Healthy eating for kids

Me letting people live their lives as they choose is not being selfish

But tell me what do you call a person who wants to tell everyone else how to live?

and we are not and never have been western Europe. I hope to god we never will be because those countries are all falling apart

But you're not into just letting them live their lives, are you? You seem to be in favor of sugary food companies being given a boost, that's fine, but giving healthy food companies a boost is some how not letting people live their lives. What they FUCK?

I'm not for any company getting any money from the government. You are though as long as you think it's the "good" kind of company

but government treatment of any company does not force people to buy their products
But yes it does because it pushes others out of business. And what makes you think you shouldn't dictate to others what they eat or do, when others already dictate to you that you are not allowed to walk or bus to work instead of fattening yourself by your car?

Has there ever been a time where apples were unavailable because all the orchards were out of business?

if you choose to eat real food it doesn't matter how many companies that produce shit food go out of business

so now driving makes you fat? So those people that drive to a gym every morning are getting fatter? weight loss is 75% diet.

I stopped eating apples because of the wax. I switched to pears. However the cost of pairs can vary quite a lot and if they don't have cheaper pears then I won't buy them.
Peel the apples
Pears have a much higher sugar content and sugar is bad right?
So why have Americans become far fatter and lazier than other countries?

And the question is, if this is so, then how do you change this? Or you don't change it, you just watch your country disintegrate because, hey, fuck it, this country isn't my problem.

Actually no, you're wrong that you call them out on bullshit and I'll say it's not their fault. You don't seem to understand where I'm coming from.

My point is that there is a problem and the problem can be dealt with through education and through incentives for health food, rather than sugary food.

Your point seems to be, fuck it, there's a problem, but it ain't MY problem, so do nothing.

and my point is we don't need the fucking government telling us what to eat and using taxes for penalties and incentives.

And it isn't my problem. Really how does a fat guy who chooses to sit on the couch all day eating chips and ice cream affect my life?

and why do you insist on teaching people what they already know?

The problem starts with thinking of society as yours - or anyone's - to control.

There are lots of societal problems that can be solved through "education and incentives". What we need to realize is that "education and incentives" imposed by the government are mandates, and every bit as coercive as other laws. They're not harmless merely because someone proposing them has good intentions.

The problem with this view is that control has to come from somewhere, or better said, it WILL come from somewhere.

The best example I can give for this, so you understand where I'm coming from, is Anarchy. Anarchy is the absence of power. It literally means "leaderless". But the problem is that when you don't have this leadership, someone will fill the vacuum it has created.

The problem is that we know anarchy more for what happens when there is an absence of power, rather than the theory. It's not good.

Now, saying that society isn't anyone's to control ignores the reality that people WILL control society.

Right now in the US the rich control society. Two of the top 5 food and drink companies are Pepsi and Coca-Cola and they have a lot of power, they control through govt and they control through advertising.

With the case of politics, is it better to have a govt which is designed to control in a manner which you are comfortable with, or better to have one which decides how it will control you.

The same in the US. The system has companies deciding how they will control you, rather than having govt control things so that it's more moderate and aimed at the people, rather than aimed at profits.

No one is controlled by any company if they don't want to be.

You do not have to buy everything advertised on TV
You do not have to eat shit food

But how many people have the thought process not to be controlled by advertising? Not that many. That's the reason why advertising works. This is the problem. Advertising works and I'm acknowledging this, where you're saying it doesn't have to work. Fine, it doesn't have to, but it does. You're looking at theory, I'm looking at reality. You're looking at a system which leads to high levels obesity, I would like one that has less obesity. You want to keep things in a bad way, I want to make things better.

Everyone has the ability to not buy everything they see on TV
They just choose not to exercise it

If you want to you can start a foundation for better eating and raise money for it

But the government should not be involved
I can and did explain it.

We have become fat and lazy. Americans want everything the easy way. That's why any diet pill or exercise gizmo makes millions of dollars for the people selling them.

Everyone and I do mean everyone knows that you don't need a pill or some ridiculous piece of equipment to get into shape

You have to pit down the fucking pie, get up off your fat ass and move

People don't do it because they don't want to.

People can walk into any market and just as easily fill their carts with good wholesome real food for less than they can buy all the prepared shit and many do those that don't don't want to and they will give you every excuse in the book why thy don't want to only they like you will say "They can't"

the difference between you and me is that I will call them on their bullshit and you'll tell them it's not their fault they are fat slobs

So why have Americans become far fatter and lazier than other countries?

And the question is, if this is so, then how do you change this? Or you don't change it, you just watch your country disintegrate because, hey, fuck it, this country isn't my problem.

Actually no, you're wrong that you call them out on bullshit and I'll say it's not their fault. You don't seem to understand where I'm coming from.

My point is that there is a problem and the problem can be dealt with through education and through incentives for health food, rather than sugary food.

