Having an Abortion IS Taking Responsibility for your Actions

Then what you're talking about is an entire government system. I don't want these people having total control over the citizens.

Dementia tried to force all industry into making sure their employees were vaccinated. When it went to the Supreme Court, they ruled that he couldn't do that, but he can have those mandates in health facilities. Why health facilities? Because they have government patients that are getting cared for with government funds.

So what would a court have ruled if we were all government patients? Seemingly they would be able to force everybody into taking a medication they may not want or need.
Not all of us. I work for a living so I would get my company provided healthcare.

I'm saying all the poor young people who don't have jobs. They should be allowed. NOt forced. ALLOWED, to buy into Medicare. Because they are young and healthy, it will be cheap for them but they don't use it a lot either.

And you can assign co pays and deductibles so that it makes sense.

But yes, if you are on medicare and they say you have to get the shot or you lose your medicare, I guess you have two choices. Go private or get the shot.

Did they make seniors get the vaccine or lose medicare? I don't think they did that. Did they?
Then what you're talking about is an entire government system. I don't want these people having total control over the citizens.

Dementia tried to force all industry into making sure their employees were vaccinated. When it went to the Supreme Court, they ruled that he couldn't do that, but he can have those mandates in health facilities. Why health facilities? Because they have government patients that are getting cared for with government funds.

So what would a court have ruled if we were all government patients? Seemingly they would be able to force everybody into taking a medication they may not want or need.
You need to realize a government option would lower the cost of private insurance Ray. Those companies would be forced to lower their rates because no one would sign up for their products. Everyone would go with the public option.

This competition would be good for us. Bad for the for profit healthcare providers who collude and gouge us. Fuck them Ray!
You need to realize a government option would lower the cost of private insurance Ray. Those companies would be forced to lower their rates because no one would sign up for their products. Everyone would go with the public option.

This competition would be good for us. Bad for the for profit healthcare providers who collude and gouge us. Fuck them Ray!

Government typically pays 2/3 for their patients. That means providers must recoup those losses somehow, those losses are recouped by the private market with price increases.

If we want to lower the cost of healthcare, government needs to fully pay the bill for those on the programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP's. If they did that, health facilities could lower their price for everybody.

I believe it was Einstein that said only a fool would expect an entity that created a problem to have a solution to it.
Government typically pays 2/3 for their patients. That means providers must recoup those losses somehow, those losses are recouped by the private market with price increases.

If we want to lower the cost of healthcare, government needs to fully pay the bill for those on the programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP's. If they did that, health facilities could lower their price for everybody.

I believe it was Einstein that said only a fool would expect an entity that created a problem to have a solution to it.
Medicare is a very popular program that works and it's all old people.

Like I said, you would have to customize the plan for younger people. It would be really cheap if you don't use it but if you do end up needing to use it, there will be expensive co pays and deductibles.

For profit insurance companies suck too. They're all about making a profit not healing us.
Medicare is a very popular program that works and it's all old people.

Like I said, you would have to customize the plan for younger people. It would be really cheap if you don't use it but if you do end up needing to use it, there will be expensive co pays and deductibles.

For profit insurance companies suck too. They're all about making a profit not healing us.

The good thing about insurance is they compete with each other. If you don't like one insurance company, you can always choose another one. But once government takes over healthcare, there won't be anybody else to choose from if you're not happy.

I started Medicare at the first of this month. All kinds of co-pays and deductibles. Yes, I opted for Medicare advantage, and even with the private sector absorbing some of those costs, a major surgery will put me thousands into a hole. Trust me when I say it's not all it's cracked up to be.
There's no way Republicans can take away a woman's right to get an abortion. They can make it extremely hard but illegal?

And I suppose if they lower it from 24 weeks down to 12, I guess women will learn to live with that deadline. At least abortion won't be "illegal". It will just be illegal after 12 weeks instead of 24.

I suppose any woman who has unprotected sex should start worrying 2 or 3 weeks after she had that sex now. Or she should take the morning after pill. My nephew is in college. The morning after pill is very popular. Costs him $60 he said.
The focus in preventing unwanted pregnancies, should be on the many many methods of birth control that are available to men and women. You don't have to kill a child.
The good thing about insurance is they compete with each other. If you don't like one insurance company, you can always choose another one. But once government takes over healthcare, there won't be anybody else to choose from if you're not happy.

I started Medicare at the first of this month. All kinds of co-pays and deductibles. Yes, I opted for Medicare advantage, and even with the private sector absorbing some of those costs, a major surgery will put me thousands into a hole. Trust me when I say it's not all it's cracked up to be.
And it's only getting worse! Yes soon having medicare won't mean what it used to. My grandmother didn't pay a lot for medicare but I bet you I will. I'll have higher co pays and deductables I'm sure. To me these are cuts to these programs we don't realize are happening. I never heard a news story about how next year co pays and deductables for medicare are going up. They sneak that shit on us.
And it's only getting worse! Yes soon having medicare won't mean what it used to. My grandmother didn't pay a lot for medicare but I bet you I will. I'll have higher co pays and deductables I'm sure. To me these are cuts to these programs we don't realize are happening. I never heard a news story about how next year co pays and deductables for medicare are going up. They sneak that shit on us.

