bedminster tapes where they can clearly show by Trumps own admission he was in possession of classified documents.
I think they have not charged the Donald with possession of classified documents so they don't have to charge Pence and Biden with that charge. But Trump does not have to be convicted of all charges, probably just one will do. if he Repubs do not win the white house, that is.
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so that is why they have to charge this in NJ?
If they can prove he has hidden (and continues to hide) classified documents in the golf course bathroom...maybe.
yea, really. Have you guys came up with those tapes Comer and Grassley were talking about?
So what you are saying is you think they met with the FBI Director and just made up what they saw in the 1023. And the FBI Director has not come out challenging their summaries of what they saw because.......??? Oh I know!! Because it's true.
So what you are saying is you think they met with the FBI Director and just made up what they saw in the 1023. And the FBI Director has not come out challenging their summaries of what they saw because.......??? Oh I know!! Because it's true.
Uh well, lets hear the tapes, that is all I have.

Hear exclusive audio of Trump discussing classified documents in 2021​

And if it was a public recording made with Trump's awareness, how can it be "exclusive" audio leaked to CNN?

Once again, everything about the Biden's kept locked behind brick walls while anything you think you can use to hurt Trump to affect and sway another election for your leftist fascist party somehow gets leaked like a sieve.
CNN has exclusively obtained the audio recording of the 2021 meeting in Bedminster, New Jersey. This is where former President Donald Trump discusses holding secret documents he did not declassify. Listen to the tape.
Edited in a period and two words for thread start rule conformity. White 6.

The audio recording comes from a July 2021 interview Trump gave at his Bedminster resort for people working on the memoir of Mark Meadows, Trump’s former chief of staff. The special counsel’s indictment alleges that those in attendance – a writer, publisher and two of Trump’s staff members – were shown classified information about the plan of attack on Iran.

The episode is one of two referenced in the indictment where prosecutors allege that Trump showed classified information to others who did not have security clearances.

Trump’s statements on the audio recording, saying “these are the papers” and referring to something he calls “highly confidential” and seems to be showing others in the room, could undercut the former president’s claims in an interview last week with Fox News’ Bret Baier that he did not have any documents with him.

I think they have not charged the Donald with possession of classified documents so they don't have to charge Pence and Biden with that charge. But Trump does know have to be convicted of all charges, probably just one will do. if he Repubs do not win the white house, that is.
The charge under 18 USC is removal and retention of classified documents. The operative requirement has to be retention. They must prove they wanted to keep the documents. And Bidens and Pences actions where when they discovered they had them, they immediately gave them back, and that would show they did not intend to retain them.
Actually this is a case of committing multiple crimes with the same documents.
It's a crime to have them, and a separate crime to disclose them.

What about a crime to destroy them like Hillary did?

Trump was obviously just incompetent and not cognizant like Hillary but with no malice intended and the FBI Comey said no prosecutor in the country would touch such a case. Your tiresome TDS witchhunt will go nowhere, Puddin.

Meh. It has never been about justice, if it were a significant percentage of politocians in the West would have criminal records related to bribery and/or National Security. Let us not extrapolate a larger objective than that of keeping Trump from running in 2024. There are deep pockets who.want in on the action and Trump is a non-starter for them.
Justice consists of holding people accountable for the crime committed. Granted someone powerful would indeed be handled with kid gloves. Case in point - Trump & the classified documents.

If this had been a low-level operative with these documents hidden away in his bathroom - the Feds would have literally battered down the door and hauled the perp off to jail.

With Trump? He gets multiple courtesy calls to return the documents etc etc before they come a-calling. Even then, they gave his lawyers advance knowledge.

And now? Trump sits at home instead of cooling his heels in a cell free to whine that everyone is picking on him.

And it just doesn't stop there. Does anyone seriously think that Trump will see a day in jail? Of course not. He will be given, at the most, a slap on the wrist.

But the larger point here is this - We live in a country that believes in the rule of law. Everyone is equally accountable. And that means, no matter the energy/time/money wasted on this, it is worth it.
So what you are saying is you think they met with the FBI Director and just made up what they saw in the 1023. And the FBI Director has not come out challenging their summaries of what they saw because.......??? Oh I know!! Because it's true.
You know a FD-1023 is "raw intelligence", where someone gives them a bunch of "hearsay" evidence, and it's recorded without verification.
CNN has exclusively obtained the audio recording of the 2021 meeting in Bedminster, New Jersey. This is where former President Donald Trump discusses holding secret documents he did not declassify. Listen to the tape.
Edited in a period and two words for thread start rule conformity. White 6.

The audio recording comes from a July 2021 interview Trump gave at his Bedminster resort for people working on the memoir of Mark Meadows, Trump’s former chief of staff. The special counsel’s indictment alleges that those in attendance – a writer, publisher and two of Trump’s staff members – were shown classified information about the plan of attack on Iran.

The episode is one of two referenced in the indictment where prosecutors allege that Trump showed classified information to others who did not have security clearances.

Trump’s statements on the audio recording, saying “these are the papers” and referring to something he calls “highly confidential” and seems to be showing others in the room, could undercut the former president’s claims in an interview last week with Fox News’ Bret Baier that he did not have any documents with him.

The case should be thrown out. This is tampering to a potential jury pool.
What about a crime to destroy them like Hillary did?
It's not a crime to destroy copies of classified information. In fact, it's the SOP when that classified information is no longer needed by the person in possession of them.

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