Your point seems to be, fuck it, there's a problem, but it ain't MY problem, so do nothing.

and my point is we don't need the fucking government telling us what to eat and using taxes for penalties and incentives.

And it isn't my problem. Really how does a fat guy who chooses to sit on the couch all day eating chips and ice cream affect my life?

and why do you insist on teaching people what they already know?

And my point is that we, as a mass of humans, clearly do need the govt to do something other than promoting sugary products. We see things differently.

As for teaching things people already know, they don't know it. So...

The government should not promote ANY products.

So now you don't think people know that a bowl of fruits and veggies is better for them than a bowl of ice cream and cake?

But it does.

And you keep bringing up the same point over and over and I've spoken about it over and over, what's the point?

People will throw candy at their kids for a reason. Because their kids like candy. They go shopping they'll give their kid candy to shut them up, they stick them in front of the TV to shut them up, they don't let them play outside because it's dangerous, they don't do this and that and the other.

THIS IS THE FUCKING REALITY. No matter how many times you talk about choice, no matter how many times you don't give a shit, this is the REALITY. You deal with reality or you end up doing stupid shit, and the US govt, both parties, do a lot of shit, and people like you make sure it carries on happening day in, day out.
And sooner or later those kids start becoming responsible for themselves
I grew up with a mother who thought pop arts and pepsi were just fine for breakfast

but I decided in my teens that I didn't want to be the chubby kid anymore
I learned how to eat better and cook and that was before the internet
I started lifting weights and running and that was before there was a gym in every town

If a 15 year old kid can do that back then without all the info available today that anyone can do it now
And you're talking about just letting things rot. So... which is better?

Nonsense. I'm talking about keeping government out of it. Can't you see that it was the desire to manipulate society with government that created the problem in the first place? Why do you think more of the same will help?

The issue in the US is changing the mentality.

Yes, and we can do that through persuasion, not force of law.
The politics is fucked up because the mentality of the people is fucked up.

That's one opinion. One I happen to agree with. But you lose me when you start talking about using government to tell people what to think or how to live.
But you're not into just letting them live their lives, are you? You seem to be in favor of sugary food companies being given a boost, that's fine, but giving healthy food companies a boost is some how not letting people live their lives. What they FUCK?

I'm not for any company getting any money from the government. You are though as long as you think it's the "good" kind of company

but government treatment of any company does not force people to buy their products
But yes it does because it pushes others out of business. And what makes you think you shouldn't dictate to others what they eat or do, when others already dictate to you that you are not allowed to walk or bus to work instead of fattening yourself by your car?

Has there ever been a time where apples were unavailable because all the orchards were out of business?

if you choose to eat real food it doesn't matter how many companies that produce shit food go out of business

so now driving makes you fat? So those people that drive to a gym every morning are getting fatter? weight loss is 75% diet.

I stopped eating apples because of the wax. I switched to pears. However the cost of pairs can vary quite a lot and if they don't have cheaper pears then I won't buy them.
Peel the apples
Pears have a much higher sugar content and sugar is bad right?

No, I won't spend time to peel the apples, I'll buy something that doesn't need to be peeled. As a kid I couldn't cope with oranges as I'd get sticky fingers, I still don't eat them.
and my point is we don't need the fucking government telling us what to eat and using taxes for penalties and incentives.

And it isn't my problem. Really how does a fat guy who chooses to sit on the couch all day eating chips and ice cream affect my life?

and why do you insist on teaching people what they already know?

The problem starts with thinking of society as yours - or anyone's - to control.

There are lots of societal problems that can be solved through "education and incentives". What we need to realize is that "education and incentives" imposed by the government are mandates, and every bit as coercive as other laws. They're not harmless merely because someone proposing them has good intentions.

The problem with this view is that control has to come from somewhere, or better said, it WILL come from somewhere.

The best example I can give for this, so you understand where I'm coming from, is Anarchy. Anarchy is the absence of power. It literally means "leaderless". But the problem is that when you don't have this leadership, someone will fill the vacuum it has created.

The problem is that we know anarchy more for what happens when there is an absence of power, rather than the theory. It's not good.

Now, saying that society isn't anyone's to control ignores the reality that people WILL control society.

Right now in the US the rich control society. Two of the top 5 food and drink companies are Pepsi and Coca-Cola and they have a lot of power, they control through govt and they control through advertising.

With the case of politics, is it better to have a govt which is designed to control in a manner which you are comfortable with, or better to have one which decides how it will control you.

The same in the US. The system has companies deciding how they will control you, rather than having govt control things so that it's more moderate and aimed at the people, rather than aimed at profits.

No one is controlled by any company if they don't want to be.

You do not have to buy everything advertised on TV
You do not have to eat shit food

But how many people have the thought process not to be controlled by advertising? Not that many. That's the reason why advertising works. This is the problem. Advertising works and I'm acknowledging this, where you're saying it doesn't have to work. Fine, it doesn't have to, but it does. You're looking at theory, I'm looking at reality. You're looking at a system which leads to high levels obesity, I would like one that has less obesity. You want to keep things in a bad way, I want to make things better.