I don't get full benefits until I turn 65 which is iffy if I make it or not. But before they give it to everybody, perhaps they should be giving it to sickly people first. They wouldn't let me on Medicare until two years of receiving disability deposits; not since I applied, not since I was accepted, two years after my first check.

I don't understand the two year wait because if you are accepted on disability, obviously you have serious medical issues to deal with. Commie Care had no insurance companies for my doctor and hospital since "if you like your doctor" was one of many lies told about it. Not only should they give us Medicare, but an option for a full coverage plan so the last thing we have to worry about is getting bombarded with medical bills for what Medicare doesn't pay.
Ridiculous. Just being honest. I'm a 20 year old girl. I had unprotected sex with some boy who won't be a father and I'm not ready on any level to be a mom. So I get an abortion.

You may think it aint cool but making me have a baby is way more uncooler.
It would really cramp your style right? I mean, how else could you go clubbing every weekend. And who wants to wife up a single mother anyway? Hello Ms. Anthony.
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Whose killing a child---a zygote or fetus is not a child. Much like flour is not a cake.
That is as crazy as saying an unripe tomato is not a tomato. Picture of an aborted baby burned with salt poisoning. A fetus has all the components of a human being flour does not..
Just 12 weeks after your last period, the foetus is fully formed. All the organs, muscles, limbs and bones are in place, and the sex organs are well developed.
The zygote is a fertilized egg, that contains all of the genetic information (DNA) needed to become a baby. A this stage a women as not missed her period.


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There are single girls who decide against killing their unborn. Girls who have nothing. The mission of Casa de Vida is to provide a home and support services for young, unmarried pregnant women in need with the belief that each young woman and her baby are unique gifts from God.
Could pro-choice lead to the devaluing of life, perse? Because so many parents are killing their own children.

Of course we’re shocked whenever we hear about a parent taking the life of their own children. Think Andrea Yates or Susan Smith. But what’s even more shocking (and sad) is that this type of crime happens a lot. A study in the journal Forensic Science International looked at three decades worth of filicide cases (between 1976 and 2007) and found they occurred about 500 times a year in the US.

More than 40% of the killers in these crimes were mothers, with fathers making up about 57% of those who killed their own offspring.

Cheryl Meyer, co-author of several books on the subject, said it’s probable that a mother kills a child somewhere in the US once every three days.
Before Roe vs Wade there was no Constitutional right to an abortion. The 1973 Supreme Court ruling in Roe v. Wade made access to safe and legal abortion a constitutional right. There is no mention of the procedure in a four-thousand-word document crafted by fifty-five men in 1787. This seems to be a surprise to Samuel Alito.
Before Roe vs Wade there was no Constitutional right to an abortion. The 1973 Supreme Court ruling in Roe v. Wade made access to safe and legal abortion a constitutional right. There is no mention of the procedure in a four-thousand-word document crafted by fifty-five men in 1787. This seems to be a surprise to Samuel Alito.

The constitution doesn't mention marriage either and look how they ruined that. The only mention of religion is that "Congress" shall make no laws supporting any particular religion or writing laws against any particular religion. It doesn't say anything about what local schools are allowed to teach or what is permissive by local taxpayers that fund those schools.

I think if the founders could come back alive to see what this country has turned their Constitution into, they would write a new one. This one about 150 pages with a lot of color pictures in it so even Democrats could understand.


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Before Roe vs Wade there was no Constitutional right to an abortion. The 1973 Supreme Court ruling in Roe v. Wade made access to safe and legal abortion a constitutional right. There is no mention of the procedure in a four-thousand-word document crafted by fifty-five men in 1787. This seems to be a surprise to Samuel Alito.
I doubt the Founding Fathers could have imagined that there would be so many people militant about killing unborn children.
By definition; An abortion is when a pregnancy is ended so that it doesn't result in the birth of a child. The leading cause of death in America is abortions. Over 2,000 abortions a day,
Never really understood GOPers that scream “close your legs and be responsible” about abortion. If a woman becomes pregnant and does not want the child, then getting an abortion IS the responsible thing to do.
LOL. So, you're saying that murder is the responsible thing to do?
Bullshit....Masks are the MAGA hat for the medically illiterate.
How come every doctors office and every hospital in every state requires you to wear a mask?

I defy you to find one hospital that doesn't require everyone who enters to wear a mask.

I'm sure there might be one or two right wing quack doctors in the USA who don't require masks but I bet you can't find one hospital that let's people in without a mask.

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