heads up! metor showers tonight!


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
There is an exciting new meteor shower on the scene, and the predicted peak is Friday night, the night of May 23-24, 2014! North America is well placed to see this shower, which stems from the faint comet 209P/LINEAR and will radiate in our sky from the far-northern constellation Camelopardalis. How many meteors will you see? Maybe none! Maybe hundreds. Even experts will be watching this shower, hoping for a good display. Models suggest that the best viewing hours are between 6 and 8 UTC on May 24. Because of the time predicted for the meteor display, observers in southern Canada and the continental U.S. are especially well positioned to see the meteors in the early morning hours of May 24 (or late at night on May 23). Will the predictions hold true? They are not always 100% reliable, which is why, no matter where you are on Earth, this shower is worth a try around the night of May 23-24. Follow the links below to learn more.

Best times to watch May 23-24 meteor shower! | Tonight | EarthSky
There is an exciting new meteor shower on the scene, and the predicted peak is Friday night, the night of May 23-24, 2014! North America is well placed to see this shower, which stems from the faint comet 209P/LINEAR and will radiate in our sky from the far-northern constellation Camelopardalis. How many meteors will you see? Maybe none! Maybe hundreds. Even experts will be watching this shower, hoping for a good display. Models suggest that the best viewing hours are between 6 and 8 UTC on May 24. Because of the time predicted for the meteor display, observers in southern Canada and the continental U.S. are especially well positioned to see the meteors in the early morning hours of May 24 (or late at night on May 23). Will the predictions hold true? They are not always 100% reliable, which is why, no matter where you are on Earth, this shower is worth a try around the night of May 23-24. Follow the links below to learn more.

Best times to watch May 23-24 meteor shower! | Tonight | EarthSky

Special Coverage of Comet 209P/LINEAR

Join Slooh for live coverage of the comet responsible for the potentially great meteor shower on the same night with special guest Dr. Peter Jenniskens.

Also ...

New Meteor Shower Coverage

Join Geoff Fox and Bob Berman for live all-night coverage of this intriguing new meteor shower and its parent comet, 209P/LINEAR.

Waaa. 2 a.m. 97% cloud cover. :( Better luck next time I guess. Thanks for the thread all the same. Maybe if I stay up I can see it through that 3% of the sky that is not covered.
Space: Last Night's Meteor Shower A Dud

CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida -- Don't worry if you didn't stay up late or wake up early to watch last night's meteor shower. That's because the meteor shower that was predicted to be a "meteor storm" never happened. So news stations across the U.S. will not have any photos or videos of last night's meteor shower.
Wasn't just me then... I had a good open sky, insofar as I can see straight up surrounded by forest, but caught nothing except the occasional firefly and silhouette of a bat. If I wanted a clear sky I could have gone a few miles down the road to the continental divide and had all the horizon, but I didn't.

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