Everyone has the ability to not buy everything they see on TV
They just choose not to exercise it

If you want to you can start a foundation for better eating and raise money for it

But the government should not be involved

Yes, they do. The point isn't whether people have the ability or not, the point is whether millions of people do or not.

The govt is responsible for state education, and within state education they should be responsible for teaching healthy eating. If they provide school meals, they should provide ONLY healthy school meals. If parents want unhealthy, they can make it themselves.

But I also believe that the govt should also be involved in promoting healthy eating across the board. Not forcing people to eat healthily, but certainly helping healthier food companies to thrive. Right now they help the wrong companies to thrive.

I also believe that the govt should promote small businesses over large multi-nationals, because smaller businesses are better for the country than larger businesses. The problem is the US govt isn't about what is best for the country.
So why have Americans become far fatter and lazier than other countries?

And the question is, if this is so, then how do you change this? Or you don't change it, you just watch your country disintegrate because, hey, fuck it, this country isn't my problem.

Actually no, you're wrong that you call them out on bullshit and I'll say it's not their fault. You don't seem to understand where I'm coming from.

My point is that there is a problem and the problem can be dealt with through education and through incentives for health food, rather than sugary food.

Your point seems to be, fuck it, there's a problem, but it ain't MY problem, so do nothing.

and my point is we don't need the fucking government telling us what to eat and using taxes for penalties and incentives.

And it isn't my problem. Really how does a fat guy who chooses to sit on the couch all day eating chips and ice cream affect my life?

and why do you insist on teaching people what they already know?

And my point is that we, as a mass of humans, clearly do need the govt to do something other than promoting sugary products. We see things differently.

As for teaching things people already know, they don't know it. So...

The government should not promote ANY products.

So now you don't think people know that a bowl of fruits and veggies is better for them than a bowl of ice cream and cake?

But it does.

And you keep bringing up the same point over and over and I've spoken about it over and over, what's the point?

People will throw candy at their kids for a reason. Because their kids like candy. They go shopping they'll give their kid candy to shut them up, they stick them in front of the TV to shut them up, they don't let them play outside because it's dangerous, they don't do this and that and the other.

THIS IS THE FUCKING REALITY. No matter how many times you talk about choice, no matter how many times you don't give a shit, this is the REALITY. You deal with reality or you end up doing stupid shit, and the US govt, both parties, do a lot of shit, and people like you make sure it carries on happening day in, day out.
And sooner or later those kids start becoming responsible for themselves
I grew up with a mother who thought pop arts and pepsi were just fine for breakfast

but I decided in my teens that I didn't want to be the chubby kid anymore
I learned how to eat better and cook and that was before the internet
I started lifting weights and running and that was before there was a gym in every town

If a 15 year old kid can do that back then without all the info available today that anyone can do it now

Which is fine, you made that decision. But not everyone is you, not everyone has so much will power, not everyone has similar thoughts.

I grew up around people with mental problems. 1/4 of all people have some kind of mental problem and for some people this manifests itself in binge eating.. I knew a woman who was bulimic and lost a child because of it.

What you are suggesting is that because YOU did something, everyone else should also be able to do it as easily as you did, and therefore nothing should ever happen. The problem is, other people aren't you.
The problem starts with thinking of society as yours - or anyone's - to control.

There are lots of societal problems that can be solved through "education and incentives". What we need to realize is that "education and incentives" imposed by the government are mandates, and every bit as coercive as other laws. They're not harmless merely because someone proposing them has good intentions.

The problem with this view is that control has to come from somewhere, or better said, it WILL come from somewhere.

The best example I can give for this, so you understand where I'm coming from, is Anarchy. Anarchy is the absence of power. It literally means "leaderless". But the problem is that when you don't have this leadership, someone will fill the vacuum it has created.

The problem is that we know anarchy more for what happens when there is an absence of power, rather than the theory. It's not good.

Now, saying that society isn't anyone's to control ignores the reality that people WILL control society.

Right now in the US the rich control society. Two of the top 5 food and drink companies are Pepsi and Coca-Cola and they have a lot of power, they control through govt and they control through advertising.

With the case of politics, is it better to have a govt which is designed to control in a manner which you are comfortable with, or better to have one which decides how it will control you.

The same in the US. The system has companies deciding how they will control you, rather than having govt control things so that it's more moderate and aimed at the people, rather than aimed at profits.

No one is controlled by any company if they don't want to be.

You do not have to buy everything advertised on TV
You do not have to eat shit food

But how many people have the thought process not to be controlled by advertising? Not that many. That's the reason why advertising works. This is the problem. Advertising works and I'm acknowledging this, where you're saying it doesn't have to work. Fine, it doesn't have to, but it does. You're looking at theory, I'm looking at reality. You're looking at a system which leads to high levels obesity, I would like one that has less obesity. You want to keep things in a bad way, I want to make things better.

Everyone has the ability to not buy everything they see on TV
They just choose not to exercise it

If you want to you can start a foundation for better eating and raise money for it

But the government should not be involved

Yes, they do. The point isn't whether people have the ability or not, the point is whether millions of people do or not.

The govt is responsible for state education, and within state education they should be responsible for teaching healthy eating. If they provide school meals, they should provide ONLY healthy school meals. If parents want unhealthy, they can make it themselves.

But I also believe that the govt should also be involved in promoting healthy eating across the board. Not forcing people to eat healthily, but certainly helping healthier food companies to thrive. Right now they help the wrong companies to thrive.

I also believe that the govt should promote small businesses over large multi-nationals, because smaller businesses are better for the country than larger businesses. The problem is the US govt isn't about what is best for the country.

They can teach it but why do you think that will make people actually do it?

The government spends millions a year on their stupid food pyramid and promoting that (which is all wrong btw) and people are still fat.

and the government should not be helping ANY private business thrive.

And there is no way supermarkets will stop carrying fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables and no mass produced boxed food is healthy so your "o called "good food companies" do not exist
And you're talking about just letting things rot. So... which is better?

Nonsense. I'm talking about keeping government out of it. Can't you see that it was the desire to manipulate society with government that created the problem in the first place? Why do you think more of the same will help?

The issue in the US is changing the mentality.

Yes, and we can do that through persuasion, not force of law.
The politics is fucked up because the mentality of the people is fucked up.

That's one opinion. One I happen to agree with. But you lose me when you start talking about using government to tell people what to think or how to live.

And again, the problem is people will ALWAYS manipulate society. It's going to happen, it's impossible for it not to happen. So the people can decide to manipulate it for the people, or others can manipulate it for themselves. And your view is that it's better to be at the mercy of large corporations than those who have been elected by the people. I just don't get it. But hey.

How do you change the mentality of the people without forcing it? It's impossible. I mean you either change it through advertising or some sort of program which is throwing information at people and making them think in a certain way, or you're doing it through information in educational institutions, or your doing it by hitting their wallet. Whichever it's done you're going to cry out that it shouldn't be done and that the poor rich multi-nationals won't be able to fuck with you so easily.

So I've lost you. Well, that's how it is I guess. Until you realize that someone is going to tell people how to live, so you might as well make sure that it happens in a positive way rather than a selfish way from some multinational.
and my point is we don't need the fucking government telling us what to eat and using taxes for penalties and incentives.

And it isn't my problem. Really how does a fat guy who chooses to sit on the couch all day eating chips and ice cream affect my life?

and why do you insist on teaching people what they already know?

And my point is that we, as a mass of humans, clearly do need the govt to do something other than promoting sugary products. We see things differently.

As for teaching things people already know, they don't know it. So...

The government should not promote ANY products.

So now you don't think people know that a bowl of fruits and veggies is better for them than a bowl of ice cream and cake?

But it does.

And you keep bringing up the same point over and over and I've spoken about it over and over, what's the point?

People will throw candy at their kids for a reason. Because their kids like candy. They go shopping they'll give their kid candy to shut them up, they stick them in front of the TV to shut them up, they don't let them play outside because it's dangerous, they don't do this and that and the other.

THIS IS THE FUCKING REALITY. No matter how many times you talk about choice, no matter how many times you don't give a shit, this is the REALITY. You deal with reality or you end up doing stupid shit, and the US govt, both parties, do a lot of shit, and people like you make sure it carries on happening day in, day out.
And sooner or later those kids start becoming responsible for themselves
I grew up with a mother who thought pop arts and pepsi were just fine for breakfast

but I decided in my teens that I didn't want to be the chubby kid anymore
I learned how to eat better and cook and that was before the internet
I started lifting weights and running and that was before there was a gym in every town

If a 15 year old kid can do that back then without all the info available today that anyone can do it now

Which is fine, you made that decision. But not everyone is you, not everyone has so much will power, not everyone has similar thoughts.

I grew up around people with mental problems. 1/4 of all people have some kind of mental problem and for some people this manifests itself in binge eating.. I knew a woman who was bulimic and lost a child because of it.

What you are suggesting is that because YOU did something, everyone else should also be able to do it as easily as you did, and therefore nothing should ever happen. The problem is, other people aren't you.

anyone is capable of doing it you just think people are incapable of change so you want to force them to change

If they wanted to they would

it really isn't a difficult concept to grasp

and I never said it was easy did I?

It's not easy but the tools and knowledge are more readily available for anyone now than they were when I was a kid
and my point is we don't need the fucking government telling us what to eat and using taxes for penalties and incentives.

And it isn't my problem. Really how does a fat guy who chooses to sit on the couch all day eating chips and ice cream affect my life?

and why do you insist on teaching people what they already know?

And my point is that we, as a mass of humans, clearly do need the govt to do something other than promoting sugary products. We see things differently.

As for teaching things people already know, they don't know it. So...

The government should not promote ANY products.

So now you don't think people know that a bowl of fruits and veggies is better for them than a bowl of ice cream and cake?

But it does.

And you keep bringing up the same point over and over and I've spoken about it over and over, what's the point?

People will throw candy at their kids for a reason. Because their kids like candy. They go shopping they'll give their kid candy to shut them up, they stick them in front of the TV to shut them up, they don't let them play outside because it's dangerous, they don't do this and that and the other.

THIS IS THE FUCKING REALITY. No matter how many times you talk about choice, no matter how many times you don't give a shit, this is the REALITY. You deal with reality or you end up doing stupid shit, and the US govt, both parties, do a lot of shit, and people like you make sure it carries on happening day in, day out.
And sooner or later those kids start becoming responsible for themselves
I grew up with a mother who thought pop arts and pepsi were just fine for breakfast

but I decided in my teens that I didn't want to be the chubby kid anymore
I learned how to eat better and cook and that was before the internet
I started lifting weights and running and that was before there was a gym in every town

If a 15 year old kid can do that back then without all the info available today that anyone can do it now

Which is fine, you made that decision. But not everyone is you, not everyone has so much will power, not everyone has similar thoughts.

I grew up around people with mental problems. 1/4 of all people have some kind of mental problem and for some people this manifests itself in binge eating.. I knew a woman who was bulimic and lost a child because of it.

What you are suggesting is that because YOU did something, everyone else should also be able to do it as easily as you did, and therefore nothing should ever happen. The problem is, other people aren't you.
25% of people have mental problems that result in binge eating

Care to prove that?

FYI my mother was a bipolar wack job. But I don't use that as an excuse for my behavior as an adult
And you're talking about just letting things rot. So... which is better?

Nonsense. I'm talking about keeping government out of it. Can't you see that it was the desire to manipulate society with government that created the problem in the first place? Why do you think more of the same will help?

The issue in the US is changing the mentality.

Yes, and we can do that through persuasion, not force of law.
The politics is fucked up because the mentality of the people is fucked up.

That's one opinion. One I happen to agree with. But you lose me when you start talking about using government to tell people what to think or how to live.

And again, the problem is people will ALWAYS manipulate society. It's going to happen, it's impossible for it not to happen. So the people can decide to manipulate it for the people, or others can manipulate it for themselves. And your view is that it's better to be at the mercy of large corporations than those who have been elected by the people. I just don't get it. But hey.

How do you change the mentality of the people without forcing it? It's impossible. I mean you either change it through advertising or some sort of program which is throwing information at people and making them think in a certain way, or you're doing it through information in educational institutions, or your doing it by hitting their wallet. Whichever it's done you're going to cry out that it shouldn't be done and that the poor rich multi-nationals won't be able to fuck with you so easily.

So I've lost you. Well, that's how it is I guess. Until you realize that someone is going to tell people how to live, so you might as well make sure that it happens in a positive way rather than a selfish way from some multinational.

Man you just love to justify your desire to control people.
The problem with this view is that control has to come from somewhere, or better said, it WILL come from somewhere.

The best example I can give for this, so you understand where I'm coming from, is Anarchy. Anarchy is the absence of power. It literally means "leaderless". But the problem is that when you don't have this leadership, someone will fill the vacuum it has created.

The problem is that we know anarchy more for what happens when there is an absence of power, rather than the theory. It's not good.

Now, saying that society isn't anyone's to control ignores the reality that people WILL control society.

Right now in the US the rich control society. Two of the top 5 food and drink companies are Pepsi and Coca-Cola and they have a lot of power, they control through govt and they control through advertising.

With the case of politics, is it better to have a govt which is designed to control in a manner which you are comfortable with, or better to have one which decides how it will control you.

The same in the US. The system has companies deciding how they will control you, rather than having govt control things so that it's more moderate and aimed at the people, rather than aimed at profits.

No one is controlled by any company if they don't want to be.

You do not have to buy everything advertised on TV
You do not have to eat shit food

But how many people have the thought process not to be controlled by advertising? Not that many. That's the reason why advertising works. This is the problem. Advertising works and I'm acknowledging this, where you're saying it doesn't have to work. Fine, it doesn't have to, but it does. You're looking at theory, I'm looking at reality. You're looking at a system which leads to high levels obesity, I would like one that has less obesity. You want to keep things in a bad way, I want to make things better.

Everyone has the ability to not buy everything they see on TV
They just choose not to exercise it

If you want to you can start a foundation for better eating and raise money for it

But the government should not be involved

Yes, they do. The point isn't whether people have the ability or not, the point is whether millions of people do or not.

The govt is responsible for state education, and within state education they should be responsible for teaching healthy eating. If they provide school meals, they should provide ONLY healthy school meals. If parents want unhealthy, they can make it themselves.

But I also believe that the govt should also be involved in promoting healthy eating across the board. Not forcing people to eat healthily, but certainly helping healthier food companies to thrive. Right now they help the wrong companies to thrive.

I also believe that the govt should promote small businesses over large multi-nationals, because smaller businesses are better for the country than larger businesses. The problem is the US govt isn't about what is best for the country.

They can teach it but why do you think that will make people actually do it?

The government spends millions a year on their stupid food pyramid and promoting that (which is all wrong btw) and people are still fat.

and the government should not be helping ANY private business thrive.

And there is no way supermarkets will stop carrying fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables and no mass produced boxed food is healthy so your "o called "good food companies" do not exist

There's teaching and there's TEACHING. But it's not a matter of making people actually do it. It's a matter of making a percentage of people think that it's the right thing to do. You're never going to change the attitude of everyone, it's not what it's about. It's about doing enough to have said that you have done enough to make a difference.

Yes, the govt and their stupid food pyramid. Here we come across the same problem that pervades every area of politics. The government. And don't get me wrong, I understand your mistrust of the US govt. The point I have made many times is the US govt is out of control and needs to change. First it has to change, THEN the things I'm talking about could be implemented. But we're mostly talking about healthy eating here rather than the change in the way people vote to get rid of the partisan politics. It's theoretical, because we know the US govt doesn't give a fuck about any single person other than the politicians and their pockets.

Well, good food companies do exist, they're just not massive companies receiving massive tax cuts.

So that's the issue in the US. The people are controlled by the large companies who control the govt too, and the govt and large companies spend a shit load of money telling people how to think and too many people are so docile that they just accept this, which means they vote for who they're told to vote for, which means govt is how govt wants it to be, and then every issue we deal with, guns, abortion or the other partisan topics, or the real issues like education, healthy eating, mental health, crime, the economy, they're all tainted by the bullshit of politics. And no one is willing to stand up to that, and so all the other issues are just theoretical.
And you're talking about just letting things rot. So... which is better?

Nonsense. I'm talking about keeping government out of it. Can't you see that it was the desire to manipulate society with government that created the problem in the first place? Why do you think more of the same will help?

The issue in the US is changing the mentality.

Yes, and we can do that through persuasion, not force of law.
The politics is fucked up because the mentality of the people is fucked up.

That's one opinion. One I happen to agree with. But you lose me when you start talking about using government to tell people what to think or how to live.

And again, the problem is people will ALWAYS manipulate society. It's going to happen, it's impossible for it not to happen. So the people can decide to manipulate it for the people, or others can manipulate it for themselves. And your view is that it's better to be at the mercy of large corporations than those who have been elected by the people. I just don't get it. But hey.

How do you change the mentality of the people without forcing it? It's impossible. I mean you either change it through advertising or some sort of program which is throwing information at people and making them think in a certain way, or you're doing it through information in educational institutions, or your doing it by hitting their wallet. Whichever it's done you're going to cry out that it shouldn't be done and that the poor rich multi-nationals won't be able to fuck with you so easily.

So I've lost you. Well, that's how it is I guess. Until you realize that someone is going to tell people how to live, so you might as well make sure that it happens in a positive way rather than a selfish way from some multinational.

Man you just love to justify your desire to control people.

Do you disagree that people will always be manipulated and controlled?
And my point is that we, as a mass of humans, clearly do need the govt to do something other than promoting sugary products. We see things differently.

As for teaching things people already know, they don't know it. So...

The government should not promote ANY products.

So now you don't think people know that a bowl of fruits and veggies is better for them than a bowl of ice cream and cake?

But it does.

And you keep bringing up the same point over and over and I've spoken about it over and over, what's the point?

People will throw candy at their kids for a reason. Because their kids like candy. They go shopping they'll give their kid candy to shut them up, they stick them in front of the TV to shut them up, they don't let them play outside because it's dangerous, they don't do this and that and the other.

THIS IS THE FUCKING REALITY. No matter how many times you talk about choice, no matter how many times you don't give a shit, this is the REALITY. You deal with reality or you end up doing stupid shit, and the US govt, both parties, do a lot of shit, and people like you make sure it carries on happening day in, day out.
And sooner or later those kids start becoming responsible for themselves
I grew up with a mother who thought pop arts and pepsi were just fine for breakfast

but I decided in my teens that I didn't want to be the chubby kid anymore
I learned how to eat better and cook and that was before the internet
I started lifting weights and running and that was before there was a gym in every town

If a 15 year old kid can do that back then without all the info available today that anyone can do it now

Which is fine, you made that decision. But not everyone is you, not everyone has so much will power, not everyone has similar thoughts.

I grew up around people with mental problems. 1/4 of all people have some kind of mental problem and for some people this manifests itself in binge eating.. I knew a woman who was bulimic and lost a child because of it.

What you are suggesting is that because YOU did something, everyone else should also be able to do it as easily as you did, and therefore nothing should ever happen. The problem is, other people aren't you.
25% of people have mental problems that result in binge eating

Care to prove that?

FYI my mother was a bipolar wack job. But I don't use that as an excuse for my behavior as an adult

No, I don't care to prove that. You've just made it sound like ALL 25% of people end up binge eating because of mental problems. I didn't say that, so I don't care to prove something you said.
No one is controlled by any company if they don't want to be.

You do not have to buy everything advertised on TV
You do not have to eat shit food

But how many people have the thought process not to be controlled by advertising? Not that many. That's the reason why advertising works. This is the problem. Advertising works and I'm acknowledging this, where you're saying it doesn't have to work. Fine, it doesn't have to, but it does. You're looking at theory, I'm looking at reality. You're looking at a system which leads to high levels obesity, I would like one that has less obesity. You want to keep things in a bad way, I want to make things better.

Everyone has the ability to not buy everything they see on TV
They just choose not to exercise it

If you want to you can start a foundation for better eating and raise money for it

But the government should not be involved

Yes, they do. The point isn't whether people have the ability or not, the point is whether millions of people do or not.

The govt is responsible for state education, and within state education they should be responsible for teaching healthy eating. If they provide school meals, they should provide ONLY healthy school meals. If parents want unhealthy, they can make it themselves.

But I also believe that the govt should also be involved in promoting healthy eating across the board. Not forcing people to eat healthily, but certainly helping healthier food companies to thrive. Right now they help the wrong companies to thrive.

I also believe that the govt should promote small businesses over large multi-nationals, because smaller businesses are better for the country than larger businesses. The problem is the US govt isn't about what is best for the country.

They can teach it but why do you think that will make people actually do it?

The government spends millions a year on their stupid food pyramid and promoting that (which is all wrong btw) and people are still fat.

and the government should not be helping ANY private business thrive.

And there is no way supermarkets will stop carrying fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables and no mass produced boxed food is healthy so your "o called "good food companies" do not exist

There's teaching and there's TEACHING. But it's not a matter of making people actually do it. It's a matter of making a percentage of people think that it's the right thing to do. You're never going to change the attitude of everyone, it's not what it's about. It's about doing enough to have said that you have done enough to make a difference.

Yes, the govt and their stupid food pyramid. Here we come across the same problem that pervades every area of politics. The government. And don't get me wrong, I understand your mistrust of the US govt. The point I have made many times is the US govt is out of control and needs to change. First it has to change, THEN the things I'm talking about could be implemented. But we're mostly talking about healthy eating here rather than the change in the way people vote to get rid of the partisan politics. It's theoretical, because we know the US govt doesn't give a fuck about any single person other than the politicians and their pockets.

Well, good food companies do exist, they're just not massive companies receiving massive tax cuts.

So that's the issue in the US. The people are controlled by the large companies who control the govt too, and the govt and large companies spend a shit load of money telling people how to think and too many people are so docile that they just accept this, which means they vote for who they're told to vote for, which means govt is how govt wants it to be, and then every issue we deal with, guns, abortion or the other partisan topics, or the real issues like education, healthy eating, mental health, crime, the economy, they're all tainted by the bullshit of politics. And no one is willing to stand up to that, and so all the other issues are just theoretical.
so what percentage of people don't know that ice cream, cake, cookies, candy, chips and soda aren't as healthy as fruits, veggies and lean meats?
The government should not promote ANY products.

So now you don't think people know that a bowl of fruits and veggies is better for them than a bowl of ice cream and cake?

But it does.

And you keep bringing up the same point over and over and I've spoken about it over and over, what's the point?

People will throw candy at their kids for a reason. Because their kids like candy. They go shopping they'll give their kid candy to shut them up, they stick them in front of the TV to shut them up, they don't let them play outside because it's dangerous, they don't do this and that and the other.

THIS IS THE FUCKING REALITY. No matter how many times you talk about choice, no matter how many times you don't give a shit, this is the REALITY. You deal with reality or you end up doing stupid shit, and the US govt, both parties, do a lot of shit, and people like you make sure it carries on happening day in, day out.
And sooner or later those kids start becoming responsible for themselves
I grew up with a mother who thought pop arts and pepsi were just fine for breakfast

but I decided in my teens that I didn't want to be the chubby kid anymore
I learned how to eat better and cook and that was before the internet
I started lifting weights and running and that was before there was a gym in every town

If a 15 year old kid can do that back then without all the info available today that anyone can do it now

Which is fine, you made that decision. But not everyone is you, not everyone has so much will power, not everyone has similar thoughts.

I grew up around people with mental problems. 1/4 of all people have some kind of mental problem and for some people this manifests itself in binge eating.. I knew a woman who was bulimic and lost a child because of it.

What you are suggesting is that because YOU did something, everyone else should also be able to do it as easily as you did, and therefore nothing should ever happen. The problem is, other people aren't you.
25% of people have mental problems that result in binge eating

Care to prove that?

FYI my mother was a bipolar wack job. But I don't use that as an excuse for my behavior as an adult

No, I don't care to prove that. You've just made it sound like ALL 25% of people end up binge eating because of mental problems. I didn't say that, so I don't care to prove something you said.

then just prove that 25% of the population has diagnosable mental illness
And you're talking about just letting things rot. So... which is better?

Nonsense. I'm talking about keeping government out of it. Can't you see that it was the desire to manipulate society with government that created the problem in the first place? Why do you think more of the same will help?

The issue in the US is changing the mentality.

Yes, and we can do that through persuasion, not force of law.
The politics is fucked up because the mentality of the people is fucked up.

That's one opinion. One I happen to agree with. But you lose me when you start talking about using government to tell people what to think or how to live.

And again, the problem is people will ALWAYS manipulate society. It's going to happen, it's impossible for it not to happen. So the people can decide to manipulate it for the people, or others can manipulate it for themselves. And your view is that it's better to be at the mercy of large corporations than those who have been elected by the people. I just don't get it. But hey.

How do you change the mentality of the people without forcing it? It's impossible. I mean you either change it through advertising or some sort of program which is throwing information at people and making them think in a certain way, or you're doing it through information in educational institutions, or your doing it by hitting their wallet. Whichever it's done you're going to cry out that it shouldn't be done and that the poor rich multi-nationals won't be able to fuck with you so easily.

So I've lost you. Well, that's how it is I guess. Until you realize that someone is going to tell people how to live, so you might as well make sure that it happens in a positive way rather than a selfish way from some multinational.

Man you just love to justify your desire to control people.

Do you disagree that people will always be manipulated and controlled?


People will try to manipulate and control like you do but not all people will be manipulated and controlled.

Only those that choose to be will be
But yes it does because it pushes others out of business. And what makes you think you shouldn't dictate to others what they eat or do, when others already dictate to you that you are not allowed to walk or bus to work instead of fattening yourself by your car?

Has there ever been a time where apples were unavailable because all the orchards were out of business?

if you choose to eat real food it doesn't matter how many companies that produce shit food go out of business

so now driving makes you fat? So those people that drive to a gym every morning are getting fatter? weight loss is 75% diet.

It is the companies that produce good food that go out of business, the ones that produce crap food grow and multiply. And where did you get that 75 % diet figure for the weight loss? I whish it was true.

So you think there will be a point in time where supermarkets don't carry fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables because all the shit food companies will run them out of business?

This is already the case, when the usual American working poor does a price comparison in any supermarket, isn't it?


I have yet to see a supermarket not carry fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables and only carry prepared food

Exercise Vs. Diet: The Truth About Weight Loss | HuffPost

“As a rule of thumb, weight loss is generally 75 percent diet and 25 percent exercise. An analysis of more than 700 weight loss studies found that people see the biggest short-term results when they eat smart. On average, people who dieted without exercising for 15 weeks lost 23 pounds; the exercisers lost only six over about 21 weeks. It’s much easier to cut calories than to burn them off. For example, if you eat a fast-food steak quesadilla, which can pack 500-plus calories, you need to run more than four miles to ‘undo’ it!

Very good, so what stops 75 % of all Americans from fixing their eating instead of screwing it up daily?
Has there ever been a time where apples were unavailable because all the orchards were out of business?

if you choose to eat real food it doesn't matter how many companies that produce shit food go out of business

so now driving makes you fat? So those people that drive to a gym every morning are getting fatter? weight loss is 75% diet.

It is the companies that produce good food that go out of business, the ones that produce crap food grow and multiply. And where did you get that 75 % diet figure for the weight loss? I whish it was true.

So you think there will be a point in time where supermarkets don't carry fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables because all the shit food companies will run them out of business?

This is already the case, when the usual American working poor does a price comparison in any supermarket, isn't it?


I have yet to see a supermarket not carry fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables and only carry prepared food

Exercise Vs. Diet: The Truth About Weight Loss | HuffPost

“As a rule of thumb, weight loss is generally 75 percent diet and 25 percent exercise. An analysis of more than 700 weight loss studies found that people see the biggest short-term results when they eat smart. On average, people who dieted without exercising for 15 weeks lost 23 pounds; the exercisers lost only six over about 21 weeks. It’s much easier to cut calories than to burn them off. For example, if you eat a fast-food steak quesadilla, which can pack 500-plus calories, you need to run more than four miles to ‘undo’ it!

Very good, so what stops 75 % of all Americans from fixing their eating instead of screwing it up daily?


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